Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.411J/EC.713J D-Lab Schools: Building Technology Laboratory Course Overview, Schedule, Text and Grading Information September 3, 2014 Units: 2-4-6 (Institute Lab) Prerequisites: 8.01, 18.01 Instructors: Les Norford 5-418 253-8797 TA: Aiko Nakano Sessions: Lecture Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 a.m., 1-132 Lab Monday 2:00-5:00 p.m., N51-348 Office hours to be announced Overview This term the course focuses on the design and technical analysis of a community library/afterschool school in Makuleke, Limpopo Province, South Africa and, with anticipated collaboration from in-country organizations, schools in the Transkei region of Eastern Cape, South Africa. The focus on the physical environment for education builds on previous work within the Building Technology Program for schools in Cambodia, Haiti, Pakistan and Sierra Leone. Studies focused on Makuleke will be coordinated with two NGOs, the U.S. Africa Children’s Fellowship (USACF) and its partner in South Africa, Sharing to Learn and will extend promising work begun last year. Work in Eastern Cape will engage Ubank, a bank specializing in microfinances and a supporter of miners, other blue-collar workers and now schools, and engineers engaged in constructing new schools. Investigations will include educational needs South Africa; locally available building materials and construction methods; climate and thermal comfort; daylighting, ventilation and thermal conditions inside simulated and or physically modeled classrooms; wall and roof design, including preparation and testing of low-cement blocks; electrical power and water systems; and preparation of a list of local and imported materials. The course is set up as a series of short studies and lab-based projects, to be performed in teams formed to take best advantage of the skill sets of class participants. Necessary in-class instruction in simulation software will be supplemented by a series of evening tutorials to be presented by the Department of Architecture. Results of these investigations will be compiled in a report, prepared in stages and submitted in final version at the end of the term. 1 Initial studies will concern education in South Africa and the work of USACF, STL and Ubank, a development of a program for a prototype school, and assessment of regional climate, building materials and construction techniques. This work will include opportunity to interact with USACF and its partners, in person and remotely, and will culminate in the development and presentation of school designs. A substantial part of the course will then focus on technical studies to assess and improve the expected performance of the school. Building energy balances and thermal dynamics will be studied via an experimental investigation of difference roof materials and via the very capable simulation package EnergyPlus, accessed via a CAD model constructed in Rhino and the Viper program available in the DIVA suite of tools. A second study takes up natural ventilation, needed to remove heat generated by the occupants and, as a function of window shading, by the sun. This lab will include a suitable combination of physical tests and simulations. Tests in model buildings will use MIT’s Wright Brothers wind tunnel to visualize and measure airflows and measure surface pressures that are needed to estimate airflow through building openings.. Simulations will be made with two software tools: CoolVent, a dynamic simulations of indoor temperature changes due to airflows, and a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program, Cradle scSTREAM, to examine airflow patterns in and around classrooms. Materials and structures for schools in developing countries merit attention. Cement, a key component of the ubiquitous concrete, is environmentally and fiscally expensive. Walls and roofs must provide structural integrity, resist wind and rain, and permit openings needed for daylight and ventilation. Our study will include instruction in the load calculations and fabrication and testing of low-cost bricks appropriate for South Africa. Daylighting is important in schools that initially may have little or no electricity or other means of providing light. Illuminance measurements in MIT classrooms and other spaces will establish reasonable lighting levels, which will be compared with DIVA simulations of daylight availability in a Rhino model. Recommended text Illumination Engineering From Edison’s Lamp to the Laser Second Edition Joseph B. Murdoch 2003, Vision Communications ISBN 1-885750-05-6 This book, needed in about a third of the course, is available at the Coop and via online retailers and has been placed on reserve at Rotch Library. Single copies of earlier editions are also available at Barker and Hayden libraries. 2 Open Courseware Course material on OCW is a snapshot of the Spring 2004 lab; the OCS site is a good place for about 50% of the lecture material that will be used this fall: Stellar This course has a Stellar site, where homework assignments and instructions will be posted and where lab reports can be submitted electronically. 