Review Board - Universität Innsbruck

Board for Ethical Issues, University of Innsbruck
Head Office: Homepage:
To the
Office of the Vice Rector for Research
for approval by the relevant Review Board
Review Board „Sportwissenschaften“
Institute for Sports
to Mag. Andrea Hofer
Review Board „Psychologie“
Institute for Psychology
to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Buchheim
Review Board „Sozialwissenschaften“
School of Management and Faculty of Economics
& Statistics
to Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Kirchler
Notice of receipt: …………………
Execution note: ………………
Application for Certificate of Good Standing
Name of project:
Coordinator & partner/beneficiary institutions:
Project description – max. 2 pages
Please provide: project description & aims; innovative aspects; methods; risks for probands; risk management; ethical
issues; third party funding (funding or contracting) or university budget; relevant literature; is an insurance for
probands necessary or not; qualification of coordinator/project leader and coworkers.
Fill in project description
(coordinator/project leader)
Board for Ethical Issues, University of Innsbruck
Head Office: Homepage:
Please attach:
A) Information for probands and und declaration of consent
Probands have to be informed about: project aims, project leader, duration, possible risks, compensations and
insurance matters, third party funding or contracting (enterprises will be handled confidential). All information has to
be easily comprehendible and clear for probands (e.g. projects with children).
Declarations of consent shall comprise:
- Name of the project
- Notes on data security (anonymous/pseudonymized data; confidential treatment of all personal data; right of
- Explicit agreement of probands plus signature (or the probands legal representative – see below)
- Probands right of revoking consent
- Address and signature of project leader
In the case that probands sign a declaration please attach the original declaration.
Authority to sign: For children and underage minors (before their 14. birthday) the legal representative has to sign, for
mature minors (from the 14. birthday to their 18. birthday) the minor itself and the legal representative.
For support please ask the Head Office.
B) Case Report Form
C) Insurance police
if necessary.
The application will be submitted to the relevant review board. The Vice Rector for Research has also the possibility
to mandate the Board for Ethical Issues. In case no review board at the faculty of the applicant is established the Vice
Rector will submit the application to the Board for Ethical Issues. The Board will discuss the application and will
demand respectively recommend a) refusal, b) additional claims for the applicant (changes, further conditions) or c)
ethically qualities to the Vice Rector. A written notice for changes or further conditions will be given to the applicant.
The application and attachments will be kept on record by the Head Office. All documents will be handled
confidentially. Access is possible after the conclusion of the procedure when a considerable legal interest is existing.
Access has to be authorized by the Vice Rector for Research.
In case of a positive decision by the Ethical Review Boards a Certificate of Good Standing will be issued by the
Vice Rector for Research!
Further Information:
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Robert Rebitsch
projekt.service.büro der Universität Innsbruck
T: 0512 507 34407
Board for Ethical Issues, University of Innsbruck
Head Office: Homepage:
Annex: Information on Ethical Issues
Horizon 2020 – Ethics
If you have entered any ethics issues in the ethical issue table in the administrative proposal forms, you must:
• submit an ethics self-assessment, which:
- describes how the proposal meets the national legal and ethical requirements of the country or countries where
the tasks raising ethical issues are to be carried out;
- explains in detail how you intend to address the issues in the ethical issues table, in particular as regards:
 research objectives (e.g. study of vulnerable populations, dual use, etc.)
 research methodology (e.g. clinical trials, involvement of children and related consent procedures,
protection of any data collected, etc.)
 the potential impact of the research (e.g. dual use issues, environmental damage, stigmatisation of
particular social groups, political or financial retaliation, benefit-sharing, malevolent use , etc.).
• provide the documents that you need under national law (if you already have them), e.g.:
 an ethics committee opinion;
 the document notifying activities raising ethical issues or authorising such activities
If these documents are not in English, you must also submit an English summary of them (containing, if
available, the conclusions of the committee or authority concerned).
If you plan to request these documents specifically for the project you are proposing,your request must contain
an explicit reference to the project title.
FWF Austrian Science Fund - Ethics
Where ethical issues have to be considered in the proposed research project: All potential ethical, security-related or
regulatory aspects of the proposed research project and the planned handling of those issues must be discussed in a
separate paragraph. In particular, the benefits and burdens arising from the experiments as well as their effects on the
test subjects/objects should be explained in detail.
For orientation purposes, applicants may wish to review the document "Ethics for researchers" published by the
European Commission (http: // or
"The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity"
In cases of uncertainty, researchers can also contact their more experienced colleagues or the person/department
responsible for ethical issues at the irrespective research institution.