Newsletter 10th July - St Nicholas Primary School

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School
Orthes Street. Liverpool. L3 5XF Tel: 0151 709 5532
Friday 3rd July 2015 is filled with up-to-date information about our school.
Pupil of the Week
Attendance and
Yr 1-Alvin
Yr 2-Ali
Yr 3-Jasie
Yr 4-Ali A
Yr 5-Morgan
Yr 6 –Jake
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This Week’s News
New Classes
The classes for next year are as follows:
Foundation 1
Foundation 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Miss Beckwith
Mrs Fallon
Mrs Cook
Mrs Strode
Miss Walton
Miss Hindley
Miss Murray
Mr Keaney
Miss Raftery
Miss McMillan
Miss McConnon
Mr Edger
Miss Bell
Mrs Braithwaite
It is with great sadness that we announce that Mr Hanrattty will be
leaving us at the end of this year to return to Ireland. Mr Hanratty
has worked in St Nicholas since 2009. During this time he has
supported children in both their academic achievements and
enriched their experience by running a range of extra-curricular
clubs to ensure the children at St Nicholas achieve their best in all
aspects of school life. Mr Hanratty will be sadly missed by all
members of the school and I am sure you will join with us in
wishing him and his family the best of luck in the future.
Children in Years 2 and 4 are both out on trips on Monday. Please
ensure that permission slips are returned as we are unable to allow
children to attend these trips without permission.
Awards Assembly
The Annual Awards Assembly takes place next Tuesday. If your
child is to receive an award you should have achieved a text
yesterday. Children who receive awards for attainment of effort
will be taken to Waterstones next week to select a book.
Permission slips will be sent out for this Tuesday.
Scan the QR code to
follow @stnicsliv
News flying in from Bluebirds @bluebirdstnics
If your child has gone home in our spare clothes, can you please return them?
Liverpool City of Readers will be visiting Bluebirds next half term to support early reading.
Attendance 95%
Punctuality 99%
Attendance 98%
Punctuality 96%
Year 1
Attendance 92%
Punctuality 99%
Year 2
Attendance 96%
Punctuality 96%
Year 3
Attendance 97%
Punctuality 96%
Year 4
Attendance 98%
Punctuality 98%
Year 5
Attendance 99%
Punctuality 99%
Year 6
Attendance 96%
Punctuality 98%
Punctuality and
Attendance marked red
are below the accepted
level set by the Local
We welcome children
onto the premises from
8.45am each morning.
Children arriving after
8.55 are late. Our
School aim is 96%.
Please telephone the
school office if your child
is going to be off school
each day – 0151 709
Healthy Eating Week
Next week is healthy eating week at St Nicholas. Each class will be involved in food preparation and design
activates and there will be various challenges arranged for the children throughout the week. Pictures of the
event will be available on Twitter.
Information on School Reports
As we informed you earlier in the year, from September
2014, the system for assessing the attainment and
progress of children in KS1 and KS2 changed. Although
children who are currently in Year 2 and Year 6 have
continued with the previous Maths and English
curriculum and its end of year assessment procedures,
children in Year 1, 3, 4 and 5 are no longer assessed
using ‘Levels’.
In school we have traditionally reported to you your
child’s attainment within a certain Level. Nationally this
has now changed as the government felt that schools
should have greater autonomy in deciding how they
assess pupil achievement, and that the Levels system
had become outdated and was no longer fit for
purpose. It was also felt that parents did not feel that
Levels were clear enough in explaining their child’s
attainment and progress.
This is certainly a challenge but as a school we have
used the new national expectations and individual
mentoring sessions for the purposes of target setting,
reporting, assessing and recording. It is important that
you focus on the effort grades for your child as their
attainment may appear lower due to the higher agerelated expectations that the new Curriculum demands.