Great Results Guarantee Report 2015

Under the agreement for 2015
Dysart State School will receive
*Estimated on 2014 data. Actual funding will be determined after 2015 enrolment data is finalised.
This funding will be used to
Raise the NAPLAN National Minimum Standards for:
Year 3 Reading from 92.7% (2013) to 94% achieved 97.9%
Year 3 Writing from 95.1% (2013) to 97% achieved 97.9%
Year 3 Spelling from 90.2% (2013) to 93.8% achieved 97.9%
Year 3 Grammar & Punctuation from 97.6% (2013) to 98.6% achieved 97.9% which is still an increase from 2014,
need to continue working in this area in 2016.
Year 3 Numeracy from 97.5% (2013) to 98.5% decrease to 93.6%. Add into 2016 to focus on Numeracy by
continuing to develop knowledge and understanding shared through FSiM coaching from 2014 and the Numeracy
Alliance. Release key teacher, Miss Debbie Luttrell, to provide further modelling and co-teaching opportunities for
Year 5 Reading from 85.7% (2013) to 92.9% achieved 93.8%
Year 5 Writing from 86.1% (2013) to 90.3% achieved 93.8%
Year 5 Spelling from 86.1% (2013) to 92.8% achieved 90.6% which is still an increase on 2014 however hasn’t met
our goal. Set another target for 2016.
Year 5 Grammar & Punctuation from 88.9% (2013) to 92.9% achieved 90.6% which is still an increase on 2014
however hasn’t met our goal. Set another target for 2016.
Year 5 Numeracy from 80% (2013) from 90% achieved 90.6%
Reduce the overall percentage of students in the NAPLAN Lower 2 Bands nationally in Years 3, 5 and 7 to below
20% results below indication that the main areas of concern vary for each year level. Writing is consistent in
achievement which would be due to the whole school writing focus these past few years and 7 Steps to Writing
success. Spelling is improving and has achieved well in year 3 and also reduced by 18% in year 5. Grammar and
Punctuation along with Numeracy are showing minimal if any movement. Recommendation for 2016 is to start
some focused sharing, teaching, modelling of effective ways to teach Grammar and Punctuation in alignment with
our whole school program.
Yr 3 27.7%
Yr 5 34.4%
Halve the 33% of students in Year 3 not receiving ‘C’ or above (Semester 2, 2014, Yr 2) in Semester 1, 16.1% of
students were not receiving a C or above.
Increase the percentage of students in Year 3 receiving a ‘C’ or above to 90% (Semester 2, 2014, Yr 2) in
Semester 1, 84% of students were receiving a C or above. Continue to focus on every student succeeding.
Halve the 11% of students in Year 5 not receiving ‘C’ or above (Semester 2, 2014, Yr 2) in Semester 1, 5.3% of
students were not receiving a C or above.
Improve teacher capability through focused coaching (peer, collegial, supervisory) achieved and ongoing
Increase professional development and implementation support for all staff to improve student outcomes kept
professional development to staff sharing sessions
Improve teacher instruction to all classrooms profiled having clear concepts and instructions not achieved. This
approach is volunteer only, if teachers don’t volunteer it has no value. Consider coaching as opposed to profiling
for 2016, empower teachings through developing their understanding.
Improve teacher instruction through mentoring programs and watching others work mentoring program was
effective for beginner teachers. More time needs to be allocated to watching others work with specific focus areas
and reflections following WOW so that the sessions have value and add strength to teaching and learning.
Appointed admin staff to focus on attendance not achieved
Positive Behaviour for Learning support ongoing continued developing PBL and training staff to become FBA’s to support
teachers in identifying the gain and avoidance strategies of students.
Our strategy will be to
Extend the improvement agenda to include numeracy focusing on ‘working mathematically – 2012 T&L Audit
recommendation working mathematically has been a focus for 2015 and achieved through Key Teachers sharing
and Friday Fun Facts.
Build school capacity to deliver a whole-school approach to reading instruction and intervention (Australian
Research Council Rural Reading Program) whole school reading and intervention program is active
Improve internal moderation processes - 2014 T&L Audit recommendation need to provide more opportunities for
moderation by timetabling after school moderation sessions. These may need to take the place of a couple of staff
meetings per term.
Increase peer and collegial coaching to increase the effectiveness of Explicit Instruction in Maths and English Regional Explicit Instruction Strategy ongoing
Our school will improve student outcomes by
$4K Intervention Teacher (meet your learners needs) Focused on building Support Team by increasing Teacher Aide allocation.
$40K Intervention Teacher Aide’s (meet your learners needs) Teacher Aides employed to provide more time on class.
Continue and increase in 2016 as not all achieved in 2015. Rolled funding needs to be allocated toward Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy
as per the data interpretation.
$10K Numeracy Improvement Project (developing professional knowledge and practice) Project facilitators left the
role repeatedly throughout the year making it difficult to sustain the practices. Two key teachers appointed who worked hard to gather and share
resources for staff. Roll funding not spent into 2016 to increase key teacher release time.
$26K PD whole school & parents THRASS (developing professional knowledge and practice) achieved.
Continuing with refresher courses and coaching in 2016. First date 18th January followed by a week commencing 14th March 2016.
$4K Ready Reader PD for all staff, parents and community members PD achieved over budgeted.
Roll funds into
Accelerated Reader costs for 2016.
$9K Moderation (collaboration for successful learners) achieved.
$13K Books in Homes (successful learners) achieved.
Add further finances to 2016 budget to continue.
Budget again for 2016 (year 1 – 3 students).
$5K Accelerated Reader (successful learners) payment due in 2016.
This was partial payment to add to funding in 2016. Ensure
DP provides refresher course for existing staff and trains news staff (year 2 – 6 students).
$10K Release Key Teachers to embed school programs THRASS, Numeracy Project difficulty in obtaining staff to
release due to location and limited supply of TRS. TRS in 2016 has a possibility of increasing with at least 2 new teaching families arriving in town.
Gary Flower
Acting Principal
Dysart State School
Dr Jim Watterston
Department of Education, Training and