Institute of Management, Economics and Finance Master program “Urban Development Management” # Course Outline 1. Theory and mechanisms of modern public administrati on 2. Formation and developmen t of public administrati on and public service Economic Objectives of the discipline: learning and understanding of theoretical and practical issues related to the nature and character of the public administration reformed system, its social functions, ways of implementing reforms; learning the system of basic concepts and ideas, categorical apparatus, which summarizes the scope of professional activity in the public service; learning the mechanisms and social technologies to enhance the effectiveness of public administration; understanding and systematization of modern philosophical ideas, new approaches to solving the starting problems of interaction between the state and civil society, the citizen and the administration; determining the topic of future research thesis to contribute to the development of public administration theory implementing the ideas of humanization and democratization of public service. The purpose of the discipline is to 3 form the system of knowledge about establishment and development of public administration, the main stages of the civil service, its functions and structural units. 3. ECTS Exam/p ass or fail 3 exam The purpose of the discipline is to lay 4 Term, 1 compul sory / elective comp Pass/fail 1 comp Pass/fail 1 comp analysis of socioeconomic systems 4. Academic writing (English) 5. Legal support of public and municipal administrati on 6. Theory and practice of modern economic analysis 7. Current the foundations of analytical thinking, to form a scientific understanding of modern economic systems, their genesis and transformations required for the analysis of developmentprospects and evaluation of socio-economic systems. Objectives of the discipline: 2 familiarization with the key principles of academic texts structuring, their style and typical features. acquisition of practical skills in academicwriting. Objectives of the discipline: 3 consolidation of basic knowledge about the organization of the public administration; deepeningof knowledge about the legal basis of modern public administration in Russian Federation and other countries; development ofskills for analysis of the processes in public authorities, for identificationof theoretical, legal and practical problems in the functioning of public administration in accordance with the goals, values and principles of the Russian Federation Constitution and the search for ways to resolve them; development of practical skills for examination of draft regulations, making changes and additions to the structure or procedures of the public administration, and predicting the consequences of their actions in practice. Objectives of the discipline: 3 provide a comprehensive scientific knowledge and practical skills of using professional knowledge for the further development of economic analysis and related areas of science; learn the principles of the system approach to the solution of economic problems; form a scientific and theoretical basis for conducting independent research. Objectives of the discipline: 3 Pass/fail 1 comp Pass/fail 1 comp Pass/fail 1 comp Pass/fail 2 comp problems of research on the socioeconomic and political processes 8. Urban Theory 9. Managemen t of social and economic developmen t of territories 10. Socioeconomic forecasting and design to familiarize students with the basic principles and methods of research on the socio-economic and political processes; to forma system of knowledge and to organize a focused cognitive activity of students to study the main provisions of the socio-economic and political processes and to understand the nature and content of socioeconomic and political processesin modern Russian society,. Objectives of the discipline include: 5 generation of knowledge concerning the basic theories of the nature, the laws of foundation and development of cities; development of skills to identify the type of the city, its main functions; formation of ideas about the city as a place of residence and a subject of administration. Objectives of the discipline: 5 to explore the essence of the local government to reveal the theoretical and practical aspects of administrative activity. Studying of the discipline contributes to the following objectives: - Consider the capacity of local government; - Analyze the territory quality management system, and its interaction with external organizations. Objectives of the discipline: 5 formation of specific knowledge and skills in socioeconomic forecasting and planning, as the border area of social science and economic activity. Familiarization with the technology of prognostics, diagnostics, modeling of social processes and facilities; - formation of practical skills for social and economic project development; - presentation of various practices of developing forecasts and projects in the social and economic sphere. exam 1 comp exam 2 comp exam 2 comp 11. Urban ecology and environment al economics The purpose of the discipline is to give a comprehensive view of the environmental management mechanism, to teach a methodology for economic calculations in a comprehensive assessment of the nature protection measures on urboterritory. 12. Developmen Objectives of the discipline: t of urban to study the theoretical real estate concepts related to the course; to study the opportunities and the role of the course in solving problems of effective management of urban real estate; to develop analytical skillsin the area of study; to give an insight into the role, place and understanding of principles and concepts of determining the economic, political and social efficiencyin the management of urban real estate; to teach students the theory and practice of urban real estatedevelopment management, the specifics of certain real estate types management, caused by economic, legal and technical features of the property. 13. Fundamenta The purpose of discipline is ls of spatial to get an insight into the role analysis and of spatialfactor in socio-economic modeling development of the city, into the theoretical foundations and the laws of cities formation, to teach to use the methodsspatial analysis for solving specific problems. 14. Planning The purpose of the discipline is to and provide the necessary theoretical management knowledge as well as analytical and of urban practical skills in the field of activity transport of market economy subjects for the systems formation and development of urban transport systems. 15. The modern The purpose of the discipline is the concept of formation of deep and systematic urban knowledge and practical skills in the developmen field of strategic planning and spatial t planning of urban development, as well as familiarization with the basic 5 exam 2 comp 5 exam 3 comp 5 exam 3 comp 4 exam 3 comp 4 exam 1 comp concepts of urban development. The objectives of the disciplines is formation of the concept "tourism industry", its typology, features of city tourist areas, with particular attention to management of the tourism sector in Russian cities. 