1 Ch. 7 Mechanics of Breathing Muscles of Respiration Inspiration o Nutshell: external intercostals & diaphragm contract resulting in an increase in SA increase in Vol, resulting in a decrease in pressure in the intrapleural space (-8 mm Hg), that negative pressure transferred to the alveoli (-1 mm Hg), thus creating a negative pressure gradient which draws air in from the mouth/nose where pressure is 0, to the alveoli Diaphragm o Most important muscle of inspiration o Supplied by phrenic nerve ( via Cervical nerves 3,4,5) o Has most tension upon exhalation giving it greater force of contraction (lengthened starling force) o Contraction leads to increased vertical dimension of thoracic cavity o Simultaneously, the external intercostals contract increasing surface area of chest wall (bernoulli’s principle increase SA decrease force on chest wall, thus increasing the pressure from the inside against the pleural cavity further establishing a negative pressure gradient) o Paradoxical movement -- If the diaphragm is paralyzed – it moves up instead of down External Intercostals o Connect adjacent ribs and slope downward and forward o Contraction leads to the ribs being pulled upward and forward, and they rotate on an axis joining the tubercle and head of rib Contraction leads to increase in both the lateral and anterioposterior diameters of the thorax (bucket-handle, and pump handle) o Supplied by intercostals nerves that exit the spinal cord (thoracic and some lumbar) o Paralysis does not completely eliminate inspiration d/t force of diaphragm contraction o i.e. a lesion in the spinal cord below cervical nerve 5 – person is still capable of independent respiration Accessory muscles of inspiration o Include the scalene, pectoralis major and sternocleidomastoid muscles – serves to further elevate the sternum Tripod position – leaning forward with arms on knees (i.e. post exercise) allows the pectoralis major to serve as an accessory inspiratory muscle Nasal flaring also involves muscles but does fairly little compared to the previous muscles Expiration o Passive during resting breathing o Elastic recoil of lung is primary “restoring force” for equilibrium position o During exercise and voluntary hyperventilation – expi becomes active Active expiration Uses abdominal muscles (rectus & transverse abdominus and external obliques) and the internal intercostals When these muscles contract intra-abdominal pressure is raised which then raises the diaphragm upward pushing air out of the lungs (note: increasing the pleural pressure does not subsequently increase flow of air out of the alveoli because you increase pressure on the alveoli as well as the airway) 2 Internal intercostals o Pull the ribs downward and inward decreasing thoracic volume Respiratory Muscles Summary o Inspiration is active; expiration is passive during rest o Diaphragm is the most important muscle of inspiration; it is supplied by phrenic nerves which originate high in the cervical region o Other muscles include the intercostals, abdominal muscles, and accessory muscles Elastic Properties of the Lung Pressure – Volume Curve Intrapleural pressure forms an airtight seal with only a few ml of fluid Intrapleural pressure: -8 mm Hg at apex, -3 mm Hg at base Hysterisis o Important point: the lungs have a greater volume if that volume is reached upon expiration than if that volume is reached upon inspiration o When the lung is inflated with air, the two curves become separated; the inflation curve is shifted to the right of the deflation curve o Separation of the deflation and inflation curves is termed hysteresis o Why? (thanks to Schwarzstein) Surfactant enters into the liquid surface layer after the initiation of inhalation and begin to reduce surface tension Thus, the initial part of the inflation curve is relatively flat; b/c surface tension is high and compliance is low As the density of surfactant in the surface layer increases, surface tension decreases and compliance increases; the slope of the curve becomes steeper Eventually, as the volume of the alveolus continues to increase, surfactant density remains constant and the elastic recoil forces of the lung become the primary explanation for the changes in compliance At high lung volumes (inspi) the elastic recoil of the lung increases, compliance decreases and the slope of the curve begins to flatten During deflation (expi) the density of surfactant rapidly increases, thus surface tension decreases, and the initial portions of the deflation curve are relatively flat In essence, alveolar pressure decreases, but b/c of a simultaneous decrease in surface tension little change in volume occurs Surfactant thus has a greater effect on compliance of the lung during exhalation than during inhalation At the end of exhalation, even w/ surfactant present, some alveoli collapse (esp. at bases) where