Aerial Athletics All Star Show Team Fees

Aerial Athletics
All Stars
Triple A Triple Threat
Show Team
Information Packet
Aerial Athletic All Stars
Thank you for your interest in Aerial Athletics All-Stars Show Team! As we prepare for our upcoming
season, we are anticipating a very exciting year. We want you to know that the staff is dedicated to giving
each athlete the ultimate cheerleading experience.
To those of you that are new to All Star Cheerleading, you might find the information a little
overwhelming. We are available to answer any of your questions through email or by phone. Our
contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.
The Aerial Athletics All-Star Show Team is comprised of 5 through 12 year old girls and boys. We pride
ourselves on good sportsmanship, polite manners and a high standard of behavior. Through the AAA
experience, our athletes develop a high level of self-discipline, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Our coaching staff’s mission is to offer the best technical training and choreography possible, while
providing a safe, family-oriented atmosphere where young athletes can learn and grow physically,
mentally and emotionally. Our goal is to have our cheerleaders gain confidence, teamwork, discipline,
compromise, work ethics, high moral standards and the ability to overcome obstacles.
Thank you for reviewing our program. You will find that our staff is committed and passionate about
the AAA athletes, teams and program. Our hearts are in this sport for the right reasons. We think that
once you take a closer look at Aerial Athletics All-Stars, you will agree.
Donna Gerber
Aerials Athletics Schertz
17361 Bell North Drive
Suite 101
Schertz, TX 78154
(210) 872-5913-Gym
The Aerial Athletics Philosophy
Aerial Athletics All-Stars has several goals for all our talented boys and girls. We believe in developing the total athlete.
We strive to teach each athlete the skills necessary to succeed in their cheer career, to foster a sense of team spirit, to
encourage personal growth and strength, to build self-esteem, to pair an athlete with a trusted adult mentor and to
provide a safe and caring environment that will assist each athlete to reach his/her complete potential.
Through progressive training, safety and fun, we help each athlete reach his/her personal best. Cheerleading, gymnastics
and dance provide for many great rewards both physically and mentally. We want the athlete to be physically fit,
emotionally strong and socially comfortable. Our program will challenge our team members to use all of their potential.
Our philosophy is to create an encouraging and challenging experience that our athletes can take with them for the rest
of their lives. Our staff and volunteers use positive discipline that leaves children feeling confident and empowered.
Fairness is shown to each athlete.
We strive to provide our athletes a high quality means to develop and enhance their skills in cheerleading, stunting,
tumbling and dance, as well as their all-around athletic ability. We also provide our athletes the opportunity to learn and
acquire leadership skills, accountability, sportsmanship, life skills, determination, responsibility, focus and teamwork
through cheerleading and mentoring.
Each athlete plays an integral part with his/her strengths that contribute to the success of the team. Every team
member is a vital part of the team. We are a family at Aerial Athletics All-Stars!!!
2013-2014 Show Team
Show teams will begin practice September 6, 2013 and continue through the end of May. We will attend approximately
6-7 competitions starting in December. A tentative list of the competitions that we will be attending is included in this
Teams will practice one day a week on Friday from 5:00pm until 7:00pm. Please remember it is your obligation to attend
all practices. We cannot function cooperatively without your attendance and commitment. Please understand this
before entering into this obligation. If your child misses practice we will not schedule a makeup day. If AAA cancels
practice for any reason, we will schedule make up days for those lost practices. In this packet is a list of AAA Rules, Fee
Schedule and Commitment Contract that all parents and cheerleaders will have to sign and return. The rules that we
have established will only make AAA and all it athletes a stronger team.
Team Rules!
These following rules apply to all AAA Cheerleaders!
1. RESPECT: Respect you, teammates, coaches, and parents at all times. Disrespect will not be tolerated. If a problem
occurs, please contact a coach or set up a time for a meeting.
2. PAY ATTENTION: Remember that cheerleading can be a dangerous sport so 100% attention must be given at all
times. In order for you and your team to be the most productive, horseplay and talking will not be allowed.
3. Please remember that Jewelry is not permitted at practices or competitions! No Cell Phones are permitted at
practice or competition. Finger Nails Will Be Polish Free at competitions!
4. CHECK YOUR EMAIL: In order to keep everyone informed we will email you with information that needs to be
communicated i.e. competition info, calendars, and updates.
