Heartland Community College Division name (MS) Course Syllabus for Students Course Prefix and Number: MATH 161-01 Course Title: Calculus 1 Credit Hours: Lecture Hours: 4 Laboratory Hours: 0 Days and times the course meets: MTWR 10:00 to 11:50 a.m. Catalog Description: Math 109 and Math 128 with grade of C or higher, or equivalent, or assessment. A first course in Calculus. Topics include functions, curve sketching, limits, continuity, definition of derivative, rate of change, slope, derivatives of polynomial and rational functions; the chain rule, implicit differentials; approximation by differentials; higher order derivatives; Rolle’s Theorem, mean value theorem, applications of the derivative, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, integration with applications and the calculus of trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Every topic is presented numerically, graphically, and symbolically. Note, a graphing calculator is required for this course (instruction will be based on a TI 89). Instructor Information: Instructor name: Cynthia Johnson Phone number to contact instructor: (309)268-8647 Instructor e-mail address, if one: cindy.johnson@heartland.edu Location of instructor’s office: ICB 2409 Times I am available for help: Monday through Thursday 8 – 10 a.m. Textbook: Required: Calculus Early Transcendentals: Briggs/Cochran, Addison-Wesley, 2011 Purchase of a physical textbook is optional. A registration code for MyLabs Plus is required. In addition to all of the practice homework which will be completed online, all of your grades will be recorded online within the MyLabs Plus program. Supplies: A calculator with symbolic manipulation. A TI-89 is suggested. Graphing Paper A three-ring binder would be useful to keep handouts organized. I will be giving you handouts, quizzes, etc. that have 3-holes for placing in a binder. Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer: MATH 161 fulfills 4 of the 3(AA) or 6(AS) semester hours of credit in Mathematics. MATH 161 should transfer as part of the General education core curriculum described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative to other Illinois colleges and universities participating in the IAI. However, students should consult an academic advisor for transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to the IAI web page for information as well as www.itransfer.org. Page 2 of 4 Math 161: Summer 2009 Course Objectives (Outcomes): After completing this course the student should be able to achieve the following outcomes. The level of these outcomes are based on problem solving abilities (PS2, PS3, and PS4). 1. Understand the key properties of a wide variety of functions including exponential and logarithmic functions. 2. Understand the concepts of limit and continuity. 3. Understand the concept of the derivative from a numerical and graphical perspective. 4. Differentiate a wide variety of functions symbolically. 5. Demonstrate differentiation in applications. 6. Understand the concept of integration (this includes the antiderivative, definite integral, a brief introduction to differential equations, etc.) and be able to integrate a wide variety of functions. Course/Lab Outline: 1. Functions 2. Limits and Continuity 3. Differentiation 4. Applications of the Derivative 5. Integration Methods of Instruction: Instructional methods will include labs, group work, discussions and lectures that will emphasize manipulation skills as well as problem solving strategies. Required Writing And Reading: Required writing will be part of most assignments and tests. Students will be expected to explain how they found the solution, describe the solution graphically, and interpret the answer in the context of the problem. Students are expected to read the material in the textbook for each section studied. Class Policies: Method Of Evaluation (Tests/Exams, Grading System): Grades will be given according to the following scale: 100 - 90% = A 89 - 80% = B 79 - 70% = C 69 - 60% = D = F Below 60% Grading will be based on homework, group assignments, quizzes, unit exams and a comprehensive final exam. No exams are dropped. The weighting of these components will be: Assessments & Quizzes (In class and online) Homework, Activities & Labs (Online, paper and in class) Unit exams Final exam Total 10% 10% 65% 25% 100% Course Structure: Other than class days when we are taking tests, class time will be divided into “lecture” and in class homework and activities. In addition, most classes will begin with an assessment or quiz. In order to take the assessment or quiz, you must be present in class when it is given. Math 161 Summer 2011 Page 3 of 4 Homework There will be online homework assigned every class period. You will be given 5 days to complete each assignment. A 10% penalty will be given for any online homework completed after the due date. There will be periodic paper homework assignments. You have 2 late slips for paper homework. If you cannot turn in a paper homework assignment on time