Appendix A-Code of conduct for IAP ACVIP

Appendix A.
Code of conduct for IAP Office-bearers and Committee members
(Optional for EB Members)
a) Cash or monetary grants:
A member shall not receive any cash or monetary grants from Pharma industries and any vaccine
manufacturer for individual purpose in individual capacity under any pretext.
b) Travel facilities:
A member shall not accept any travel facility inside the country or outside, including rail, air,
ship, cruise tickets, paid vacations etc. from any pharma industry and vaccine manufacturer for
self and family members for vacation or for attending conferences, seminars, workshops, CME
programme etc as a faculty or delegate.
c) Hospitality:
A member shall not accept individually any hospitality like hotel accommodation for self and
family members from pharma industries and vaccine manufacturers under any pretext.
d) Vaccine trials and other research projects:
A member may participate in; work in research projects funded by pharma industries and vaccine
However, they are obliged to know that the fulfillment of the following items (i) to (v) will be an
imperative for undertaking any research assignment / project funded by industry – for being
proper and ethical. Thus, in accepting such a position a member shall:-
(i) Ensure that the particular research proposal(s) has the due permission from the competent
concerned authorities.
(ii) Ensure that such a research project(s) has the clearance of national/ state / institutional ethics
committees / bodies.
(iii) Ensure that it fulfils all the legal requirements prescribed for medical research.
(iv) Ensure that the source and amount of funding is publicly disclosed at the beginning itself.
(v) Ensure that while accepting such an assignment a member shall have the freedom to publish
the results of the research in the greater interest of the society by inserting such a clause in the
MoU or any other document / agreement for any such assignment.
f) Maintaining Professional Autonomy while delivering any scientific
A member is expected to use his/her own slides/teaching material while delivering any
talk/presentation in any CME/conference/update on any vaccine. A member/ officebearer/advisor shall always ensure that there shall never be any compromise either with his / her
own professional autonomy and / or with the autonomy and freedom of the committee.
g) Affiliation as an advisory board member:
A member/ office-bearer/advisor of IAP Committees shall NOT work for any pharma
industries/vaccine manufacturer in advisory capacities, as consultants, as researchers, or in any
other professional capacity.
h) Endorsement of any product:
A member/ office-bearer/advisor of IAP Committees shall not endorse any pharma and vaccine
brand publicly. Any study conducted on the efficacy or otherwise of such products shall be
presented to and / or through appropriate scientific bodies or published in appropriate scientific
journals in a proper way.
However, a member/ office-bearer/advisor can accept the hospitality/travel grants (but no cash
honoraria) from the organizing local IAP branch/other professional associations for delivering
lectures/ppts in a meet/CME/symposium/conference or participating in discussion as a faculty
i) A member should declare his financial interest including holding of share etc in pharma
and vaccine industries
j) Declaration:
All members/experts/advisor/invitees attending a meeting to develop guidelines or
recommendations, as well as assessments of any kind of product, or methodology which would
in any way be of relevance to a present or future commercial activity or interests, should declare
any conflicts as per the instructions provided in a special self declaration form (vide Self
Declaration Form enclosed as Appendix C) .
I, __________________________________________________________________ hereby
(print or type first name, middle initial, last name)
declarethat I have read all the above terms and conditions associated with working with IAP. I
will abide by all the above termswhile discharging the duty assigned to me till my
tenure/appointment/affiliation lasts.
In case of any conflict of interest, I will not only declare it to IAP, but will also resolve it before
undertaking any such duty that may involve such issues.
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(Date )
_______________________________ _______________________________
(Name )