Vocational/Avocational Program Report Date: Click here to enter text. To: DEAC Subject Specialist From: Click here to enter text. Name of Program: Click here to enter text. Instruction on how to access online courses: (user name and password) A. Description of Program Objectives: - Program Objectives: List the objectives for the program. - Length of Program: Explain how long a student has to complete the program. Do you allow for extensions? If so, how many? Do you charge for fee? - Provide the institution’s catalog listing this program. B. Appropriate Program Objectives: - Needs Assessment: Explain why this program was developed. - Target Market: What is the age, income, etc. of the average student? C. Comprehensive Curriculum: Curriculum Development/Instructional Materials: Describe how the program was developed and who was involved. Was the development implemented by a team that includes members with expertise in curriculum development, subject matter/content, instructional design, editing, media applications (if appropriate), and distance study? - Explain what principles of learning were used when developing this degree program, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. - Clock Hours: o Provide the institution’s policy and procedures for determining clock hours. o Document that the clock hours required to complete the program is typical for the knowledge and skills the student needs to learn or demonstrate for the field of study. o Provide a chart defining engagement and preparation hours used to determine clock hours. Also, explain how these will be verified, (i.e., surveying students). o Considering the length of a course, explain how the clock hours per week required for engagement and preparation appropriate are attainable for the average distance education student. Page 1 of 4 D. Up-to-Date Curriculum: - Explain how the institution assures that the program reflects current knowledge and practice. - Explain what would constitute a need for a revision. Explain how the program is reviewed on a periodic basis and provide the revision schedule. E. Comprehensive and Up-to-Date Instructional Materials: - Explain how the instructional materials prepare students to meet any employment opportunities and/or profession stated or implied in the institution’s advertisements, catalogs, websites, and/or program objectives. - Explain how the instructional materials reflect current knowledge and practice. F. Examinations and Other Assessments: - Exams and assignments: Explain how the institution determines the number and length of exam and/or assignments needed to adequately measure if sufficient student achievement of program objectives has taken place. - Provide copies of the examinations and other assessments, along with the solutions. - Other Assessments: Explain how the required learning activities adequately measure the student’s ability to master and apply the skills or knowledge that are stated as outcomes for the program. - Outcomes Assessments: Describe any direct and/or indirect measures you are planning to use or have used to measure expected outcomes (see C.14. Policy on Student Achievement and Satisfaction). - Grading Criteria: Provide any grading policies, assignment marking system, course extension policy, and information on issuance and completion of grades. Provide any grading rubrics. G. Authorship: - Textbooks: Explain how the textbooks where selected, how they are appropriate, and how they are suitable for distance study. Provide copies of any textbooks used with the program. - Instructional Materials: Explain who wrote any instructional material and how they are qualified in their subject or field. - Table of Subject Matter Experts/Consultants who prepared the materials: If the instructional materials were prepared by someone other than the instructor, please provide the information below: Page 2 of 4 Table of Subject Matter Experts/Consultants who prepared the study materials Name - Educational Qualifications (degrees earned) Other Experience Special Training in DL Provide the resumes for each instructor. H. Organization of Instructional Materials: - Learning and Design Principle: Explain what instructional design models were used, such as ADDIE? I. Curriculum Delivery: - Technology Requirements: Describe how students are informed of any technology requirements needed to complete the program before they enroll. - Online Platform: Explain what online learning platform is used. - Training and Support: Explain how students and faculty are trained and supported when using any technology. - Reading Competence: Explain how any institutionally prepared materials are appropriately keyed to the reading competence of the students in the program. J. Study Instructions: - How to Study: Explain where and how students are instructed to study. - Proceed through the Course: Explain how students are instructed to proceed through each course in the degree program. - Online Instructions: Explain how students are instructed on how to access chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other appropriate resources. K. Educational Media and Learning Resources: - Educational Media: Explain how educational media is properly integrated with the texts and/or assignments. Describe how these are supplied to students at the appropriate times. - Learning Resources: Explain how the program designers and/or faculty made effective use of appropriate teaching aids and learning resources. How are the learning resources selected? Who is involved in making the selection? Do the devices/technologies enhance learning interactivity? - Library Learning Resources: Explain how the institution provides access to library media services and publications (if needed) so that students may meet the objectives for the program. Page 3 of 4 L. Student Privacy, Integrity, and Identity: - Policies: Provide the institution’s policies related to student privacy, integrity and academic honesty. Where are these published? - Student Identity: Explain how the institution verifies a student’s identity. VI. Qualifications of Instructors: Provide the following for each instructor who will be teaching in this program. Also provide their resumes. Table of Instructors Instructor’s Name Educational Qualifications (degrees earned) Courses he/she will Teach in this Program Weekly hours Page 4 of 4 Other Experience Special Training in DL