2010 STUDY PROGRAM OUTLINE VI-9 WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2010 STUDY PROGRAM OUTLINE The goals of the 2010 WECC Study Program will be to: Provide timely and accurately updated information to prepare 11 Power Flow and Stability Base Cases as follows: 5 Operating Cases to be utilized for OTC seasonal studies 3 Scenario Cases 1 5 Year summer planning case 1 5 Year winter planning case 1 10 Year summer planning case These cases will be used for the development of the 2010 Study Program Annual Report through studies of existing and new transmission projects, paths, new generation projects, and concerns that were identified in the 2010 WECC Study Program Guidance Survey. In addition, the OTC sub-regional study groups will use the five operating cases for conducting their seasonal operating studies. The cases will also be used for Member System Studies, including reactive reserve margin studies. Description sheets for the base cases proposed for the 2010 Study Program are included in the appendix. 1.1. Provide a means for complying with the NERC Reliability Standards in the NERC Compliance Enforcement Program assigned to TSS. TSS will use Study Program data submittals and The Study Program Annual Report as a means of complying with the following Reliability Standards of the NERC Compliance Enforcement Program: TPL 001-004 M1-M2 – System Performance MOD 010, 012 – Steady State and Dynamics Data for Transmission System Modeling and Simulation FAC 009-1 – Establish and Communicate Facility Ratings PRC 006 – UFLS Dynamics Data Base PRC 014 – Special Protection System Assessment PRC 020 – UVLS Dynamics Data Base Due to timing requirements of the 2010 NERC Compliance Enforcement Program, portions of the 2010 Study Program will not be completed in time to be fully utilized for the 2010 Compliance Enforcement Program. Therefore, portions of the 2009 Study Program results will provide a prime source for assessing compliance. However, TSS will use the 2010 Study Program for future NERC Compliance assessment. 1.2. Conduct disturbance simulations through post-disturbance and transient stability studies to assess data quality, test the adequacy and security of the system under expected, extreme, or critical operating conditions, explore the limits of system operation, and study the effectiveness of safety nets used in the western VI-10 interconnection. 1.3. Conduct/support special studies requested by TSS, OTC, or other groups. STUDY PROGRAM OUTLINE 1.0 Introduction The WECC Annual Study Program is conducted to provide an ongoing reliability assessment of the interconnected system as it exists now and the system as planned over the next ten years. Based on recommendations from the Report of the Study Processes Work Group, the 2010 Study Program methodology will continue an assessment of system security as well as adequacy. At the October 2002 PCC meeting, PCC approved new procedures for developing stressed cases to assess system security. The WECC Staff will review base cases identified for use in the 2010 Study Program prior to conducting simulations. For an outage being simulated, if the best study plan case does not represent the path being studied at an appropriate level, then the Staff may construct a Modified base case from the study plan case. The Modified case will be placed on the WECC web site, with notes indicating the changes, and the Members will be notified. Members wishing to review the case may do so. Results of the simulations conducted on the Modified case will be included in the Study Program Annual Report. For results that do not meet the specified category of the “TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria” and the NERC Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric System of North America (NERC Reliability Standards), the Staff will notify the responsible member(s). If the member reviews the case and provides changes prior to SRWG review of the Study Program Annual Report, the changes will be incorporated and the simulation will be rerun, and included in the Study Program Annual Report. Results of simulations conducted on Modified cases that do not meet the specified category of the “TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria” and the NERC Reliability Standards prior to SRWG review of the Study Program Annual Report will become recommendations in the Report, and identified as needing further review in the next year’s Study Program. TSS will use the Annual Study Program as its primary mechanism for promoting compliance with the following NERC Reliability Standards: TPL 