Crim 225s Inequalities and Crime - T Allena

Tuesday and Thursday 11AM-12:20PM, Founders Hall, 204
Tuesday and Thursday 5:00PM-6:20PM, Siemens Hall, 117
Thom Allena, Ph.D.
Criminology and Justice Studies
Department of Sociology
Office: BSS 534
Phone: 707-826-4446
Office Hours: M/W 2:00PM to 3:0PM
“The paradox of education is precisely this- that as one begins to become
conscious, one begins to examine the society in which one is being educated…
The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you
came in.”
- James Baldwin
“Certainly, there are very real differences between us of race, age, and sex. But
it is not those differences between us that are separating us. It is rather our
refusal to recognize those differences, and to examine the distortions, which
result from our misnaming them and their effects upon human behavior and
- Audre Lorde
“Racism is a much more clandestine, much more hidden kind of phenomenon,
but at the same time, it’s perhaps far more terrible than it has ever been.”
- Angela Davis
This course will explore the relationship of crime and crime control to systems of
inequality. Students will gain a firm understanding of race, class, gender, and
sexuality as categories of analysis and as structures, which influence the life course.
The class will also explore the arguments that scholars and activists have made about
how systems of inequality are maintained and reproduced by justice institutions.
After completing this course, you should be able to demonstrate the following
course learning outcomes, as well as progress toward final department and
university-related learning outcomes:
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify how inequalities shape our understanding of and response to crime
and social injustice
2. Demonstrate an understanding of intersectional analysis and its application
to crime and justice studies
3. Demonstrate an understanding of community and restorative justice principles
and practices.
4. Locate opportunities for ongoing community engagement
Department Learning Outcomes
1. Think critically about crime and justice and their relationship to inequalities
in communities and environments.
2. Discuss criminological and justice theories.
3. Make linkages between classroom learning and community action experiences.
University Learning Outcomes
1. Critical and creative thinking skills in acquiring a broad base of knowledge
and applying it to complex issues.
2. Competence in a major area of study.
3. Appreciation for and understanding of an expanded world perspective by
engaging respectfully with a diverse range of individuals, communities,
and viewpoints.
4. HSU graduates will be prepared to: Pursue social justice, promote
environmental responsibility, and improve economic conditions in their
workplaces and communities.
Active participation is the key to your success in this course. Class meetings will consist
of mini-lectures, discussions, small group work, free-writes, media presentations and
other activities. Students are expected to arrive on time to class and to not leave early
unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor.
Office Hours
I welcome visitors! Come to my office hours whether you have a specific question
about the course content, or more general concerns. My office hours are set aside
specifically for students. If you cannot make my scheduled office hours, please email
me to make an appointment at another time.
Late Work
The deadlines in this course are firm. If work is not turned in on time, you will not
receive full credit based on my discretion.
In order to be prepared, it is crucial that you regularly check your HSU email account.
Periodically, I will send out reminders, schedule changes and other important
information. I do my best to answer your emails as quickly as possible. That said, it
often takes me about 24 hours to answer an email.
Students with Disabilities: This syllabus was designed using recommended practices
for creating accessible word documents. If you have suggestions regarding improving
the accessibility of this document or other content for this class, please contact me.
Persons who wish to request disability-related accommodations should contact the
Student Disability Resource Center in the Learning Commons, Lower Library, 826-4678
(voice) or 826-5392 (TDD). Some accommodations may take up to several weeks to
Academic Honesty:
Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another in obtaining
or attempting to obtain credit for work or any improvement in evaluation of
performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means. Plagiarism is defined as the act of
using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one's own, without
giving proper credit to the sources. Cheating and Plagiarism are serious offenses for
which HSU has strict policies. Please note that using work for this course that you have
submitted in another course constitutes a form of academic dishonesty and will result in
failure of the course. Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding academic
honesty: or
Attendance and disruptive behavior:
Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding attendance and disruptive
Add/Drop policy:
Students are responsible for knowing the University policy, procedures, and
schedule for dropping or adding classes.
Emergency evacuation:
Please review the evacuation plan for the classroom (posted on the orange signs), and
review: for
information on campus Emergency Procedures. During an emergency, information can
be found campus conditions at: 826-INFO or
I encourage you to attend ALL classes as I will be monitoring attendance.
Should you miss more than three classes, I will begin to deduct points
from your final grade based on my discretion. More than five absences
will result in my dropping you from the class. Should you miss any team
related activity you’ll receive no points for assignments due on those days.
As noted in the previous Grading Section, 15% of your final class grade
will predicated on your work within a team of your classmates. Coming
late to class will affect your class participation grade.
Attendance and disruptive behavior: Students are responsible for knowing policy
regarding attendance and disruptive behavior.
In order to be successful on assignments and to effectively utilize course material in
your writing and service learning reflections, it will be important to unpack this
material with your classmates and the professor. You are expected to come to all class
sessions and to be prepared to fully participate. There are some basics to good
participation. Bring your assigned texts, whether a copy of an electronic reading or a
book to class so that we can refer to them. Complete readings before class and be ready
to engage the material. Being prepared also means coming to class sober, turning your
cell phone off once you arrive, and remaining awake throughout the duration. You are
expected to refrain from behaviors which interfere with the learning of your
classmates, such as playing with your smart phone, reading the newspaper, working on
an assignment for another class, engaging in side conversations, etc.
