Supporting Information for: Ion mobility-mass correlation trend line separation of glycoprotein digests without deglycosylation Hongli Li1, Brad Bendiak2, William F. Siems1, David R. Gang3, and Herbert H. Hill, Jr.1, * 1 Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, US 2 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Program in Structural Biology and Biophysics, University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado, US 3 Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, US Table S1. Additional instrumental parameters of Synapt G2 HDMS Parameters ESI Voltage (KV) Desolvation Gas Sample Cone Voltage (V) Extraction Cone Voltage (V) Source Temperature (°C) Helium Gas (IMS mode) Argon Gas (Trap &Transfer cell) Positive mode 3.2 Nitrogen, 200°C, 600 L/hr 40.0 4.0 150 180 mL/min 2 mL/min Negative mode 2.25 Nitrogen, 200°C, 600 L/hr 40.0 4.0 150 180 mL/min 2 mL/min S-1 Table S2. Identified singly and doubly charged peptides corresponding to human α-1-acid glycoprotein m/z (+1) Peptide Sequence m/z (+2) Peptide Sequence 262.1 DK 339.7 QEEGES 304.2 ER 348.7 EYQTR 357.3 IPK 481.2 DKCEPLEK 363.3 DTK 497.8 TEDTIFLR 418.3 ITGK 572.8 SDVMYTDWK 696.3 EYQTR 709.8 TLMFGSYLDDEK 994.5 TEDTIFLR 723.3 TYMLAFDVNDEK 961.5 DKCEPLEK 843.4 EQLGEFYEALDCLR 1112.5 SDVVYTDWK 1012.5 EQLGEFYEALDCLRIPK 1144.5 SDVMYTDWK 1418.7 TLMFGSYLDDEK 1445.7 TYMLAFDVNDEK 1582.8 CEPLEKQHEKER Table S3. Identified singly and doubly charged peptides corresponding to human antithrombin III m/z (+1) Peptide Sequence m/z (+1) Peptide Sequence m/z (+2) Peptide Sequence 175.1 R 761.4 VWELSK 400.7 IPEATNR 322.2 FR 800.4 IPEATNR 456.3 LPGIVAEGR 338.2 YR 839.4 FDTISEK 459.3 LPGIVAEGR 418.3 SLAK 850.4 FSPENTR 588.3 SLNPNRVTFK 460.3 KANK 860.5 LQPLDFK 655.3 DDLYVSDAFHK 462.2 TEGR 911.5 LPGIVAEGR 670.8 TSDQIHFFFAK 503.3 GLWK 917.5 RVWELSK 715.9 VAEGTQVLELPFK 579.3 LFGDK 961.5 SSKLVSANR 925.0 EQLQDMGLVDLFSPEK 659.4 LVSANR S-2 Fig. S1 MS/MS spectra of +2 charged glycopeptides from trend line III in Fig. 1 in the paper. The collision energy of 50V, 42V and 33V were used for the precursor ions from top to the bottom, respectively. Note: underlined peaks are precursor ions. 0.25mg/ml in 0.1%FA ESI,quadrupole res at 4.9, trap ce50V 1+ 366.1 a 100 % 1+ 186.1 2+ 2+ 367.1 1+ 2+ 1516.7 1699.8 1+ 1+ 528.2 1+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 1253.1 1+ 731.1 893.31055.4 1435.7 1611.9 1815.0 1983.1 250 500 750 1000 0.25mg/ml in 0.1%FA ESI,quadrupole res at4.9, trap ce42V 1+ b 1250 0 286.2 168.1 1+ 367.1 500 204.1 508.3 368.1100 800 700 600 1+ 1+ 972.4 839.4 1+ 893.3 887.4 c 366.1 1+ 288.2 1197.0 1197.5 1175.6 915.3 980.51+ 2+ 1200.0 1055.4 1116.0 981.5 900 629.3 508.3 0 1022.5 % % 168.1 0 838.4 726.4 762.4 1100 1000 1200 2+ 1298.5 1302.0 1300 m/z 2+ 1379.5 1562.6 1400 1500 1600 1750 1022.5 1140.5 1800 2000 m/z m/z 886.4 887.4 200 200 400 600 500 725.4 600 400 800 600 700 800 900 1000 1+ 1+1100 m/z 1300 2+ 1379.6 1022.5 885.4 551.3 1380.1 2+ 1298.51379.1 886.4 1+ 1380.6 2+ 1+ 972.5 367.1 1383.6 1+ 1+ 2+ 1116.0 1+ 887.4 1+ 731.31022.5 875.5 893.3 1197.0 1378.6 1384.1 528.2 368.1 299.2 304.2 1+ 286.2 696.3 1+ 2+ 725.4 591.3 2+ 979.5 1+ 200250 400 500 600 551.3 1000 1250 1200 885.4 750 800 1000 % 100 m/z 2000 838.4 0.25mg/ml in 0.1%FA ESI,quadrupole res at 4.9,549.3 trap ce33V 100 1750 1+ 1+ 100 528.2 1+ 