Auxiliary Material for Resolving spatial heterogeneities in exhumation and surface uplift in Timor-Leste: constraints on deformation processes in young orogens Garrett W. Tate*1, Nadine McQuarrie2, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen3, Richard R. Bakker4, Ron Harris5, Sean Willett4, Peter W. Reiners6, Maria Giuditta Fellin4, Morgan Ganerød7, Jan-Willem Zachariasse3 * Correspondence to 1. Geosciences, Princeton University, Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States 2. Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, 4107 O’Hara Street, SRCC Room 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, United States 3. Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, Netherlands 4. Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich, NO D 51.3, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 5. Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University, S389 ESC, Provo, UT, 84602, United States 6. Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1040 E. 4th St, Tucson, AZ, 85721, United States 7. Geological Survey of Norway, P.O. box 6315 Sluppen, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway Tectonics, AGU, 2014 Introduction This auxiliary material contains further information on analytical procedures for processing of thermochronology samples (text01.docx), data tables for thermochronology samples and thermal modeling (ts01.xlsx), and a figure illustrating further results of our thermal modeling (modeled modern geothermal gradients, found in fs01.pdf). 1. text01.docx Analytical procedures for processing of apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He, apatite fission track, and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar samples. 2. fs01.pdf Modeled modern geothermal gradient for thermal models of thermochronology data. The single AFT model is for an age of 5.2 Ma representing 90% of the sample grains. 3. ts01.xlsx Thermochronology data, thermal modeling parameters and thermal modeling results. 3.1. Sheet ZHe: zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology data 3.1.1. Column “Sample”: sample name 3.1.2. Column “Latitude”: degrees latitude of sample location north of equator, WGS84 3.1.3. Column “Longitude”: degrees longitude of sample location east of Greenwich, WGS84 3.1.4. Column “Elevation”: meters above sea level of sample location 3.1.5. Column “Mineral”: mineral grain type 3.1.6. Column “Weighted Age (Ma)”: weighted mean age of grains in sample, Ma 3.1.7. Column “+/- 2σ, Ma”: 2-sigma error of weighted mean age, Ma 3.1.8. Column “MSWD”: mean squared weighted deviation of weighted mean age 3.1.9. Column “Grain #”: number of grain in sample 3.1.10. Column “Corrected Age (Ma)”: age of grain corrected for alpha-ejection, Ma 3.1.11. Column “+/- 1σ, Ma”: 1-sigma error of corrected age of grain, Ma 3.1.12. Column “ppm U”: concentration on U in grain, ppm 3.1.13. Column “ppm Th”: concentration on Th in grain, ppm 3.1.14. Column “4He (nmol/g): 4He within grain, nmol/g 3.1.15. Column “eU ppm”: effective U concentration, ppm 3.1.16. Column “FtU”: U alpha-ejection correction 3.1.17. Column “FtTh”: Th alpha-ejection correction 3.1.18. Column “Comments”: other comments on grain 3.2. Sheet AHe: apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology data 3.2.1. Column “Sample”: sample name 3.2.2. Column “Latitude”: degrees latitude of sample location north of equator, WGS84 3.2.3. Column “Longitude”: degrees longitude of sample location east of Greenwich, WGS84 3.2.4. Column “Elevation”: meters above sea level of sample location 3.2.5. Column “Mineral”: mineral grain type 3.2.6. Column “Weighted Age (Ma)”: weighted mean age of grains in sample, Ma 3.2.7. Column “+/- 2σ, Ma”: 2-sigma error of weighted mean age, Ma 3.2.8. Column “MSWD”: mean squared weighted deviation of weighted mean age 3.2.9. Column “Grain #”: number of grain in sample 3.2.10. Column “Corrected Age (Ma)”: age of grain corrected for alpha-ejection, Ma 3.2.11. Column “+/- 1σ, Ma”: 1-sigma error of corrected age of grain, Ma 3.2.12. Column “ppm U”: concentration on U in grain, ppm 3.2.13. Column “ppm Th”: concentration on Th in grain, ppm 3.2.14. Column “4He (nmol/g): 4He within grain, nmol/g 3.2.15. Column “eU ppm”: effective U concentration, ppm 3.2.16. Column “FtU”: U alpha-ejection correction 3.2.17. Column “FtTh”: Th alpha-ejection correction 3.2.18. Column “Comments”: other comments on grain 3.3. Sheet AFT: apatite fission track data 3.3.1. Column “Sample”: sample name 3.3.2. Column “Latitude”: degrees latitude of sample location north of equator, WGS84 3.3.3. Column “Longitude”: degrees longitude of sample location east of Greenwich, WGS84 3.3.4. Column “Altitude”: meters above sea level of sample location 3.3.5. Column “No. of grains”: number of grains in sample 3.3.6. Column “Ns”: number of spontaneous tracks 3.3.7. Column “Ni”: number of induced tracks 3.3.8. Column “Pooled Counter Squares”: pooled counter squares in sample 3.3.9. Column “ρs”: spontaneous track density, tracks per cm2 3.3.10. Column “ρi”: induced track density, tracks per cm2 3.3.11. Column “Mean track length”: mean track length, µm +/- 1 standard error 3.3.12. Column “No. track lengths measured”: number of track lengths measured 3.3.13. Column “Pooled age”: pooled age, Ma +/- 2 standard error 3.3.14. Column “Pχ2” Probability of chi-squared (%) 3.3.15. Column “Comments”: other comments 3.4. Sheet MAr: muscovite 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology summary 3.4.1. Column “Sample”: sample name 3.4.2. Column “Latitude”: degrees latitude of sample location north of equator, WGS84 3.4.3. Column “Longitude”: degrees longitude of sample location east of Greenwich, WGS84 3.4.4. Column “Elevation”: meters above sea level of sample location 3.4.5. Column “Spectrum age”: age based on selected degassing spectra steps, Ma +/- 1.96σ 3.4.6. Column “MSWD”: mean squared weighted deviation of spectrum age 3.4.7. Column “Total Fusion Age”: age based on selected degassing spectra steps, Ma +/- 1.96σ 3.4.8. Column “Inverse Isochron Age”: age using inverse isochron method, Ma +/- 1.96σ 3.4.9. Column “MSWD”: mean squared weighted deviation of inverse isochron age 3.4.10. Column “Intercept”: inverse isochron intercept, 36Ar/40Ar +/- 1.96σ 3.4.11. Column “comment”: additional comments 3.5. Sheet Raw MAr: raw 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology data 3.5.1. Column “Step”: a incremental number 3.5.2. Column “Power (% of 25W)”: the laser power at that step. 3.5.3. Column “40Ar(V)”: intensity of the 40Ar peak at zero inlet time. 3.5.4. Column “1σ”: 1σ error on the 40Ar peak. 3.5.5. Column “39Ar(V)”: intensity of the 39Ar peak at zero inlet time. 3.5.6. Column “1σ”: 1σ error on the 39Ar peak. 3.5.7. Column “38Ar(V)”: intensity of the 38Ar peak at zero inlet time. 3.5.8. Column “1σ”: 1σ error on the 38Ar peak. 3.5.9. Column “37Ar(V)”: intensity of the 37Ar peak at zero inlet time. 3.5.10. Column “1σ”: 1σ error on the 37Ar peak. 3.5.11. Column “36Ar(V)”: intensity of the 36Ar peak at zero inlet time. 3.5.12. Column “1σ”: 1σ error on the 36Ar peak. 3.5.13. Column “%40Ar*”: percentage of the total 40Ar signal which is radiogenic. 3.5.14. Column “%39Ar(k)”: percentage of the total 39Ar signal which is comes from K. 3.5.15. Column “40Ar*/39Ar(k)”: ratio of radiogenic 40Ar to 39Ar from K. 3.5.16. Column “1σ”: uncertainty of the value in column 1.15. 3.5.17. Column “Age”: age of that step. 3.5.18. Column “1.96σ”: uncertainty of the value in column 1.17, at 95% confidence level. 3.5.19. Column “K/Ca”: K/Ca ratio calculated from 39Ar(k)/37Ar. 3.5.20. Column “1.96σ”: uncertainty of the value in column 1.19, at 95% confidence level. 3.5.21. Column “Δdays”: the time from the end of measurement to the end of irradiation. 3.5.22. Column “Day”: the day the measurement was finished. 3.5.23. Column “Month”: the month the measurement was finished. 3.5.24. Column “Year”: the year the measurement was finished. 3.5.25. Column “Hour”: the hour the measurement was finished. 3.5.26. Column “Min”: the minute the measurement was finished. 3.6. Sheet “Kinetic Parameters”: Kinetic parameters used in thermochronology thermal modeling. AHe parameters from Farley [2002], AFT from Ketcham et al. [1999], ZHe from Reiners [2005], MAr from Robbins [1972], Hames and Bowring [1994] and Reiners and Brandon [2006]. 3.6.1. Column “System”: thermochronologic system 3.6.2. Column “Ω”: Ω proportionality constant, s-1 3.6.3. Column “Ea”: activation energy, kJ/mol 3.6.4. Column “Tc10”: effective closure temperature for cooling rate of 10°C/Myr 3.7. Sheet “Thermal Modeling”: Summary of thermal modeling results. 3.7.1. Column “Sample”: sample name 3.7.2. Column “Latitude”: degrees latitude of sample location north of equator, WGS84 3.7.3. Column “Longitude”: degrees longitude of sample location east of Greenwich, WGS84 3.7.4. Column “Elevation”: meters above sea level of sample location 3.7.5. Column “System”: thermochronologic system 3.7.6. Column “Age”: thermochronology closure age 3.7.7. Column “t1”: time of initiation of exhumation 3.7.8. Column “edot”: exhumation rate 3.7.9. Column “km exhum”: kilometers of exhumed material 3.7.10. Column “Ginit”: initial geotherm 3.7.11. Column “Gmodern”: modeled modern-day geotherm 3.7.12. Column “Tc”: modeled closure temperature