3 Tentative Schedule Lecture 9/3 Course overview and review of building technology studies of schools in developing countries Introduction to the work of US Africa Children’s Fellowship (USACF) and Sharing to Learn (STL), discussion of preliminary program (including after-school community use) for a community library/after-school school in Makuleke, South Africa Introduction to schools in Eastern Cape Formation of project teams Thermal comfort and climate fundamentals Lab 9/8 Lecture 9/10 Refinement of program and interaction with USACF and/or STL Investigation of education in South Africa Climate investigation with Climate Consultant and investigation of building materials Thermal comfort and climate fundamentals, continued Introduction to local and regional construction materials and building technologies Lab 9/15 Lecture 9/17 Lab 9/22 Lecture 9/24 Lab 9/29 Lecture 10/1 Investigation and presentation of climate, building materials and construction methods Introduction to steady-state and dynamic thermal modeling Construction of simple test rig for thermal performance of roofs Steady-state and dynamic thermal modeling, continued Testing of roof options, including sheet metal, sheet metal with insulation, sheet metal with reflective paint and thatch or equivalent (need to measure radiation and surface temperatures in steady-state conditions) Thermal dynamics, continued; introduction to Rhino, grasshopper and Viper interface to EnergyPlus for energy modeling Parametric energy simulations and adjustment of materials and window shading Fundamentals of natural ventilation: hydrostatic equation, ideal gas law, Bernoulli’s equation, orifice equation; guidelines for interim report #1 10/3 Add Date Lab 10/6 Lecture 10/8 Presentation of energy measurement and modeling results; preparation of models for airflow measurements with pressure sensors, hot-wire anemometer and flow visualization Buoyancy- and wind-driven airflows; turbulence-driven airflows; scaling relationships; interim report #1 due 10/13 Columbus Day holiday 4 Lecture 10/15 Nodal airflow simulations with CoolVent and computational fluid dynamics; airflow simulation with Cradle scSTREAM Assignment: preparation and use of CoolVent and CFD models Lab 10/20 Lecture 10/22 Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel tests of school classroom and airflow simulations Continued airflow simulation with CoolVent and CFD; discussion of results Lab 10/27 Lecture 10/29 Structural design, materials and construction; brick-making with alternative available materials Structural analysis of walls and roofs; estimating point and distributed structural loads; sizing wall and roof elements to meet loads; factors of safety Lab Lecture 11/3 11/5 Compression testing of low-cost bricks at seven-day strength Wall and roof design; guidelines for interim report #2 Lecture 11/10-11 Veteran’s Day holiday 11/12 Lighting fundamentals and lighting measurements; luminance and illuminance calculations, illuminance standards; daylighting guidelines; interim report #2 due Lab 11/17 Lecture 11/19 Lab 11/24 Illuminance measurements in campus classrooms; development and use of lighting simulation model. Luminous efficacy of light sources; inverse square law and applications; zonal-cavity method for lighting design; daylight factors Drop Date Lecture Incorporation of natural ventilation in energy simulations; photovoltaic systems 11/26 Sources and uses of electricity: electricity grid, photovoltaic systems, fans, lights, computers 11/27-28 Thanksgiving holidays Lab 12/1 Lecture 12/3 Lab Lecture 12/8 12/10 integrated design (materials, lighting, power, ventilation, thermal comfort, furnishings); guidelines for final report Next steps for school construction in South Africa; ongoing work on buildings in other developing countries final presentation of all work; preparation of final report Final report due Last day of classes 5 Grading: The course grade will be based on participation in class and lab reports. Weekly assignments will require work that will be incorporated into the reports and may be presented orally in labs for discussion and feedback but will not be graded. Participation is crucial to the success of the course. Attendance in lab and lecture will be noted. Poor attendance, particularly in lab, will result in a reduced grade. You will typically be encouraged to work in groups of 2-4, depending on the lab and available resources. Lab reports are prepared on a group basis: one report per group. Groups may be changed during the term, as a function of the needs of students and the discretion of the instructor. Course work will be weighted as follows: Interim report #1 Interim report #2 Final report Attendance and participation 25% 25% 40% 10% Interim reports must be submitted on time, subject only to extraordinary circumstances beyond academic workload. Late interim lab reports will be penalized 10% of full credit; reports more than one late will receive no credit. The final report may be submitted as late as 5 p.m. on Monday, December 16 with no grading penalty; submittals after this date and time will receive no credit. Lab reports will be returned within one week of submittal. Schedule adjustments will be considered as necessary to accommodate major studio reviews, other significant deadlines, or the impact of local weather on experimental work. Academic integrity is a serious issue. Data sources must include attribution. Lab reports must reflect the thoughts and efforts of team members, unless noted. There is no final exam in this course and there will be no quizzes. 6