STANDARD DHSSPSNI AMENDMENTS TO GC/WORKS/2 (1998) CONTRACT FOR BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING GENERAL CONDITIONS MINOR WORKS This Contract for Building & Civil Engineering Minor Works should be used by all HSC Bodies and NIFRS taking account of the following guidance notes, model forms and supplementary conditions Please ensure that the footer indicating the date of publication is not removed from the amendments should they be inserted into another document or adapted by any party to whom this is forwarded Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works CONTENTS SECTION 1: GUIDANCE NOTES SECTION 2: MODEL FORMS INCLUDING COMPLETION OF ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS SECTION 3: SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SECTION 1 GUIDANCE NOTES Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works GUIDANCE NOTES These Guidance Notes have been drafted on the assumption that the Employer will be a HSC Trust. Minor variations may be required if the Employer is the HSC Board, or other HSC Body, or the NIFRS. Use of GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works is an intermediate form of contract for minor UK building and civil engineering and demolition works, standing between the major works GC/Works/1 (1998) forms of contract and the small works GC/Works/4 (1998). Because GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works is for use when lump sum tenders are to be invited on the basis of Specification and Drawings only, without Bills of Quantities, with an Employer’s option to require the Contractor to prepare and submit a schedule of rates in order to value variations ordered, its true comparator amongst the three versions of GC/Works/1 (1998) is GC/Works/1 Without Quantities (1998). Besides the value and complexity of the relevant works, when choosing between GC/Works/1 Without Quantities (1998) and GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works it is necessary to consider whether certain features (such as sectional completion) are required in the relevant Contract. DHSSPSNI recommends, as a guideline the typical values appropriate to this contract when used for normal construction works would be a minimum of £25,000 and a maximum of £500,000. The contract should also be suitable for use in relation to demolition works of any value. However, the choice of contract will in the end be dictated by the procurement methodology, circumstances of the project, the inherent difficulties of the Works and the Site, and the overall balance of risks to be covered with regard to such matters as variations and programme changes. Major Features The contract is administered by the person designated as the Project Manager (PM) by the Employer; In accordance with Condition 1A, the parties to the contract are required to deal fairly, in good faith and in mutual cooperation with each other; In accordance with Condition 30, the Contractor is entitled to apply for monthly payments, provided the application is supported by a valuation which is to be agreed by the PM; the Contractor is paid 97 percent of the value of the work executed on site to the satisfaction of the PM and of things (materials) brought to site for incorporation into the works; The 3 percent 'reserve' is held as security in respect of any defects which may arise in the maintenance period (see Condition 19); The PM may issue instructions to vary or further explain the works in accordance with Condition 25. All instructions are to be confirmed in writing; 1 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Variations are valued in accordance with Condition 26 and on the basis of either fair rates to be agreed between the Employer and the Contractor or on the basis of the Contractor's schedule of rates if one was requested. Condition 6 incorporate into the contract the obligations imposed by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007; Condition 23 provides for extensions of time to the Contractor for any matter which are wholly beyond the control of the Contractor; for example unforeseen ground conditioned (only if certified as such by the PM under Condition 4); Condition 28 allows the Contractor to receive additional funds for delay provided he can satisfy the requirements imposed by Condition 28(1) and (3); Under Condition 29 the Contractor has a right to interest payments at the rate specified in the Abstract of Particulars due to the circumstances listed in Condition 29(1); Condition 37 introduces the Employers right to claim liquidated damages in the event of loss being incurred due to delay by the Contractor; Optional Condition 47 enables the Employer to require the Contractor to maintain a Performance Bond; Optional Condition 48 enables the Employer to require the Contractor to provide a Parent Company Guarantee. A separate volume is available entitled GC/Works/2 (1998) Contract for Building and Civil Engineering Minor Works – General Conditions. A separate volume is available entitled GC/Works/2 (1998) Contract for Building and Civil Engineering Minor Works – Model Forms and Commentary. Both volumes are available from the bookshop of the Chartered Institute of Building ( Model Forms There are a number of model forms for use with GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (see SECTION 2: MODEL FORMS INCLUDING COMPLETION OF ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS). Where any of these are used the Employer’s Design Team must ensure that the forms are revised to incorporate all amendments and additions that have been made to the GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works General Conditions. 2 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Contract Agreement There is no GC/Works/2 (1998) provision for a formal Contract Agreement to be entered into. The Contract will be formed by the Contractor’s tender and the Employer’s acceptance of the tender, without any formal Contract Agreement. Such a Contract Agreement serves, as a matter of record, in order to avoid later disputes about the identity of the Contract documents. Attestation Clauses DHSSPSNI recommends that all contracts under this form of contract are executed as a Deed. This will require the use of an Attestation Clause. There are 3 proformas (see SECTION 2: MODEL FORMS INCLUDING COMPLETION OF ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS Appendix A) and the choice of pro-forma is dependent on the legal standing of the Contractor. All 3 pro-formas must be appended to the tender documentation. If, exceptionally, a document is executed otherwise than as a Deed, the appropriate pro-forma must be revised. In addition to changing the format of the Employer’s signing, all references to ‘Deed’ in the relevant text should be replaced by ‘Agreement’. The execution of a document as a Deed results in Northern Ireland law in a 12 year, rather than a 6 year, limitation period for claims, for example, Employer’s claims in relation to defects in the Works. Certain ancillary documents, such as parent company guarantees and adjudicators’ appointments should also be executed as Deeds for technical legal reasons relating to the doctrine of consideration. Completion of Abstract of Particulars The tender documentation must include a list of the amendments to the Standard Form, ie GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS including those details necessary for completion of Abstract of Particulars and Addendum. The tender documentation must include the following documents: (a) Invitation to Tender and Schedule of Drawings (b) Tender and Tender Price Form (c) Insurance Documents (Condition 5) (d) Adjudicator’s Appointment (Condition 42) (e) Preliminaries; (f) Abstract of Particulars and Addendum; (g) Supplementary Conditions; 3 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (h) Specification; (i) Pre-construction Phase Health and Safety Information Package; and (j) Other documents - list as required, e.g. Parent Company Contract Performance Guarantee (Condition 48) 4 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SECTION 2 MODEL FORMS INCLUDING COMPLETION OF ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works APPENDICES TO THE TENDER DOCUMENTATION (MODEL FORMS) Within the Abstract of Particulars there are a number of references to various forms that must be appended to the tender documentation. However, not all of these apply in all cases. The following checklist can be used to prepare the appropriate set of model forms for each Project. The forms are listed in the order they are referred to in the Abstract of Particulars. It is recommended that they are appended in this order. DOCUMENTS PRESCRIBED BY THE CONTRACT 1 Abstract of Particulars and Addendum 2 Invitation to Tender and Schedule of Drawings 3 Tender and Tender Price Form 4 Insurance Documents (Condition 5) 5 Performance Bond (Condition 47) 6 Parent Company Contract Performance Guarantee (Condition 48) 7 Adjudicator’s Appointment (Condition 42) ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS 8 Order to Proceed (Condition 21) 9 Certificate of Completion (Condition 24) 10 Maintenance Certificate (Conditions 9 and 24) 11 Project Manager’s Instruction (Condition 25) 12 Interim Payment Certificate (Conditions 31 and 32) 13 Final Payment Certificate (Conditions 31 and 32) 14 Notice of Intention to Withhold Payment (Condition 33) 15 Notice of Non-Compliance with Instruction (Condition 36) 16 Employer’s Notice of Determination (Condition 38) 17 Employer’s Notice of Intention to Refer to Adjudication (Condition 42) 18 Employer’s Notice of Referral to Adjudication (Condition 42) Copies of each of these Model Forms are contained in the volume entitled GC/Works/2 (1998) Contract for Building and Civil Engineering Major Works – Model Forms and Commentary available from the bookshop of the Chartered Institute of Building ( ). 5 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 1 ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS AND ADDENDUM Works: Insert project name. Condition 1(1) (Definitions, etc) Employer: Insert site name. The Employer shall be Insert Employer’s name – this must be a legal entity, eg HSC Trust. Conditions 1(1) (Definitions, etc): Project Insert address of Manager, and 3(1) (Delegations and registered office. representatives) the HSC Trust The Project Manager shall be (i) Insert name of Trust employee or Lead Consultant. (ii) *of/whose registered office is at Delete either: ‘of’ and insert address of Consultant’s registered office, Lead or: ‘whose registered office is at’ and insert name of the HSC Trust. who shall act generally on behalf of the Insert list as required under condition Employer in carrying out those duties 4(1). It is recommended that the PM is described in the Contract, subject to the not restricted in carrying out the duties following excluded matters: described in the Contract. In relation to such excluded matters, the Insert list of the individual(s) or postperson or persons authorised to act for the holder(s) who is/are authorised to act for Employer are: the HSC Trust on the excluded matters. The Planning Supervisor shall be (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) Insert the name of the CDM Co-ordinator unless the Lead Consultant is to carry out the role. Where the Lead Consultant is to carry out the role insert ‘The Lead Consultant’. Amend to read ‘The Lead Consultant shall be’. For schemes below the delegated limit (£500,000) where the HSC Trust is providing the professional service, insert the name of the HSC Trust employee authorised to act for the HSC Trust in the role of Lead Consultant. Amend to read ‘The CDM Co-ordinator shall be’. 