May 2014 - St. Robert Bellarmine & St. Mary Catholic Faith Community

May 20, 2014
Attendees: K Joseph, M Hermann, J Braun, R Ashmus, N Mueller, M Mutter, Fr. R Kacalo, C Joseph, E
Furey, J Mealy
Excused: B Maurice, B Fonk, H Scheckel, T Salentine
Meeting began with prayer led by N Mueller at 6:31.
Motion to approve minutes of April 15, 2014 meeting made by E Furey, Seconded by C Joseph. Motion
passed and minutes approved as written.
Pastors Report:
May and June are busy: First Holy Communion, May Crowning, Baptisms, and Confirmation on
May 21st, as well as the upcoming wedding season.
Synod opening Mass will be on June 6th, and the closing Mass will be on June 8th
Sunday’s speech was modeled on another parish – 4 churches combined into 1 parish. The
purpose was to communicate that the parishioners embrace their parish, not the priest. The
suggestion was to embrace the parish or their will be consequences and something will go away.
Fish Fries netted about $21,000 with $14,000 going to SRB and $6,000 to SMD and their
respective Legacy funds.
Marie Meyer was a parishioner at Holy Cross when she passed away. She bequeathed a large
amount to Holy Cross, SMD and others. SMD part is approximately $64,000.
Old Business:
Discussion about second collections:
o Make sure the hospitality ministers get the collection baskets out
o Make sure announcements are made to explain what the collection is for
Parish council elections: SMD – Pete Olsweski, SRB – Kathie Jaeger, Mary Villwock
Stewardship Assessment Report – see Attachment A
New Business
Garage Sale/Flea Market proposed by Kathie Jacobs. It could be a fundraiser for the general
fund, every other weekend. K Joseph will ask K Jacobs to investigate further and attend a future
meeting as the council has concerns about bathrooms, power, volunteers, staffing, clean-up and
coordinating with other events like weddings and funerals.
The Bellarimine Market – will start June 11th and run thru October on Wednesday and Saturday.
Run by Mary Villwock, donations by parishioners. Volunteers needed.
Liaison & Committee Reports
a) Finance – Trustees:
a. SRB: R Ashmus: SRB festival possibly held in September as a one day event, like SMD Fun
b. SMD: E Furey: Roof repairs on school cost about $7,000 and is done. Need to clean the
carpeting. Got bids from Service Master, Castle Cleaning, Rainbow International. There
is a difference in the square footage, so this needs to be clarified first. P&L will finish
the year in the black. Very happy about the bequeathal. The budget still needs to fin
finalized and balanced for the Dioceses.
b) Stewardship - K Joseph: No meeting
c) SRB Building & Grounds – J Braun: No meeting
d) Prayer & Worship – B Maurice: No report – thanks for visit
e) Faith Formation – M Hermann:
a. Mission Trip – still one open spot
b. Pizzas to be delivered on June 1st
f) Human Concerns – N Mueller:
a. Easter donations: 954 items for 14 families = 74 people
b. Mother’s Day roses raised $389
c. Starting to make a list of school supplies to go to Catholic schools in the fall – this
prompted a discussion on donor fatigue
g) Providence School – M Mutter:
a. Successful auction
b. Stube’s contract was not renewed
c. Next year will have a part time principal
h) Catholic Central – B Maurice by K Joseph:
a. New principal next year
i) Staff Meeting – Trustees: E Furey
a. Sarah reported that the newsletters are being worked on
b. Lynda is busy with confirmation. The choir will be sitting in the coir area and they will
invite others to sing too, even if the choir is not scheduled to sing.
c. Pilgrim group is going through Union Grove. They will be staying at SRB on Wednesday,
celebrating mass on Thursday and going on to Champion WI. They walk from Elgin, IL
and stay at churches along the way.
d. Brian will be going to Cardinal Stritch for his Master’s degree in Religious Education this
j) Youth Representative: No Report
Next meeting date is June 17th. Prayers will be led by B Maurice. Afterwards will be a social event to
say goodbye to some and welcome to others. Current members to bring snacks.
Closing Prayer was led by N Mueller and meeting adjourned at 7:42.