COURSE: __Gr. 5 Phys Ed____________ Designer: Belanger/Bissnonette_____ UNIT TITLE: _Invasion/Territory_______ Number of Days:____________ STAGE 1: DESIRED RESULTS THE BIG IDEA: Offensive and defensive strategies as they relate to Invasion/Territory games. To understand, students will need… Students will understand that… K.1.5.C.3 S.1.5.A.2 S.1.5.B.3 Essential Learning Outcomes: K.3.5.A.1 Enduring Understandings (beyond the course): Can the student apply the strategies from one Invasion game to another? Students will know: How to move to open spaces Ball movement How to protect the ball/object Where to position the body in relation to the offensive player and the goal. 5. Man to man defense. How to find your “check”, and how to play defense on your “check”. Essential Question(s): Offensive How to score How to keep possession How to invade opponents territory Defensive How to prevent scoring How to prevent invasion How to gain possession Students will be able to do: 1. 2. 3. 4. MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Demonstrate these skills Page 1 STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Interests Learning Profile AS/FOR Learning OF Learning TRANSFER: To demonstrate understanding, students will… Diagnostic READINESS Performance Task: 1. Move to open space 2. Actively use defensive body position 3. Choose an appropriate manipulation skill to assess. Other Evidence: Key Criteria/Rubric: 1. Checklist (Y/N) 2. Tracking Sheet. MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Page 2 Warm-up – Keep Away (Same as lesson 1) Acquisition – Discussion about “Check” or “Mark”. 1. Choose a player on the opposing team to be your “check” (usually of similar strength or ability) 2. On defense, position your body between the goal and your check. 3. Active hands and active feet. 4. Defending your check with the ball vs without the ball 5. Keep an arms-length distance between you and your check (cylinder). Game – Keep Away This time have the students choose a check and play man-to-man defense. Students will need to play defense on their check Meaning Making Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills Transfer of Learning Lesson 2 Meaning Making Inquiry – What is an invasion game? Why is it an invasion game? What are some examples of invasion games? Warm-up – Lose Your Shadow (grid activities) - In partners, choose 1 partner to be the offensive player and the other to be the defensive player. - Offensive player moves to open spaces around the gym to attempt to “shake” their defender. - Defensive player attempts to stay with their partner. Acquisition – 1. Stationary Pass to a partner 2. Dynamic Pass to a moving partner Game - Keep Away (3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4) In a specified area, teams attempt to keep possession of the ball. Include safety rules, but do not offer offensive/defensive strategies. Give them a chance to explore this on their own. Debrief – How did you get the ball from the other team (Defense)? How did you keep the ball from the other team (Offense)? Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills Lesson 1 Transfer of Learning STAGE 3: LEARNING PLAN Learning Resources: TGFU Booklet MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Page 3 Must complete 3 passes before you can score a goal Lesson 4 Warm-up – Tail Chase - Steal the tail from your partner - N.B. protect your tail using body position Game – 3 vs 3 vs 3 with a soccer ball (Grid Activities) - Offensive team in the middle - 1 Defensive team at each end (goal) - If the offensive team scores or turns the ball over, they switch positions with the defensive team. - The new offensive team invades the other end Meaning Making Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills - Transfer of Learning Game – Hoopster ( - 2 teams score goals by passing a ball to a teammate standing in a hula hoop - Find a “check” before the game begins - Defense – stay with your check - Offense – move to open spaces - 5 seconds with ball - 1 step/pivot Meaning Making Warm-up – 3 vs 1 (grid activities) – Offensive player with the ball can pivot only. - Other offensive players move to open spaces to receive a pass. - Defensive player tries to intercept (turnover) - Rotate every minute Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills Lesson 3 Transfer of Learning STAGE 3: LEARNING PLAN Learning Resources: MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Page 4 Lesson 6 Warm-up – Team Handball bouncing/ and throwing at a wall (get a feel for the handball and how it reacts to bouncing) Acquisition – Offensive and Defensive strategies that we learned from soccer, and 3vs3vs3, Hoopster, and Keep Away can be applied to other Invasion games such as Team Handball. Game – Team Handball - Use checks - Go to open spaces - Pivot - 3 passes - Goalies crease Meaning Making Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills Transfer of Learning Game – Zone Soccer ( - Create zones on a soccer playing area - Each zone has 1 player from each team - Players cannot leave their zone - Players must pass or shoot the ball - Rotate zones every few minutes Meaning Making Warm-up – Fitness Warm-up of your choice Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills Lesson 5 Transfer of Learning STAGE 3: LEARNING PLAN Learning Resources: TGFU Booklet MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Page 5 MJMorneau-SD/Planning with the end in mind & DI Page 6