Victoria Rae Telephone: +1-202-669-8476 E-mail: LinkedIn: 2101 Rivers Edge Way, No 19 Austin, Texas, 78741 USA Professional Profile Dedicated, competent professional with ten years of editorial, acquisitions and business development experience within the scholarly publishing industry. Background demonstrates exemplary organizational, project management, communication, research and leadership skills. Proven success in identifying and meeting financial targets, business objectives, and project deadlines. Recognized for commitment to quality of work and workplace efficiency. Naturally inquisitive, always eager to take on new challenges. Employment History ICE PUBLISHING (London, UK / Austin, Texas) June 2010 – Present Commissioning Manager: Journals Launched new journals and collections for The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), a 196 year organisation with £7million publishing turnover. Publications serve the core ICE audience of academic researchers and practitioners, including their 80k+ membership base. New digital products utilize the established archive dating back to 1836 and target key geographical regions and subject specific market segments. Introduced Open Access publishing models in 2014 with launch of full gold OA title and hybrid options for journals portfolio. Founded the ICE Science programme in 2010: a £75k international journals series in the physical sciences. Continue to develop and expand the ICE Science brand, global reach, and scholarly content in this new scientific arena. Created an international scientific network database of 5000+ personal contacts. Established ICE publishing's first international editorial office in US in 2011. Remotely manage and communicate with internal publishing staff, institutional financial and knowledge-specialist teams, in addition to external editors, authors, societies and vendors. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN (London, UK) May 2008 – May 2010 Managing Editor: Journals Responsible for all aspects of journal development, management, budgeting, commissioning and editorial control for ten international business & finance publications – 17% of journals portfolio within the Palgrave Macmillan serials list; a division of the privately owned Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Produced editorial strategy reports and financial accounts for society-owned journals. Developed new business with law, finance, business and economic organisations through the submission of formal publishing proposals and verbal presentations. Maximized profitability of portfolio by creating subsidiary products, utilizing journal content to launch subject focused compendia. ENGLISH POCKET / NOVA GROUP (Tokyo, Japan) Sept 2006 – March 2008 English Teacher Taught English to adults and children at independent, private language school (English Pocket), in addition to classes at the largest national privately owned language company (NOVA). Class sizes ranged from individuals to groups of 8 students between the age of 2-89 years. Planned and coordinated lessons, decided discussion topics and lesson structure. Tested students and wrote monthly progress reports. Established and taught a six month course in Business English for employees at Fujitsu Frontech. Victoria Rae • Page Two SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD (London, UK) June 2004 – June 2005 Editorial Assistant: Journals Provided editorial, research and administrative assistance to 9 person editorial team within the journals division, responsible for a 450+ serials list. Conducted due diligence for the Acquisitions Editor and assisted in the expansion of portfolio with the purchase of a 25 title theology list. Created additional non-subscription sales revenue for the medical list by establishing a journals supplement programme. Streamlined business processes by introducing new systems to track and monitor supplement programme. Research & Publishing History SOCIETY FOR SCHOLARLY PUBLISHERS (SSP) May 2014 – May 2015 Co-Chair for the SSP Professional Development Committee Plan and manage professional development activities, including mentorship, professional profiles, new member welcome, and the student and early career Travel Grant programme. Coordinate and conduct monthly teleconferences with 18 international committee members. Judge for the annual SSP student and early career Travel Grant Awards. Presented a live and interactive web-forum on ‘My Life in Publishing’ as part of the SSP Professional Development series: ( Career Profile featured on the SSP website: ( SIMON INGER CONSULTING Nov 2012 Auditor Analysed data and interpreted responses collected for the ALPSP publication: 'Scholarly Journals Publishing Practice. Academic journal publishers' policies and practices in online publishing. Fourth survey 2013' ( Documented findings and observations that summarised the data for inclusion in the final report. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, Loughborough University April 2010 Guest Lecturer Presented a two-hour lecture on Electronic Information in Publishing to undergraduate final-year students studying Publishing, Business Management, Information Management and Computing courses. SERIALS, UKSG Nov 2006 Author Article published in scholarly journal Serials, vol 19, issue 3: “Is there a viable business model for commercial open access publishing?” ( The study investigated the potential viability of open access (OA) models for commercial scholarly journal publishers by means of interviews with knowledgeable professionals in the business. At the time, the conclusion was yet unproven whether or not a viable OA business model existed. Future recommendations suggested variable pricing model experiments, in addition to addressing the issue of 'free riders', and the use of Creative Commons licenses as a means to continue to receive additional nonsubscription revenue from industrial users. Victoria Rae • PROJECT SHERPA – OpenDOAR, University of Nottingham Page Three Aug 2006 – Sept 2006 Auditor Analysed and audited records for the Directory of Open Access Repositories ( Surveyed, verified and categorised institutional and organisational repositories from around the world. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, Loughborough University Sept 2005 – Feb 2006 Research Assistant Conducted research work, data analysis and comprehensive literature searches for several projects led by department Professors. Produced reports that summarized research results, explained methodologies and highlighted discrepancies. Worked in partnership with external companies such as Rightscom and Electronic Publishing Services. Education & Qualifications LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY (Leicestershire, UK) Bachelor of Arts, with honours, in Publishing with English, 2006 Diploma of Professional Studies, 2005 THE JAPAN FOUNDATION Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Level N4 – Reading, Grammar, Listening Proficient in speaking Japanese at conversational level. Proficient in writing Japanese Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji Personal Successes Treasurer for Riverside Villas Homeowners Association. Media Artist at Channel Austin: o Filmed, edited and produced a series of videos for the ICE Science series, interviewing Journal Editors. Created the ICE Publishing YouTube channel ( o Filmed, edited and produced an educational documentary for Austin Zoo and Animal Sanctuary. Active volunteer for charities and events including the LIVESTRONG Foundation, Austin Pets Alive, Help a London Child, The London Marathon, The Royal British Legion. Writer for food, recipe and nutritional blog, ‘Chocolate Spinach’ ( Pilates practitioner and instructor. Finished 1st place in age-group in three Texas Sprint Triathlons. Climbed Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain (3,776m). Qualified as 4th Kyu Aikido practitioner. Judge for Global Kids English Speech Contest in Tokyo, Japan.