6 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works *of/whose registered office is at Delete either: ‘of’ and insert address of registered office, or: ‘whose registered office is at’ and insert name of the HSC Trust. *All the CDM Regulations Regulations 11 and 21 of Regulations apply. apply/Only Delete as appropriate. Amend to read the CDM ‘All CDM Regulations apply / Only Regulations 11 and 21 of the CDM Regulations apply’. Condition 5 (Insurance) Delete if appropriate; £10,000,000 will normally apply and should be seen as The minimum amount insured in respect of the lower limit. For projects with employer’s liability referred to in Condition particularly high risks eg large number of 5(1) shall not be £10,000,000 but shall be £ employees and comparatively high-risk construction operations, it may be necessary to consult with a Deputy Divisional Director, CPD, CD – Health Projects for confirmation that the cover is adequate. CPD, CD – Health Projects may consult with the Government Broker. DHSSPSNI, in line with other Government Departments, is required by Government Accounting not to effect or maintain any insurance, unless they have had prior written approval from the DHSSPSNI on the back of a Business Case. The percentage for professional fees referred Normally 15% would be appropriate; to in *Condition 5(2)(a) shall not be 15%, but delete as appropriate. shall be % Insert the percentage if 15% is not considered satisfactory. Delete the reference to ‘Condition 5(2)(a), or Model Form 4 Insurance Documents (Condition 5). The minimum amount insured in respect of public liability referred to in *Condition 5(2)(b) shall be £ for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one A minimum of £10,000,000 should be inserted, but consideration should be given to increasing this figure if the risk is high. 7 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works event. Delete ‘the Summary of Essential Insurance Requirements shall be £....... for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event’. The forms of certificates referred to in Delete ‘*and Summary of Essential Condition 5 are appended. Insurance Requirements’. Append Model Form 4 Insurance Document 5 Condition 5 to the tender documents for completion by the tenderer. Only the preferred Tenderer has to complete the form. The PM should submit the completed Model Form 4 with any other documents relating to the various insurances to Deputy Divisional Director, CPD, CD – Health Projects, for confirmation that the cover is adequate. CPD, CD – Health Projects may consult with the Government Broker. If Alternative A applies append ‘Model Form 4 Insurance Documents (Condition 5) Condition 9 (Defects in Maintenance Periods) Normally insert 12 months. Other than for the services listed below, the Maintenance Period for the Works shall be ………. months and shall apply from the day after that on which the Works are completed as certified by the PM. The Maintenance Period for each of the following services, which shall apply from the day after that on which the Works are completed as certified by the PM, shall be: DHSSPSNI recommends the same maintenance period for all services and the building. Hence, this section is normally not completed. Service: Period Months Months Months Condition 10 regulations) (Occupier’s rules Condition 10 *shall/shall not apply. and If this condition applies insert the occupiers rules and regulations either as Appendices or amend to read ‘are contained in the Preliminaries Section of the Contract Documentation’. *The occupier’s rules and regulations are Occupier’s rules and regulations would 8 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works appended. normally include details of all ‘permits to work’ that will be relevant to the works, and details of any other restrictions eg working hours, parking, infection control measures, radiation protection requirements, additional measures in connection with the use of acetylene on HSC sites, etc. Condition 15 (Passes) Delete as appropriate Condition 15 *shall/shall not apply. Condition 16 (Photographs) Delete ‘shall not’. Condition 16 *shall/shall not apply. Condition 21 completion) (Commencement and DHSSPSNI recommends that Employers do not accept tenders ie award contracts until the expiry of the standstill period (in Period within which Order to Proceed to be accordance with the Public Contracts given: ………..Days of the acceptance of the (Amendment) Regulations 2009 which tender. In the absence of such notice the implemented the EU Remedies Contractor may take possession 14 Days Directive) and they are confident that the after the acceptance of the tender. site will be available for the date of possession. The Order to Proceed (Model Form 8) should be issued with the acceptance. The Date for Completion of the Works shall However, a period of not exceeding 14 be *…………..* the last Day of a period of days could be inserted in this condition *weeks/months beginning on the day after as a contingency. the day for commencement stated in the Order to Proceed. Condition 29 (Finance charges) The rate at which finance charges shall be DHSSPSNI recommends 5%. payable shall be % over the rate charged during the relevant period by the Insert ‘5%’. Bank of England to lending money to the clearing banks. Condition 37 (Damages for delay) Enforcing Liquidated Damages Liquidation damages for delay shall be: The Employer must strictly follow the requirements of Condition 37. £ per Day. Assessment of Rate Damages for delay shall be at large: 9 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Two alternative methods of estimating the damages are recognised, depending on the project. Where loss of amenities is not a significant feature of the project damages may be assessed by estimating additional costs and direct losses and expenses, but where loss of amenities is significant (which it frequently will be for HSC projects) a rate of interest of 15% per annum of the anticipated Contract Sum should be adopted instead. This rate (which includes 2 1/2% for additional staff costs) is independent of short term changes in general interest rates. It is emphasised that the loss of amenities method is an alternative to estimating direct costs, losses and expenses, but nevertheless DHSSPSNI would not expect to see a rate which represented much less than 15% per annum on a contract without special features. *Condition 40 (Determination by Contractor) DHSSPSNI recommends the suggested period of 182 days. *The period of suspension referred to in Condition 40(3)(e) shall not be 182 Days, but shall be Days. *Condition 41 (Determination suspension of Works) following DHSSPSNI recommends the suggested period of 182 days. *The period of suspension referred to in Condition 41(1) shall not be 182 Days, but shall be Days. **Condition 42 (Adjudication) The adjudicator shall be One approach is to leave the naming of the adjudicator until a dispute occurred, when the naming is then by agreement of between the parties, or failing such agreement, by the President or a Vice or, if he is deceased or unwilling or unable to President of the Chartered Institute of act, or is not or ceases to be independent of Arbitrators. the Employer, the Contractor and PM, However, the guidance in the of GC/Works/2 (1998) Model Forms and Commentary states ‘The adjudicator and or, if he is deceased or unwilling or unable to named substitute adjudicator should, 10 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works act, or is not or ceases to be independent of the Employer, the Contractor and the PM: such other person as the Employer and the Contractor choose by mutual agreement in writing or, failing such agreement, such other person as may be chosen by the President or a Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (or, where the Contract is a Scottish contract, by the Chairman or a Vice Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators(Arbiters) (Scottish Branch)) at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor. whenever possible, be appointed before, or simultaneously with, entry into the Contract’. The prescribed form of appointment is appended. Append Model Form 7 (GC/Works/2 (1998) Model Forms and Commentary) to the tender documents. adjudicator’s DHSSPSNI has no preference for either approach. Either insert the name of the adjudicator or if it is intended to leave the appointment until a later stage, insert: ‘To be agreed’. **Condition 43 (Arbitration and choice of law) DHSSPSNI recommends that if the issue(s) are not resolved by Adjudication The arbitrator shall be they are taken to litigation without recourse to Arbitration. The original of Condition 43 has been deleted in the amendments and is therefore ‘Not or, if he is deceased or unwilling or unable to applicable.’ act, or is not or ceases to be independent of the Employer, the Contractor and the PM, of or, if he is deceased or unwilling or unable to act, or is not or ceases to be independent of the Employer, the Contractor and the PM: such other person as the Employer and the Contractor choose by mutual agreement in writing or, failing such agreement, such other person as may be chosen by the President or a Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (or, where the Contract is a Scottish contract, by the Chairman or a Vice Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators(Arbiters) (Scottish Branch)) at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor. Condition 47 (Performance bond) The use of a Performance Bond is not recommended, see the guidance in the Condition 47 *shall/shall not apply. GC/Works 2 (1998) Model Forms and *The performance bond shall be in an Commentary. amount of % of the Contract Sum, and not 10%. *The prescribed form of performance bond is 11 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works appended Condition 48 (Parent company guarantee) DHSSPSNI recommends that Parent Company Guarantees are required. Condition 48 *shall/shall not apply. *The prescribed form of parent company Append Model Form 6 Parent Company guarantee is appended. Contract Preferred Guarantee (Condition 48) to the tender documents. Delete ‘shall not’. ***Supplementary Conditions and Annexes The following Supplementary Conditions and Annexes (if any) are incorporated into the Conditions of Contract and shall prevail over the other Conditions of Contract: The Supplementary Conditions that should be incorporated into the Contract are as listed in SECTION 3: SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS. This list should be inserted here. * Delete inapplicable items. ** The same adjudicators and arbitrators should be named in all the Employer’s contracts relating to the project, whether with contractors, consultants or others. ***It is recommended that any printed Conditions affected by Supplementary Conditions should be amended and initialled by both parties. 12 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ADDENDUM TO ABSTRACT OF PARTICULARS Schedule of Design Information Information on items on Condition 28(2)(a) and (b) listed below is not yet available but will be provided by the PM within the periods indicated below. Items not listed will be provided in time to meet the Contractor’s reasonable requirements where these have been notified in reasonable time. Item * ** Weeks Delete inapplicable items ** The weeks are counted from the day for commencement stated in the Order to Proceed issued by the Employer (see Condition 21(1) (Commencement and Completion) 13 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 2 INVITATION TO TENDER AND SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS INVITATION TO TENDER Works: Site: 1. (“the Employer”) invites you to tender, upon the basis of GC/Works/2 General Conditions (1998), for the Works described in the following enclosed documents: (a) Abstract of Particulars and Addendum; (b) Supplementary Conditions and Annexes (if any) referred to in the Abstract of Particulars; (c) Specification; (d) Drawings listed in the attached Schedule of Drawings; (e) Pre-Construction Phase Health and Safety Information Package; and (f) Other documents as listed below: 2. Your tender should be submitted on the form of Tender and Tender Price Form also enclosed. Any obvious errors in pricing or errors in arithmetic will be dealt with as stated in the form of Tender. 