17. Housing The purpose of discipline is to form a economics structured view of the housing and politics: economics and politics, namely the foreign and specifics of the housing economics domestic abroad, features and priorities of experience development of the housing market, key housing issues relevant to Russian cities, the methods for solving these problems with the help of instruments of state housing policy. 18. Business The purposes of the discipline: planning of to study the basic principles for city projects projects development in cities; to introduce the fundamental processes that shape the modern real estate market in Russia and abroad; to gain experience of different solutions risk assessment in investment, construction and management of real estate. 19. Urban Goals and objectives of the discipline: cadastre mastering concepts, theoretical terms, methods, techniques as well as practical skills of planning and execution of cadastral works on recording, registration and real estate evaluation. The object of the course are the residential areas, separate land areas and real estate facilitiesstrongly related to them: buildings, communication facilities and other objects, which move is impossible without commensurate damage. 20. Theory and The purpose of the discipline is a practice of complex consideration of the nature management and content of management decisions. decisionIt examines the theoretical foundations making of management decisions, and the specific techniques that are typical for different stages of decision-making. 21. Information The aim of the discipline: - analytical to form ideas about the laws of technology development of mass information 16. Managemen t of the citytourism sector 4 Pass/fail 3 comp 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 22. 23. 24. 25. of state and processes, information and municipal communication relations in the system management "power-society"; to stimulate students' needs forsystem analysis of the information and social facts. Формирова The purposes of the discipline: ние имиджа formation of knowledge about органов the purpose of building the image of власти на authorities, about the technologies, муниципал tools and techniques to create a ьном positive image of the functioning of уровне the state and municipal authorities; Formation development of professional of communicative skills that promote authorities effective communication in the system image at the "power-society"; municipal mastering social and level information mechanisms to ensure efficiency of public administration; reflection and systematization of contemporary philosophical approaches to solving the problems of interaction between the state and civil society. Training The purpose of the training is to give "Effective precise technology and tools for manager" effective team management to achieve any goals. During the training, students are taught such skills such as leadership, sharing responsibilities, motivating subordinates. Training on The purpose of this training to teach "Manageme students effective behavioral strategies nt of social for the prevention and resolution of and conflicts, as well as to use of conflict economic communication competently and conflicts" comfortablyto achieve the desired results in the negotiations and management. During the training, the skills to analyze conflict situations, and choose proper effective solutions to the conflict are developed. The contract The purpose of discipline is to system in consider the complex nature and the field of content of the public contract system in the field of state procurement and municipal government as well as to formcompetencies for management, allocation, execution and 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec maintenance of the state and municipal orders. 26. Quality The purpose of the course is the management development of basic knowledge of public about the principles of operation and and the formation of high-quality municipal government and municipal services, to services familiarize students with the theoretical foundations and the existing practice of evaluating the effectiveness of state and municipal services in foreign countries and in Russia. 27. Marketing The purpose of the discipline is to of territories train specialists, adapted to the needs of the modern state and municipal government, able to independently use the knowledge to improve the quality of Territorial Administration and Management, to improve competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the area, to improve the image and the formation of the territory brand; learning to use the tools and methods of marketing to achieve enhanced competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the area, to improve the image of the brand and the formation of the territory. 28. Policy of The objectives of the discipline is to state and obtain a complex of modern municipal knowledge and skills necessary for property professional management of state and management municipal property, its organization and functioning; to familiarize students with current law, methodical, regulations and other legal documents governing the management of municipal property; to consider the economic bases of municipal property management; to study the methods of transformation management and use of state and municipal property, including the introduction of methods for assessing management effectiveness. 29. The The objectives of the discipline is to interaction study the basic concepts, principles of and features of the government and government businessinteraction, as well as the and organization and functioning of the business; system of state regulation and support 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec 3 Pass/fail elec developmen t of small and medium enterprises in urban areas 30. Practical aspects of authorities and societycoop eration 31. Research 32. Research seminar of small and medium-sized businesses abroad and in the Russian Federation and the features of state support for small and medium business in the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of discipline is to uncover 3 the conceptual problems of studying the interaction of civil society and public authorities; to master the key features of political parties and other institutions of civil society in Russia; acquire knowledge about the main goals of social partnership and dialogue with the authorities and civil society institutions and their institutional forms; master the technology and forms of realization of interaction of public authorities and the public. The main purpose of the research 42 practice is the formation of a clear and comprehensive picture of the current state, the degree of theoretical elaboration and practical significance of the problem, chosen as the main focus of the research and evaluation of the accessibility and availability of practical material for analysis. The aim of the research seminar is a deep analysis of the problems of urban economy, the main features and principles of the economic system at the municipal level, as well as the process of its development, the current economic, environmental, social and political problems. In the course of research seminars the main trends in socio-economic development of cities, the principles of strategic urban development, as well as identifying specific problems of the urban subsystems are going to be analyzed. Pass/fail elec 1,2,3,4 comp