NEWSLETTER 6 NOVEMBER 2015 Dear Parent/Carers, ART CLUB: We are starting a new art club after school on a Tuesday from 3pm – 4pm in the Infant Canteen. It will be for the infants in the first instance and later on in the year we will start a Junior art club. It will be led by two year 6 pupils, Millie and Shkeela and Mrs Adams. If your child would like to go, please return the slip below. It will begin on 1st December, 2015. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: We have reviewed our Positive Behaviour policy and as part of this work are going to introduce a new Code of Conduct for all of our after school activities. There will be a form for the parents of each child attending an after school activity. This will need signing and returning to enable your child to continue attending. The form will explain the Code of Conduct which all children will be expected to follow. SMOKING ON SCHOOL SITE: Please note that the smoking of “electronic” cigarettes on school premises is forbidden. PHOTOGRAPHS ON SCHOOL SITE: We have had it brought to our attention that a parent has been taking photographs on their mobile telephones in the school playgrounds. Please can we remind all parents that no photographs should be taken without prior arrangement with staff. ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL: Roundhill Primary School, along with some other local schools, has become part of this exciting two-year project. Achievement for All is an evidence based, two-year improvement programme that will improve outcomes for the pupils in our school. We have selected a small number of children to pilot the scheme and our teachers will be making contact with their parents to introduce the project. Designed by school leaders and education professionals, the Achievement For All Programme has been in practice for five years and is used by more than 2000 schools across the UK. SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL VACANCY: We have been advised by B&NeS that there is a vacancy for a School Crossing Patrol at St Martin’s Garden Primary School. All of the information regarding the vacancy can be found on or alternatively you can telephone 01225 396809 to request further information. We have been asked to advise you that there will not be a crossing patrol on Midford Road from 27/1/15 until the vacancy has been filled. Please remember to use our crossing patrol lady, Carol – to ensure that you cross safely. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Raffle tickets: - these are now on sale each morning by reception at a cost of £1.00 for 5. Santa tickets: - if you want to see Santa at the Christmas Bazaar then please buy a ticket for £3.00 from Dragonfly class on 24th, 25th or 26th November or 1st, 2nd or 3rd of December. LIMITED AVAILIBILITY Christmas Paperchain Extravaganza – we will be selling individual paperchain links at 2p each for the children to decorate at home and bring in so that we decorate the Key Stage Two corridors with Christmas paperchains! Jam Jar Treats – we would like every family to bring in a filled and decorated jam-jar which we can sell on a stall in our Bazaar – please fill them with craft items, treats, or anything else festive that will fit in a jam jar! CAR PARKING: We have been advised that following a near accident with a child crossing the Junior carpark at the beginning of the day that we should not allow parents to park in either the Infant or the Junior carpark at the beginning or end of the day. This is to ensure that any traffic coming on to school site does not come in contact with children. The Infant gate will be closed but the Junior gate will be left open for staff to park. BATH ABBEY ADVENT CONCERT: We are really looking forward to the Reception children singing at the Abbey on Thursday – we have been asked by the organisers to remind parents/carers attending… not to consume food and drink in the Abbey no photographs to be taken during the Concert to be considerate about noisy distractions from smaller children during the service and to take them outside the Abbey if at all possible if they are noisy; and the Concert is always very well attended and that no one will be allowed to stand due to health and safety issues all children taking part have to stay with their teachers for the whole of the concert and no children will be allowed to leave after they have performed; they will need to stay and listen to the other school choirs until the end of the concert. DATES FOR THE TERM: 04.12.15 – Christmas Bazaar 09.12.15 – KS1 Christmas Performance @ 2pm 10.12.15 – KS1 Christmas Performance @ 9:15am 14.12.15 – Sunbeams’ Nativity @ 2pm 15.12.15 – Sunbeams’ Nativity @ 9:15am 16.12.15 – Year 3/4 Christmas Performance @ 2pm - Year 3/4 Christmas Performance @ 6pm 17.12.15 – KS1 Christmas Service at St Barnabas @ 9:30am - KS2 Christmas Service at St Barnabas @ 10:45am 17.12.15 – Christmas Party Afternoon for all classes + Last day of term 18.12.15 – Inservice Day for staff My child in ……………………………………………………….class would like to take part in the Tuesday Art Club. I will pick him/her up at 4.00 pm Signed ……………………………………………………………