3. You are required to keep your tender confidential and not divulge to anyone, even approximately, what your tender price is or will be. The sole exception to this is information you may have to give to your insurance company, or broker, in order to compile your tender, but you must stress to them that this information is given in strict confidence. 4. You must not make any arrangements with anyone else about whether or not they should tender, or about their or your tender prices or terms and conditions. You may however, obtain any necessary sub-contract quotations. 5. No tendering expenses will be reimbursed by the Employer. 6. The Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest, or any, tender. 14 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 7. Your form of Tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope prominently marked: FORM OF TENDER FOR WORKS: SITE: The envelopes should bear no external indication of the identity of the tenderer. 8. Tenders must be to: completed and returned by am/pm on SIGNED by: for and on behalf of: Tel: Fax: Email: Date: 15 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS Drawings prepared by Discipline Drawing No & Revision No. (if any) Drawing Title Date 16 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 3 TENDER AND TENDER PRICE FORM TENDER Works: Site: To be returned by am/pm on to of 1. We have examined GC/Works/2 General Conditions (1998), and the following documents: (a) Abstract of Particulars and Addendum; (b) Supplementary Conditions and Annexes (if any) referred to in the Abstract of Particulars; (c) Specification (if used); (d) Drawings listed in the Schedule of Drawings; (e) Pre-Construction Phase Health and Safety Information Package (and confirm that we will provide an Outline Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan and details of how we plan to implement and develop it, together with details to establish our competence and resources to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon us relative to health and safety in the execution and/or management of the Works); and (f) Other documents as listed below: 2. We enclose for your approval our Programme and the other enclosed documents, which shall be deemed to form part of our tender listed below: 3. We have obeyed the rules about confidentiality of tenders and will continue to do so as long as they apply. 4. We undertake, within 7 days of being so required by the Employer, to submit to the Employer for his approval a schedule of rates to be used to value variations in the Works. Notwithstanding such approval, we undertake to satisfy the Employer that the prices in the schedule of rates as approved are fair; and should reasonably be used to value variations in the Works. 5. We agree that, should errors in pricing or errors in arithmetic be discovered in any schedules of rates submitted by us during consideration of this offer, we 17 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works will be afforded the opportunity of confirming or withdrawing offer/confirming our offer, or of amending it to correct such errors*. our 6. Subject to and in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 5 above and the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the documents listed in paragraphs 1 and 2, we offer to execute the Works referred to in the said documents in consideration of payment by the Employer of the sum shown in our accompanying Tender Price Form, which shall be deemed to form part of our tender, plus reimbursement by the Employer of Value Added Tax in accordance with Condition 27 (VAT). 7. (Only applicable if Abstract of Particulars states that Condition 47 (Performance bond) shall apply) Our surety/sureties will be whose registered office is at 8. Limited/PLC (Only applicable if Abstract of Particulars states that Condition 48 (Parent Company guarantee) shall apply) Our ultimate holding company (if any) is (No: ), whose registered office is at 9. Limited/PLC, We agree that differences or questions arising out of or relating to the Contract shall be resolved in accordance with Conditions 42 (Adjudication) and 43 (Arbitration and choice of law) of the General Conditions. SIGNED by: for and on behalf of: Tel: Fax: Email: Date: * Employer to delete inapplicable item before issuing tender documents 18 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works TENDER PRICE FORM Works: Site: To be returned by am/pm on to of The sum referred to in our accompanying Form of Tender is (£ )* pounds SIGNED by: for and on behalf of: Tel: Fax: Email: Date: 19 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 4 INSURANCE DOCUMENTS (CONDITION 5) NO 1: 1. CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE UNDER CONDITION 5(1) OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR BUILDING & CIVIL ENGINEERING MINOR WORKS GC/WORKS/2 (1998) This certificate relates to a contract (‘the Contract’) for the execution of the following Works ‘the Works’) made between ‘the Employer’) and (‘the Contractor’), and is furnished to the Employer. 2. Condition 5(1) (Insurance) of the Contract requires the Contractor to effect and maintain employer’s liability insurance. 3. Condition 5(4) (Insurance) of the Contract contains further requirements regarding such insurance. 4. We certify that the Contractor has complied with the above requirements by effecting and maintaining insurance as followsInsured: Insurer: Policy No: Period of Insurance: From: To: Amount Insured: £ SIGNED by , as required by the Contract. for and on behalf of *Contractor’s Insurance Broker/Contractor’s Insurer Tel: Fax: Email: Date: *Delete inapplicable items. 20 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works NO 2: CERTIFICATE OF CONTRACTOR’S INSURANCE UNDER CONDITION 5(2) OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR BUILDING & CIVIL ENGINEERING MINOR WORKS GC/WORKS/2 (1998) 1. This certificate relates to a contract (‘the Contract’) for the execution of the following Works (‘the Works’) made between (‘the Employer’) and (‘the Contractor’), and is furnished to the Employer. 2. Condition 5(2) (Insurance) requires the Contractor to effect and maintain certain insurance described in that paragraph. 3. Condition 5(4) (Insurance) of the Contract contains further requirements regarding such insurance. 4. We certify that the Contractor has complied with the above requirements by effecting and maintaining insurance as follows Construction ‘All Risks’ (Condition 5(2)(a) Insured: Insurers: Policy No: Period of Insurance: From: To: Amount Insured in respect of the Works, Thing and professional fees: £ Excess or Deductible: £ per claim. Public Liability (Condition 5(2)(b) Insured: Insurers: Policy No: Period of Insurance: From To: Amount Insured: £ , being at least the minimum sum stated in the Abstract of Particulars included in the Contract, for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event. Excess or Deductible: £ per claim. 21 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SIGNED by for and on behalf of *Contractor’s Insurance Broker/Contractor’s Insurers Tel: Fax: Email: Date: *Delete inapplicable items. 22 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 5 PERFORMANCE BOND (CONDITION 47) THIS BOND is made the day of BETWEEN: (1) [of] OR [whose registered office is at] (‘the Contractor’); (2) [of] OR [whose registered office is at] (‘the Guarantor’) and (3) of (‘the Employer’, which term shall include its successors and assignees). WHEREAS by an Agreement (‘the Contract’) dated as stated in the Schedule and made between the Employer of the one part and the Contractor of the other part, the Contractor undertook the execution of certain works (‘the Works’) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The Guarantor guarantees to, and covenants with, the Employer: (a) that the Contractor has discharged, and shall discharge, all the Contractor's obligations (whether existing or future) under or pursuant to the Contract; and (b) that, in the event of the Contractor's default in the discharge of any such obligations, the Guarantor shall pay to the Employer the loss and damage thereby caused to the Employer. 2. The maximum aggregate liability of the Guarantor under this Bond shall not exceed the sum set out in the Schedule (‘the Guarantee Amount’). 3. The Guarantor shall be, and continue to be, liable under this Bond even if the Contract is or becomes not binding on, or unenforceable against, the Contractor, for any reason whatever. No alterations in the Contract, or in the Works, and no extension of time, forbearance or forgiveness, nor any act, matter or thing whatsoever except Expiry (as defined in the Schedule) or an express release by the Employer, shall in any way release or reduce any liability of the Guarantor under this Bond. References to the Contract in this 23 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Bond shall include all amendments, variations and additions to it, whether made before or after the date hereof. 4. Whether or not this Bond shall be returned to the Guarantor, the obligations of the Guarantor under this Bond shall be released and discharged absolutely upon Expiry. 5. The Contractor, having requested the execution of this Bond by the Guarantor, concurs in the terms and conditions of this Bond. 6. The Employer shall be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of the Employer's rights under this Bond without the consent of the Guarantor and/or of the Contractor. 7. The proper law of this Bond shall be the same as that of the Contract. Where the proper law of this Bond is Scots law, the parties prorogate the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. IN WITNESS whereof the Contractor and the Guarantor have executed this Deed on the date first stated above. SCHEDULE Date of the Contract: Guarantee Amount: 10% of the Contract Sum, namely pounds (£ ). Expiry: Expiry occurs on the date when the first of the following events occurs: (a) in the event of the Contractor's default in the discharge of any of the Contractor's obligations under or pursuant to the Contract, the Guarantor shall pay to the Employer the loss and damage thereby caused to the Employer, up to the Guarantee Amount; or (b) pursuant to Condition 31(5)(b) (Final Account) of the Contract, the Contractor shall have paid the excess therein specified to the Employer, and any amount due from the Contractor to the Employer pursuant to any decision, award or judgement in, or settlement of, any adjudication, arbitration or other proceedings commenced in respect of the Contract before or within sixty (60) days after the end of the Maintenance Period, or where there is more than one Maintenance Period, the end of the last Maintenance Period to expire, has been paid. [Upon certification of completion of the Works by the Project Manager under Condition 24 (Certifying completion) of the Contract, the Guarantee Amount shall reduce by one-half. NOTE: Where the proper law of the above document is Scots law, the format will be subject to alteration to reflect the requirements of Scots law in relation to the execution of a document. 24 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 6 PARENT COMPANY CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (CONDITION 48) THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of BETWEEN: (1) [of] OR [whose registered office is at] (‘the Guarantor’); and (2) of (‘the Employer’, which term shall include its successors and assignees). WHEREAS by an Agreement (‘the Contract’) dated and made between the Employer of the one part and (‘the Contractor’) of the other part, the Contractor undertook the execution of certain works (‘the Works’) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The Guarantor hereby absolutely irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees to the Employer the due and punctual performance by the Contractor of all the obligations on the part of the Contractor under or pursuant to the Contract (‘the Terms’) and (as a separate stipulation and as primary obligor) agrees that if the Contractor shall in any respect commit any breach of or fail to fulfil any of the Terms, then the Guarantor will forthwith perform and fulfil in place of the Contractor each and every Term in respect of which the Contractor has defaulted or which is unfulfilled by the Contractor. The Guarantor shall be liable to the Employer for all losses, damages, expenses, liabilities, claims, costs or proceedings which the Employer may suffer or incur by reason of the said failure or breach. 