Standard Operating Procedures for Evacuation Mass Evacuation (All Buildings) Process In the event of emergency, employees are alerted by: • Strobe lights and or audible alarms will sound in the event of a fire. • Verbal announcements will be used through the chain of command for bomb threats or terroristic threats (public announcement systems may or may not be used, depending on the nature of the threat). Facilities Services will use the fire panel public announcement system to aid in the dissemination of emergency instructions. Associate Directors, Component Directors, Coordinators and/or Evacuation Wardens will notify employees with portable sound systems to provide group instructions when outdoors. • Email and/or Instant Messaging may be used as a supplement to verbal announcements. Notification System (NS) will be used to deliver urgent messages simultaneously via email, text messaging (to those that subscribe) and voice mail for instances where there is an immediate threat to the ESC20 Community or there are unexpected changes in daily operations. (Refer to Administrative Procedures, CK 4.7.2, Notification of Urgent Situations/Early Dismissal.) In the event of fire, any employee may sound the audio and visual alarms by engaging a fire alarm pull station. The employee will then dial 911, using the most readily available telephone or cell phone; 9911 will also work on Center phones. ALL employees and visitors shall evacuate immediately. Employees shall evacuate by means of the nearest available, marked exit. Elevators are not to be used for evacuations. See Attachments of building evacuation routes. Each building shall have one floor evacuation warden and two backups. The following employees are designated evacuation Wardens and/or back up Wardens: See Attachment B Critical operations shutdown procedures are not required for building equipment or computer room equipment, because no employees are authorized to delay evacuation for this purpose. Although ESC20 offers CPR and first aid training, no employees are assigned to perform medical or rescue duties during emergency evacuation situations. Note: Portable fire extinguishers are available in the workplace for employees to use. Facilities Services will offer annual fire extinguisher training opportunities. Revision 4 Page 1 Evacuating Persons with Disabilities: NOTE: Employees are responsible for notifying the Component Director of Human Resources and their immediate supervisor of any permanent or temporary disabilities that would limit their ability to evacuate safely down stairwells. Elevators are not to be used for evacuation purposes. Stairwells are to be used to evacuate the buildings. Persons unable to walk up or down the stairs must wait in the nearest stairwell landings until emergency responders assist in evacuating them. They should notify someone they will be waiting in the stairwell for first responder assistance. Persons with mobility difficulties should work with their supervisor to arrange for a buddy that will be willing to remain in the stairwell until emergency responders can rescue them. Evacuation Wardens or supervisors are to immediately report to the Associate Director the names and location of any employees or visitors waiting in the stairwell landings. If there are employees that are refusing to leave the work area, Evacuation Wardens are required to notify an Associate Director. The Associate Director reports the information immediately to the Executive Director/Facilities Services Component Director. Anyone refusing to leave the building during an actual emergency can be arrested. Emergency Evacuation Designated Meeting Areas: After an emergency evacuation, employees are to gather in the following location(s) See Attachment A: 1. The Conference Center (Buildings 4 and 6) occupants shall gather at Section A of the upper parking lot. 2. Occupants of Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 5 shall gather at section K of the lower parking lot. 3. If you are in a building other than the one you are assigned to, you will follow the evacuation procedures of the building you are visiting. You must report to an Associate Director, who is your evacuation meeting area, so that you can be accounted for. The Associate Director will then relay your accountability to your Associate Director. The process for accounting for all employees/visitors is: 1. Employees will immediately report to their direct supervisor or designee when the direct supervisor is unavailable. Employees are not permitted to leave the premises without first reporting to their immediate supervisor. 2. The supervisor accounts for each employee in their work group and reports this information up the chain of command to the Associate Directors. The Associate Director or their designee will use the organizational chart to account for all employees. Example: Office assistants report to the office manager, who in turn report to the component director (associate director, in the event the component Revision 4 Page 2 director is not available.) The Associate Directors give an accounting of their division to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will report missing or unaccounted for employees to Facilities Services Component Director/first responders. The administrative assistants or designee will record the timeline of events, when information is received and what actions were taken by the Executive Director and/or Associate Directors or designee. The purpose of this record keeping is for time accounting and debriefing once the emergency has ended. 