NACURH 2013:"Your Leadership, Your University, Our World: Evolution” May 31-June 3: University of Pittsburgh Please be advised: the following are the requirements and expectations each NACURH 2013 delegate must meet and will be held accountable for. Failure to meet the following may result in your removal from the delegation. NACURH Description: NACURH is the largest student run organization in the world. It is completely student run, in all of the regional positions. It brings together over 400 schools from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and more. NACURH promotes living on campus as an integral part of the college experience, and strives to provide resources to help member schools create the ultimate residence hall environment and experience. NACURH Conference: A NACURH Conference is all about recognition, programming sessions, networking, cheering, and fun! Every year, colleges and universities host amazing programs to improve the lives of the students living within the residence halls. This conference provides the opportunity for member schools to share experiences and learn what other campuses are doing. Our theme for the NACURH 2013 conference is Your Leadership, Your University, Our World: Evolution. SFSU NACURH Delegate Expectations: ● Represent San Francisco State University in a positive manner ● Adhere to all Residential Life policies and procedures; as well as all conference policies and procedures. ● Participate in all functions of the conference delegation Including: ○ Hall government money requests/fundraising ○ Program planning ○ Spirit Item creation ○ Costume creation ○ Banner/Display creation (to be explained in depth later) ○ Philanthropy fundraising ○ Meetings ● Delegates will be responsible for understanding SFSU’s ResLife program in a well-rounded manner. This includes understanding who and what NRHH/RHA/Hall Governments/RAs are and what they do. ● Exude school and Gator pride ● Have fun ● CHEER until you feel like you can’t cheer anymore…and then cheer some more! SFSU NACURH Delegate Requirements: Delegates must meet all of the following requirements to attend NACURH 2013: ● Attend all scheduled conference meetings which will take place Sundays from 5pm-7pm at the RHA Room, the first being Sunday, April 7th and every Sunday thereafter until the conference ● Attend RHA Quorum to give conference committee updates and represent the delegation (*note the only exception is conflict with academic schedule*) ● Complete Post Conference Requirements. Specifics will be given out at the first delegation meeting, however delegates will be expected to: ○ Complete a Post Conference feedback process within two weeks after PACURH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Assist in making money requests to RHA with the purpose of putting that funding towards conference programming and costumes, etc. All delegates MUST plan to present a program at the conference and submit a program proposal. Guidance involving this process will be provided. All first time delegates MUST apply for the First Time Delegate Scholarship (Information about applying for the scholarship will be provided). Bring delegate information sheet to the first delegation meeting Delegates will participate in committees surrounding philanthropy, banner, display, costumes, and spirit items. ○ Philanthropy: help make sure that we are participating in the PACURH Philanthropy and raising as much awareness as possible. ○ Banner & Display: make the banner and display for the PACURH conference according to the requirements set by the conference. ○ Spirit and Costumes: design and help make the costumes and the spirit items for the conference. RHA pays for the delegate to attend the conference. This cost includes registration (housing and meals during the conference) and transportation to and from the conference. Failure to meet the above requirements will result in the student being charged the total cost that RHA incurred for their attendance. ○ Delegates must provide a security deposit for the cost of travel. Be able to lead an ice-breaker at the delegation meetings when necessary. You must put on a program in the spring of 2013 that you have taken away from PACURH. Alternate Delegates ● Please note there will be an alternate delegate pool for this conference ● Alternates will be notified the same time accepted delegates are notified ● If we are notified by the NACURH ‘13 conference staff that we can bring a larger delegation, alternates will be contacted accordingly ● Alternates have the opportunity to participate in all conference preparation; however this will not be a requirement. ● If you are chosen to be a conference delegate you will then be expected to participate in all of the above criteria Delegate Selection Criteria and Process: Please note: applying as a NACURH 2013 Delegate in no way guarantees your position on the delegation. Regardless of whether or not you have attended a conference in the past, each applicant will be evaluated on the following criteria: ● Does the applicant meet the above requirements ● How might the applicant grow from this experience ● Will the applicant be able to bring what they have learned back to San Francisco State University ● In addition to the above criteria, it will be taken into account that the goal of assembling the delegation will be to represent the diversity of all parts of Res Life, including but not limited to building representation, organizations, and a variety of different backgrounds. ● All applications will be taken via email to Johana Duarte at by Thursday, March 28th at 5pm. Please read and sign below: I, __________________________, understand that by signing this document I agree to uphold the expectations and requirements of a San Francisco State University NACURH 2013 Delegate. I also understand that failure to meet these requirements may result in my removal from the delegation. Name (Print):_______________________________________ Date:___________________ Signature:_________________________________________ Date:____________________