Our classroom will be very dynamic and highly engaged. We will not only
talk about criminology and justice issues, at times we will be practicing
and embodying the theory. My lecturing will be minimal and you will be
directly involved in defining concepts and applying them in the classroom.
You will be asked affirm or challenge theoretical constructs from the point
of view of your own lived experience. To accomplish we will use multiple
classroom learning configurations including: personal reflection, pairs,
small groups, learning teams, circle practices and large group strategies.
Occasionally you will be taking tests WITH your classmates and you will
be asked to reach consensus with others.
Please note that the class schedule and assignments are subject to change. Minor
changes will be announced in class, major ones in writing. We may be adding
additional articles, book chapters, guest speakers, films and audio-visuals to
supplement intended to amplify the course texts and enhance the learning process of
this course.
This is a service learning course. Thus, you will have the opportunity to apply your
emerging knowledge of inequality and crime while volunteering in a community
organization. You are expected to complete a minimum of 25 hours of community
service (approximately 2 hours per week) during the semester. You can volunteer with
one of the many Y.E.S. programs ( as well
as numerous other community-based organizations contacted by the HSU Service
Learning Center ( More information about service
learning options will be provided in class. Your service learning experience will be
graded according to the following:
Completion of Hours and Related Paperwork
35-40 hours= A
30-34 hours= B
25-29 hours= C
Once you have identified your service learning placement, you will need to complete
the paperwork provided either in class or sent by email. This includes an ‘HSU Student
Learning Plan,’ ‘Participation Guidelines,’ an ‘HSU Release of Liability,’ and a ‘HSU
Student Time Log.’
Journal Entries/Final Reflection Paper
During the semester you will maintain a journal to document and reflect upon your
experiences and observations. The professor will provide prompts for some of these
entries. However, you are expected to reflect in writing after each visit to your SL
placement. The purpose of the journal is to connect what you learn in the community
to course material.
A five-page final refection paper summarizing your experiences of the service learning
and also integrates key learning theory from our texts will be required. A more detailed
instructions as to formatting and content will be provided in class during our service
learning check in sessions.
Class Participation
Pop Quizzes
Midterm Exam
Team Presentation
Final Exam
Service Learning Project (Hours/Journal Entries/Final Reflective Paper)
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 84-86
B- 80-83
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 70-73
D+ 67-69
D 64-66
D- 60-63
F below 60
Alexander, M. (2012). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness. New York: New Press.
Andersen, M. L. & Hill Collins, P. (2010) Race Class and Gender. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Jones, S. & Mauer. M. (2013). Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling. New York: The
New Press.
Additional reading may be assigned during the course of the semester. You
will be responsible to both check your email as well via ONCORES.
Week One: Setting the Classroom and The Learning Environment
January 20: Introductions, Review of Syllabus.
January 22: Building the Learning Environment: Part 1
Week Two: Class Room and Service Learning
January 27: Building the Learning Environment: Part 2
January 29: Introduction to Service Learning Component
Week Three: Perspectives on Race and Class
February 3: Reading: Andersen, pp. 61-115
February 5: Reading: Andersen, pp. 115-152
Week Four: Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
February 10: Reading: Andersen, pp. 153-193
February 12: Reading: Andersen, pp. 235-267
Week Five: The Structure of Social Institutions
February 17: Reading: Andersen, pp. 360-406
February 19: Reading: Andersen, pp. 463-500
Week Six: More on Social Institutions
February 24: Reading: Andersen. TBD
February 26: Service Learning Check-in #1
Week Seven: Rebirthing a System Social Caste in the United States
March 3: Reading: Alexander, pp. 1-58
March 5: Reading: Alexander, pp. 59-96
Week Eight: The Color of Justice
March 10: Reading: Alexander, pp. 97-139
March 12: Midterm preparation
March 16-20: SPRING BREAK
Week Nine: Midterm/Slavery’s Legacies for Justice
March 24: Midterm exam
March 26: Reading: Alexander, pp. 141-177
Week Ten: Cesar Chavez Remembered/The New Jim Crow
March 31: Cesar Chavez Day
April 2: Reading: Alexander, pp. 178-220
Week Eleven: The Fire This Time
April 7: Reading: Alexander, pp. 221-260
April 9: Service learning check in #2
Week Twelve: Getting Tough on Crime
April 14: Reading: Jones & Mauer, pp. vii-37.
April 16: Reading: Jones& Mauer. pp. 38-72
Week Thirteen: The Politics of Crime/Introducing
April 21: Reading: Jones& Mauer: 73-109/Service learning check in #3
April 23: Team topics marketplace/Teams form
Week Fourteen: Presentation Planning
April 28; Team planning
April 30: Team planning
Week Fifteen
May 5: Team presentations
May 7: Team presentations/Service Learning Reflection Papers Due
Week Sixteen
May 12: Final Exam (10:20am to 12pm or 5:00pm to 6:50pm)