Schools Using Path Driver General information

Diagnostic Assessment Process for Secondary Special
Education Students- Schools Using Path Driver
General information:
 Special Education teachers will administer all of the assessments in this document to students:
o with reading goals on the IEP
o receiving reading instruction
It is suggested that your team start by assessing the students who are currently receiving direct
reading instruction in a reading class so that appropriate instruction is targeted to student’s
needs based on data. This same process can be used with other special education students to
collect diagnostic data if reading concerns exist.
 Locate your school’s copy of the Basic Reading Inventory (BRI) and the Assessing Multiple Measures
(CORE manual) to complete all of the assessments.
1. The assessments should be completed in the order provided on the following page starting with Word
Recognition using the Graded Word Lists (BRI).
2. Assess Comprehension next using the passages in the BRI following the directions in the appropriate
column for your students on the next page. This will be based on your results from the Graded Word
3. Next, assess Fluency using the Oral Reading Fluency probes included in Path Driver.
4. Assess Vocabulary using the CORE Vocabulary Screening in the CORE manual administer orally. (Please
note, this assessment may be administered at any time to a whole group).
5. Follow with assessing Phonics using the Phonics Survey in the CORE manual, as directed.
6. Assess Phonemic Awareness to applicable students (see flowchart) using the CORE Phonological
Segmentation Test in the CORE manual.
Assessment directions, additional materials and support can be found at:
1. Word Recognition (Basic Reading Inventory, Jerry Johns)
Using the Graded Word Lists (Form C):
Begin by providing the student with the list on which you suspect he/she can read independently (19
or more correct)
If student does not achieve the independent level, start with a lower list
Allow up to 5 seconds per word, prompting student to read the next word after 5 seconds
Continue with subsequent word lists until student is no longer able to achieve a total score of at least
14 correct words (frustration level)
Record highest independent (19 or above), instructional (14-18), and frustration levels (13 or
fewer correct) to identify starting point for comprehension assessment below
2. Comprehension (Basic Reading Inventory, Jerry Johns)
*Decision Point*
All Students
Middle School
High School
 If Student’s frustration
 Use Form D to assess
 Use Form LE to assess silent
 Read the Pre-Primer
 After student reads
 After student reads silently,
 Continue with subsequent
 Continue with
 Continue with subsequent
 Record highest
 Record highest
 Record highest instructional
level falls at the PrePrimer level on the graded
word lists, assess listening
comprehension only using
Form C
passage out loud to
 After student hears the
passage, ask
comprehension questions
accompanying the passage
passages until student
reaches frustration level
on grade level or lower.
Do not assess student
beyond current grade
instructional level
silent reading
comprehension at the
student’s independent
level on graded word lists
silently, ask
comprehension questions
accompanying the
passage. Student may
use passage for
reference in answering
questions—please note
this on answer sheet
subsequent passages
until student reaches
frustration level on grade
level or lower. Do not
assess student beyond
current grade level
instructional level
reading comprehension at
the student’s independent
level on the graded word
lists (Use Form D if this is
below 3rd grade)
ask comprehension
questions accompanying the
passage. Student may use
passage for reference in
answering questions—
please note this on answer
passages until student
reaches frustration level on
grade level or lower. Do not
assess student beyond
current grade level
3. Fluency (Path Driver)
Using Path Driver oral reading fluency probes:
Follow instructions for administration provided on the Path Driver wiki
4. Vocabulary (Assessing Reading Multiple Measures, CORE)
Using the CORE Vocabulary Screening:
Assess at student’s assigned grade level (use 8th grade level for high school students)
Read assessment orally as student marks answers on the student copy
Record number correct
5. Phonics (Assessing Reading Multiple Measures, CORE)
Using the Phonics Survey:
Administer Part E to ALL students
Record number correct
*Decision Point*
If student read 9 or fewer words correct on Part E:
If student read 10 or more correct on Part E:
Complete parts A-D
Record number correct for each section
6. Phonemic Awareness (CORE)
Using the CORE Phonological Segmentation Test:
Complete parts A-C
Record number of items correct
Continue assessing through part L
Record number correct for each section