Newsletter 8th May - St Nicholas Primary School

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School
Orthes Street. Liverpool. L3 5XF Tel: 0151 709 5532
Friday 8th May 2015 is filled with up-to-date information about our school.
Pupil of the Week
Special Congratulations to our Pupils of the Term!
F1-Steven F2-Ghadah
Yr 1- Angela Yr 2- Jacob
Yr 3-|Ridwan Yr 4- Azra Yr 5-Paddy Yr 6 - Isis
This Week’s News
Next week is Year 6 End of Key Stage SATs. We would like to wish all of our children good luck in their assessments. If your child is in Year 6 there is a free
breakfast club from 8.15 am Monday to Thursday next week. Please ensure your child is in school and on time. Optional SATSs tests will take place in other year
groups the following week.
Year 2 Universal Free School Meals.
We would like to remind parents of children in year 2 that their entitlement to a Universal Free School Meal will stop once they move up to Year 3 in September. If
your child is eligible for a benefit related free school meal then please ensure that you register with Liverpool Direct before the start of the new term. If your child is
not entitled to a free school meal, there is a cost for meals in years 3-6 as currently only children in KS1 receive funding.
Over the next few weeks, we will be starting to make greater use of twitter to keep parents informed of news and events that take place in school. If you do not wish
your child’s photograph to appear on twitter please let us know. In accordance with our e safety policy, photographs of children will not be used with names to ensure
that children are not identifiable. Letters will be sent out next week to collect parent’s email addresses and twitter handles.
Mock Elections
Yesterday’s mock election was won by the Zig-Zag party. We were all extremely impressed by both the children’s manifestos and the attitudes of those who voted.
Pictures of the event will be available on the school website next week.
Wear it Pink Day
This year our school is going to be fundraising for a Breast Cancer Awareness Charity. To do this we will be holding a Wear it Pink day on Wednesday 20 th May
2015. All of the staff, pupils and parents can get involved by paying £1 to wear pink on this day. .
Attendance and
Attendance 95%
Punctuality 96%
Attendance 91%
Punctuality 91%
Year 1
Attendance 99%
Punctuality 97%
Year 2
Attendance 95%
Punctuality 96%
Year 3
Attendance 95%
Punctuality 95%
Year 4
Attendance 100%
Punctuality 97%
Year 5
Attendance 99%
Punctuality 95%
Year 6
Attendance 98%
Punctuality 93%
Punctuality and
Attendance marked red
are below the accepted
level set by the Local
We welcome children
onto the premises from
8.45am each morning.
Children arriving after
8.55 are late. Our
School aim is 96%.
Please telephone the
school office if your child
is going to be off school
each day – 0151 709
News flying in from Bluebirds