3. Workshop presenters are responsible for accounting for their workshop participants. ESC20 employees will direct workshop participants to Section A of the parking lot. If exiting the southeast exit from building six, evacuees should check in at Section K of the IH-35 parking lot. The division (employees) responsible for sponsoring the workshop presenters will assist the presenters in obtaining an accounting of their workshop participants. 4. Central Registration employees or the workshop presenters will take the daily sign-in sheets with them during the evacuation, if possible. 5. The security guard on duty will be stationed at the appropriate gate to direct the emergency response vehicles to the emergency location. 6. Visitors also should be accounted for following an evacuation and may need additional assistance when exiting. All visitors and contractors shall sign in when entering the workplace. The person responsible for maintaining these sign-in sheets/logs should take the records to the designated building evacuation location. This list will be used when accounting for all persons in the assembly area. The hosts are tasked with helping visitors evacuate safely. The Process for Single Building Evacuation: It is highly likely that the fire alarms will sound for one set of buildings only. There may be no need to evacuate the other buildings that are not in alarm. The additional foot traffic outside could create additional confusion and safety concerns for the first responders. In the event there is a significant fire, subsequent buildings will initiate a controlled evacuation. Evacuation wardens will be provided with the details on how to evacuate the buildings, on a situational basis, by the Facilities Services Component Director or Maintenance and Operations Manager. Rescue Bags: Rescue bags are staged in four locations: Central Registration; Ground Floor Conference Center front stairwell; Building 3, 1st floor front stairwell; and, the Media Building by the fire panel. The bags contain: (1) First aid kit, (1) Portable announcement system, (1) Whistle, (2) Pairs of vinyl gloves, (1) LED flashlight, (1) Thermal Blanket, (2) Rescue Blankets, (2) Orange Safety Vests for Senior Leadership and assistants, Hand sanitizer wipes and Pen/notepad. The rescue bags are located where they are easily accessible during the evacuation process. Anyone may grab the bag during an evacuation process and deliver it to the Executive Director or Associate Director at the designated gathering points. Revision 4 Page 3 Role Responsibility Summary Executive Director 1. Man the Incident Command Center (ICC) to receive reports from the Associate Directors and Facilities Services Component Director. a. In the event the Executive Director evacuates, the ICC is located in section K of the parking lot. b. In the event the Executive Director does not evacuate, the ICC is located in Conf. Room 331. 2. Have the Push-to-talk phone on standby. 3. Wear a color-coded emergency vest (if going outside). The purpose is for first responders to be able to identify the Executive Director in a crowd. 4. At the point in time when the emergency is determined to be real, have the administrative assistant take notes. Record when information was received and what decisions were made at the time. 5. Have Human Resources initiate the NS message concerning the emergency situation, if necessary. 6. As Associate Director’s report, try to verify all stairwells are cleared. If the stairwells or buildings have not been cleared, notify the Facilities Services Component Director, who will relay the information to first responders. 7. The Associate Director for BHRS will relay details of the emergency as they are learned from the Facilities Services Component Director. 8. Approve emergency expenditures as needed. 9. Relay the all clear to the Associate Directors. Associate Director 1. At the alarm, take the emergency equipment to the designated meeting place for the division a. Color Coded emergency vest – for identification purposes. b. Organizational chart and emergency contact list. c. PTT Phone 2. Ensure everyone is moved to the designated waiting area (use bullhorn as needed from rescue bag.). 3. Once at the designated meeting place, begin accounting for employees in the division. Note: Do not allow employees to leave in vehicles until the all clear is announced. 4. Communicate with the divisions’ evacuation wardens to see if there was anyone left in the stair wells. a. Notify Executive Director via PPT phone so this information can be relayed to the Facilities Services Component Director. 5. Report the accounting of employees to the Executive Director. Have supervisors initiate emergency contacts with unaccounted for employees. 6. Give the division employees the all clear once that information is received from the Executive Director. Note: BHRS Associate Director will be the communication link to the Facilities Services Revision 4 Page 4 Component Director/Maintenance Operations Manager for details about the alarms and or emergency. Facilities Services Component Director 1. Ensure guard is located at the appropriate gate to direct first responders to the building under alarm. 2. Receive reports from Executive Director/Associate Directors. 3. Meet the first responders (point of contact with first responders). and direct them to the location of the originating alarm. Communicate with first responders regarding personnel in buildings and building idiosyncrasies. 