2. The Guarantor shall be, and continue to be, liable under this Agreement even if the Contract is or becomes not binding on, or unenforceable against, the Contractor, for any reason whatever. No alterations in the Contract, or in the Works, and no extension of time, forbearance or forgiveness, nor any act, matter or thing whatsoever except an express release by the Employer, shall in any way release or reduce any liability of the Guarantor hereunder. References to the Contract in this Agreement shall include all amendments, variations and additions to it, whether made before or after the date hereof. 3. This guarantee shall remain in full force and effect until performance in full of the Terms, notwithstanding: 25 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 4. (a) the insolvency or liquidation of the Contractor, the Guarantor or any other person; (b) any disclaimer of the Contract by a liquidator of the Contractor; and/or any feature of the Contract, the negotiations prior to the Contractor and the Employer entering into the Contract, or the performance of the Contract, making it ineffective or unenforceable. Until the Terms have been unconditionally and irrevocably performed in full the Guarantor shall not by virtue of any performance or payment made by it or otherwise: (a) be subrogated to any rights, security or moneys held or received or receivable by the Employer; or (b) be entitled to exercise any right of contribution from any co-surety in respect of such performance and liabilities under any other guarantee, security or agreement; or (c) exercise any right of set-off or counterclaim against the Contractor or any such co-surety; or (d) receive, claim or have the benefit of any payment, distribution, security or indemnity from the Contractor or any such co-surety; or (e) unless so directed by the Employer (when the Guarantor will prove, and turn over any realisations to the Employer, in accordance with such directions) claim as a creditor of the Contractor or any such cosurety in competition with the Employer. 5. No delay or omission of the Employer in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder shall impair such right, power or privilege or be construed as a waiver of such right, power or privilege nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege. The rights and remedies of the Employer herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. 6. A waiver given or consent granted by the Employer under this guarantee will be effective only if given in writing and then only in the instance and for the purpose for which it is given. 7. (a) If at any time any one or more of the provisions of this guarantee is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not be in any way affected or impaired thereby. (b) As a separate and alternative stipulation the Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that any sum expressed to be payable by it or obligation to be performed by it under this guarantee but which is for 26 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works any reason (whether or not now existing and whether or not now known or becoming known to the Guarantor) not recoverable from or enforceable against the Guarantor on the basis of a guarantee shall nevertheless be recoverable from or enforceable against the Guarantor as if the Guarantor were the sole principal debtor or obligor (where relevant). 8. (a) Any notice, demand or other communication to be served under this guarantee may be served upon the Guarantor only by posting by first class post or delivering the same or sending the same by e-mail or facsimile transmission to the Guarantor at its address, or email address or facsimile number shown below: Address: Fax: E-mail: or at such other address or number as the Guarantor may from time to time notify in writing to the Employer. (b) Any notice, demand or other communication to be served under this guarantee may be served upon the Employer only by posting by first class post or delivering the same or sending the same by e-mail or facsimile transmission to the Employer at its address, or e-mail address or facsimile number shown below: Address: Fax: E-mail: or at such other address or number as the Employer may from time to time notify in writing to the Guarantor. 9. A notice or demand served by first class post shall be deemed duly served on the second business day after the date of posting and a notice or demand sent by e-mail or facsimile transmission shall be deemed to have been served at the time of transmission unless served after 5.00 p.m. in the place of intended receipt in which case it will be deemed served at 9.00 a.m. on the following business day. For the purposes of this paragraph ‘business day’ means a day on which commercial banks are open for business in London. 10. In proving service of any notice it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly stamped or franked first class, addressed and placed in the post and, in the case of e-mail or facsimile transmission, that such e-mail or facsimile was duly transmitted on a business day to a 27 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works current e-mail address or facsimile number of the addressee at the address referred to above. 11. The Employer shall be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of the Employer's rights under this guarantee without the consent of the Guarantor. 12. The proper law of this guarantee shall be the same as that of the Contract. Where the proper law of this guarantee is Scots law, the parties prorogate the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. IN WITNESS whereof the Guarantor has executed this Deed on the date first stated above. NOTE: Where the proper law of the above document is Scots law, the format will be subject to alteration to reflect the requirements of Scots law in relation to the execution of a document. 28 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 7 ADJUDICATOR’S APPOINTMENT (CONDITION 42) THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of BETWEEN: (1) of (‘the Employer’, which term shall include its successors and assignees); (2) [of] OR [whose registered office is at] (‘the Contractor’); and (3) of (‘the Adjudicator’). WHEREAS: (A) The Employer has entered into a contract dated (‘the Contract’) with the Contractor for the execution of certain Works, and a copy of the Contract has been supplied to the Adjudicator. (B) The Adjudicator has agreed to act as [adjudicator] OR [named substitute adjudicator] in accordance with the Contract. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows: 1 The Adjudicator shall, as and when required, act as [adjudicator] OR [named substitute adjudicator] in accordance with the Contract, except when unable so to act because of facts or circumstances beyond his reasonable control. 2 The Adjudicator confirms that he is independent of the Employer, the Contractor, and the Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor under the Contract, and undertakes to use reasonable endeavours to remain so, and that he shall exercise his task in an impartial manner. He shall promptly inform the Employer and the Contractor of any facts or circumstances which may cause him to cease to be so independent. 3 The Adjudicator hereby notifies the Employer and the Contractor that he will comply with Condition 42 (Adjudication) of the Contract, and its time limits. 4 The Adjudicator shall be entitled to take independent legal and other professional advice as reasonably necessary in connection with the 29 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works performance of his duties as adjudicator. The reasonable net cost to the Adjudicator of such advice shall constitute expenses recoverable by the Adjudicator under this Agreement. 5 The Adjudicator shall comply, and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any persons advising or aiding him shall comply, with the Official Secrets Act 1989 and, where appropriate, with the provisions of Section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act 1946. Any information concerning the Contract obtained either by the Adjudicator or any person advising or aiding him is confidential, and shall not be used or disclosed by the Adjudicator or any such person except for the purposes of this Agreement. 6 The Employer and the Contractor shall pay the Adjudicator fees, expenses and other sums (if any) in accordance with the Contract and the Schedule, plus applicable Value Added Tax. 7 The Adjudicator is not liable for anything done or omitted in the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as adjudicator, unless the act or omission is in bad faith. Any employee or agent of the Adjudicator is similarly protected from liability. 8 The proper law of this Agreement shall be the same as that of the Contract. Where the proper law of this Agreement is Scots law, the parties prorogate the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. IN WITNESS whereof the Employer, the Contractor and the Adjudicator have executed this Deed in triplicate on the date first stated above. SCHEDULE Adjudicator’s Fees, Expenses, etc.. NOTE: Where the proper law of the above document is Scots law, the format will be subject to alteration to reflect the requirements of Scots law in relation to the execution of a document. 30 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 8 ORDER TO PROCEED (CONDITION 21) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Contractor Date: The Contractor is hereby required to proceed with the Works on [date]. This Order to Proceed is given under Condition 21 (Commencement and completion). Project Manager 31 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 9 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION (CONDITION 24) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] To: the Contractor Date: It is hereby certified under Condition 24 (Certifying completion) that the Works were completed in accordance with the Contract on [date]. *This certificate is given without prejudice to the Contractor's obligation to complete the outstanding items listed on the attached schedule. Project Manager *Delete inapplicable items. The PM is not obliged to issue this certificate subject to a schedule of outstanding items or ‘snagging list’, but such a concession is often given in practice. 32 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 10 MAINTENANCE CERTIFICATE (CONDITIONS 9 AND 24) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] To: the Contractor Date: It is hereby certified under Condition 24 (Certifying completion) that, the [last*] Maintenance Period having expired, the Contractor has complied with Condition 9 (Defects in Maintenance Periods). Project Manager *Delete inapplicable items. 