Requiring Significant Improvement (RSI) Process Cause for Concern (Primary Only) Trigger: Trainee is not demonstrating satisfactory progress in one or more standards, as shown through lesson observation(s) or other monitoring. Aim: To identify any initial concern(s) about lack of progress and communicate this to the trainee. Action: Area(s) for improvement and related standard(s) identified on observation proforma. Observation proforma target setting and commentary, as well as post-observation discussion is used to communicate areas for development. The assigned university tutor must be informed immediately, who will then pass this information on to the School Experience Coordinator. InPlace record (when available) should be amended to show the RSI status as Cause for Concern. Review: Normal monitoring procedures continue. Cause for concern reviewed at next observation. Possible outcome of review: Sufficient progress – no further action Some progress - cause for concern maintained Lack of significant progress – move to RSI Stage 1 RSI Stage 1 Trigger: Trainee is not making significant progress. Significant concern about progress from any relevant source. Lack of required progress following the noting of a Cause for Concern (primary only). Aim: To identify and deal with issues arising from inadequate progress made by a trainee towards meeting the Standards for QTS based on evidence gathered by mentors and/or tutors. Action: A joint meeting arranged between the trainee, mentor, other appropriate school staff and appropriate tutor(s). RSI Stage 1a form completed by relevant staff, including the university tutor. Targets and action discussed. Support/intervention plan implemented following discussion between school staff, university staff and the trainee. Trainee attempts to take on board advice and improve in key areas. The assigned university tutor must inform the School Experience Coordinator about this stage (Primary Only). InPlace record (when available) should be amended to show the RSI status as RSI Stage 1a or RSA Stage 1b, as appropriate. Place and date of meetings: At the placement school it can be initiated at any point but not before week 3 of the first teaching practice. Review: At date noted on RSI Stage 1a form (or 1b form if repeating Stage 1), review takes place and outcomes of the review are noted on the RSI Stage 1a (or 1b) form. Trainee is informed by a relevant member of partnership staff (school mentor/coordinator, university tutor) about the outcome of the review. Possible outcome of review: Sufficient progress – no further action. (If not the final placement see note below about RSI across placements). Some progress – continue on RSI Stage 1 – RSI Stage 1b form completed and Stage 1 process repeated. NB after RSI Stage 1b, if sufficient progress has not been made, Stage 2 must be initiated. Lack of significant progress – move to RSI Stage 2 RSI across placements If the requirements for improvement within a single placement are met, then the RSI status resets for the next placement. This is to acknowledge that a trainee has met the requirements for improvement. However, the stage reached is still recorded on In Place (when available) in order to show that a trainee has already gone through the RSI Stage 1 process on a placement, which would be important to know for the next mentor and tutor who work with a trainee. RSI Stage 2 Trigger: Trainee has been given sufficient time at RSI Stage 1 to make progress, but has not made the progress required and significant concern about meeting the standards and successful completion of the placement/course is evident. Aim: To review the trainee’s lack of progress and make a decision about the trainee's future on the course Action: A case conference is convened to review the trainee’s progress and identify the next steps with regard to the placement/course. In attendance should be relevant school staff, university tutor(s) and the programme director (or his or her representative), as well as the trainee when appropriate. Progress is discussed and a decision is made by the university staff, in consultation with the school staff. RSI Stage 2 form completed by relevant staff. The trainee receives a copy of the form and is informed about the outcome within 7 working days. InPlace record (when available) should be amended to show the RSI status as RSI Stage 2. Place and date of case conference: As soon as possible after a trainee has been informed of the need to move to Stage 2, but no later than 5 working days after that. Venue to be at a University of Hull site or in a partnership school. Possible outcome of case conference: Trainee withdraws from placement, terminating the placement (a failed placement). Resit attempt offered (decision made at final module and programme boards). This will be available subject to a suitable placement being offered by a partnership school. Trainee withdraws from programme. Trainee requests intercalation Placement is terminated by the school or university (a failed placement). Resit attempt offered (decision made at final module and programme boards). This will be available subject to a suitable placement being offered by a partnership school. Place on the programme is terminated (see Professional Unsuitability policy in Programme Handbook). If appropriate and available, the trainee is offered a place on a non-QTS route. In the case of termination of placement in the options above, consideration will be given at the case conference with regard to the trainee remaining in the placement school to gain further observational experience and develop skills, through acting in the role of a voluntary teaching assistant. The trainee will receive formal notification of the decision (via letter) from the Head of Department and this will be subject to a Module or Programme Board for final approval, when appropriate. Termination of placement prior