Program Name - Thompson Rivers University

New Degree Program Review
Exempt Status Institution
[Program Name]
[month] 2014
Program Proposal – [Program Name]
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview of TRU’s History, Mission and Academic Goals ........................................................................ 2
Proposed Credential to be Awarded ........................................................................................................ 2
Faculty Offering the Program and Location ............................................................................................. 2
Anticipated Start Date and Completion Time (years and semesters) ...................................................... 2
Summary of Proposed Program ............................................................................................................... 3
Aims, goals and/or objectives of the proposed program ............................................................ 3
Anticipated contribution of the proposed program to the mandate and academic plan ........... 3
Linkages between learning outcomes and curriculum design ..................................................... 3
Potential areas/sectors of employment for graduates and/or opportunities for further study . 3
Delivery Methods ......................................................................................................................... 3
Programs Strengths...................................................................................................................... 3
vii. Overview of level of support and recognition from other post-secondary institutions .............. 3
viii. Related programs within TRU or other provincial post-secondary institutions .......................... 3
Contact Information ................................................................................................................................. 3
Documentation Used in TRU’s Internal Program Approval Process ............................................................ 4
Appendice(s)................................................................................................................................................. 4
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Program Proposal – [Program Name]
Executive Summary
[Program Name]
Overview of TRU’s History, Mission and Academic Goals
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) boasts a forty-year history of providing innovative and responsive
post-secondary education at a range of program levels, including academic undergraduate and
graduate degrees, diplomas, and certificates; vocational accreditation; and skills upgrading. Over the
next five to ten years, TRU will establish itself further as a destination campus for local, regional,
national, and international students by providing a standard of educational excellence in the context
of attracting and supporting academically high-achieving students; supporting the social mobility of
our students; continuing to provide access to learning for a wide variety of students, including
mature/returning students, working students, and first-generation university attendees; providing
flexible and alternative learning models and opportunities; offering innovative interdisciplinary
programming; and fostering international partnerships that will enrich student engagement.
Approximately 14,000 students study on campus at TRU–Kamloops and TRU–Williams Lake, while
another 10,000 students enroll annually in distance and online courses and programs. TRU has over
1,700 international students and approximately 1000 Aboriginal students. There are also currently
more than 1,000 additional students enrolled in TRU programs delivered at partner institutions
around the world.
In the development of academic programs and curriculum at TRU, priority is given to our four
academic themes: science, technology, and applied skills in society; power, politics, and social justice;
health, well-being, and leisure; and environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability - and
particularly to those developments that generate interdisciplinary connections between these
Proposed Credential to be Awarded
Include the level and category of the degree and the specific discipline or field of study
[Insert text here; then remove brackets – this will help maintain the formatting of the headings
for the Table of Contents;
Faculty Offering the Program and Location
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Anticipated Start Date and Completion Time (years and semesters)
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Page 2 of 5
Program Proposal – [Program Name]
Summary of Proposed Program
Aims, goals and/or objectives of the proposed program
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Anticipated contribution of the proposed program to the mandate and academic plan
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Linkages between learning outcomes and curriculum design
List program level learning outcomes – for guidance please contact Gary Hunt
Include an indication whether a work experience/work place term is required foe degree
completion, and if so a description of the purpose and role of the work experience within
the program
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Potential areas/sectors of employment for graduates and/or opportunities for further
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Delivery Methods
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Programs Strengths
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Overview of level of support and recognition from other post-secondary institutions
Include relevant regulatory or professional bodies, where applicant and plans for
admissions and transfer within the BC post-secondary education system.
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
viii. Related programs within TRU or other provincial post-secondary institutions
Indicate rationale for duplication, if any.
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Contact Information
[Insert text here; then remove brackets]
Page 3 of 5
Program Proposal – [Program Name]
Documentation Used in TRU’s Internal Program Approval Process
[Insert EPC documents or CurricUNET All Fields Report here; then ‘Update’ the Table of
Contents. If the page numbers do not correspond to the document, then you must
manually enter the numbers in the Table of Contents]
Appendice(s), if any, should be attached to the submission as separate documents.
Appendices will not be posted on the public website.
Information that the institutions considers proprietary should be included in
appendices to the program proposal. Examples of proprietary information may include
referee letters, letters of support (which contain personal information such as names and
addresses) and financial information.
Appendices should indicate the appendix number and appendix name.
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