A general meeting of the City of Orlando CHAPTER 57 REVIEW

A general meeting of the City of Orlando CHAPTER 57 REVIEW BOARD was held on THURSDAY,
December 10, 2015 at City Hall, 400 South Orange Avenue, 2nd Floor Veterans Conference Room in
Orlando, FL 32801. A quorum was met and the meeting was called to order at 9:50 a.m. by Bassem
Chaaban, Board Chair. The Board reviewed and approved the March 12, 2015 minutes; motion made by
Louis Preston, Jr. and seconded by Wanda Bonet-Gascot.
Record of Attendance –
 Board Members: Nathaniel Friends, Board Chair; Bassem Chaaban, Board Vice Chair; Ginger
Malcom; Wanda Bonet-Gascot; Louis Preston, Jr.; Ron Nesbitt
 City of Orlando Staff: Patricia Newton, Assistant to Director/Human Relations Official; Carmen I.
Feliciano, Human Relations Specialist, Board Secretary; David Gillespie, Fair Housing
Investigator; Marcia Hope Goodwin, Chief of Staff/Director Dianna Little, Assistant City Attorney
 Jay Swistak, Esq, Attorney for Mckinley Properties, Naomi Vasquez, Property Manager,
Mickinley Properties
 Tim Dugan, Complaint, Theresa Crespino, Complainant
 LYNX, Domingo Casiano, Zerry Hogan, Tangee Mobley, Juan Battle
Approval of November 12, 2015 Minutes.
Appeal Hearing Tim Dungan, Theresa Crespino vs. McKinley Properties
Having heard the facts presented by David Gillespie (Fair Housing Investigator) in the above housing
complaint, and questions ensued, Ron Nesbitt made a motion and it was seconded by Louis Preston, Jr.,
to adopt the no cause finding of the Human Relations Official. The Board voted unanimously that there
was no reasonable cause to believe that a violation of Title VIII of the Fair Housing Act, as amended, and
Chapter 57 of the Code of the City of Orlando had occurred.
LYNX Update – Review on Improvements. Comments from Board – Re: Tour 0n 11-12-15
Upcoming City Events
The Board discussed the issue of the talking bus. The tour, Board members decided to do was mainly to
see how operational and useful were for vision impaired passengers. The Board was blindfolded from
City Hall to Free Lynx and to the main station. Board members stated that the talking bus audio system
was not working properly. Board members also complained that the background noise, especially when
the train went by, was awful. Nathaniel suggested that bus drivers should take an extra step and assist
those passengers/customers who are vision impaired at stop or station and look lost. This should also
be the case with wheelchairs, those who use canes etc.
Lynx representatives, stated that new systems for better communications will be implemented in the
coming weeks. One such implementation is to have a secret passenger ride the buses and report to
LYNX with respect to driver/passenger interaction, and what areas need improvement.
All Board members agreed to meet on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. and there being no further
business to come before the Chapter 57 Review Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.;
motion made by Nathaniel Friends and seconded by Louis Preston, Jr..
Carmen I. Feliciano, Recording Secretary