33 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 11 PROJECT MANAGER'S INSTRUCTION (CONDITION 25) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] To: the Contractor Date: The Contractor is hereby instructed under Condition 25 (PM's Instructions) as follows: [insert details of Instruction] *Prior to the issue of this Instruction the Employer and the Contractor have agreed that the lump sum total price of complying with it is pounds (£ ), excluding VAT. Such agreement shall be confirmed by the Contractor's acknowledgement of receipt of this Instruction. *The Contractor is requested to submit to the Project Manager a written quotation of the lump sum total price of complying with this Instruction. Pursuant to Condition 25(3), this Instruction is conditional upon agreement of such a lump sum price, pending which agreement the Contractor is not to begin complying with the Instruction. *The Contractor is requested to submit to the Project Manager a written quotation of the lump sum total price of complying with this Instruction. This Instruction is not conditional upon agreement of such a lump sum price, and the Contractor shall immediately begin complying with the Instruction. In accordance with Condition 25(3), the Contractor's agent is required immediately to acknowledge receipt of this Instruction. Project Manager *Delete inapplicable items. I acknowledge receipt of the above Instruction on For and on behalf of the Contractor 34 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 12 INTERIM PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (CONDITIONS 30 AND 32) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Employer Copied to: the Contractor Date: It is hereby certified under Condition 32 (Certifying payments) that the net sum not previously certified (taking into account retention and all set-off or abatement to which the Employer is entitled, but exclusive of VAT) to which the Contractor is entitled under Condition 30 (Advances on account) is pounds (£ ), calculated on the following basis: Condition 30(2) (Advances on account). (a)(i) (ii) £ 97% of the value of the work executed on the Site; and 97% of the value of any Things for incorporation which have been reasonably delivered to the Site and are adequately stored and protected against damage by weather and other causes, but which have not been incorporated in the Works. .................... Less deduction under Condition 30(2)(a)(ii) in respect of Things for incorporation on account of which an advance has been made under Condition 30(2)(a)(i) and which have been incorporated in the Works. £ .................... ___________ ___________ .................... (b) 100% of any amount determined by the PM under Condition 28 (Prolongation and disruption) in respect of the relevant month. .................... (c) 100% of any amount calculated under Condition 29 (Finance charges). Sub-total of (a) - (c). .................... (d) Less sum agreed to be credited by the Contractor for old materials. Certified sum .................... ___________ £ ___________ Project Manager This form is intended to comply with the requirements of Part 2 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996. 35 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 13 FINAL PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (CONDITIONS 31 AND 32) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Employer Copied to: the Contractor Date: It is hereby certified under Condition 32 (Certifying payments) that the net sum not previously certified (taking into account retention and all set-off or abatement to which the Employer is entitled, but exclusive of VAT) to which the Contractor is entitled under Condition 31(5) (Final Account) is pounds (£ ), calculated on the following basis: Final Sum £ Less amount previously certified Certified sum £ Project Manager 36 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 14 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITHHOLD PAYMENT (CONDITION 33) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Contractor Date: Notice is hereby given that the Employer proposes to withhold payment of pounds (£ ) upon the ground that [insert details] OR Notice is hereby given that the Employer proposes to withhold payment of a total of pounds (£ ) upon the grounds that [insert details of each ground for withholding and the amount proposed to be withheld attributable to each ground] This notice is given under Condition 33 (Withholding payment). Project Manager 37 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 15 NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUCTION (CONDITION 36) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Contractor Date: Notice is hereby given that the Employer requires compliance, within [insert number] days of the date of this notice, with the following Instruction: [insert details] This notice is given under Condition 36 (Non-compliance with Instructions). Project Manager 38 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 16 EMPLOYER'S NOTICE OF DETERMINATION (CONDITION 38) Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] To: the Contractor Date: Notice is hereby given that the Contract is hereby determined, upon the ground mentioned in Condition 38(2)*(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h) (Determination by Employer), in that [insert details] This notice is given under Condition 38(1) (Determination by Employer). Project Manager *Delete inapplicable items. 39 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 17 EMPLOYER'S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REFER TO ADJUDICATION (CONDITION 42) Employer: [insert name and address] Project: [insert short description] Project No: Contract No: Contractor: [insert name and address] To: the Contractor Date: Notice is hereby given that the Employer intends to refer to adjudication the following dispute: [insert details] This notice is given under Condition 42(1) (Adjudication). Project Manager 40 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works MODEL FORM 18 EMPLOYER'S NOTICE OF REFERRAL TO ADJUDICATION (CONDITION 42) Adjudicator: Employer: Project: Project No: Contract No: Contractor: Project Manager: [insert name and address] [insert name and address] [insert short description] [insert name and address] [insert name and address] To: the Adjudicator Copied to: the Contractor and the Project Manager Date: Notice is hereby given that a dispute, difference or question arising under, out of, or relating to the Contract is hereby referred to you for adjudication. The matter in dispute is specified in the First Schedule. The principal facts and arguments relating to the matter in dispute are set out in the Second Schedule. All relevant documents in the possession of the Employer are specified in the Third Schedule, and copies of such documents are enclosed with this notice. This notice is given under Condition 42(1) (Adjudication). For and on behalf of the Employer [insert Schedules] 41 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Appendix A (page 1 of 3) Attestation Clause for use when the Contractor is a Limited Company executing under Seal:In Witness whereof the Common Seal of the Employer and the Common Seal of the Contractor have been hereunto affixed the day and year first herein written. The Common Seal of the _____________________________________(Employer) was hereunto affixed in the presence of:- _________________________________________________ The Common Seal of _______________________________________[Limited] or [PLC] (Contractor) was hereunto affixed to this Deed in the presence of:- ____________________________________ Director ____________________________________ Director/Secretary Date_________________________________ 42 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Appendix A (page 2 of 3) Attestation Clause for use when the Contractor is not a Limited Company:In Witness whereof the Common Seal of the Employer has been hereunto affixed and this Agreement has been duly executed as a deed by the Contractor the day and year first herein written. The Common Seal of the ____________________________________(Employer) was hereunto affixed in the presence of:- _________________________________________________ * SIGNED SEALED and DELIVERED by_______________________ (Contractor) in the presence of:- ____________________________________ (Witness) of ____________________________________ * Where the Deed is to be executed by a partnership all parties to the partnership are required to sign. Hence the provision for signature should be repeated as necessary. Date_________________________________ 43 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Appendix A (page 3 of 3) Attestation Clause for use when the Contractor is a Limited Company which does not wish to execute under Seal:In Witness whereof the Common Seal of the Employer has been hereunto affixed and this Agreement has been duly executed as a deed by the Contractor the day and year first herein written. The Common Seal of the ______________________________________(Employer) was hereunto affixed in the presence of:- _________________________________________________ SIGNED as a DEED for and on behalf of______________________________________[Limited] or [PLC] (Contractor) by:- ____________________________________ Director ____________________________________ Director/Secretary Date_________________________________ 44 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SECTION 3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS To be incorporated into tender documentation Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ***SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND ANNEXES Contents The following Supplementary Conditions and Annexes (if any) are incorporated into the Conditions of Contract, and shall prevail over the other Conditions of Contract: Supplementary Condition No 200 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued June 2008; revised March 2013) – amendments To Conditions of Contract Supplementary Condition No 201 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued December 1999 - Value Added Tax Supplementary Condition No 202 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor works (issued August 2007) – The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 Supplementary Condition No 203 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued July 2005) – Protection of Information Supplementary Condition No 204 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued July 2005, revised March 2013) – Health and Safety – Buildsafe – NI Supplementary Condition No 205 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued January 2006) – Equality of Opportunity Supplementary Condition No 206 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued April 2006; revised March 2013) – Waste Management – Duty of Care Supplementary Condition No 207 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued April 2007; revised March 2013) – Construction Contract Monitor (CCM) Supplementary Condition No 208 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued November 2006; revised March 2013) – Timber and Wood Derived Products Supplementary Condition No 209 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued May 2008) – Statutory and Other Regulations Supplementary Condition No 210 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued September 2009, revised January 2016) – Employer’s Sustainability Requirements (Economic, Social & Environmental) Supplementary Condition No 211 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (issued May 2012) – Managing Poor Performance *** It is recommended that any printed Conditions affected by Supplementary Conditions should be amended and initialled by both parties. 43 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 200 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED JUNE 2008; REVISED MARCH 2013) – AMENDMENTS TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Condition 1 Definitions, etc Page 6 In line 13 delete ‘1995’ and insert ‘2007’. Page 7 In line 9 delete the words ‘Health and Safety Plan’ and insert ‘Pre-construction information pack’. Page 7 after definition of "Instruction" insert new definition as follows: " 'Lead Consultant' means the person named in the Abstract of Particulars and appointed by the Employer to act in the role of Lead Consultant;" Page 7 In line 11 delete ‘15’ and insert ‘23’. Page 7 In line 12 delete ‘10’ and insert ‘16’. Page 7 In line 21 delete the words ‘Planning Supervisor’ and insert ‘CDM Coordinator’. Page 7 In line 22 delete 6(5) and insert 14(1). Page 7 In line 25 delete the words ‘Regulation 6(5)’ and insert ‘Regulation 14(3)’. Page 7 In line 26 in the definition of ‘the PM’ omit ‘Project Manager’ and insert ‘Lead Consultant’. Insert the following additional clause after Condition 1(4)(c)(iii): Condition 6(4) Statutory notices and CDM Regulations ‘(5) Neither the Contract, nor any term thereof, shall be enforceable by any third party, except any third party included within the definition of ‘Employer’ or of ‘Contractor’ given in paragraph (1); and the Contract may be determined or varied without the consent of any third party.’ Page 12 In line 8 delete the words ‘Planning Supervisor’ and insert ‘CDM Co44 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ordinator’. Condition 6(5) Page 12 In line 2 delete ‘Planning Supervisor’ and insert ‘CDM Co-ordinator’ Delete the entire Condition and insert:‘At the Concept Phase of the Works the Employer will appoint a competent CDM Co-ordinator to perform the duties as cited in clauses 20 and 21 of the CDM Regulations (NI) 2007. The Contractor shall co-operate fully with the CDM Co-ordinator and shall deliver any information required in order to provide, review and update the Health and Safety File as referred to under Regulation 20 (2) (e).’ Condition 6(7) In lines 1-3 delete ‘Planning Supervisor’ and insert ‘CDM Co-ordinator’ In line 4 delete ‘Regulation 14(d)(e) and (f)’ and insert ‘Regulation 19 (2) (a-d)’ Condition 11(1) Discrimination In line 4 delete ‘the Fair’ to ‘1989’ in line 5 and insert ‘The Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998’. Condition 20(3) Excavations In line 1 delete ‘All’ and insert ‘Without prejudice to the provisions of the Historic Monuments and Archaeological Objects (NI) Order 1995, all’. Condition 21(1) Commencement and Completion In line 4 delete ‘6’ and insert ‘21’. Condition 22(4)(c) Progress Meetings In line 2 after ‘reduce’ delete ‘to’ and insert ‘or’. Condition 23(c) Extensions of time In line 1 delete ‘Planning Supervisor’ and insert ‘CDM Co-ordinator’. Condition 43 Arbitration and choice of law Delete the entire Condition and insert: ‘Condition 43 choice of law’ ‘The proper law of the Contract shall be Northern Ireland law and all disputes and/or differences between the parties shall be referred to the Courts of Northern Ireland’. 45 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 201 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED DECEMBER 1999) – VALUE ADDED TAX (THIS SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION IS WRITTEN AS ‘NOTWITHSTANDING CONDITION 7) 1. DEFINITION In this Condition ‘tax’ means Value Added Tax (as defined by Section 1 of the Finance Act, 2012) being the tax chargeable by virtue of Part 1 of that Act on the supply of services/goods under the Contract. 2. 3. 4. EXCESS AMOUNTS (1) Where an amount of tax has been reimbursed which is in excess of the amount which, in all the circumstances, should have been so reimbursed, the Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor an amount equal to the excess. (2) The reference to the circumstances mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above shall (without prejudice to its generality) include circumstances where there has been any overpayment of a sum due to the Contractor under the Contract. (3) The rights of recovery conferred by this paragraph may be affected by deduction from any sum or sums then due under the Contract or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under or in respect of the Contract or any other Contract with the Employer or with any Department or Office of Her Majesty’s Government. DISPUTES (1) Where any dispute, difference or question arises between the parties as to the amount of tax payable by the Contractor in respect of the supply by him of services/goods under the Contract, the Contractor shall, if the Employer so requires, refer the matter to Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise for their decision. (2) Any decision given by the said Commissioners on any such reference shall be treated by the parties as final and conclusive of the matter. (3) The Adjudication and Arbitration Conditions of the General Conditions applicable to the Contract shall not apply in relation to any such dispute, difference or question as aforesaid. SUBCONTRACTS In any Subcontract which is let in connection with the Contract the Contractor shall insert a Condition containing all the provisions of this Supplementary Condition subject only to the modifications that for references to the Employer, 46 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works the Contractor, and the Contract there shall be substituted, respectively, references to the Contractor, the Subcontractor and the Subcontract. 5. IT IS HEREBY AGREED:(1) that nothing contained in any other Condition (whether General or Supplementary) applicable to the Contract shall be construed so as to take account of any liability of the Contractor to pay the tax, and any reference in any such other Condition to a payment due to be made by the Employer to the Contractor (however that payment may be described and in whatever circumstances it fails to be made) shall be construed as being so due exclusive of the tax; (2) that nothing in this Condition or in the Notes hereafter referred to shall be taken as placing on the Employer any duty or responsibility in relation to the tax which, under any of the provisions of Part 1 of the Finance Act, 2012, applies in relation to the Contractor, and the Employer and the Contractor undertake to observe (so far as applicable to each of them) the requirements set out in the Notes to this Condition, being requirements designed to facilitate the implementation of Contract Condition 45 and paragraph 2 above; and (3) that references to the Finance Act, 2012 in this Condition and the Notes below shall be deemed to include all statutory modifications thereto and re-enactments thereof. NOTES 1. ADVANCES ON ACCOUNT The Contract being a Contract for the supply of services, or services together with goods, in the course of construction, alteration, demolition, repair or maintenance of a Building or of any Civil Engineering Work which provides for periodical payments for such supplies, under Regulation Nr 21 of the Value Added Tax (General) Regulation 1974 made by Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs and Excise in accordance with sub-section (8) of Section 7 of the Finance Act, 2012, a supply shall be treated as taking place when a payment is received by the supplier where the consideration is wholly in money or when the supplier issues a tax invoice, whichever is the earlier. Accordingly:(1) The Contractor shall in any request made to the Employer for payment under any other Condition (whether General or Supplementary) applicable to the Contract send or issue to the Employer a valid VAT invoice, showing tax calculated as a separate amount. To assist the Employer to check the reimbursement of tax to be made with any payment due to the Contractor under any such other Condition, the Contract shall on any valid VAT invoice, seeking payment, state whether the services in respect of which the payment is due and sought:a. are zero-rated for the purposes of tax; or 47 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works b. are taxable at a positive rate, in which event the Contractor shall state the amount of the services against each rate; or c. comprise a mixture of zero-rated and taxable services. In this event, the Contractor shall state the amount of the services falling into each category and the rate applicable. Any such invoice, application or other document shall be endorsed ‘This is a tax invoice’. 2. (2) The Employer shall, before making any payment due to the Contractor under any such Condition, check the total amount of tax appropriate to the payment and all such previous payments and shall reimburse the Contractor the amount of tax, correctly estimated less any amount of tax previously reimbursed. (3) The Employer shall, on receipt of such an invoice, satisfy himself that tax has been correctly estimated by the Contractor and if so satisfied, shall issue promptly to the Contractor an authenticated receipt in a form acceptable to the Contractor showing separately thereon the payment and reimbursement payable and the date invoice so received (which constitutes the date of supply and the tax point) and such other particulars as are required by Regulations 9(1) and 10 of the said Regulations to be shown on a tax invoice. CREDIT FOR OLD MATERIALS Where, under the Contract, a sum of money is allowed to the Employer by the Contractor in recognition of his right to retain old materials arising from execution of the Works, such sums of money shall be set off against the sum payable by the Employer under the Contract for performance of the Works, and tax shall be calculated on the net sum remaining. 3. RETENTION Sums which are retained by the Employer as a retention under the Contract shall not be chargeable with tax until such time as any payment is made to the Contractor out of that retention, which each and every payment shall bear the appropriate amount of tax. 4. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Liquidated damages do not fall within the scope of the Value Added Tax Regulations, and shall not, therefore, be taken into consideration in assessing the tax chargeable on the work performed under the Contract. 48 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 202 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED AUGUST 2007) THE CONSTRUCTION (DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT) REGULATIONS (NORTHERN IRELAND) 2007 1. 2. DEFINITIONS (1) ‘CDM Regulations’ means the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 or any remaking thereof or any amendments to a regulation therein. (2) ’CDM Co-ordinator’ means the PM or any other person named in the Abstract of Particulars or any successor duly appointed by the Employer as the CDM Co-ordinator pursuant to Regulation 14(1) of the CDM Regulations. (3) ’Principal Contractor’ means the Contractor, whose tender for this project is accepted by the Employer, or any other Contractor duly appointed by the Employer as the Principal Contractor pursuant to Regulation 14(2) of the CDM Regulations. (4) ‘Designer’ means – (a) any person or persons engaged by the Employer to design all, or part, of the project which is subject of the Contract; and (b) any person or persons engaged by the Contractor to design all, or part, of the project which is subject of the Contract. (5) ‘Health and Safety Plan (HSP)’ means the plan for the Contract, developed from the pre-construction information by the Principal Contractor to comply with Regulation 23 of the CDM Regulations and any further development of that plan by the Principal Contractor during the progress of the Works. (6) ‘Health and Safety File (HSF)’ means the file, containing the records of information as set out in Regulation 17 of the CDM Regulations to be delivered to the Employer at the completion of the Works. DUTIES (1) The Employer shall – (a) Monitor that the CDM Co-ordinator carries out all the duties of the CDM Co- ordinator as set out in the CDM Regulations; (b) ensure that, where the Contractor is not the Principal Contractor, the Principal Contractor carries out all the duties of the Principal Contractor as set out in the CDM Regulations; and (c) ensure that the Designer, or Designers, engaged by it, carry out all 49 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works of the duties of the Designer as set out in the CDM Regulations. (2) 3. The Contractor shall – (a) where he is and while he continues to be the Principal Contractor, carry out all the duties of the Principal Contractor as set out in the CDM Regulations; (b) where the Employer appoints a successor to him as Principal Contractor, meet all reasonable costs to the Employer of the new Principal Contractor carrying out all of the duties