Dining Services Professional Attire Policy and Procedure (Student

Dining Services
Professional Attire Policy and
Procedure (Student Employees)
Residential Dining
Document Number
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1.0 Purpose
NMU Dining strives to offer its customers the best dining experience possible. Our
student employees’ appearance is a large part of the customer’s experience.
Presentable, professional dress and a clean, well groomed appearance are essential to
employment at NMU Dining Services.
2.0 Revision History
8/1/2011 – general language clean up and additions.
6/14/2014 – general language clean up and additions.
3.0 Persons Affected
This policy and procedure applies to all NMU Dining Services, Residential Dining
Student Employees (exceptions addressed later in this policy).
The following student employees shall be ONLY exempt from Section 7.00 of this
Dining Services Employment and Training Coordinators
Dining Services Invoice Coordinators
Dining Services Menu Management Coordinators
Dining Services Student Secretaries
Dining Services Marketing Assistants
Dining Services Webmaster
Dining Services Nutrition Assistants
The above students shall be expected to be neat and clean while at work and adhere
to the remainder of the policy. While not expected to wear a uniform, they shall not
wear ripped/torn/revealing or low cut jeans, low cut or revealing tops. Additionally,
a black or brown belt shall be required if the pants have belt loops. Sweat pants, wind
pants or anything similar in fashion shall not be worn. Finally, during summer if
shorts are worn they must be mid-thigh in length.
No foot gloves, winter boots, or flip-flops of any kind. Socks, stockings or pantyhose
MUST be worn with shoes, at all times, while on duty
4.0 Policy
NMU Dining Services requires that all student employees are responsible for wearing
their uniforms for their shift. Their uniforms will be clean, unwrinkled, and fit
appropriately. Uniforms will be worn for all shifts – regardless of assignment.
Dining Services
Professional Attire Policy and
Procedure (Student Employees)
Residential Dining
Document Number
Effective Date
Revision Date
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Page Number
5.0 Definitions
UC – University Center
6.0 Responsibilities
Any NMU Dining Services Managerial staff, FS1, FS2 or FS3 who is put in a position of
authority for the shift, day, event, etc., will ensure that all student employees,
working in their area, are in compliance with this policy and procedure for each and
every shift and assignment that NMU Dining Services is represented.
7.0 Procedures
Student Employees assigned to: The Marketplace, The Wildcat Den, UC Kitchen
staff, Commissary, Bakery, Student Stock Attendants and Student Custodians
All clothing/uniform must be CLEAN and UNWRINKLED, when a student employee
arrives for their shift. No stained uniforms.
1) The logoed T-Shirt that is provided to student employees by NMU Dining Services
is to be worn.
2) The baseball style hat, provided to student employees by NMU Dining Services, is
to be worn. The hat shall be worn forward with the student employee’s name tag
on the right hand side. No other pins, writing or logos on hat are allowed.
3) Pants to be worn on duty by student employees shall be jeans, cargo pants or
khakis. Pants will be clean, unwrinkled, with no rips or tears and worn high
enough that they are as close to the natural waist as feasible. Additionally, a black
or brown belt shall be required if the pants have belt loops. An
undershirt/camisole shall be tucked into the pants if they are not at the natural
waist. No skin shall be seen between the uniform shirt and the top of student
employee’s pants. Athletic pants, yoga pants or stretch pants are NOT
permissible. (Pants are not provided by Dining Services).
4) Shoes worn by student employees shall have no heels and be as comfortable and
non-slip as possible (rubber soled shoes are encouraged). No open toe shoes,
sandals, flip-flops, foot gloves, cloth tennis shoes (ie:KEDS), ballet style shoes or
winter boots of any kind. Shoes must cover entire foot - to just below the ankle.
Work boots are encouraged for student Stock Attendants. (Shoes are not provided
by Dining Services).
5) Socks MUST be worn, at all times, while on duty.