4. Report to the details and findings to the BHRS Associate Director. 5. Once the first responders give the all clear, notify the Maintenance and Operations Manager to begin the alarm reset process. 6. Once the reset process is complete, notify the BHRS Associate Director that everything is cleared. Maintenance and Operations Manager (backup to Facilities Services Component Director) 1. If alarm has sounded but there is no clear evidence of a fire, go to the fire panel to determine where the alarm originated. 2. Make public announcement to evacuate from nearest or safest fire panel. 3. Once the all clear is received by the Facilities Services Component Director, initiate the alarm reset process with meeting room and maintenance staff. a. Reset door holders on all floors b. Reset the elevators 4. Have maintenance staff pickup emergency rescue bags, resupply as needed. Return to designated location. Evacuation Wardens and backups 1. At the first alarm, put on the color coded emergency armband and begin the evacuation process. Direct everyone to the nearest or safest exits. 2. Check offices, bathrooms, conference rooms, store rooms and other spaces before being the last person to exit an area. 3. Ensure doors are closed when exiting. 4. Report to the associate director at the designated meeting place the names of those that had to remain in the stairwell(s) or refused to evacuate. 5. Initiate the accounting of any direct reports or report to the immediate supervisor. Revision 4 Page 5 Component Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors 1. 2. 3. 4. Evacuate to the designated meeting place. Gather direct reports and account for everyone in the work group. Report the employee count to the Associate Director or up the chain of command. Initiate emergency phone calls to all unaccounted employees. (Do not use cell phones for bomb threat situations.) 5. Update the Associate Director as new information is received concerning unaccounted for employees. Employees 1. Evacuate immediately at the first alarm to the designated meeting area for the building. There is no need to shut down equipment. 2. Report to your immediate supervisor or designee after arriving to the designated meeting area. In the event that you evacuated with a building other than your own, report immediately to an Associate Director for that designated meeting area, so that they can report your accountability to your Associate Director. Associate Directors will be wearing an orange vest. (Do not use cell phones for bomb threat situations.) 3. Do not leave the meeting area or premises without notifying the immediate supervisor or designee. Note: Anyone refusing to leave the building during an actual emergency can be arrested. Tenants 1. Evacuate immediately at the first alarm to the designated meeting area for the tenants. 2. Report to your immediate supervisor or designee after arriving to the designated meeting area _ Section K in the parking lot. 3. Call the maintenance and operations manager (247- 8242) or the Facilities Services Component Director at (247-8762) o report missing employees or concerns. (Do not use cell phones for bomb threat situations.) Note: Anyone refusing to leave the building during an actual emergency can be arrested. Maintenance, Operations and Meeting Room Work Groups 1. Evacuate to the BHRs designated meeting place and notify the Facilities Services (Central Registration) Operations Manager. 2. Ensure special needs employees or visitors are assisted in the evacuation process using a buddy system. 3. Wait for work instructions (via PPT phone) from the Maintenance and Operations Manager 4. Once the alarm is cleared, assist the operations managers reset all fire doors. Executive Assistant and Administrative Assistant(s) 1. Evacuate immediately and take the division’s organizational chart to the designated meeting area. 2. Be prepared to take notes for the Executive/Associate Director. a. Record the details of emergency information as it is received Revision 4 Page 6 b. Record the decisions made and the time they are made. ATTACHMENT A Revision 4 Page 7 Attachment B Building 1 (Media) Primary Warden Assistant Assistant Living Science Area Assistant James Medlock Ted Ford Vivian Seki Charlotte Tondre Rick Estrada 1st Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant Wayne Parker Al Ovalle William Fuller James Pyott JoAnn Wallace Annette Beard Building 2 (Information Technology) 2nd Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant Building 3 (IT/AIS) st 1 Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant 2nd Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant 3rd Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant John Andrews Beverly Meyer Ray Bara Leah Dato Pedro Avila Tom Garner Debby Hewitt Sherry Marsh Jason Alvear Building 4 & 6 (Conference Center Whse Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant Grnd. Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant 1st Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant 2nd Floor Evac, Warden Assistant Assistant 3rd Floor Evac. Warden Assistant Assistant Revision 4 Benjamin Callahan Mario Garcia Richard Jaramillo Paul Neuhoff Jorge Astroga Michael Garcia Mary Neitzel Lesley Tapia Annabelle Rosa Ronnie Dennis Stephen Enriquez Ed Smith John Gutierrez Tori Austin Donald Hawkins Page 8 Revision 4 Page 9 Revision 4 Page 10 Revision 4 Page 11 Revision 4 Page 12 Revision 4 Page 13 Revision 4 Page 14 Revision 4 Page 15 Revision 4 Page 16 Revision 4 Page 17 Revision 4 Page 18 Revision 4 Page 19 Revision 4 Page 20