Grobplanung English – Born to be wild Lernziele aus dem Lehrplan Englisch der Bildungsdirektion Kanton Zürich: Aufbau Wortschatz: Die Lernenden verfügen über ein Repertoire an Strategien zu effizientem Aufbau von Wortschatz. Kommunikative Handlungskompetenz: Die Lernenden der Primarstufe zeigen in alltagsnahen Situationen eine elementare mündliche und schriftliche Verwendung der englischen Sprache. Sprachliche Mittel: Die Lernenden wenden erworbene Kenntnisse hinsichtlich Vokabular, Satzstruktur und Grammatik zunehmend frei und flexibel an. Allgemeine Strategien: Die Lernenden transferieren Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten aus anderen Unterrichtsbereichen und nutzen diese beim Englischerwerb. Woche 1.Woche The wild side of town 1. Lektion Explorers 3, page 73 and 74: wild animals and their habitats teach new Vocabulary with pictures and aide-memoire (animal names and habitats), speaking part in pairs (Where lives the fox? Where can you find the hedgehog? And task 5: Which of these animals have you seen in real live?...) Workbook, page 27: What animals are they? – fifteen new animals (If the students need help, check the vocabulary at the back of explorers) Homework: Learn the new vocabulary. 2. Woche Listening: Explorers Movies DVD, six animals who lives in town The wild side are presented, they have to watch and listen carefully the video of town and to fill out the worksheet with questions Grammar: Explorers 3, page 76, Workout A: singular/plural repeat in class the plural rules (Workbook, page 28), aftrewards they work on Workout A – if finished: Workbook, page 28, exercise C 2. Lektion Exercise: They repeat the new vocabular with a worksheet, first alone, then they can compare in pairs Questions about animals: Workbook page 28 Grammar: Structure of questions Animal-quiz: In groups of three, every child has a sketch about one of the new animals, they have to find out with questions what animal it is. (Explorers page 75: questions they can use) Writing: Workbook, page 29, exercise D: Each child picks out one of these six animals and writes a short text about the chosen animal without mention its name. My favourite animal of these six can... (Helping questions to write: What is your animal able to do? Where does it live in the city? How hudge is your animal? Does it live in groups?...) In groups of three they present their texts, the others have to guess which animals is meant. Listening: Workbook, page 29, exercise D: Discuss some keywords, listen to track 13 and answer the questions Homework: Workbook, page 30, exercise E 3. Woche The wild side of town/The return of the lynx 4. Woche The return of the lynx 5. Woche The return of the lynx 6. Woche The return of the lynx Explorers 3, page 80 and 81: board game about wild animals in town, play the game in groups of four (Question cards: Worksheet 30) Zu viert, 18 Spielfiguren und 5 Würfel, wo ist Worksheet 30? Film: Wo ist der DVD? Jedes Kind wählt ein Tier und schreibt Wahres und Unwahres über das Tier. Die anderen müssen Wahres und Unwahres erkennen. Introduction of the lynx: Teacher asks class, what they know about the lynx and collects important vocabulary at the blackboard. Workbook, page 31, Label the lovely lynx: First the teacher ask the class about the parts of the lynx (overhead projector), then the children have to label the lynx in pairs (Where is the tail?). Explorers, page 82, meet the lynx: In pairs the children choose the correct statements of the lynx quiz If there is time: Grammar: Workbook, page 31, exercise B: Correct word order (What comes first? Second part is a verb...) No class Reading: Explorers, page 83 and 84, Eurasian lynx: Every child picks out a text for its level. All the kids who have read the same text sit together and discuss the words they didn't know (Look it up at the back of the explorers or at a dictionary.) The groups start to draw a mind-map. Every student has to write down the ideas. The groups present in small mixed up groups (puzzle) their mind- map and special vocabulary. Homework: Learn the new vocabulary. Ferien Introduction of the lynx: Teacher asks class, what they know Explorers, page 82, meet the lynx: In pairs the children choose the correct about the lynx and collects important vocabulary at the statements of the lynx quiz blackboard. Grammar: Workbook, page 31, exercise B: Correct word order (What comes Workbook, page 31, Label the lovely lynx: First the teacher ask first? Second part is a verb...) the class about the parts of the lynx (overhead projector), then the children have to label the lynx in pairs (Where is the tail?). Reading: Explorers, page 83 and 84, Eurasian lynx: Every child picks out a text for its level. All the kids who have read the same text sit together and discuss the words they didn't know (Look it Listening and Speaking: Learning about the history of the lynx in switzerland Explorers, p.85 and 86, CD2 Track7,8,9 up at the back of the explorers or at a dictionary.) The groups start to draw a mind-map. Every student has to write down the ideas. The groups present in small mixed up groups (puzzle) their mind- map and special vocabulary. Homework: Learn the new vocabulary. 7. Woche Reading and Speaking: Animal comparison, Explorers p.87/88 Walking with Introduction to the boreal forest: Where can you find boreal ghosts forest? Explorers, p.89 DVD „working in the boreal forest“ with a quiz, Explorers p.90/91