of the Principal Contractor as set out in the CDM Regulations; and (c) ensure that the Designer, or Designers, engaged by him, carry out all of the duties of the Designer as set out in the CDM Regulations. COMPLIANCE (1) (2) The CDM Co-ordinator shall – (a ) notify HSENI about the project; (b) provide in a convenient form to every Contractor (including the Principal Contractor) who may be or has been appointed by the Employer such parts of the pre-construction information which are relevant to each; (c) advise the Employer on the suitability of the initial construction phase Health and Safety Plan (HSP) and the arrangements made to ensure that welfare facilities are on site before commencement of the Works; (d) ensure that any proposed amendment to the HSP, in accordance with Condition 3(2)(d) hereof, is satisfactory prior to its inclusion in the HSP, in accordance with Condition 3(2)(e) hereof; (e) prepare, maintain and at completion of the Works, deliver to the Employer the Health and Safety File containing records of each structure comprised in the Contract as set out in the CDM Regulations; (f) co-ordinate design work, planning and other preparation for construction where relevant to health and safety; and (g) manage the flow of health and safety information between Employer, Designers and Contractors. The Contractor shall (a) ensure that the Contract complies in all respects with the CDM Regulations; 50 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works (b) ensure that the Designer, or Designers, engaged by it comply in all respects with the CDM Regulations and fully co-operate with the CDM Co-ordinator and any other Designer, engaged upon the same project. (c) ensure that a suitable construction phase HSP is prepared as set out in the CDM Regulations and supporting Approved Code of Practice, to take account of the management of the construction work and shall provide a statement of such development and proposals for the implementation thereof to the CDM Co-ordinator, the PM and the Employer to assess its suitability before commencement of the Works; (d) make provision in the Programme for all design changes, changes to the sequence of work or changes to temporary works to be fully appraised from a Health and Safety aspect and provide a statement, in the HSP, setting out the procedure, including timescale for notification, discussion and approval, for the amendment of the HSP to include such changes. (e) ensure that any proposed amendment to the HSP, in accordance with Condition 3(2)(d) hereof, is notified to the PM, through the new Principal Contractor where the Employer has appointed a successor to him as Principal Contractor, who will then seek the approval of the CDM Co-ordinator to assess its suitability, in accordance with Condition 3(1)(c) hereof, prior to its inclusion in the HSP; (f) ensure that the HSP is adhered to by all operatives on the Site, including all Subcontractors and Others Employed Direct, and ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that they are all adequately trained and made fully aware of the HSP and all risks; (g) ensure, or, where the Employer has appointed a successor to him as Principal Contractor, assist the new Principal Contractor to ensure, that the HSP is properly monitored and amended for the duration of the Works; and (h) provide, and ensure that all Sub-contractors and Others Employed Direct provide through him, progressively for the duration of the Works and to be complete by the date for completion of the Works, all necessary information to the CDM Co-ordinator, through the new Principal Contractor where the Employer has appointed a successor to him as Principal Contractor, to enable the Health and Safety File to be fully maintained in accordance with Condition 3(1)(d) hereof. 51 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 203 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED JULY 2005) – PROTECTION OF INFORMATION 1. CONFIDENTIALITY 1.1 1.2 Each Party:a. shall treat all Confidential Information belonging to the other Party as confidential and safeguard it accordingly; and b. shall not disclose any Confidential Information belonging to the other Party to any other person without the prior written consent of the other Party, except to such persons and to such extent as may be necessary for the performance of the Contract or except where disclosure is otherwise expressly permitted by the provisions of this Contract. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that all Confidential Information obtained from the Employer under or in connection with the Contract:a. is given only to such of the staff and professional advisors or consultants engaged to advise it in connection with the Contract as is strictly necessary for the performance of the Contract and only to the extent necessary for the performance of the Contract; b. is treated as confidential and not disclosed (without prior approval) or used by any staff or such professional advisors or consultants otherwise than for the purposes of the Contract. 1.3 Where it is considered necessary in the opinion of the Employer, the Contractor shall ensure that staff or such professional advisors or consultants sign a confidentiality undertaking before commencing work in connection with the Contract. The Contractor shall ensure that staff or its professional advisors or consultants are aware of the Contractor’s confidentiality obligations under this Contract. 1.4 The Contractor shall not use any Confidential Information it receives from the Employer otherwise than for the purposes of the Contract. 1.5 The provisions of Clauses 1.1 to 1.4 shall not apply to any Confidential Information received by one Party from the other:a. which is or becomes public knowledge (otherwise than by breach of this Condition); b. which was in the possession of the receiving Party, without restriction as to its disclosure, before receiving it from the disclosing Party; 52 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 1.6 c. which is received from a third party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation restricting its disclosure; d. is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information; or e. which must be disclosed pursuant to a statutory, legal or parliamentary obligation placed upon the Party making the disclosure, including any requirements for disclosure under the FOIA, or the Environmental Information Regulations pursuant to Condition 2.3 (Freedom of Information). Nothing in this Condition shall prevent the Employer:a. disclosing any Confidential Information for the purpose of:i. the examination accounts; and certification of the Employer’s or ii. b. any examination pursuant to Section 6(1) of the National Audit Act 1983 of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which the Employer has used its resources; or disclosing any Contractor:- Confidential Information obtained from the i. to any Government Department or any other Contracting Authority. All Government Departments or Contracting Authorities receiving such Confidential Information shall be entitled to further disclose the Confidential Information to other Government Departments or other Contracting Authorities on the basis that the information is confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party which is not part of any Government Department or any Contracting Authority; or ii. to any person engaged in providing any services to the Employer for any purpose relating to or ancillary to the Contract; provided that in disclosing information under sub-paragraph (b) the Employer discloses only the information which is necessary for the purpose concerned and requires that the information is treated in confidence and that a confidentiality undertaking is given where appropriate. 1.7 Nothing in this Condition shall prevent either Party from using any techniques, ideas or know-how gained during the performance of the Contract in the course of its normal business, to the extent that this does 53 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works not result in a disclosure of Confidential Information or an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. 2. 1.8 In the event that the Contractor fails to comply with this Condition, the Employer reserves the right to terminate the Contract by notice in writing with immediate effect. 1.9 The provisions under this Condition are without prejudice to the application of the Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1989 to any Confidential Information. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION 2.1 The Contractor acknowledges that the Employer is subject to the requirements of the FOIA and the Environmental Information Regulations and shall assist and co-operate with the Employer (at the Contractor’s expense) to comply with these information disclosure requirements. 2.2 The Contractor shall and shall procure that its Sub-contractors shall: 2.3 2.4 a. transfer the Request for Information to the Employer as soon as practicable after receipt and in any event within 2 working days of receiving a Request for Information; b. provide the Employer with a copy of all information in its possession or power in the form that the Employer requires within 5 working days (or such other period as the Employer may specify) of the Employer requesting that information; and c. provide all necessary assistance as reasonably requested by the Employer to enable the Employer to respond to a Request for Information within the time for compliance set out in Section 10 of the FOIA. The Employer shall be responsible for determining at its absolute discretion whether the Commercially Sensitive Information and/or any other information:a. is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA or the environmental Information Regulations; b. is to be disclosed in response to a Request for Information and in no event shall the Contractor respond directly to a Request for Information unless expressly authorised to do so by the Employer. The Contractor acknowledges that the Employer may, acting in accordance with the Department for Constitutional Affairs’ Code of Practice on the Discharge of Functions of Public Authorities under Part 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, be obliged under the FOIA or the Environmental Information Regulations to disclose information:54 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 3. without consulting with the Contractor; or b. following consultation with the Contractor and having taken its views into account. 2.5 The Contractor shall ensure that all information produced in the course of the Contract or relating to the Contract is retained for disclosure and shall permit the Employer to inspect such records as requested from time to time. 2.6 The Contractor acknowledges that any lists or schedules provided by it outlining Confidential Information are of indicative value only and that the Employer may nevertheless be obliged to disclose Confidential Information in accordance with Clause 2.4. PUBLICITY 3.1 4. a. The Contractor shall not make any public statement relating to the existence or performance of the Contract without prior approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. RIGHT OF AUDIT 4.1 The Contractor shall keep secure and maintain until 2 years after the final payment of all sums due under the Contract or such longer period as may be agreed between the parties, full and accurate records of the Services, all expenditure reimbursed by the Employer and all payments made by the Employer. 4.2 The Contractor shall grant to the Employer or its authorised agents such access to those records as they may reasonably require in compliance with the Contract. 