transpulmonary pressure becomes negative (refer to earlier summary for explanation of transpulmonary/transmural pressure) Critical opening pressure – the greater delta P necessary to re-open collapsed alveoli Stress relaxation – when one inflates the lung at a higher volume for several seconds, the elastic recoil forces appear to diminish slightly 3 Stress recovery – after deflation of the lung, the recoil forces increase Stress adaptation = stress recovery & stress relaxation Plays a minor role in hysteresis Pressure-Volume Curve of the Lung o Nonlinear with the lung becoming stiffer at high volumes o Shows hysteresis b/t inflation and deflation o Compliance is the slope: delta V / delta P o Behavior depends on both structural proteins (collagen, elastin) and surface tension Compliance o A measure of stiffness of a closed container such as a balloon; the change in volume that occurs in the object divided by the change in pressure across the wall of the object. o C = delta V / delta P o Higher compliance = more flexible, less rigid Emphysema – causes increase in compliance Aging and asthma also increase compliance o Lower compliance = less flexible, more rigid Unventilated regions in the lungs increase in compliance Fibrosis – causes decrease in compliance Increased pulmonary artery pressure resulting in engorgement Normal range of lung compliance 200 ml h2o o Compliance of lung depends on size o Elastin and collagen surround the alveolar walls and bronchi Increased volume of the lung thereby increase the compliance and the transmural pressure within the airways and bv’s Mesh stocking analogy (bv’s and airways are tethered to the lung) Surface Tension (alveolus as a bubble) o a bubble consists of a pherical film of liquid soap surrounding a gas, there are: gas-liquid & air-liquid interactions interactions give rise to surface tension Surface tension = the force with which a surface contracts per unit length of surface and has the units (dynes/cm (squared)) o a bubble within liquid – surrounded by equal pressure because of equal surrounding force – no net movement o a bubble at the surface – exposed to both air and liquid forces uneven forces act upon the bubble (i.e. lateral strongest, less on surface) uneven pressure results in net force toward the center of the bubble net effect: bubble contracts and strength of that contraction = surface tension o Surface tension allows a leaf to float on water Law of laplace: P = 2T/r Bubbles with a small radius have greater pressure than bubbles with a large radius As the radius of the bubble decreases it requires an increasing pressure in the bubble to offset the surface tension and prevent collapsing i.e. Surfactant: reduces surface tension and therefore prevents collapse of the bubble (i.e. alveoli) 4 Surfactant o Helps keep the alveoli dry o Reduces the surface tension of the alveolar lining layer o First thing inspired air comes into contact with o Produced by type II alveolar epithelial cells Generally at week 20-23 during Canalicular embryonic period o Contains dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine o Absence results in reduced lung compliance, alveolar atelectasis, and tendency to pulmonary edema Lungs display interdependence o Refer to link: http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=9 http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=2&fig=10 Cause of regional differences in ventilation o Alveoli at apex: decreased compliance start at greater initial volume: thus less change upon inhalation lung is easier to inflate at lower initial volume decreased blood flow d/t gravity More negative intrapleural pressure (-8 mm Hg) Greater PAO2 (wasted ventilation) o Alveoli at base Increased compliance Start at lower initial volume: thus greater change upon inhalation Increased blood flow (hyperperfuse / wasted blood flow) Lower PAO2 Less negative intrapleural pressure (-3 mm Hg) o Lung at VERY LOW VOLUMES Apex ( increase in pressure from -8 to -3) Base ( increase in pressure from -3 to +3) Due to positive pressure in base, subsequent positive transmural pressure results in lower airways and they collapse Normal distribution of ventilation is inverted, the upper regions ventilating better than the lower regions o Airway Closure Compressed region of lung does not have all of its gases expelled During expi, region of respiratory bronchioles close first, this trapping air in the alveoli distal to the closure (at pt. where transmural pressure becomes negative = pt. of collapse) Old people – airway closure occurs in lowermost regions Schwarzstein says: decreased compliance, and increased resistance in primary conducting airways West says: decreased elastic recoil, and decreased intrapleural pressure Seen in chronic lung disease 5 Elastic Properties of Chest wall o o o o o o Resting potential of chest wall is outward Resting