UL100C, Information Literacy and Technology Annotated Bibliography Name: Valerie Johnston Horses are very complex animals that started out as being used for work such as plowing fields and even used in war, now we use them mainly for pleasure, or even therapy. Just like dogs though they have to be trained it’s not just something that comes to them naturally. There are many different ways to train horses but the main key is patience, without patience you will most likely get aggravated and not get the response that you want. This source talks about how to train horses and even tells beginner riders on how to ride. It explains different techniques in how to get your horse to listen to you and do what you expect it to. This source is definitely creditable because it’s from a professional horse trainer from Australia who is known nationwide. He has proven himself to me and I find him very inspirational. He knows what he’s talking about and will walk you step by step through what you are wanting to learn how to do. Anderson, Clinton. "General Horse Training." General Horse Training. cruz bay publishing inc, n.d. Web. . <http://www.equisearch.com/horses_riding_training/training/>. This source is very useful because it tells you what you need to know before training horses, it tells you about how to train your horses, how to teach them other specific tricks, problems with training and behavior, and advanced training options. I think this source is good for people who are beginning the training process with their horse, it makes sure that the reader is informed of all of the steps to training not basing it off of someone who probably already knows a decent amount of information about training horses. There are a few things throughout that I don’t completely agree with but overall I think this source is very informative. I believe that the writer is well educated in this topic because she was raised around horses and grew up training them, a lot of her ideas also agree with what my ideas are. Blocksdorf, Katherine . "Horse Training." About.com Horses. about.com, n.d. Web. . <http://horses.about.com/od/buyingyourfirsthorse/u/horsebuyingpath.htm>. This source goes in depth about specific types of training such as western pleasure, English, endurance riding which are all different styles of riding and some actually have specific breeds of horses associated with what they are trained for. It goes through the steps of how to train your horse for this specific type of riding so that way you can hopefully get the best results from your time put in. I feel like this source is creditable because of the fact it comes from horse channel which is highly known for the information that they give about horses. There isn’t exactly one writer of this because it provides links to other articles that gives the information about each type of training. I wish that they would make things easier to find the artists and have the information all on one page. "Horse Training." Horse Training. horse channel , n.d. Web. . <http://www.horsechannel.com/horsetraining/>. This source is very brief about how to start with training horses. It doesn’t go in depth about how to make things work and how to make sure that things go your way but it does tell you all of the basics on what to do. It brushes the surface of what the main steps are going to be. I’m not exactly sure if I want to say this source shows proper credential but it does have some good information that relates to a lot of other thoughts that people including me have. "Horse Training Tips For Beginners and Young Horses." Horses-and-horse-information.com. American Horse Rider and Horse Information, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. <http%3A%2F%2Fwww.horses-and-horse-information.com%2Farticles%2Fhorse-trainingyoung.shtml>. This source walks you through what you can do with training horses on the ground, riding them, and even on how to help solve some common problems that horses have. Once again I believe that his source is very creditable because it is professional horse trainers a man and his wife. Granted I haven’t seen them live like I have Clinton Anderson his videos seem like he knows what he’s doing and I like the methods that he shows. Although with anything I’m not going to agree with every aspect of it. Parelli, Patt. "Horsemanship Articles with Pat and Linda." Parelli.com. Pat Parelli, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. <http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parelli.com%2Farticlestips.html>. Many people don’t like using Wikipedia and think that it isn’t creditable but it kind of is. There is information that is useful and true but there are some things that aren’t right. It’s always a good idea to make sure that the information is on another source. "Horse Training." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_training>. This source gives me another person perspective and I feel like she really knows what she is talking about. She emphasizes the fact of making sure that you have confidence. She gives you her opinions and doesn’t tell you just what you want to hear. I would say it’s creditable because I mean it’s just basic opinion, there is no right or wrong way to train a horse. "Horse Behavior- Training." Horse Behavior- Training. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <http://www.horseswithamie.com/training/training.html>. This source tells you on how to train a horse to run barrels. They tells you step by step on the easiest way to train horses to run barrels. I feel this source is creditable because they agree with a lot of other sites on how to train barrel horses and as mentioned before there is no right or wrong way to train horses. "Home." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <https://www.trainingbarrelhorses.com/>. This is really the only site that I found that explains training horses for trick riding so I used the information that I could use since I had nothing else really. I wouldn’t say this is creditable or not creditable it’s just kind of there. There isn’t anything else for me to compare it to. "Horse Tricks 101." Horse Tricks 101. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <http://www.horsetricks101.com/>. This source talks about how to train horses and makes sure they tell you all of the basics. I like the fact that they include videos that show you what you’re doing not just telling you. It has a lot of information from many different people and their perspectives showing there is no right or wrong way. "Streaming Cutting Horse Training Videos on Your Desktop | CuttingHorseTrainingOnline.com." Streaming Cutting Horse Training Videos on Your Desktop | CuttingHorseTrainingOnline.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. <http://cuttinghorsetrainingonline.com/>.