508.3 731.3 725.4 304.2 1+ 885.4 732.3 1+ 604.2 551.3 512.2 529.2 1+ 1+ 1+ 747.3 690.2 569.2 657.3 886.4 % 0 1500 0.25mg/ml in 0.1%FA ESI,quadrupole res at4.9, trap ce42V 366.1 288.2 % 100 100 1334.1 1070.5 690.2 138.1 204.1 0 2+ 2+ 1+ 1+ 168.1 1+ 1+ 1055.4 1000800 1200 1000 1400 1200 1600 1200 1800 1400 m/z m/z 288.2 100 508.3 % 725.4 Spectrum rough analysis for a: 304.2 549.3 Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 366.1-204.1; 528.2-366.1; 690.2-528.2; 893.3-731.1; 1055.4-893.3; 1334.1885.4 551.3 1253.1 and 1516.7-1435.7. 886.4 591.3 838.4 Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 731.1-528.2; 893.3-690.2 and 1815.0-1611.9. 286.2 120.1 738.1 887.4 1022.5 1140.5 Spectrum rough analysis for b: 0 m/z Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) 690.2-528.2; 893.3-731.1; 1055.4-893.3 and 200 includes 400366.1-204.1; 600 528.2-366.1; 800 1000 1200 1400 1197.0-1116.0. Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 731.1-528.2; 893.3-690.2; 1175.6-972.4 and 1298.5-1197.0. Spectrum rough analysis for c (m/z 1379.6 is precursor ion): Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 366.1-204.1; 528.2-366.1; 690.2-528.2; 893.3-731.1; 1055.4-893.3 and 1197.0-1116.0. Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 731.1-528.2; 893.3-690.2; 1175.6-972.4 and 1298.5-1197.0. S-3 Fig. S2 MS/MS spectra of +3 charged glycopeptides from trend line IV in Fig. 1 in the paper. The collision energy of 38V and 40V were used for the ions from top to the bottom, respectively. Note: underlined peaks are precursor ions. 0.25mg/ml in 0.1%FA ESI,quadrupole res at 5.0, trap ce35V 100 a 138.1 1+ 1+ 366.1 3+ 942.5 1+ 604.3 1+ 943.1 % 186.1 942.1 1+ 204.1 1+ 168.1 528.2 1+ 320.1 0 367.1 200 1+ 733.4 1+ 549.3 400 605.3 1+ 707.4 600 2+ 1401.5 2+ 2+ 996.8 2+ 1215.6 1400.5 1413.2 2+ 936.8 1137.9 2+ 1414.7 1165.0 1272.1 800 0.25mg/mlinin0.1%FA 0.1%FAESI,quadrupole ESI,quadrupole at4.9, ce42V 0.25mg/ml resres at 4.9, traptrap ce40V 3+ 1055.5 3+ 1056.7 1000 2+ 1365.2 1200 m/z 1400 1+ 288.2 366.1 100 100 366.1 100 b 508.3 % % % 304.2 168.1 286.2367.1 1+ 299.2 1+ 367.1 0 168.1 250 500 200 400 204.1 288.2 1+ 738.1 1+ 731.3 1044.5 1055.4 528.2 0 0 100 1+ 725.4 549.3 2+ 1545.3 885.4 551.3 591.3 838.4 886.4 3+ 750 368.1 1000 600 1250 800 2+ 2174.0 2+ 1625.7 887.4 1627.1 1624.7 1022.5 2072.4 2+ 1990.9 1140.5 1500 1000 1750 1200 2000 1379.5 1562.6 2250 1400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Spectrum rough analysis for a:508.3 725.4 304.2 Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) 528.2-366.1 and 996.8-942.5. 288.2 includes 366.1-204.1; 885.4 100 551.3 % 2+ 2255.0 1800 m/z m/z m/z 886.4 % Spectrum rough analysis 286.2 for b: 508.3 725.4 Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 366.1-204.1; 304.2 887.4 528.2-366.1; 2072.4-1990.9 and 2255.0-2174.0. 1140.5 Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 731.1-528.2 and 2174.0-2072.4. 885.4 551.3 0 m/z 250 500 750 1000 1250 886.4 1500 1750 2000 2250 1400 1600 1800 286.2 887.4 1022.