February - UW Departments Web Server

University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: 13 February, 2013
Location and Time: Suzzallo Library, 5th Floor Conference Room, 9 – 10:00 a.m.
Web address: http://depts.washington.edu/safegrp1/
Attending Members:
Leslie Anderson – University Advancement (Chair)
Heidi Barta – UW Information Technology
Gretchen Bennett – Human Resources
Su Burton – University Libraries
Carmen Cook – Information School
Dian Gay- Applied Physics Lab
Lorna Hamill– External Affairs
Ryan Hawkinson – Foster School of Business
Pamela Honegger – College of Education
Merrelli Munk – Office of the President
Marty Nolan – University Libraries
Jack O’Brien – Office of the President
Matt Orefice – Office of Research
Dean Speer – School of Law
Absent Members:
Connie Bartlett – University Advancement (Vice Chair)
Sheila Donavon – Intercollegiate Athletics
Lynda Ekins – University Libraries
Tyler Haggett – Intercollegiate Athletics
Laura Harrington – SEIU 925
Kathy Hopkins – School of Law
Jan Kendle – Minority Affairs
Helen MacQueen – Office of Research
John Morehart – College of Education
Mary Parker-Hale- Human Resources
Ralph Pearson – School of Law
Amanda Rich – External Affairs
Laura Roy – Information Technology
Jim Smith – Applied Physics Lab
Welcome and Introductions:
New appointment, Pamela Honegger, from the College of Education, replacing
John Morehart.
Amanda Rich is being proactive, and has asked Lorna Hamill to be her alternate
when she is unable to attend.
Prepared By: Ryan Hawkinson
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University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes
Approval of the Minutes:
2012-12-044 – Reword to say, “Appropriate first aid was applied. Employee was
trained later in proper use.”
Minutes were approved as updated and amended with changes above.
U-Wide Meeting Recap:
Order 55 has gone to the Provost for approval. This order is in regards to Safety
education and responsiblity for Dean’s, Faculty and TA’s. The next step is to
push for supervisor training.
EHS has now included classification of ergonomic related issues for the OARS
There are recent changes to the required L&I postings in each building, new
posters are available on their website for download.
Incident Reports:
2013-01-006 – College of Education – Behavioral Specialist from Experimental
Education Unit was hit with a wood scrap by a young adult in the program that was being
escorted to campus. Behavior specialist was not seriously injured, and followed the
behavior plan for this client to calm the situation.
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-020 (and A/B/C) – Information School – 4 UW employees were injured in a car
accident on Interstate 5 while returning to campus from a meeting off-campus. Employee
was not at fault.
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-022 – Library – Accordion style metal security gate cut the fingers of a student
while routine morning opening of the Suzzallo Media Center. Gate has been fixed
before, but will now be replaced with new smaller gate.
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-027 – ICA – On Oct 12, 2012, somebody was hit with a 250 lb racing shell at a
race in Rancho Cordova, California that was carried by high school students.
Leslie will follow up with ICA about the delay in the reporting and why it was
filled out by Stuart Cordts.
2013-01-032A – CSS – Person from CSS slipped on ice at loading dock of Kane Hall.
Leslie will follow up on details, and possible FS-Works request to get area salted.
2013-01-033 – CSS – CSS worker dropped a podium on their toes while moving the top
of two stacked podia.
Prepared By: Ryan Hawkinson
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University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes
Committee recommends not stacking podia.
2013-01-035 – ICA – Worker popped blood vessel in eye during strenuous lifting. No
issues with vision. Supervisor recommends team lifting to prevent overexertion.
Committee noticed the long shift (7am-11pm) and wonder if that was a
contributing factor. Leslie will follow up with ICA.
2013-01-037 – Library – Student assistant falls on top of metal book hand truck while
trying to keep the truck from tipping over. Students have been instructed to not overload
the hand trucks and to let the carts fall in that situation.
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-052 – UWIT – Employee reports hearing loss from machine room noise over the
course of 22 years. All rooms are adequately signed with warnings to wear hearing
Heidi will follow up, because no comments or recommendations were made.
2013-01-063 – APL – Employee slipped on edge of loading dock, and sustained a wound
that required stitches. Incident is from May 11, 2012.
Leslie will follow up with Michael Blalock.
2013-01-082 – UWIT – Warehouse worker had a truck lift gate drop on shin and toe. No
lost time from the injury. Employee was spoken to regarding awareness of surroundings.
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-094 – Library – Employee injured their lower back while plugging in an electric
blanket beneath 22 inch tall desk. EHS recommends moving the power strip above the
desk to prevent trip hazard.
Report was incorrectly classified as a “near miss.” Also there was no mention as
to why they were using a non-UW approved heating device.
2013-01-097 – UWIT – Worker fell on curb of W-10 parking lot.
Heidi will follow up on the situation of employee. Committee agrees with
recommendations that employee need to be more aware of surroundings.
2013-01-109 – APL – Field engineer was hit by the broken tooth of table saw blade.
Employee didn’t notice the severity of the injury until the next day. A doctor found the
foreign object embedded in employee’s arm using an x-ray. Employee had been
following appropriate safety precautions. The employee is checking with blade
manufacturer to determine if other university groups will be affected by faulty table saw
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-112 – Education Outreach – Student in class, reported inability to move legs or
stand. Ambulance arrived soon after and student was taken to the hospital. Student had a
preexisting condition that resulting in this issue. Appropriate actions were taken.
Prepared By: Ryan Hawkinson
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University of Washington Group 1 Safety Committee Minutes
Satisfactory resolution.
2013-01-122 – College of Education – 3 ½ yr old student with Experimental Education
Unit fell face first into outdoor play equipment at the CHDD School. The fall resulted in
a ¼ inch cut lip and loose front teeth. The child’s wound was cleaned up, and the child’s
guardian was contacted for pickup.
Satisfactory resolution.
Good of the Order
The UW Police Department will give a presentation on the Cleary Act during the
March meeting.
Safe Campus will present to the group during the April meeting.
Meeting Adjourn
Prepared By: Ryan Hawkinson
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