to an RSI Stage 2 Review In exceptional circumstances a failing trainee’s placement may need to be terminated prior to RSI Stage 2 being initiated. For example, this could happen if the trainee has caused major disruption to the school/children or is having a negative impact on the children’s development. In such a case the school and PD will discuss the situation and individually or jointly inform the trainee. The RSI Stage 2 case conference will be convened as soon as possible to consider the next step, as noted above. Removal from course due to issues with professional conduct Note: The above process is not required for trainees whose professional conduct is deemed to breach the requirements for professional conduct. Requiring Significant Improvement (RSI) Flowchart This flowchart summarises the content of the RSI process document. Primary Secondary Cause for Concern Area(s) of concern identified Area(s) of concern noted on lesson observation proforma Trainee makes satisfactory progress RSI Stage 1 Subsequent observations and feedback confirm this. Trainee is not making satisfactory progress The trainee’s progress continues to be monitored in the usual way. Requiring Significant Improvement Stage 1a form completed (Stage 1b form if repeating Stage 1). (InPlace sends alert to relevant staff) Targets and action discussed with trainee. Support/intervention plan implemented following discussion between school staff, university staff and the trainee. Trainee attempts to take on board advice and improve in key areas RSI Stage 2 Trainee has not made satisfactory progress at RSI Stage 1 A case conference is convened to review the trainee’s progress and identify the next steps with regard to the placement/course. Progress is discussed, a decision is made from the possible outcomes, RSI Stage 2 form completed and trainee receives a copy. (InPlace sends alert to relevant staff) The above process will take place within 7 working days of the trainee receiving notification of RSI Stage 2. RSI Stage 1 review meeting takes place following an appropriate period of time. Outcome of review recorded on relevant RSI Stage 1a or 1b form. (InPlace sends alert to relevant staff) Outcome 1: Trainee has made satisfactory progress OR Outcome 2: Trainee has made some progress and additional time at RSI Stage 1 is agreed. RSI Stage 1b initiated. NB This can only be done once, before RSI Stage 2 must be implemented. OR Outcome 1: Trainee withdraws from placement. Resit attempt offered (decision made at final module and programme boards). This will be available subject to a suitable placement being offered by a partnership school. OR Outcome 2: Trainee withdraws from programme OR Outcome 3: Placement is terminated. Resit attempt offered (decision made at final module and programme boards). This will be available subject to a suitable placement being offered by a partnership school. OR Outcome 4: Place on the programme is terminated. (See Professional Unsuitability policy in Programme Handbook) OR Outcome 5: Place on the programme is terminated and trainee is offered a place on a non-QTS route (if appropriate) IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES Outcome 6: Placement is extended in a different school OR Outcome 7: An alternative placement is sought. Subject to a suitable placement being offered (as above). Outcome 3: Trainee has not made satisfactory progress. Implement RSI Stage 2. For outcomes 1 and 3 consideration will be given at the case conference with regard to the trainee remaining in the placement school to gain further observational experience and develop skills, through acting in the role of a voluntary teaching assistant The trainee will receive formal notification of the decision (via letter) from the Head of Department and this will be subject to a Module or Programme Board for final approval, when appropriate. UNIVERSITY OF HULL REQUIRING SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT STAGE 1a REPORT TRAINEE: SCHOOL: SCHOOL MENTOR: PLACEMENT TUTOR: RSI 1a SPECIFIC STANDARDS CAUSING CONCERN AND RELATED TARGETS There are concerns that you are not currently demonstrating adequate progress in relation to the following Standards: REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND SUPPORT TO BE PROVIDED (including time frame) This trainee has disclosed a disability / specific learning difficulty REVIEW DATE: PERSON SUBMITTING REPORT: DATE: TRAINEE’S SIGNATURE: DATE: If you do not make satisfactory progress on the specific areas of concern you could fail the current placement. OUTCOME OF REVIEW: UNIVERSITY OF HULL REQUIRING SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT STAGE 1b REPORT TRAINEE: SCHOOL: SCHOOL MENTOR: PLACEMENT TUTOR: RSI 1b SPECIFIC STANDARDS CAUSING CONCERN AND RELATED TARGETS There are concerns that you are not currently demonstrating adequate progress in relation to the following Standards: REQUESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND SUPPORT TO BE PROVIDED (including time frame) This trainee has disclosed a disability / specific learning difficulty REVIEW DATE: PERSON SUBMITTING REPORT: DATE: TRAINEE’S SIGNATURE: DATE: If you do not make satisfactory progress on the specific areas of concern you could fail the current placement. OUTCOME OF REVIEW: UNIVERSITY OF HULL REQUIRING SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT STAGE 2 CASE CONFERENCE REPORT TRAINEE: SCHOOL: SCHOOL MENTOR: PLACEMENT TUTOR: PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: OTHER ATTENDEE(S): RSI 2 SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC TEACHERS’ STANDARDS CAUSING CONCERN AND RELATED TARGETS TAKEN FROM LAST RSI STAGE 1 REPORT AND ITS REVIEW SUMMARY OF PROGRESS IN MEETING THE TEACHERS’ STANDARDS AND TARGETS IDENTIFIED IN THE LAST RSI STAGE 1 REPORT DECISION OF CASE CONFERENCE CASE CONFERENCE DATE: PERSON SUBMITTING REPORT: DATE: TRAINEE’S SIGNATURE: DATE: