1 Stage 1—Desired Results Template Established Goal(s): Transfer Students will be able to independently use their learning to… Lens of Sustainability: i. ii. Meaning Big Ideas of Sustainability: iii. Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Students will understand that… Students will keep considering… iv. Acquisition Students will know that… Students will be skilled at… Collaboration will happen through… Students will make a difference by… Students will address realworld issues through… Students will use campus and community based learning sites in… Adapted by Shelburne Farms Sustainable Schools Project with permission from the Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, 2011 2 Stage 1—Borrowing Ideas for Desired Results Transfer Established Goal(s): Lens of Sustainability: Students will be able to independently use their learning to… i. • Shelburne Farms Sustainable Schools Project • Australian Sustainability Curriculum Framework iii. Meaning Big Ideas of Sustainability: Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Students will understand that… Students will keep considering… • • New South Wales Earth Citizenship Framework New South Wales Earth Citizenship Framework • USP Standards Acquisition Students will know that… • New South Wales Earth Citizenship Framework • Shelburne Farms Sustainable Schools Project ii. Students will be skilled at… • New South Wales Earth Citizenship Framework • Manhattanville Gen. Ed. Standards iv. Collaboration will happen through… Students will make a difference by… Students will address realworld issues through… Students will use campus and community based learning sites in… 3 Stage 1—Manhattanville College First Year Seminar Example of Desired Results Established Goal(s): 1. Lifelong learning for a sustainable future 2. Earth Citizenship (NSW Earth Citizenship Conceptual Framework) Big Ideas of Sustainability: A. B. C. D. E. Wellbeing Place Citizenship Biosphere Custodianship/ Stewardship F. Agency Transfer Lens of Sustainability: i. Collaboration will Students will be able to independently use their learning to… happen through: a) Make decisions that demonstrate an understanding of natural and human communities, the ecological, Class activities, economic and social systems within them and awareness of how their personal and collective actions affect Socratic seminars the sustainability of these interrelated systems. (Shelburne Sustainable Schools Project) and Sustainable b) Design and implement actions for the present, in the knowledge that the impact of these actions will be Future Project. experienced in the future. (Australian Sustainability Curriculum Framework) Meaning ii. Students will make Enduring Understandings Essential Questions a difference by : Students will understand that… Students will keep considering… Social Media for a) Personal, family and community wellbeing is a a) What should a citizen in our society know and be able Social Conscience foundation and aspiration of sustainable future. and motivated to do if we are to create an ecologically ePortfolio—peer b) They belong to and have responsibility within sustainable society? (NSW Earth Citizenship Conceptual portfolio walk and local, national and global communities. Framework) the Sustainable c) They are custodians and stewards of the b) What is my place in this place? future project. biosphere. c) What is my vision for a future we can live with? d) They have the capacity and d) What changes need to be made by individuals, local iii. Students will motivation/rationale for being agents of change communities and countries if my vision is to become a address real-world for a sustainable future. (a-d from NSW Earth reality? (c & d from USP EfS Standards) issues through: Citizen Framework) Social Media for Acquisition Social Conscience Students will know that… Students will be skilled at… and Sustainable a) Life is a function of ecosystems. a) World viewing and valuing: becoming aware of, future project b) Human society is a part of the biosphere and developing and discussing their beliefs, perceptions, iv. Students will use there are limits to the demands we can place values and ethical principles, and those of others. upon it. (a & b from NSW Earth Citizenship b) Systems seeking and testing: understanding and working campus and Conceptual Framework) with complexity, uncertainty and risk. community based c) Communities, practices and products can be c) Futures thinking and designing: influencing the future learning sites in all assessed for and changed toward sustainable and designing and creating sustainable communities. (a – activities and future (Shelburne Farms Sustainable Schools c from NSW Earth Citizenship Conceptual Framework) performance tasks Project) d) Critical analysis: recognize and articulating clear, wellorganized thought in which the language is used and claims made are appropriate to the subject and context of the thinking. (Manhattanville Gen. Ed. Standard) 4 Inspiration/Sources/References: 1. Shelburne Sustainable Schools Project: Healthy Neighborhoods Healthy Kids Guide by Tiffany Tillman (2007). Focus on Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning: 3.9 Sustainability and 4.6 Understanding Place (p. 13) 2. Australian Government; Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts—Sustainability Curriculum Framework: A guide for curriculum developers and policy makers (2010). 3. New South Wales Government; Department of Education and Training—Earth Citizenship: A conceptual framework for learning for sustainability (2009). 4. U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development—National Education for Sustainability K-12 Student Learning Standards, Version 3—October 2009. 5. Manhattanville College General Education Curriculum—Critical Reasoning and Analysis Competency Learning Outcomes (2009)