001-004 – System Performance. These Standards require an annual assessment of system performance to ensure compliance with the conditions defined in Table I of the NERC Reliability Standards and the TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria. Although NERC requirements do not always require assessment of all four levels of studies (TPL 001-004), the Regions and individual members are still responsible for complying with these NERC Reliability Standards. TSS will continue to use the cases prepared for the Annual Study Program as its primary mechanism for promoting compliance with these requirements. VI-11 MOD 010, 012 – System Modeling Data Requirements, Steady State & Dynamics Data. These two standards require submittal of data for the modeling and simulation of the steady-state (MOD 010) and dynamic (MOD 012) behavior of the WECC System. TSS will use the 10-Year Data Bank data submittal requirements for promoting compliance with these requirements. FAC 009-1 – Establish and Communicate Facility Ratings. This standard requires transmission and generator owners to establish facility ratings for sole and joint owned facilities that are consistent with the associated Facility Ratings Methodology (FAC 008). Furthermore, transmission and generator owners shall each provide facility ratings for sole and joint owned facilities to their associated Reliability Coordinators, Planning Authorities, Transmission Planners, and Transmission Operators. TSS will use the facility rating data requirements identified in the WECC Data Preparation Manual (DPM) for promoting compliance with this requirement. PRC 006 – UFLS Dynamics Data Base. Regions and individual members are responsible for complying with this standard and TSS will continue to maintain and update the UFLS information included in the MDF. PRC 014 – Special Protection System Assessment. This standard requires a region to assess the operation, coordination, and effectiveness of all SPS’s installed at least once every five years for compliance with NERC standards and Regional criteria. PRC 020 – UVLS Dynamics Data Base. Regions and individual members are responsible for complying with this standard and TSS will continue to maintain and update the UVLS information included in the MDF. Eleven power flow base cases are scheduled to be compiled for the 2010 Study Program. The 2010 Study Program will include heavy and light load operating cases for the upcoming summer and winter seasons and a heavy load operating case for the upcoming spring season. These five cases will be utilized by the OTC subregions as a starting point for conducting their seasonal OTC studies. Three scenario cases will be created to model critical operating conditions, such as severe weather conditions, equipment out of service, and unusual generation patterns. Two fiveyear cases and one ten-year case will also be prepared for Council and member use. Compliance with NERC Reliability Standards and Measurements associated with Sections TPL 001-004 of the NERC Compliance Program requires seasonal studies for the upcoming year, as well as a five-year planning horizon. Additional studies for the 2-4 year time frame as well as the 6-10 year time frame may also be required, depending on planned system additions. The base cases prepared for the 2010 Study Program will be used by members and the WECC Technical Staff for conducting studies to fulfill future compliance requirements. The simulated disturbances shall cover the usual analysis of data quality and system adequacy under anticipated system conditions, but will also attempt to determine the limits of system performance through risk assessment and extreme contingency studies. The impacts of new generation facilities will also be analyzed through their VI-12 inclusion in the cases. An investigation into the effectiveness of safety nets will be conducted through simulation of at least one extreme disturbance intended to initiate or activate one of the schemes. This outline specifies the eleven power flow base cases that will be compiled and establishes the general objectives for the disturbance cases to be run for the 2010 Study Program. The Performance Validation Task Force (PVTF) of the Modeling and Validation Work Group may request that TSS prepare a system validation test case as part of the 2010 Study Program. As part of their request, the PVTF will identify the conditions to be modeled in the system validation case. If TSS approves the preparation of this case, this case will replace one of the designated cases in the 2010 Study Program Outline. 