CENTRAL EUROPE 2020: Offline Project Idea Form Project idea name Contact name GAME – INNOVATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM TO IMPROVE COLLABORATION BETWEEN EDUCATION AND BUSINESS ANNA JANKOWSKA – BICHTA (THE CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW - LEAD APPLICANT) KATARZYNA JANEWICZ (AMICUS SOCIETY – PARTNER) Organisation THE CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW AMICUS SOCIETY Email ANNA JANKOWSKA – BICHTA ajankowska@um.warszawa.pl KATARZYNA JANEWICZ katarzyna.j@bia.pl Telephone number ANNA JANKOWSKA – BICHTA KATARZYNA JANEWICZ +48 22 443 07 54 +48 85 653 77 53 Delete where inapplicable Which of the priorities and the specific objectives fits your project idea best? (for more information please see www.central2020.eu section CENTRAL DOCUMENTS) What is the aim of the project idea? (What are the issues, problems, opportunities you want to address?) What are the planned activities and expected results? Priority axis 1: Innovation and knowledge development Specific objective 1.2: To improve skills and entrepreneurial competences for advancing economic and social innovation in central European regions The project faces the problem of high number of employees aged over 50 who are not qualified with regard to the requirements related to the development of technology and innovations in the economy. Ageing society and reduction in the number of employees require new approach in human resources management. Due to the fact that the number of young who enter the job market drops, it becomes necessary to encourage older people to remain in the company even after they reach the retirement age. There is no reason that their leave was sudden and definite. For both parties it may prove to be purposeful to maintain employment e.g. in proportion of working time, or for the time of specific tasks' implementation. In order to maintain the current number of people who work in economy it seems necessary to activate older people, both at working and postworking age. Furthermore, it is important to increase competences of employees of public institutions and associations, which task is to ensure support and care over older people. The main objective of the project is to increase the professional activity and growth in self-employment and the employment of older people. In addition, the objective of the project is to raise knowledge and abilities of employees and entrepreneurs from the SME's sector with regard to creation of the game-learning applications, simulation games and their efficient use. The project plans appropriate activities which are addressed to each of target groups. The project covers 4 groups of recipients. In accordance to the stage of the project it is planned to participate: owners of SMEs enterprises and staff responsible for human resources management, IT engineers, gamelearning methodologists, staff from local government units from the Capital City of Warsaw (e.g. social assistance homes, daytime assistance homes and social welfare centres), non-governmental organizations and older people. Main activities: 1. Examination of employees and entrepreneurs knowledge and abilities as a factor which stimulates economic and social innovation. 2. Exchange of knowledge and acquisition of information from Partners on past experience with regard to the use of gamelearning applications. 3. Creation and testing teaching methods with regard to creation of game-learning application. 4. Simulation games tests – pilotage. Partners involved at this stage Type of partner I am looking for (country, governance level, activity sector, expertise etc.) Is your project a follow-up project? If so, of which and describe the link between the projects. LEAD APPLICANT - THE CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW - POLAND PARTNER - AMICUS SOCIETY (non-governmental organization) - POLAND Public institutions, game-learning methodologists, companies from SME sector, associations, which deal with the topic of demographic changes and aging society and have good practices in this respect. Inevitable are partners who have experience in creation of the gamelearning tools and/or want to use this method in the work with older people and partners who do not have experiences in this respect (public institutions, associations, etc.) who seek innovative solutions which raise the level of knowledge and competences of their employees, as well as interested in implementation of innovative products, services, or processes which are favourable for economic and social innovations – game-learning. Partners must come from countries which are covered by the Central Europe Programme. No. This is a pioneer project which owing to its innovation and complexity shall contribute to mitigate results of the problem of aging society. Please send the completed form to info@central2020.eu. You can also post your project idea directly on the www.central2020.eu website, from the user profile. To register as a user please follow this link http://www.central2013.eu/index.php?id=885