6) Aprons shall be worn in accordance with the directives of the Executive Chef, as to
style of apron and how it should be worn at each station. Please see your
Operational Managers for clarification.
Dining Services
Professional Attire Policy and Procedure
(Student Employees)
Residential Dining
Document Number
Effective Date
Revision Date
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Page Number
7.100 Procedures
Personal Cleanliness
All employees MUST have clean hair. If hair is shoulder length or longer, this is inclusive of
both genders, then it MUST be tied back or kept in a hair net. Additionally, hair should be
kept out of the employee’s face.
Hair MUST be groomed in the restroom and NEVER in any of the serving areas, or kitchen
areas. Personal hygiene is part of the uniform so it MUST be attended to before the start of
shift. Facial hair is permitted for male employees. All facial hair shall be clean, neatly trimmed,
and will present a professional appearance. Facial hair of any kind must be no more than ½
inch long. If facial hair is longer than ½ inch a beard net shall be worn.
All employees wearing jewelry MUST keep it to a minimum and be tasteful. Earrings should
be stud earrings, ear plugs/gauges or closed hoops no larger than a nickel. Long dangly
earrings, bulky big necklaces, watches, and bracelets are prohibited. No more than three
earrings per ear shall be allowed. Rings, if worn, MUST be bands with no stones ONLY.
Hands MUST be kept clean due to the ease of germs migrating from one surface to another.
When to Wash Your Hands
1) at the beginning of your shift
2) before filling water glasses
3) after coughing, sneezing, using a tissue
4) after eating
5) after taking a 15 minute break
6) after wiping up counters
7) after touching dirty dishes
8) before serving anything
9) after using the restroom
10) after smoking
11) after taking the garbage out
12) after bussing tables
13) after touching your mouth, chin, cheek, nose, eyes, or hair
14) when changing gloves
15) wash hand after any adjustment to your person or clothing
16) wash hands after handling cash
17) list is NOT exhaustive
Dining Services
Professional Attire Policy and
Procedure (Student Employees)
Residential Dining
Document Number
Effective Date
Revision Date
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Page Number
7.100 Procedures (continued):
Gloves MUST be worn whenever handling food or ice. Gloves MUST be changed
when ripped or torn. Hands MUST be washed before putting gloves on and again
after taking gloves off. Gloves need to be changed and hands washed after each
behavior that requires washing hands (see above). Nails MUST be kept clean and
trimmed. Nail polish is NEVER allowed, nor are false fingernails of any kind.
7.200 Procedures
Freezer Coats/Outdoor Apparel
Freezer coats and jackets used to go into freezers, coolers, or outdoors on deliveries, to
empty garbage, etc., shall be used for that purpose only. Freezer coats are NEVER to be used
as a coat to use on smoke breaks. When the student employee is out of the cold
environment (freezer, cooler, outdoors, etc.), student employees shall remove the coat,
jacket, hoodie, etc., so that their uniform t-shirt is visible. If a student employee is
uncomfortably cold at their work station, they may wear a long sleeve, black, grey, or white
tee/Long John’s/turtleneck under their uniform tee.
7.300 Procedures
Locker Rooms
Coats, backpacks, purses and any other items that are brought to work are not to be
left in work areas. Student employees are to make use of locker rooms – if they are
available at their worksite. If there are no locker rooms available, student employees
must inquire from a supervisor as to where they should place their personal
All Dining Services student employees using lockers in our locker rooms must
purchase a lock and use it on their lockers at all times. NMU Dining Services is not
responsible for the theft of personal items, left unattended and unsecure.
7.400 Procedures
Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with any portion of this policy/procedure will result in the student
employee being sent home immediately (which will be noted in their Attendance
records – see Attendance Policy/Procedure -123). The Student Employee will only be
allowed to return to work when they are in full compliance with the entirety of this
policy and procedure. Future and repeated violations will lead to further discipline,
up to and including discharge.