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 m/z S-4 Fig. S3 (a) Extracted mass spectrum of trend line IV in Fig. 5 for human antithrombin II. (b) Mass spectrum with expanded region from m/z 550 to m/z 750. pos sen,0.45mg/ml in 0.1%FA 50/50ESI,40V650m/s,450us delay on,mass50-2000 100 605.7 634.7 604.7 a 488.8 664.7 517.8 575.7 709.6 752.6 810.6 839.5 928.5 956.5 1071.4 477.8 % 1112.4 1173.4 0 400 500 600 700 pos sen,0.45mg/ml in 0.1%FA 50/50ESI,40V650m/s,450us delay on,mass50-2000 100 800 900 1000 m/z 1100 605.7 604.7 b 575.7 574.7 634.7 663.6 633.7 664.7 635.7 662.6 680.6 606.7 603.7 650.7 679.6 621.7 592.7 692.6 709.6 722.6 739.6 723.6 737.6 563.7 576.7 % 562.7 620.7 577.7 0 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 m/z S-5 Fig. S4 Extracted mass spectra corresponding to different trend lines in Fig.8 for human α-1acid glycoprotein in the paper. The inset on the right in each spectrum illustrates the isotopic patterns of -2, -3 and -4 charged ions. neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min % 100 0 451.3 Trend line I: -1 Charged Peptides 723.3 506.3 580.3 311.1 883.4 596.3 836.4 332.2 885.4 1020.5 400 361.2 100 % 600 0 509.7 583.8 589.8 698.8 1104.5 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min 400 600 800 1000 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min 100 1208.5 Trend line III: -2 Charged Glycopeptides 1208.0 1209.0 % 1209.5 1262.5 0 1391.0 0 1426.5 1609.1 m/z 1200 1208.5 1209.0 % 100 m/z 1200 1000 Trend line II: -2 Charged Peptides 436.2 352.2 800 1209.5 1208 1746.8 1209 1883.4 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min %% 0 0 1429.6 1163.5 1430.3 1428.9 1164.2 1164.8 1348.6 1552.0 % 1208.5 1551.3 100 Trend line IV: -3 Charged Glycopeptides 100 1551.3 1551.0 1208.0 1209.0 100 1209.5 1900 m/z m/z 1551.6 1552.0 1552.3 1257.4 1552.6 0 1210.0 m/z 1624.1 1262.5 1551 1552 1207.6 1788.8 m/z 1050 14001100 1150 1200 1800 1250 1900 m/z 1300 1500 1600 1700 1000 1200 Trend line V: -4 Charged Glycopeptides 100 1163.2 1163.5 1163.5 1163.0 1163.7 100 1164.0 1163.0 1163.7 1071.9 1164.2 1072.4 1164.0 0 m/z 1162.7 1071.4 1072.7 1163 1164 1164.5 1199.7 1254.5 1010.9 0 m/z 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 % % neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min S-6 Fig. S5 MS/MS spectra of -2 charged glycopeptides from trend line III in Fig. 8 for human α-1acid-glycoprotein in the paper. The collision energy of 68V, 57V and 50V were used for the precursor ions from top to the bottom (Fig. a-c), respectively. Note: underlined peaks are precursor ions. neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , trap ce 68V 624.3 a 100 1861.4 1883.4 1860.9 1883.9 % 1843.7 580.3 1884.4 625.3 1640.6 179.1 694.3 0 500 887.5 1000 1885.4 1500 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , trap ce 57V 100 1884.9 1130.7 1478.5 2000 m/z 877.4 b 1391.0 1391.5 424.1 % 878.4 179.1 290.1 0 250 551.2 500 731.3 750 neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , trap ce 50V 100 884.4 1000 1390.5 1392.1 1382.5 1392.6 1382.0 1309.5 1250 1750 m/z 877.4 c 1208.5 424.2 878.4 % 179.1 0 1500 1843.7 1641.6 1845.6 250 551.2 500 860.4 1208.0 1199.9 1135.4 951.3 750 1000 1209.0 1478.5 1276.4 1480.6 1250 1481.5 1500 1750 m/z Spectrum rough analysis: a. Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 1640.6-1478.5 and 1843.7-1663.6. Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 1681.6-1478.5 and 1843.7-1640.6. b. Neutral loss of Fucose (Fuc) includes 877.4-731.3; 1391.0-1318.0 and 1382.5-1390.5. Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 1640.6-1478.5; 1663.6-1501.5; 1783.6-1621.6 and 1843.7-1681.6. Neutral loss of N-Acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 1478.5-1275.4 and 1843.7-1640.6. c. Neutral loss of Fucose (Fuc) includes 877.4-731.3; 1199.5-1126.4; 1208.5-1135.4 and 1864.7-1718.6. Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 731.3-551.2; 1095.4-933.3; 1113.4-951.3; 1418.5-1256.5 and 1718.61556.5. Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 1113.4-951.5 and 1478.5-1275.4. S-7 Fig. S6 MS/MS spectra of -3 charged glycopeptide from trend line IV in Fig. 8 for human α-1acid-glycoprotein in the paper. The collision energy of 50V was used. Note: underlined peaks are precursor ions. neg sen,0.5mg/ml in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , trap ce 50V 1551.6 100 959.5 1551.3 957.4 % 960.5 925.4 913.5 907.5 128.0 424.1 665.3 0 500 991.4 1545.3 1544.9 992.4 1000 1847.8 1552.3 1848.2 1545.6 1552.6 1539.7 1846.7 1849.2 1553.7 1849.7 1830.7 1850.2 2208.8 2211.8 2005.8 1500 2000 m/z Spectrum rough analysis: Neutral loss of Fucose (Fuc) includes 1847.8-1774.7, 1831.2-1858.2 and 959.5-795.4 Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 844.4-682.3 Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 2208.8-2005.8 neg sen ,0.45mg/ml in 50/50esi,40V,650m/s,450us delay on Fig. S7 Mass spectrum of the noise region labeled in Fig. 9 for human antithrombin III. 200.3 239.8 % 100 0 m/z 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 649.6 649.3650.0 % 100 541.6 584.9 636.3 650.3 0 m/z 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 S-8 Fig. S8 Extracted mass spectra corresponding to different trend lines in Fig. 9 for human antithrombin III in the paper. pos sen,1mg/ml in in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , 40v,650m/s, 450us delay 387.2 Trend line I: -1 Charged Peptides 623.3 686.4 416.3 376.2 506.3 584.3 995.5 747.3 255.2 840.5 992.5 1014.4 neg sen ,0.45mg/ml in 50/50esi,40V,650m/s,450us delay on 0 m/z 200 400 600 800 1000 % 100 824.5 828.9 Trend line II: -2 Charged Peptides 854.0 824.1 898.0 376.8 300.8803.3 495.7 100 260.9 %% 100 544.8 634.7 0 0600 200 800 400 1000 600 882.4 1200 800 1400 1000 m/z m/z 760.4 Trend line III: -3 Charged Glycopeptides 1396.9 760.1 760.7 100 1396.5 1397.2 650.0 1397.5 1396.2 761.1 750.7 848.0 1396.9 887.0 1036.4 0 m/z 1397 1436.9 0 m/z pos sen,1mg/ml in in 50/50 methanol and water, 3ul/min , 40v,650m/s, 450us delay 600 800 1000 1200 1400 100 % % neg sen ,0.45mg/ml in 50/50esi,40V,650m/s,450us delay on Trend line IV: Unidentified compounds % 100 0 100 664.6 735.6 764.6 with systematic mass difference 662.6 835.6 864.5 935.5 620.6 1005.5 600 552.7 % 554.7 0 600 700 800 634.7 669.3 713.9 700 900 1000 1100 m/z 882.4 882.9 838.6 800 883.4 978.5 900 1000 1036.5 1126.5 1100 m/z S-9 Fig. S9 MS/MS spectrum of -3 charged glycopeptide from trend line III in Fig. 9 for human antithrom III in the paper. Underlined peak is precursor ion. trap ce45-50V, 1mg/ml, 50/50 esi 1382.2 1060.4 100 1059.9 1381.9 % 1367.9 1382.9 1396.9 290.1 1367.2 1061.4 452.2 514.3 1397.9 979.4 1400.7 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1830.7 1750 m/z Spectrum rough analysis: Neutral loss of Hexose (Hex) includes 695.3-533.3; 1060.4-979.4; 1326.3-1164.4 and 1928.3-1906.3; Neutral loss of N-acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) includes 736.4-533.3 and 823.4-602.3. S-10