potential of lungs is inward Thus if pneumothorax occurs: lungs recoil, and chest expands o i.e. if air is introduced to the intrapleural space resulting in + pressure outward force of chest wall is countered by the inward recoil of the lungs thus little work is required for normal breathing FRC: where the outward force of chest is equal to the inward force of lungs o Note the airway pressure (x-axis) in fig 7-11, is replaced by transmural pressure (in schwarzstein) o Thus above FRC (inspi) a positive transmural pressure is maintained o The chest wall line drawn to the right of “airway pressure” is where the thorax is hyper-extended and therefore above it’s resting capacity to expand and subsequently becomes an inward (restoring force) o To the left of the 0 line is a negative transmural pressure, thus below FRC the transmural pressure becomes negative ( how collapse can occur ) Collapse is prevented by the cartilage in the main airways and the gradient of airflow (i.e. as pressure becomes positive it is still less positive than the pressure at the mouth thus air flows from alveoli to the mouth and the cartilage prevents collapse in the airway) Relaxation Pressure-Volume Curve o Elastic properties of both the lung and chest wall determine their combined volume o At FRC, the inward pull of the lung is balanced by the outward spring of the chest wall o Lung retracts at all volumes above minimal volume o Chest wall tends to expand at volumes up to about 75% of vital capacity Airway Resistance o o o o Similar to V=IR; Q = delta P x R o or delta P = Q/R Turbulent flow o Flow is proportional to Velocity squared o Long tube of conducting airways serves to increase flow o Greatest resistance is in the Conducting airways thus highest velocity Turbulent flow results Laminar Flow o Flow is directly proportional to velocity o Flow is linear with the highest velocity in the center of the tube, and molecules around the edges encounter friction reducing velocity o As air reaches the alveoli (branches are in parallel, thus surface area is drastically increased and the flow essentially goes to zero) o Furthermore, since each subsequent bronchiole division is wider and shorter in length, velocity is further decreased o flow becomes laminar allowing diffusion to occur o velocity profile – air in center is twice as fast as velocity near edges of tube Reynolds number (Re) 6 o o o Increased Reynolds number = likelihood of turbulent flow Re is directly proportional to: velocity, radius, and viscosity And inversely proportional to density i.e. why heliox (He + O2) is given to people with laryngeal spasm decreased density of helium compared to nitrogen allows oxygen velocity to reach the alveoli in spite of increased resistance in trachea o Re > 2000 = turbulent flow Laminar and Turbulent Flow o In laminar flow, resistance is determined by the 4th power of the radius o In laminar flow, the velocity profile shows a central spike of velocity o Turbulent flow is most likely to occur at high Reynolds numbers, that is when inertial forces dominate over viscous forces Measurement of Airway Resistance o o o Pressure difference b/t the alveoli and the mouth divided by flow rate R = delta P / Q Again, resistance is highest in the conducting airways Pressures During the Breathing Cycle o o o o o o Mouth = 0 mm Hg Intrapleural pressure = -5 mm Hg (avg.) Alveoli = -1 mm Hg As one inspires, the intrapleural pressure moves towards -8 mm Hg (decreases) d/t increased volume of thoracic cavity o Negative pressure is transferred to the alveoli as they expand o Pressure gradient between mouth and alveoli drives air into the lungs As one expires, the intrapleural pressure is less negative (-3 mm Hg) o Pressure in the alveoli becomes positive (+1 mm Hg) o Pressure at mouth is still 0 o So air follows the gradient from the alveoli to the mouth o Increased Velocity occurs d/t: Drop in pressure as air passes through the increased resistance results in increased velocity (bernoulli’s principle) i.e. lake river stream (w/ rapids) total cross sectional area diminishes increased velocity change from laminar to turbulent flow decreases pressure more (work is done)—heat is produced Note: flow doesn’t change, only the velocity changes o http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=3&s=24 o http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=3&fig=10 Chief site of airway resistance o Greatest pressure drop occurs in medium-sized bronchi (5th division) o Silent zone – peripheral airways Contribute very little to resistance 7 o o o Early detection of disease – can be present before usual measurement of airway resistance can detect an abnormality Factors determining Airway Resistance o Bronchi are supported by radial traction o Conductance vs. Resistance = linear relationship Conductance = ease through which air passes Resistance = difficulty