2.0 2010 Study Program Objectives and Activities 1.4. Provide timely and accurately updated information for the WECC ten-year power flow and stability data bank for Member’s and WECC committee use. Timely submittal of data is necessary if the 2010 Study Program Outline schedule is to be maintained. A late data notification process has been approved by PCC and will be followed in the event of delayed ten-year power flow and stability data bank submittals. A combination of typical cases and scenario cases will comprise the eleven power flow cases prepared for the 2010 Study Program. Typical Cases will model anticipated load levels, but in some instances may model slightly heavier or slightly lighter than anticipated load levels to achieve desired stressed transfer levels on designated paths. All lines for the given time period are to be represented in service with expected generation patterns. Typical cases usually include OTC operating cases, five-year cases, ten-year cases, and additional cases as requested by TSS. Nine typical cases are included in the 2010 Study Program, including: Five operating cases One five-year summer planning case One five-year winter planning case One ten-year case Scenario Cases represent critical operating conditions such as severe weather patterns, equipment out of service (transmission lines, reactive devices, or selected SVC’s), unusual generation patterns due to forced outages, and insecure voltage conditions. Some cases may represent extreme load conditions (up to 110% of forecasted peak) in a particular sub-region. Three scenario cases are included in the 2010 Study Program. The first scenario case is a one-year heavy summer case representing heavy summer loads (105%) throughout WECC. The second scenario case is a six-year light autumn case representing high flows from California/Montana to the Northwest. The third scenario case is a seven-year heavy winter case representing high S-N Path 15 and E-W WOR flows. VI-13 1.5. Provide five operating cases (heavy and light loading conditions for summer and winter, and heavy loading conditions for spring) for the upcoming year. The OTC sub-regional Study Groups will use these five cases as a starting point for their seasonal operating transfer capability studies. These cases will also serve as a starting point for system studies required by Standards TPL 001-004 of the NERC Compliance Enforcement Program. 1.6. Review and perform general verification of system representation and data to: 1. Ensure compatibility of the power flow and stability data. 2. Ensure quality and adequacy of system representation. 3. Improve accuracy of data submittals. As part of the routine data checking process, a "no-disturbance" simulation will be conducted on each power flow base case prepared for the 2010 Study Program. Base cases will not be approved for distribution or use in the Study Program until acceptable results are obtained in these simulations. The “nodisturbance” simulations are conducted to ensure compatibility of data and check for numerical instability. In addition to the no-disturbance simulation, a standard disturbance simulation will be conducted on each power flow base case as a way to test the dynamics data as well as system operating levels represented in the power flow base case. The 2010 Study Program will use the two unit Palo Verde outage as the standard disturbance for all cases with north-to-south COI flows. The PDCI bipole outage will be used for all cases with south-to-north COI flows. The switching sequence for the PDCI bipole loss standard disturbance is due one week after the initial data submittal is due to the Staff (refer to the case preparation schedule). Base cases will not be approved for distribution or use in the Study Program until acceptable results are obtained in the standard disturbance simulation. If a standard disturbance simulation does not meet the TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria or the NERC Reliability Standards, appropriate entities will be contacted prior to distribution for suggested modifications. Correction of data problems and/or flows outside of known operating limits could result in acceptable performance. If the simulation results remain unacceptable, it will be brought to SRWG’s attention and included in the 2010 Study Program Annual Report as a potential log item. After significant additions or changes are made to the Master Dynamics File, a 35-second simulation of the Chief Joseph Brake Ringdown Test will be conducted as an additional data check. The Chief Joseph Brake Ringdown Test is conducted to check new data for