Prepositions 1. A preposition is a word that shows a relationship between a ______________ (person/place/thing) or ______________ (he/she/we) and some other word in the sentence. Common Prepositions aboard about above across after against along amid among around as at atop before behind below beneath beside between beyond by despite down during except for from in inside into like near of off on onto out outside over past regarding round since than through throughout till to toward under unlike until up upon with within without See page 109 in Elements of Language textbook for additional prepositions, including compound prepositions. 2. A prepositional phrase always begins with a ________________ and ends with a ______________ or ________________. 3. Write three sentences using the prepositional phrases in the presentation. a. b. c. 4. The ________________ of the preposition is the noun or pronoun that ends a prepositional phrase. (circle in the example sentences above) 5. A preposition can show the relationship between two objects through ________________, ____________________, and _____________________. Prepositions as adjectives and adverbs 6. Prepositional phrases can function as modifiers called _____________ and ______________. 7. _____________ _____________ (two words) modify nouns and pronouns. 8. These phrases answer the questions: a. ________________________ b. ________________________ c. ________________________ 9. _____________ _____________ (two words) modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. 10. These phrases answer the questions: a. ________________________ b. ________________________ c. ________________________ 11. If there is no object of the preposition then the word is not a preposition it is an ____________. 12. What rule is there regarding prepositional phrases and subjects and verbs? Restate the rule. Prepositional Phrases in The Westing Game. Highlight ten prepositional phrases from The Westing Game on pages 3-4. Use the bracketed paragraphs as a guide. Then tell whether each phrase is an adjective or an adverb phrase. Sentence: Phrase: Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 2 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 3 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 4 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 5 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 6 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 7 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 8 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 9 Preposition: Circle type: Sentence: # Phrase: 10 Preposition: Circle type: # 1 Object: ADJECTIVE or ADJECTIVE or ADJECTIVE or ADJECTIVE or ADJECTIVE or ADJECTIVE or ADVERB Object: ADVERB Object: ADVERB Object: ADVERB Object: ADVERB Object: ADVERB Object: ADJECTIVE or ADVERB Object: ADJECTIVE or ADVERB Object: ADJECTIVE or ADVERB Object: ADJECTIVE or ADVERB