for any reason you will have a 0 for that assignment until you complete it and turn it in with a late slip. After receiving your assignment with a late slip, I will omit the assignment from your overall grade. So, the 0 will not count against your grade any longer. We will also be completing activities in class. There is no way to make up an in class activity. Unit Tests Test will be given 5 times throughout the class – as close as possible to the calendar attached. Tests will cover material from assessments, quizzes, homework, examples from class work and the exercises in the book. Questions on the test may ask you to combine concepts from different sections – or different units of the course. Every test after the first will include questions which review the material from previous tests. You must bring your own calculator to the test. You will not be allowed to borrow a calculator from either me or another classmate. Every test (after the first, which is a take-home test) will include questions that you may not use a calculator to solve. Testing Center Unless you make arrangements with me ahead of time, I will assume that you are taking the test in our classroom during our normal class period. Arrangements to take the test in the Testing Center may be made in person, by phone or by email, but must be made no later than the class period before the test. I do need you to remind me for every test! Tests taken in the Testing Center will be allowed an extra 30 minutes for completion. For those tests where there is a “Non-Calculator” portion as well as a “Calculator” portion, you will need to sign in twice. Testing Center Policies: You will be required to provide a photo ID You will be asked for our class – Math 161, section 01 You will be asked for my name – Cindy Johnson! You are responsible for completing the test within Testing Center hours – in one sitting. No one will be allowed to finish a test once they have left the testing center. You need to have the test completed by the time the Testing Center closes on the same day as our classroom test. All other conditions for the test will remain the same. (I.e. whether you can use a calculator, whether a formula sheet is provided for you, etc.) Final Exam: The final is comprehensive and will contain material from every unit of the course. I will replace any single test grade that is lower than your final grade with your grade on the final. Our final exam will be during our regular class time on July 28th. Make-Up Tests If you must be absent on the day of a test, you need to contact me as soon as possible. When you contact me, you must include an email address or phone number I can reach you at. This is because, if possible, we will make arrangements to have you take the test before I give it back to the rest of the class. In this case, the test will be graded the same as if you had taken it in class. If you cannot take the test before it is scheduled to be given back, we can replace the missing test with your average on the final. This can be done for one (1) test. If you miss a second test, it will be a zero toward your final grade. Page 4 of 4 Math 161: Summer 2009 Class Absences Attendance for our class is essential. If you must be absent, you may complete any paper homework by going online to MyLabs Plus and downloading the assignment. You are responsible for completing and turning the assignment in on time. There are no make ups for assessments, quizzes and in class activities if you miss them. Grade Reporting I will be using the gradebook on MyLabs Plus for recording and compiling your grades. Missing work – homework, assessments, quizzes or tests, will be counted as 0’s toward your overall grade in the course. However, because of limitations of the system, those 0’s will only show up as 0’s on your final course grade. Extra Credit Philosophy Because of the nature of this class and the importance of students having a solid foundation in this courses material for future coursework, my policy is to not offer extra credit. If, under unforeseen circumstances, something comes up that warrants extra credit, points will be offered only if the situation allows me to offer the opportunity to the entire class. Syllabi disclaimer This syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and posted as announcements in MyLabs Plus. Course Calendar: Week 6/1 – 6/4 6/8 – 6/11 6//15 – 6/18 6/22 – 6/25 6/29 – 7/2 7/6 – 7/9 7/13 – 7/16 7/20 – 7/23 7/27 Topics Preliminaries Exponents and Logs Introduction to Limits proofs Continuity Derivatives by the Definition Test 1: Functions & Limits Derivative Rules Implicit Differentiation Beginning Applications Test 2: Derivatives Mean Value Theorem Curve Sketching Optimization Test 3: Applications of Derivatives Antiderivatives Areas and Riemann Sums Application of Integrals & U-substitution Test 4: Antiderivatives and Integrals Final – Comprehensive: 12:00 – 1:50 p.m. Sections of the Book Chapter 1 2.1 - 2.3 2.4 – 2.8 3.1 – 3.6 3.7 – 3.11 4.1 – 4.4 4.5 – 4.7 4.8 – 4.9 5.1 – 5.2 5.3 – 5.5