numerical instability. VI-14 To ensure quality base cases SRWG requests that Member Systems submit data in accordance with the guidelines and criteria presented in the WECC Data Preparation Manual (DPM). Member system’s submittal of data for the 2010 Study Program, as specified in the DPM helps to support compliance with NERC Reliability Standards MOD 010, 012 – System Modeling Data Requirements, Steady State & Dynamics Data, which requires the submittal of data for modeling and simulation of the steady-state (MOD 010) and dynamic (MOD 012) behavior of the interconnected system. Also supported is requirement FAC 009-1 – Establish and Communicate Facility Ratings, which requires users of the interconnected transmission system to provide appropriate equipment characteristics (facility ratings) and system data in compliance with the respective procedural manuals. Members should pay special attention to provide any new under-frequency or undervoltage load shedding data not already included in the Master Dynamics File or update existing under-frequency or under-voltage data with each case. In doing so members fulfill the requirement of NERC Reliability Standards PRC 007 – UFLS Dynamics Data Base and PRC 020 – UVLS Dynamics Data Base, which requires each region to maintain and annually update a UFLS and UVLS program database including sufficient information to model the regional UFLS and UVLS programs. SRWG requests that planned facilities be represented when sufficient modeling data are available. Uncertainties as to timing, size, or location of new facilities should not be the reason for excluding representation in the WECC base cases. SRWG will revise the case description sheets as required at the time the request letter is mailed to meet the stated purpose of the case. Revisions will be made to account for delayed projects, revised transfer capabilities, revised requests from the OTC sub-regional study groups, or other changes in plans that affect the stated purpose of the case. The case year represented may be changed for future planning cases to incorporate the desired project or condition to be studied. At the August 2002 TSS meeting, TSS approved using the baseload flag in the GE PSLF program to indicate generators that cannot respond to low frequency with additional mechanical power. When preparing power flow data for submittal for the 2010 Study Program, members will be required to set the baseload flag to “1” on all units that will not respond to low frequency with additional mechanical power. Version 13 or higher of the GE PSLF program, as distributed by WECC, is required to utilize this option. Members that do not have the GE PSLF program will be required to provide a listing of all of generating units that should have the baseload flag set to 1. At the May 2001 TSS meeting, TSS approved inclusion of generic induction motor data in all WECC 10-year data bank cases. WECC members who have developed detailed or specific induction motor data for all or part of their area should provide the specific induction motor data for their area as VI-15 part of the standard data submittal and indicate which typical induction motor data should be removed from the generic data. 2.4 Assess interconnected system security under anticipated stressed conditions and scenario conditions to: 1. Assess anticipated steady state conditions. 2. Evaluate the risk associated with, and examine the consequences of unanticipated operating conditions including component and / or remedial action scheme failure or false operation. Assessment of component failure (existing protection systems) is included in the requirements of NERC Reliability Standards TPL 001-004. 3. Determine the ability of the present and future planned interconnected system to meet applicable performance levels of the TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria and the NERC Reliability Standards. This will be accomplished by conducting transient stability and post-disturbance studies simulating multiple contingency disturbances to evaluate the security and adequacy of the interconnected system. Some extreme contingency studies will also be conducted to evaluate the system for risk and consequences and testing the effectiveness of safety nets. 4. Identify potential interconnected system separation points. 5. Provide timely notification to PCC and OC of any potential near-term operating problems. 6. Investigate the impact of significant new facility additions (new transmission and new generation) which have not previously been represented in Council data files. 