Appendix Table 1 – ICD codes Diagnoses, surgical procedures, and pharmacotherapy used for defining the study population, comorbidity, and outcomes Study population Atrial Defined from diagnosis ICD10: I48 fibrillation Myocardial ICD8: 42793, 42794 Defined from diagnosis ICD8: 41009, 14099 ICD10: I21, I22 infarction Percutaneous Defined from procedure coronary performed NCSP: KFNG intervention Comorbidity Ischemic stroke Defined from diagnosis Arterial Defined from diagnosis ICD10: I63, I64, G458, G459 ICD10: I74 Defined from diagnosis ICD10: I702-I709 embolism Peripheral arterial disease Alcohol abuse Liver disease Defined from diagnosis and adverse alcohol consumption ICD10: E244, E52, F1, G312, reported during G621, G721, I426, K292, K70, hospitalization K860, L278A, O354, T51, Z714, Defined from diagnoses of liver cancer, chronic liver Z721 ICD10: B15-B19, C22, D684C, I982B, K70-K77, DQ618A, Z944 NCSP: KJJC disease, liver surgery, cirrhosis, and hepatitis or liver procedure Diabetes Defined from treatment mellitus Hypertension Treatment: Glucose-lowering medication Defined from combination Treatment: Adrenergic α- treatment with a least two antagonist, non-loop-diuretics, classes of antihypertensive vasodilators, beta- blockers, drugs. This definition of calcium channel blockers, and hypertension has a positive renin-angiotensin system predictive value of 80.0% and inhibitors. a specificity 94.7%1 Heart failure Defined from diagnosis plus ICD10: I110, I42, I50, J819 treatment Treatment: Loop-diuretics Chronic renal Defined from diagnosis of failure chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic tubulointestinal nephropathy, non-end-stage chronic kidney disease, and diabetic and hypertensive ICD10: E102, E112, E132, E142, I120, M200, M313, M319, M321B, N02-N08, N11N12, N14, N18-N19, N26, N158N160, N162-N164, N168, Q612Q613, Q615, Q619 nephropathy. Bleeding Defined from diagnosis of ICD10: I60-I62, I690-I692, J942, gastrointestinal, intracranial, K250, K254, K260, K264, K270, respiratory, and urinary tract K280, K920-K922, N02, R04, bleedings; and anemia caused R31, S064-S066 by bleeding. Malignancy Defined from diagnoses of ICD10: C00-C97 cancer (non-benign) Potential Defined from any diagnoses ICD10: I05, I06, I34, I35 absence of non- or operation of aortic or mitral NCSP: KFK, KFM valvular atrial valve disease fibrillation Outcomes Myocardial Diagnosis of myocardial infarction ICD10: I21-I22 (I20-I25 Coronary infarction / or coronary death death) Death from or diagnosis of ICD10: I63-I64, G458-G459 Coronary death Ischemic stroke ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack Bleeding Death from or diagnosis of ICD10: I60-I62, I690-I692, J942, gastrointestinal, intracranial, K250, K254, K260, K264, K270, respiratory, and urinary tract K280, K920-K922, N02, R04, bleedings; and anemia caused by R31, S064-S066, bleeding. Cause of death Cardiovascular Death from any vascular diagnosis ICD10: any I code e.g. myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke Cancer Death from non benign cancers ICD10: any C code Respiratory Death from pulmonary diagnosis ICD10: any J code e.g. pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Infection Death from infection e.g. sepsis ICD10: any A or B code and hepatitis Bleeding Death from bleeding diagnosis ICD10: I60-I62, I690-I692, J942, K250, K254, K260, K264, K270, K280, K920-K922, N02, R04, R31, S064-S066 Endocrine/metabolic Death from any endocrine or ICD10: any E code metabolic diagnosis e.g. diabetes, Other ICD8: ICD10: NCSP: Procedures Reference Death from any other cause ICD10: any other ICD-10 code 8th revision of the International Classification of Diseases system 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases system The Nordic Medical Statistics Committees Classification of Surgical 1: Olesen JB, Lip GY, Hansen ML et al. Validation of risk stratification schemes for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation: Nationwide cohort study. BMJ. 2011;342:d124 Appendix Table 2 – ATC codes Treatment Aspirin ATC: BO1AC06, Acetylsalicylic acid NO2BA01 Clopidogrel ATC: BO1AC04 Vitamin K antagonists ATC: BO11AA03-4 Including: warfarin, phenprocoumon Statins ATC: C10A Beta-blockers ATC: C07 Renin angiotensin system ATC: C09 inhibitors Including: angiotensin- converting-enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-II receptor blockers Loop-diuretics ATC: C03C Thiazides ATC: C03A Calcium channel blockers ATC: C08 Digoxin ATC: C01AA05 Amiodarone ATC: C01BD01 Class 1 C antiarrhythmic ATC: C01BC drugs Including: flecainid, propafenon Sotalol ATC: C07AA07 Antiarrhythmic drugs ATC: C07, C08, Including: beta-blockers, C01AA05, calcium channel blockers, C01BD01, digoxin, amiodarone, sotalol, C07AA07, C01BC Class 1C drugs Proton-pump inhibitors ATC: A02BC Oral glucose-lowering drugs ATC: A10 Glucocorticoids Non-steroidal ATC: H02AB Including: prednisolon anti- ATC: M01A inflammatory drugs ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) system Appendix Table 3 - Benefit and safety outcomes in multiple antithrombotic regimens within 1 year in AF patients after MI/PCI (newuser design) Benefit outcomes Coronary death/MI (n=854) Aspirin + clopidogrel Numbers (incidence rates) HR [95 % CI] Dual therapies OAC + aspirin Numbers (incidence rates) HR [95 % CI] 149 (18.4) reference 101 (17.1) 0.91 [0.71-1.18] 18 (9.0) 0.54 [0.33-0.88] 50 (16.9) 0.84 [0.61-1.16] Ischemic stroke (n=310) 49 (5.7) reference 41 (6.7) 1.01 [0.66-1.55] 5 (2.4) 0.36 [0.14-0.92] 12 (3.8) 0.54 [0.28-1.01] 142 (16.2) reference 99 (15.7) 1.00 [0.77-1.39] 15 (7.1) 0.50 [0.29-0.86] 25 (7.8) 0.50 [0.32-0.76] All-cause mortality (n=896) Safety outcomes OAC + clopidogrel Numbers (incidence rates) HR [95 % CI] Triple therapy OAC + aspirin + clopidogrel Numbers (incidence rates) HR [95 % CI] Bleeding 49 (5.7) reference 63 (10.4) 1.78 [1.21-2.62] 18 (8.8) 1.38 [0.80-2.40] 50 (16.2) 2.67 [1.79-3.98] (n=314) n denotes number of events, and rates are events per 100 person years Abbreviations: HR, Hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; OAC, oral anticoagulant; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutanous coronary intervention