5. SHOW UP ON TIME: This rule is self-explanatory! If you are late you not only miss your practice time, you also hurt
the whole team.
6. INJURIES AND ILLNESS: Unless you are contagious you must come to practice to watch. This way if any changes have
been made to the routine you will be there to see them. If you are injured you must also come to practice and watch.
Once your injury is healed you will be able to slip right back into the routine.
1. Parents are not allowed on the cheer floor! While in practice, if you need to talk to your child or a coach please
contact the front office and a message will be relayed.
2. Please refrain from talking to your child while they are on the floor while in practice or when having a team
discussion! If your child is focusing on you, he/she is not devoting 100% attention to their team. If there is a problem,
please contact the coach directly.
3. All siblings of team members must remain supervised at all times. At no time will siblings be allowed on the floor!
4. All coaching decisions are made by AAA staff. Please remember that the team and your child is our first priority. If
there is any conflict or concern, please feel free to speak with the coach after practice or set up a conference with that
5. Parents are to respect the program and follow all parent, competition rules and guidelines given. Please take into
consideration that we are a family unit and need to support each other. We all have a common goal which is to
participate in a successful and positive environment. Remember that you are a role model and need to set a positive
example. The coaches are committed to providing a positive, fun, and competitive atmosphere teaching your children
valuable life learning lessons.
6. All complaints, concerns, problems, or personal issues need to be handled through AAA through the proper chain of
command. You may email Donna Gerber at with your concern. You may also set up a
conference. Please do not discuss any of these matters with other parents, coaches, or children until it has been
resolved. Confidentiality and privacy are both top priorities when dealing with children.
7. Any parent or guardian breaking any of the above rules may be asked to leave the program. AAA reserves the right to
remove your child from the program without any refunds given. We do not anticipate having to enforce this rule, but we
will if needed to.
8. CHECK YOUR EMAIL: In order to keep everyone informed we will email you with information that needs to be
communicated i.e. competition info, calendars, and updates.
These following rules apply to cheerleaders and parents!
1. Exhibitions are mandatory and what you work for all season! If there is a conflict and you will not be able to attend
an exhibition you will be removed from the team! It is not feasible to rework routines for one exhibition!
2. Exhibitions/Competitions are a day when all teams are there to support each other!!! It is not just about your
team!!!! All teams will support each other at competitions, so plan on it being an all-day affair!!!!! Coaches will inform
parents at exhibition/competition approx. time that cheerleader will be allowed to leave; this is usually right after
awards ceremony.
3. To all new parents, we will pass on all detailed exhibition information as soon as we receive it. This typically occurs
two-three days before the exhibition. I know this can often be inconvenient, but realize this information is relayed to
parents immediately upon receipt. Please refrain from going on the competition website and passing on whatever
information you see. Competition details change sometimes on an hourly basis and as soon as we have the final
performance order we will pass it on to you.
4. All exhibition/competition fees are non-refundable. We are required to pay for these fees early on. If an injury or
illness occurs there is no way for us to recoup the money.
5. Good sportsmanship is a priority! Please respect all AAA teams as well as the other competitors! Any disrespect of
any kind to AAA members and or other gyms will not be tolerated!
6. Always wear your colors to the competitions and be as loud as you can! Crowd Appeal is taken into consideration on
the score sheets and parents keep it in mind it looks great in the stands and the teams love it!
7. All Aerial Athletic All Stars must remain in uniform for awards ceremony. The cheerleading competition promoter
takes photos of teams to place on their website. If your cheerleader comes to awards out of uniform they will be
dismissed from awards and could be dismissed from the team if it happens again.
8. All cheerleaders must attend award ceremonies. If your child leaves before the award ceremonies, AAA will not be
responsible for picking up any medals, jackets, or trophies that are handed out at the ceremonies. Please make
arrangements for someone on the team to pick up the award before leaving the exhibition/competition. To avoid such
conflicts, please make transportation arrangements for your child if you are not able to stay so that they will not miss
9. Exhibition dates are tentative and are subject to change. AAA reserves the right to make changes to the
exhibition/competition schedule if necessary. We will do our best to give parents advance notice if any changes are
made so that you can adjust your calendars.
10. Absolutely at no time will Cell Phones be allowed on the competition floor. If a cheerleader is caught on the
competition floor with a cell phone, they will be dismissed for the day and they will not be allowed to participate in
the awards ceremony with their fellow teammates.