7. Compare actual interchanges, loop flow, and general operating conditions in the power flow base cases relative to the case descriptions and known operating limits (such as existing or forecasted transfer limits). 8. Maintain for TSS, logs of items identified during the Study Program which do not meet the TPL – (001 thru 004) – WECC – 1 – CR – System Performance Criteria or the NERC Reliability Standards (Performance Log) or may indicate incorrect modeling (Representation Log) as provided in the “SRWG Performance/Representation Log Procedure.” As part of SRWG’s efforts to improve system representation, member systems are now required to provide ratings for all branches in their power flow data submittals. Failure to do so is one example of a data problem that would result in a Representation Log item for the offending member. The submittal of branch ratings fulfills NERC Reliability Standard FAC 009-1 – Establish and Communicate Facility Ratings. 2.5 Conduct special studies as requested by PCC, TSS or the Operating Committee (requires TSS approval) to: VI-16 1. Support the study needs of the Planning Coordination and Operating Committees of the WECC. 2. Evaluate the sensitivity of system security and performance to variations in system component representations as required. If TSS decides it is necessary to develop a special test base case, the test case would replace one of the listed cases in the 2010 Study Program. Study requests from the Operating Committee will be handled in accordance with the "Statement of Principles and Procedures for Conducting Operating Studies" document. 3.0 Comments Scenario cases are intended to represent critical or unusual operating conditions. Members must not be reluctant to model a condition outlined in the case description sheet simply because it is not what is expected or forecasted. Therefore if a case is to represent high levels of power transfers between areas, schedules between the areas should include both contractual schedules of firm and non-firm resources and potential economy schedules which could occur during the time frame. If unusual load levels and/or generating patterns are called for in the case description sheet, levels represented should not be limited to historical levels. WECC power flow base cases are designated as light or heavy, as in the 2010-11 LW1 (Light Winter) or the 2011 HS2 (Heavy Summer) to indicate the general load levels to be represented in the cases. As a point of clarification, light loads may be increased in the importing areas or heavy loads may be decreased in exporting areas to provide for the desired interchange schedules. Specific information on the desired load levels is contained in the power flow case description sheets and should be used as a guide in preparing cases. Generation and load levels referred to in the attached case description sheets refer to the season being studied. For example, if a case description sheet for a winter case calls for high hydro in a specific area, this means high levels of hydro generation for a winter condition. In some areas, a high level of hydro generation in the winter may be less than median hydro generation levels in the spring or summer. VI-17 APPENDIX 2010 STUDY PROGRAM CASE DESCRIPTION SHEETS 2010 WECC 10-YEAR BASE CASE DATA BANK SCHEDULE WECC BASE CASES LISTED BY YEAR OF STUDY PROGRAM WECC BASE CASE TRANSFER OBJECTIVES VI-18 2010-2011 HEAVY WINTER – 10-11 HW2-OP CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: TO REPRESENT ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS WITH HEAVY FLOWS FROM NORTHWEST TO CALIFORNIA. III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 100% of winter peak (1 in 2) in the Northwest, 90-100% of winter peak elsewhere. V. TIME: Late afternoon (1600 to 1800 hours), winter conditions. VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California/Nevada (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Utah/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent December 18, 2009 January 22, 2010 From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2009-10 HW2 Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2009-10 HW2 Operating Case HYDRO High High Median Low Median Low Low Low THERMAL -High High High -Median Median Median RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION Low TARGET* 500 % RATING 16% Heavy Heavy --Moderate -Moderate Heavy Heavy 3800 2500 --1400 -4000/5000 1850 2800 78% 81% --64% -50%/47% 96% 70% * Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. ** Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-19 2010-2011 LIGHT WINTER – 10-11 LW1-OP CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: TO REPRESENT ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS WITH HIGH FLOWS INTO THE NORTHWEST. III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 60-65% of winter (1-in-2) year peak in the Northwest, 60-80% of winter peak elsewhere. V. TIME: Early morning (0200 to 0500 hours), winter conditions. VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California/Nevada (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Utah/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent January 1, 2010 February 5, 2010 From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2009-10 LW1 Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2009-10 LW1 Operating Case HYDRO Median Low Median Low Median Low --- THERMAL -High High Median -Median --- RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION Low TARGET* -500 % RATING 25% Moderate Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy -Moderate Heavy -- -2500 -2000 3450 2000 2100 -5100/6900 1850 -- 68% 65% 64% 83% 95% -63%/65% 96% -- * Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. ** Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-20 2011 HEAVY SPRING – 11 HSP1-OP CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: TO REPRESENT ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS WITH HIGH FLOWS FROM NORTHWEST TO CALIFORNIA. III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 100% of spring peak. V. TIME: Spring conditions (1600 to 1800 hours), spring conditions. VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California/Nevada (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Utah/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent February 12, 2010 March 19, 2010 From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2010 HSP1 Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2010 HSP1 Operating Case HYDRO Median High High Median Median High -Median THERMAL -Low Median Median -Low -Median RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION Moderate TARGET* -1000 % RATING 50% Maximum Maximum -Low Moderate Heavy Low Heavy Heavy 4800 3100 -400 1500 1145 3600/4500 1850 4000 98% 100% -17% 68% 72% 45%/42% 96% 100% * Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. ** Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-21 2016 LIGHT AUTUMN – 16LA1-S CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: V. TIME: VI. GENERATION Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico March 26, 2010 April 30, 2010 TO REPRESENT HIGH FLOWS FROM CALIFORNIA/MONTANA TO NORTHWEST. From Case: Stability Data: Significant Changes: 2013-14 HW1 Base Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2013-14 HW1 Base Case 60-75% of autumn peak. Early morning (0100 to 0400 hours), in October. VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent SCIT HYDRO Median Low Median Median Median Minimum Low Median THERMAL -Low High Median -Median Median Median RENEWABLE ---High --High -- CONDITION Moderate TARGET* -1500 % RATING 75% Moderate Moderate Heavy Heavy Maximum --Heavy Low Maximum -2500 -2000 -4500 2000 2200 --1850 -1200 -- 68% 65% 83% 83% 100% --96% 40% -- Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. * ** VI-22 2016 HEAVY SUMMER – 16HS2 CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: Summer peak conditions. V. TIME: N/A. VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada April 30, 2010 June 4, 2010 GENERAL 5-YEAR CASE WITH TYPICAL FLOWS THROUGHOUT WECC. VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent From Case: Stability Data Significant Changes: 2015 HS2 Base Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2015 HS2 Base Case HYDRO High Median Median Low High High Low Low THERMAL -High High High -High High High RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION -- TARGET* -- % RATING -- ---------- --------/---- ---------- Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. * ** VI-23 2017-18 HEAVY WINTER – 18HW1-S CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: June 4, 2010 July 9, 2010 II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 100% of winter peak in California, NW, and Montana and 80% elsewhere. V. TIME: N/A. VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada TO REPRESENT HIGH WIND GENERATION IN THE NORTHWEST. VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent From Case: Stability Data Significant Changes: 2015-16 HW1 Base Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2015-16 HW1 Base Case HYDRO Median -Low -Low -High High THERMAL --Median --Median High High RENEWABLE -Maximum ------- CONDITION Moderate