New Degree Course Report Date: Click here to enter text. To: DEAC Subject Specialist From: Click here to enter text. Course Name: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. - Is this course: ☐ General Education? ☐ Required? ☐ Elective? Course is included in this degree program: Click here to enter text. Length of Course: Click here to enter text. Credit Hours: Click here to enter text. Instructions on how to access online course: (user name and password) A. Description of Course Objectives: - List the course objectives. - List any prerequisite course required before a student enrolls in this course. B. Appropriate Course Objectives: - Explain why this course was developed. - Explain how the course objectives map to the program objectives. C. Comprehensive Curriculum: - Curriculum Development/Instructional Materials: Explain what principles of learning were used when developing this course, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. - Credit Hours: o Provide the institution’s policy and procedures for determining credits hours and verify that it meets DEAC’s requirements as stated in C.23. Policy on Credit Hour. o Describe what formulas, procedures, and how internal audits of degree credit assignments are conducted, and explain how they are appropriate and adequate. Provide a chart defining academic engagement and preparation hours used to determine credit hours. Also, how will these be verified? o Considering the length of a course, are the hours per week required for academic engagement and preparation appropriate and attainable for the average distance education student? - Professional Doctoral Degree: Provide a copy of the Doctoral Program handbook. D. Up-To-Date Curriculum: - Revision Cycle: Explain what would constitute a need for a revision of the curriculum. Explain how the curriculum is reviewed on a periodic basis and provide the revision schedule. E. Comprehensive and Up-To Date Instructional Materials: - Comprehensive: Explain how the institution assures that the instructional materials used with this course are sufficiently comprehensive and that they have depth and breadth to adequately meet the course objectives. - Up-to-Date: Explain how the institution assures that the instructional materials are accurate and that they reflect current knowledge and practice in the field. F. Examinations and Other Assessments: - Exams and assignments: Explain how the institution determines the number and length of exam and/or assignments needed to adequately measure if sufficient student achievement of course objectives has taken place. - Provide copies of the examinations and other assessments, along with the solutions. - Other Assessments: Explain how the required learning activities adequately measure the student’s ability to master and apply the skills or knowledge that are stated as outcomes. - Outcomes Assessments: Describe any direct and/or indirect measures you are planning to use or have used to measure expected outcomes (see C.14. Policy on Student Achievement and Satisfaction). - Information on Proctored Examinations: If this course is proctored, provide the policies and procedures for proctoring. - Grading Criteria: Provide the institution’s academic grading policies, assignment marking system, and information on issuance and completion of grades. - Rubrics: Provide a copy of the grading rubric for this course. G. Authorship: - Textbooks: Explain how the textbooks where selected, how they are appropriate, and how they are suitable for distance study. - Instructional Materials: Explain who wrote the instructional material and how they are qualified in their subject or field. Table of Subject Matter Experts/Consultants who prepared the materials for the course: If the instructional materials were prepared by someone other than the faculty member, please provide the information below: (also provide resumes) Name - Educational Qualifications (degrees earned) What courses Other Experience Special Training in DL Provide textbooks for the course you are submitting. List name, ISBN #, and corresponding course title. H. Organization of Instructional Materials: - Learning and Design Principle: Explain what instructional design models were used, such as ADDIE? I. Curriculum Delivery: - Technology Requirements: Describe how students are informed of any technology requirements needed to complete the course before they enroll. - Online Platform: Explain what online learning platform is used? - Training and Support: Explain how students and faculty are trained and supported when using any technology. - Reading competence: Explain how any institutionally-prepared materials are appropriately keyed to the reading competence of the students in the course. J. Study Instructions: - How to Study: Explain how students are instructed how to study. - Proceed through the Course: Explain how students are instructed to proceed through each course. - Online Instructions: Explain how students are instructed on how to access chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other appropriate resources that will be used with this course. K. Educational Media and Learning Resources: - Educational Media: Explain how educational media is properly integrated with the texts and assignments. Describe how these are supplied to students at the appropriate times. - Learning Resources: Explain how the course designers and/or faculty made effective use of appropriate teaching aids and learning resources. - How are the learning resources selected? - Who is involved in making the selection? - Do the devices/technologies enhance learning interactivity? - Library Learning Resources: Explain how the institution provides access to library media services and publications needed so that students may meet the objectives for the course. VI. Qualifications of Faculty: Provide the following for each faculty member who will be teaching this course. Also provide their resumes. Table of Faculty Teaching the Course Faculty Name Educational Qualifications (degrees earned) Weekly hours Other Experience Special Training in DL Include information on the following: - Document that the faculty meets DEAC’s requirements for qualifications? (See C.9. Policy on Degree Programs.) - Explain if any exceptions were made for qualifications required by DEAC (C.9.) and documented for professional whose experience and reputation qualified them for appointment as faculty (full-time or adjunct).