RESEARCH REGISTER 2015 Keyword Research Project Title Health Management An international comparative study of significance of clinical guidance for affecting life styles with a focus on sleep (Australian version) Supporting Success (Coaching Youth with ASD) Does Collective Impact (CI) drive educational and developmental improvements across South Australia? Autism Spectrum Disorder Other Institution Results Due to DECD Kwansei Gakuin University Japan 1/10/2015 University of South Australia Department for Education and Child Development 5/03/2016 31/12/2016 Educational Psychology Australian Standardisation of the Woodcock Johnson Fourth Edition (WJ IV) Test of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Achievement & Tests of Oral Language Psychological Assessments Australia Pty Ltd 1/03/2015 Technology Switching off before bed: pre-bed mobile phone and internet use among adolescents Flinders University 1/02/2016 Child Protection Educational outcomes of children in child protection services — data linkage project Mission Australia's 2015 Youth Survey Youth 1/01/2016 31/12/2015 Curriculum How Australian high schools educate for global citizenship 31/12/2016 Curriculum Creative Education Partnership: Artist in Residence Ausdance SA and Elizabeth East Primary School Speech Pathology and Audiology Flinders University Australian Research Council, 2016 Discovery Project - Becoming Delinquent Online: A Multi-Method Study 31/03/2016 Preschool Children's Participation and Education as Valued Active Citizens The Future of Federalism - Australian Policymakers Study - Update 2 Australian educators' understanding and implementation of the Australian Curriculum in planning for and teaching students with disabilities 31/07/2015 Literacy Literacy and the imagination: working with place and space as resources for children's learning 30/06/2016 Curriculum languages Disrupting Deficit Narratives of Refugee students: Processes of being, becoming, and belonging University of South Australia 31/01/2016 Achievement/Assessment Using NAPLAN and administrative data to assess determinants of a student's academic growth: a 7 year cohort study of South Australian government school students University of Cambridge 31/07/2015 Occupational Health & Safety SunSmart Policies in South Australian Secondary Schools-views of Principals and students Generating investigable questions: encouraging children's voice in the classroom University of Adelaide 30/06/2015 Disability Criminology Early Childhood education Policy Curriculum Teacher Development Wellbeing 30/10/2015 31/12/2020 30/06/2015 27/08/2015 University of South Australia Disability Relationship Between Stress and Wellbeing at Blackwood High School Participation in online conversations by young people with complex communication needs: Does e-mentoring work? University of Adelaide Flinders University 28/02/2018 Other Adolescent thoughts on sleep Flinders University 31/12/2016 1 | Research Register | 2015 6/10/2015 Keyword Research Project Title Institution Results Due to DECD E-learning Improving early mathematical achievement an Australian pilot study Teacher's Learning Communities Monash University 31/01/2016 University of South Australia University of Adelaide Flinders University 30/10/2015 Flinders University 30/09/2015 Deakin University 1/09/2016 University of South Australia 27/11/2015 Teacher Development Mental Health Gender Issues other Learning Technologies Curriculum - English Developing Positive Education for Australian Students Trans and gender diverse issues in primary education Investigating Complex Problem solving at school Teacher perspectives on rapid and multiform technological change in K-12 Education Using the postmodern picture book to promote multi literacies in the secondary English classroom 31/12/2015 1/04/2016 Mental Health A suicide prevention education program for rural South Australian health and human services professionals University of South Australia 31/01/2016 Curriculum Health & PE Engaging young people in sexuality education (an investigation of what young people learn about human sexuality) University of South Australia 1/04/2016 Health Management Reducing depression with good sleep: evaluation of a brief school-based sleep education program Engagement Barriers to Youth Engagement in the Mid North and Riverland: A workforce perspective Evaluation of the Early Learning Languages Australia trial Brighter Futures? The experiences of refugee and asylum seeking families settling children into metropolitan primary schools in South Australia Technology Multicultural 1/07/2015 Flinders University 31/12/2015 Deloitte Access Economics University of South Australia 29/02/2016 18/09/2015 Autism Spectrum Disorder Development of the Successful Transition to Employment Protocol - Autism Spectrum Disorders (STEP-A)' Curtin University 30/2/2017 Rural School, supervisory teacher and community impacts of having a final year teacher education student placed for an extended period in a rural school Flinders University 1/05/2017 Wellbeing Measuring Wellbeing in schools: the EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Wellbeing The text-based approach in teaching German as a Foreign Language: A case study (working title) SAHMRI 10/07/2015 University of Adelaide 30/09/2015 Curriculum - Languages Mental Health Efficacy of a trans diagnostic treatment for excessive worry in youth: A randomised trial of brief Behavioural Activation Flinders University 31/12/2016 Criminology Evaluation of the New Community Protection Panel (CPP) Service Model Teachers' Knowledge about learning and teaching The Kids in Communities Study: national investigation of community level effects on children’s developmental outcomes DCSI 29/06/2015 Flinders University 30/06/2017 Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia 31/12/2016 Child Protection The link between childhood maltreatment and subsequent juvenile offending University of Adelaide 30/03/2016 Wellbeing Lost in Transition: An Investigation into children's understandings of wellbeing as they transition to school Flinders University 30/12/2015 Teacher Development Early Childhood Development 2 | Research Register | 2015 Keyword Research Project Title Institution Results Due to DECD Mathematics A snapshot of pre and in service teacher use of the mathematics textbook University of South Australia 31/12/2015 Mathematics Assessment of impact and value: CSIRO Scientists and Mathematicians in Schools Deakin University 14/09/2015 3 | Research Register | 2015