Sample Weekly Spelling Lessons Word Detectives 2nd Grade Spelling (Day 1) Materials: Overhead Blank overhead sheet Overhead markers (multiple colors) Individual whiteboard for each student Whiteboard marker for each student Master list of spelling words for the week GLCE: W.SP.02.01 Students will, in the context of writing, correctly spell frequently encountered words (e.g., two-syllable words including common prefixes and suffixes); for less frequently encountered words use structural cues (e.g., letter/sound, rimes) and environmental sources (e.g., word walls, word lists). Objective 1: Students will be able to understand the meanings of their spelling words for the week Objective 2: Students will be able to see relationships between their spelling words and other familiar words. Evaluation 1: I will know that students are able to understand the meanings of their spelling words when they write the correct spelling word on their whiteboard, based on the clues I provide. Evaluation 2: I will know that students are able to see relationships between their spelling words and other familiar words based on their manipulation of words on their whiteboards. Instructional Sequence: 1. Before the lesson, review words and come up with simple clues or riddles for each 2. Have students get out whiteboards and markers. Give clues for each word (not in order). Write words that have commonalities on the overhead (3 or 4 at a time). If it seems beneficial, write the clues on the overhead. 3. Students will write the spelling word the clue is being given for on their whiteboards. Remind students that all letters should be lowercase. 4. Once clues for each word has been given, instruct students to manipulate words. (For instance, if the word is pig, ask them to change one letter to make it another spelling word—dig, for instance.) Ask students—particularly those who seem as though they struggle more with the assignment—what they did to change the word. Help students see relationships between their spelling words and other words they are familiar with. Spelling Handwriting 2nd Grade Spelling (Day 2 or 3) Materials: Spelling Handwriting sheet with the week’s spelling words for each student Pencil for each student GLCE: W.HW.02.01 Students will fluently and legibly write upper and lower case manuscript letters and begin to write the cursive alphabet. Objective: Students will be able to legibly write their spelling words, using correct letter formation. Evaluation: I will know that students are able to legibly write their spelling words, using correct letter formation, by the completion of their spelling handwriting worksheets. Instructional Sequence: 1. Distribute the Spelling Handwriting sheet to each student 2. Briefly go over this week’s spelling themes with students (i.e. long vowels, silent e, etc.) 3. Instruct students that they are to write each word—in their neatest handwriting—three times. Remind students that neatness is much more important than speed. 4. Early in the year it might be beneficial to do an example of the first word on the board. 5. Collect handwriting sheets when students have finished. Spelling Aerobics 2nd Grade Spelling (Day 3 or 4) Materials: Whiteboard Whiteboard marker GLCE: W.SP.02.01 Students will, in the context of writing, correctly spell frequently encountered words (e.g. two-syllable words including common prefixes and suffixes); for less frequently encountered words use structural cues (e.g., letter/sound, rimes) and environmental sources (e.g., word walls, word lists). Objective: Students will be able to correctly spell their spelling works for the week while participating in kinesthetic activity. Evaluation: I will know that students are able to correctly spell their spelling words for the week while participating in kinesthetic activity by observing their participation during the period and listening to them spell the words aloud. Instructional Sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before class starts, write the spelling words for the week on the board. Also write the list of “aerobic” options. This will help focus students’ attention and options. Have every student stand up behind his or her desk, and push in his/her chair. Choose a student to pick a spelling word and then ask them what sort of action they would like to do while spelling that word (i.e., jumping jacks, clapping, marching, “hips don’t lie,” swimming squats, etc.) As the students spell the word aloud, they should be completing the given action. Remind students that you will be watching to make sure that everyone is participating. As an alternative, have students reach their arms up for “high” letters (t, d, f, h, k, l, b), put their hands on their hips for “middle” letters (w, e, r, u, i, o, a, s, z, x, c, v, n, m), and touch their toes for “low” letters (y, p, g, j). This will also help reinforce the concept of how to write letters, and where they fall in the lines when they are written on lined paper. Team Spell 2nd Grade Spelling (Day 4) Materials: Alphabet cards for each team GLCE: W.SP.02.01 Students will, in the context of writing, correctly spell frequently encountered words (e.g., two-syllable words including common prefixes and suffixes); for less frequently encountered words use structural cues (e.g., letter/sound, rimes) and environmental sources (e.g., word walls, word lists). Objective: Students will be able to work as a team to spell the week’s spelling words. Evaluation: I will know that students are able to work as a team to spell the week’s spelling words when the students show me their team’s completed word. Instructional Sequence: 1. Before class, create alphabet cards, in which each card has a letter of the alphabet on it. Make sure there are multiples of common letters. 2. Distribute alphabet cards to each team. 3. Students deal the alphabet cards to each child in group, so that each person has approximately the same amount of cards. 4. Call out a spelling word. Student must use their alphabet cards to spell it. For the first word, Person 1 puts down the letter the word begins with. Person 2 then puts down the second letter, and so on. If a student does not have the required letter, they say “pass” and the next person is in charge of putting down the letter. 5. The first team that gets it raises their hand. The person to put down the final letter spells the word aloud. If it is correct, then that team gets a point. 6. Continue until all 10 spelling words have been used.