TARGET* -1300 % RATING 65% Low Low Heavy Medium -Maximum ---- -1000 -1000 4500 -600 -1600 ---- 27% 32% 83% 50% -100% ---- Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. * ** VI-24 2021 HEAVY SUMMER – 21HS1 CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: Summer peak conditions. V. TIME: N/A VI. GENERATION Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada July 9, 2010 August 13, 2010 GENERAL 10-YEAR CASE WITH TYPICAL FLOWS THROUGHOUT WECC. VII. INTERCHANGE** From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2020 HS1 Base Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2020 HS1 Base Case HYDRO Median Median Median Median Median High Low High THERMAL -High High High -High High High RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION TARGET* % RATING --- --- --- ---------- --------/---- ---------- TYPICAL FLOWS ON THE FOLLOWING PATHS: Canada to Northwest North of John Day Northwest to California (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. * ** (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-25 2011 HEAVY SUMMER – 11HS2-OP CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: TO REPRESENT ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS WITH HEAVY FLOWS TO CALIFORNIA FROM THE NORTHWEST AND MODERATE FLOWS ELSEWHERE. III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 100% of summer peak. V. TIME: Late afternoon (1600 to 1800 hours), summer conditions. VI. GENERATION Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California/Nevada (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Utah/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent August 13, 2010 September 17, 2010 From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2010 HS3 Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2010 HS3 Operating Case HYDRO High High Median High High Median --- THERMAL -High High High -High -High RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION Heavy TARGET* 2300 % RATING 73% Heavy Heavy --Moderate Light Moderate Heavy Heavy 4650 2980 --1200 -3000/5800 1660 4000 95% 96% --55% -37%/55% 86% 100% * Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. ** Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-26 2011 LIGHT SUMMER – 11LS1-OP CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: August 27, 2010 October 1, 2010 II. PURPOSE: TO REPRESENT ANTICIPATED OPERATING CONDITIONS DURING LIGHT LOAD PERIODS. MODERATE FLOWS FROM THE NORTHWEST TO CALIFORNIA AND MODERATE TO HEAVY FLOWS FROM IDAHO/MONTANA TO THE NORTHWEST. III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: From Case Stability Data Significant Changes 2010 LS1 Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2010 LS1 Operating Case IV. LOADS: 65-75% of summer peak. V. TIME: Early morning (0200 to 0500 hours), summer conditions. VI. GENERATION Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/southern Nevada VII. INTERCHANGE** Canada to Northwest Northwest to California/Nevada (COI/RATS) (PDCI) Path 15 S-N Wyoming/Utah/Idaho to Northwest Montana to Northwest Utah/Colorado to Southwest Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Intermountain to Adelanto DC Midway to Vincent HYDRO Median Median Median Median Median ---- THERMAL --High Median -High --- RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION Moderate TARGET* 2000 % RATING 63% Moderate Moderate -Moderate Maximum Light Moderate Heavy Light 3600 2000 -1600 2200 450 4600/5900 1850 1500 74% 65% -67% 100% 28% 57%/56% 96% 38% * Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. ** Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. VI-27 2015-16 HEAVY WINTER – 16HW2 CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: Winter peak conditions V. TIME: N/A VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada October 08, 2010 November 12, 2010 GENERAL 5-YEAR CASE WITH TYPICAL FLOWS THROUGHOUT WECC. VII. INTERCHANGE** From Case: Stability Data Significant Changes: 2013-14 HW1 Base Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2013-14 HW1 Base Case HYDRO Median Median Median Low Median Median Low Median THERMAL High High High High -Median Median High RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION TARGET* % RATING EXCEPT WHERE STATED, USE TYPICAL FLOWS ON THE FOLLOWING PATHS: Canada to Northwest (S-N) Heavy --North of John Day ---Northwest to California (COI/RATS) ---(PDCI) (S-N) Heavy --Path 15 S-N Heavy 5000 93% Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest ---Montana to Northwest ---Utah/Colorado to Southwest ---Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) Low --Intermountain to