through which air must overcome to pass o As lung volume is reduced, airway resistance rises rapidly o Contraction of bronchial SM – narrows the airways and increases airway resistance i.e. d/t irritants such as smoke innervated by Vagus nerve Beta 2 agonists – albuterol bronchodilators Rx. For asthma Parasympathetic activity – causes bronchoconstriction Sympathetic activity – bronchodilation Fall in PCO2 causes bronchoconstriction (don’t want CO2 you have, to escape) Airway Resistance o Highest in the medium-sized bronchi; low in small airways o Decreases as lung volume rises b/c the airways are pulled open (tethered) o Bronchial SM is controlled by the ANS; stimulation of Beta-adrenergic receptors causes bronchodilation o Breathing a dense gas as in diving increases resistance Dynamic Compression of Airways http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=12A o o o o o o o o o o o o o Upon expiration – maximal flow occurs at initial expiration It can be seen that at high lung volumes, the expiratory flow rate continues to increase with effort Effort independent: At mid or low volumes the flow rate reaches a plateaus and can’t be increased with further increase in intrapleural pressure o This is because the increased pressure by the pleura affects both the alveoli and the airway http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=10B http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=13 Equal Pressure Point = where transmural pressure =0, collapse occurs when PTM becomes negative Limits air flow in normal subjects during a forced expiration May occur in diseased lungs at relatively low expiratory flow rates thus decreasing exercise ability During dynamic compression flow is determined by alveolar pressure minus pleural pressure (not mouth pressure) Is exaggerated in some lung diseases by reduced lung elastic recoil and loss of radial traction on airways May occur during normal expiration d/t disease Forced Expiratory volume – vol. of gas that can be exhaled in 1 second at TLC Forced Expiratory flow—avg. flow rate measured over the middle half of the expiration 8 Causes of Uneven Ventilation o o o o o o o Time constant = Compliance x Resistance Largely due to the elastic recoil force of the lungs o Diseases that alter the elastic recoil of the lungs thereby affect the time constant A measure of how rapidly gas is moved into and out of the alveoli; provides information about the rate at which gas is replenished within an alveolus. Higher time constant = poorly ventilated regions of the lung Short time constant = rapid exchange Concept offers explanation for the shape of the flow-volume loop in pt w/ emphysema o i.e. provide oxygen to pt. w/ emphysema o air that exits first is from areas of lung w/ short time constant o intermediate zone demonstrates expiratory coving expiratory coving – concave upward appearance in what is usually linear flow following max. exhalation o finally, the most diseased units will empty very slowly with low flows (seen near RV on flow-vol. loop) Uneven diffusion w/in resp. zone o Dilation of the of the airways in region of resp. bronchioles increases the distance to be covered by diffusion (i.e. leading to decreased perfusion and increased time constant) o w/ uneven diffusion – gas is unevenly distributed w/in resp. zone b/c of uneven ventilation along the lung units Tissue Resistance o Pulmonary resistance – pressure required to overcome the viscous forces within the tissues as they slide over one another o Different from airway resistance o 20% of total resistance, although may increase in disease states 9 Work of Breathing http://www.medicalexplorer.org/resp_phys1/index.php?ch=4&fig=8&s=24 Work is required to move the lung and chest wall : W= P x V Work done on the lung o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Inspi ABC – intrapleural pressure 0ABCD0 – work done on the lung (by thorax + pleura + lungs) 0AECD0 – work to overcome elastic forces ABCEA (hatched) – work overcoming viscous (airway & tissue) resistance Expi AECFA – work required to overcome airway (+tissue) resistance Normally = to 0AECD0, making energy stored from inspi, usable for expi; thus decreasing the work necessary for expiration/passive respiration Pt’s with reduced compliance (fibrosis) take small rapid breaths Pt’s with air obstruction (increased resistance) breathe more slowly Both serve to reduce work done by the lungs With increased compliance: C lies further to the right With increased resistance The curve from A to B to C is stretched to the right (i.e. more work done on inspi) Hatched area = intrapleural pressure (fx. Of vol. as you breathe) D = alveoli Total Work of Breathing o o o o Efficiency % = [ (useful work) / Total energy expended (or O2 cost) ] x 100 Normally 5-10% With voluntary hyperventilation 30% With OPD – efficiency may limit exercise tolerance