11. Please remember that Jewelry is not permitted at practices or competitions! Band-Aids are no longer allowed at
any competition to cover earrings. Do not pierce anything during the season that can’t be removed during practice or
competition. If you get a new piercing and refuse to remove that piercing, You Will Be Dismissed From The Team
Immediately! No Nail Polish on day of competition!
Aerial Athletics All Star Show Team Fees
Payments for the following items may be made by Cash, Check or Automatic Payment payable to
Payable 1st of the month:
Team Tuition: $90.00 a month
Additional Children: $76.50 a month
Payable 15th of the month:
Team Fees: $135.00 x 8 months starting September 15th
Additional Child: $ 116.25 x 8 months starting September 15th
Team Fees include:
Exhibition Jersey, Skort, Cheer Shoes, T-Shirt, Tank, Stars, Bow, Bag, Music, Exhibition Fees and Coaches Fees
Show Teams will not be required to purchase uniform or warm ups.
Breakdown of Fees:
Exhibition Jersey, Skort, Cheer Shoes, Bow and Stars
Personal Items
T-Shirt, Tank and Bag
Exhibition Fees:
Show Team
Exhibition Fees include Entry Fee for cheerleader along with all Coaches Expenses that might be associated with that
Commitment Contract
The commitment contract must be filled out and turned in with required signatures from cheerleaders and parents.
Please initial each of the following on the commitment contract: Exhibition Rules and Tentative Schedule, Attendance
Policy, Fee Schedule, and Team/Parent Rules. Please turn into Aerial Athletics All Stars front office with your
registration/medical release form. Placement on a team is not complete until we receive all of the listed documents.
Please Initial Below:
Attendance Policy
Fee Schedule
Team Rules/Parent Rules
Exhibition Rules/Exhibition Tentative Schedule
Registration/ Medical Release Form
I/We hereby understand the obligation and agree to commit to Aerial Athletics All Stars for 9 months. This includes
payment of all 9 months tuition, competition fees, and all fees incurred during the exhibition season. I/We have read
and agree to the following policies required by Aerial Athletics All Stars to achieve the most successful year possible for
each team. I/We also understand that failure to adhere to these policies and procedures will result in the forfeiture of
my position and all monies paid to Aerial Athletics All Stars.
Cheerleader Signature:
Parent Signature:
Aerial Athletics All Stars 2013-2014
Participant’s Name:
Age as of August 31st 2013:
Date of Birth:
School: _______________________________________________ 2013-2014 Grade:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________ Home Phone:
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Work Phone:
Parent/Guardian Email:
Emergency Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact E-mail:
Insurance Company:____________________________________
List any Medications Currently Taking:
List any Medication Participant is Allergic to:
List any Medical Conditions that Might Limit Your Participation:
Family Physician:
I hereby grant permission for my child ________________________to participate in Aerial Athletics All Stars/GymKids programs. I
grant permission to licensed hospital and/or health center staff members or EMT/paramedics on site, to administer immediate
medical treatments as deemed necessary to my child should he/she be injured during the event. Further, I understand that I am
responsible for payment of expenses incurred related to my child’s participation in the event and any medical treatment
I further release Aerial Athletics All Stars/GymKids and its representatives from any claims for injury or illness that may be
sustained as a result of their participation on this team. By signing this form I also grant permission for Aerial Athletics All
Stars/GymKids to use photos for future advertisements. I have read the above statement and agree in full to its content.
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________
1: December 8, 2013- Redline National
City-San Marcos- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
2: December 15, 2013- American Cheer Power- Christmas Open
City-San Antonio- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
3: February 9, 2013- Mardi Gras Spirit Cheer Championship
City-San Marcos- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
4: March 22, 2013- Midwest Cheer and Dance Championship
City-San Antonio- Fiesta Texas- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
5: April 5-6- Redline Two Day Nationals
City- San Antonio- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
6: April 27, 2013- American Cheer Power-Fiesta Texas Championship
City-San Antonio-Fiesta Texas- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
7: May 4, 2013- Fun Cheer- Spirit Splash
City- San Antonio- Sea World- Senior, Youth Prep & Show Team
Aerial Athletic All Stars has the right to change or modify the competition schedule if needed. Parents and cheerleaders will be informed if
changes to the original competition schedule are made.