Adelanto DC ---Midway to Vincent ---Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. * ** VI-28 2012 HEAVY SUMMER – 12HS3-S CASE DESCRIPTION I. CASE DUE DATES: To Area Coordinator: To Staff: II. PURPOSE: III. ITEMS TO BE PREPARED: IV. LOADS: 105% summer peak conditions V. TIME: N/A VI. GENERATION** Canada Northwest Idaho/Montana Colorado/Wyoming Northern California Hydro Northern California Southern California Arizona/New Mexico/Southern Nevada November 12, 2010 December 17, 2010 HEAVY SUMMER LOADS THROUGHOUT THE WECC REGION. VII. INTERCHANGE** From Case: Stability Data Significant Changes: 2010 HS3-OP Operating Case Master Dynamics File (1) 2010 HS3-OP Operating Case HYDRO Median Median Median Median Median High Low Median THERMAL -High High High -High High Median RENEWABLE --------- CONDITION TARGET* % RATING --- --- ---------- ---------- TYPICAL FLOWS ON THE FOLLOWING PATHS: Canada to Northwest -North of John Day -Northwest to California (COI/RATS) -(PDCI) -Path 15 S-N -Wyoming/Idaho to Northwest -Montana to Northwest -Utah/Colorado to Southwest -Southwest to Calif. (EOR/WOR) -Intermountain to Adelanto DC -Midway to Vincent -- Actual flows within 10% of target are acceptable, but not to exceed the actual rating of the path. Targets may be altered as anticipated operating conditions become more clearly known. Renewables should be based on individual entities’ Renewable Portfolio Standard. (NOTE) Where no target flows are specified actual scheduled transfers should be based on each areas load and generation (deficiency/surplus) balance and economical generation dispatch. The objective of the case should be kept in mind and schedules should be coordinated between areas prior to data submittal. (1) Only Corrections to the MDF or new data for the MDF need be submitted. * ** VI-29 2010 TEN-YEAR POWER FLOW AND STABILITY DATA COMPILATION SCHEDULE CASE DATE DATA REQUEST MAILED DATE DATA DATE DATA DATE DATA STAFF DATE DATE AREA DUE TO DUE TO DUE TO SEND COMMENTS COORDINATOR SUB COORD AREA STAFF CASE FOR DUE TO COMMENTS DATE L&R COORD REVIEW AREA DUE TO INFO DUE TO COORD STAFF SUB COORD 2010 HS3-OP 07/24/09 08/07/09 08/14/09 09/18/09 10/02/09 10/16/09 10/23/09 11/04/09 2010 LS1-OP 07/24/09 08/21/09 08/28/09 10/02/09 10/16/09 10/30/09 11/06/09 11/18/09 2014-15 HW2 09/18/09 10/02/09 10/09/09 11/13/09 11/27/09 12/04/09 12/11/09 12/23/09 2020 HS1 10/23/09 11/06/09 11/13/09 12/18/09 01/01/10 01/08/10 01/15/10 01/27/10 2010-11 HW2-OP 11/27/09 12/11/09 12/18/09 01/22/10 02/05/10 02/19/10 02/26/10 03/10/10 2010-11 LW1-OP 11/27/09 12/25/09 01/01/10 02/05/10 02/19/10 03/05/10 03/12/10 03/24/10 2011 HSP1-OP 01/22/10 02/05/10 02/12/10 03/19/10 04/02/10 04/16/10 04/23/10 05/05/10 2016 LA1-S 03/05/10 03/19/10 03/26/10 04/30/10 05/14/10 05/21/10 05/28/10 06/09/10 2016 HS2 04/09/10 04/23/10 04/30/10 06/04/10 06/18/10 06/25/10 07/02/10 07/14/10 2017-18 HW1-S 05/14/10 05/28/10 06/04/10 07/09/10 07/23/10 07/30/10 08/06/10 08/18/10 2021 HS1 06/18/10 07/02/10 07/09/10 08/13/10 08/27/10 09/03/10 09/10/10 09/22/10 2011 HS2-OP 07/23/10 08/06/10 08/13/10 09/17/10 10/01/10 10/15/10 10/22/10 11/03/10 2011 LS1-OP 07/23/10 08/20/10 08/27/10 10/01/10 10/15/10 10/29/10 11/05/10 11/17/10 2015-16 HW2 09/17/10 10/01/10 10/08/10 11/12/10 11/26/10 12/03/10 12/10/10 12/22/10 2012 HS3-S 10/22/10 11/05/10 11/12/10 12/17/10 12/31/10 01/07/11 01/14/11 01/26/11 2009 cases VI-30 STAFF FINALIZE DATE WECC BASE CASES LISTED BY YEAR OF STUDY PROGRAM (I.E. 10 = 2010 STUDY PROGRAM) Winter Cases Identified by the first year of case (i.e. 10 for 10-11 HW2) SPRING Light SUMMER AUTUMN Heavy Light Heavy 2009 08 08 04, 06S, 08 2010 09 09 05, 07S, 09 10 10 06, 10 05S 2012 02, 07, 10S 08S 2013 08 2014 03, 07S, 09S 2015 06S, 09 2016 05, 10 2011 07S 2017 2018 Light Heavy WINTER 06S 05 09S Light Heavy 09 00, 09 10 05, 10 07 03, 08 04, 09 08S, 10 10S 06 10S 09S 07 2019 08 2020 09 2021 10 M - Modified Case S - Scenario Case VI-31 08 TARGETED FLOW SUMMARY CASE 2010-11 HW2-OP 2010-11 LW1-OP 2011 HSP1-OP 2016 LA1-S 2016 HS2 2017-18 HW1-S 2021 HS1 2011 HS2-OP 2011 LS1-OP 2015-16 HW2 2012 HS3-S Canada to Northwest 500 -500 -1000 -1500 --1300 -2300 2000 --- NW to SW AC/DC 3800/2500 -2500/-2000 4800/3100 -2500/-2000 --1000/-1000 --/-4650/2980 3600/2000 --/---/-- Path 15 S-N -3450 --4500 --4500 ---5000 -- WYO/ID to NW -2000 400 2000 --600 --1600 --- MT to NW 1400 2100 1500 2200 ---1200 2200 --- VI-32 UT/CO to SW -----1600 --450 --- AZ to CA EOR/WOR 4000/5000 5100/6900 3600/4500 ---/---/---/-3000/5800 4600/5900 --/---/-- IPPDC 1850 1850 1850 1850 ---1660 1850 --- Midway to Vincent 2800 -2800 -1200 ---4000 1500 ---