5. DATA PROTECTION ACT 5.1 The Contractor shall not disclose or allow access to any personal data provided by the Employer or acquired by the Contractor during the course of tendering for or executing the contract, other than to a person employed or engaged by the Contractor or any Sub-contractor, agent or other person concerned with the same. 5.2 Any disclosure of or access to personal data allowed under Condition 4.1 shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as that which is specifically necessary for the purpose of the Contract. 5.3 The Contractor shall store or process such personal data only at sites specifically agreed in writing, in advance, with the Employer. 5.4 If the Contractor fails to comply with any provision of this Contract then the Employer may summarily determine the Contract by notice in writing to the Contractor provided always that such determination shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which shall have accrued or shall 55 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works accrue thereafter to the Employer. 5.5 If the Contractor or any employee, servant agent or sub-contractor of the Contractor, having obtained without the consent of the Department personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act, directly or indirectly discloses or publishes the data to any person or allows improper access to the data, or in any event directly or indirectly causes the loss, damage, or destruction of such data, he shall indemnify the Employer against all claims, proceedings, costs and expenses in respect of any damage or distress suffered whereby by any person. 5.6 The decision of the Employer upon matters arising under this clause shall be final and conclusive. 56 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 204 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED JULY 2005; REVISED MARCH 2013) HEALTH AND SAFETY – BUILDSAFE- NI 1. HEALTH AND SAFETY - BUILDSAFE-NI INITATIVE 1.1 GENERAL The Contractor and his supply chain shall comply with all the requirements of the Government Clients’ Buildsafe-NI Action Plan February 2011 which is available on the CPD website at: The requirement of these provisions shall not reduce the responsibility of the Contractor in relation to the CDM Regulations or other applicable Health and Safety Legislation. 2. MONITORING AND REPORTING: 2.1 3 The Principal Contractor shall provide a written health and safety report for the project Notifiable under CDM 2007, using the attached ‘GCCG Buildsafe-NI Contractor’s Health & Safety Report’ pro-forma, available at the following link, for discussion at each project meeting. HEALTH & SAFETY AUDITING: 3.1 The Contractor and his supply chain shall: Permit the Employer’s Health & Safety staff/representatives access to their offices, sites, etc at any reasonable time; Permit the Employer’s Health & Safety staff/representatives to make any reasonable enquiry; and Provide any appropriate information/data requested relevant to the project thus enabling the Employer’s Health & Safety staff/representatives to undertake any health and safety audit, inspection or investigation in assessing health and safety compliance. 4.0 HEALTH & SAFETY CERTIFICATION: 4.1 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – THIRD PARTY The Contractor and his supply chain shall meet the requirements in respect of third party health and safety certification as outlined below and contained in the Buildsafe – NI Action Plan: 57 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Action 2 (a) of the Buildsafe – NI Action Plan has a requirement that all Contractors seeking to tender for public sector works contracts shall have a health and safety management system certified by a 3rd party. Action 2 (b) of the Buildsafe – NI Action Plan has a requirement that all Contractors first tier subcontractors, with 5 or more employees, shall have a health and safety management system certified by a 3rd party. 5.0 HEALTH & SAFETY – COMPETENCY OF SITE OPERATIVES: 5.1 The Contractor shall require all site operatives, whether employed directly or through subcontract, to possess evidence of appropriate Health and Safety training before being admitted to site. To demonstrate compliance all site operatives must be in possession of a valid Health and Safety competency identification (HSCI) card issued by an appropriate industry body or possess other evidence of training issued by an approved body. The format of the supporting documentation will include a photograph of the individual and their personal details and shall be carried by the person at all times on site. 58 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 205 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED JANUARY 2006) - EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY: 1. 2. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable fair employment, equality of treatment and anti-discrimination legislation, including in particular, the Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002, the Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998, the Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 and 1988, the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003, the Equal Pay Act (Northern Ireland) 1970, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997, the Employment Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 and the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and shall use his best endeavours to ensure that in his employment policies and practices and in the delivery of the services required of the Contractor under this agreement he has due regard to the need to promote equality of treatment and opportunity between: a. persons of different religious beliefs or political opinions; b. men and women or married and unmarried persons; c. persons with and without dependants (including women who are pregnant or on maternity leave and men on paternity leave); d. persons of different racial groups (within the meaning of the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997); e. persons with and without a disability (within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995); f. persons of different ages; and g. persons of differing sexual orientation. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the observance of the provisions of the above clause (1) by all servants, agents, employees, consultants and sub-contractors of the Contractor. 59 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 206 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED APRIL 2006; REVISED MARCH 2013) - WASTE MANAGEMENT - DUTY OF CARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT - DUTY OF CARE: 1. The Contractor shall, in respect of all waste material arising from all work required by or associated with the Contract, accept the responsibilities of a waste producer as understood by the code of practice issued by the Department of the Environment in accordance with Article 5(9) of the Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (the 1997 Order). 2. The treatment or disposal of any waste material falling within the code of practice definition of controlled waste shall be subject to the duty of care imposed by Article 5 of the 1997 Order. Requirements in respect of the duty of care are contained in the Controlled Waste (Duty of Care) Regulations 2002 (the 2002 Regulations). 3. As the waste producer, the Contractor shall be the initial holder of the waste as understood by the code of practice. 4. The Contractor shall, before work commences and when requested during the contract, provide the Employer with details of all contractual arrangements made for the treatment or disposal of all waste material including the identities of all future holders of the waste material. 5. The Contractor shall write a proper description of each category of waste management covering the following where appropriate: any problems it poses the type of premises the waste comes from what the waste is called the process that produced the waste; and a full analysis. 6. The Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that waste materials are properly protected and stored while on site and vehicles used to transport the waste materials from the site are suitable for the purposes of protecting and storing the materials while in transit. 7. The Contractor shall complete and sign a copy of the Duty of Care: Controlled Waste Transfer Note The transfer note may be for a single load or it may be in the form of a season ticket for a number of loads of material of the same description being transported from the site to the same destination over a period of time not greater than one year. 8. The Contractor shall provide the Employer with copies of all completed and signed Duty of Care: Controlled Waste Transfer Notes. 60 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 9. The Contractor shall ensure that arrangements for compliance with the code of practice are included in all further contracts between future holders of the waste materials. The Contractor shall take measures to provide the Employer with copies of all season tickets arranged between future holders of the waste materials or, where season tickets are not used, as many of the individual load transfer notes as the Employer may require to comply with its responsibilities under the duty of care. 10. The Contractor shall retain copies of the Duty of Care: Controlled Waste Transfer Notes for at least 2 years and shall make them available to the Employer on request for the purpose of auditing waste management operations. 11. The Contractor shall provide at 6-monthly intervals and on completion of the Contract a summary of all transfers of waste materials arising from the Contract. The summary shall include the following minimum information: 12. details of all holders of the waste materials; site location and dates of transfer; description of waste and European Waste Catalogue code; and quantity of waste transferred. The Contractor shall arrange for the provision of any receipts issued by the final holder of the waste. Where receipts are normally produced by the final waste holder in the usual course of his business, payment in respect of waste disposal shall only be made following the submission of the relevant receipts. HAZARDOUS WASTE: 13. Certain particularly dangerous or difficult wastes (hazardous wastes) are subject to strict legal controls apart from and additional to the requirements of the duty of care. The additional requirements are contained in the Hazardous Waste Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005. Compliance with the duty of care shall not discharge the Contractor from his obligations under the said Hazardous Waste Regulations. 14. The provisions of sub-clauses 1 to 12 of this Clause shall apply to hazardous wastes, except to the extent that, when a consignment note for hazardous waste obtained from the Department of the Environment, Environment & Heritage Service has been properly completed so as to fulfil the duty of care requirements, it shall take the place of a Duty of Care: Controlled Waste Transfer Note in respect of the said provisions. CONTRACTOR ACTING AS A BROKER: 15. Where the Contractor fulfils the role of a broker as understood by the code of practice, he shall arrange for the requirements of sub-clauses 1 to 14 of this Clause to be undertaken by the various holders involved. 61 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: 16. The Contractor shall formulate a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) in accordance with the principles established in the Code of Practice entitled Site Waste Management Plans; Guidance for Construction Contractors and Clients, dated February 2006, or any subsequent revision. The SWMP shall include details of the provisions put in place by the Contractor to fulfil the requirements of this Clause. 17. The Contractor shall submit the SWMP to the Lead Consultant for approval before commencing any site operations, which would generate waste. 18. The Contractor shall submit Site Waste Management Plan data sheets in the form prescribed in Annex B of the ‘Site Waste Management Plans - Code of Practice’ to the Lead Consultant. 19. The Contractor is required to use the Recycled Content Toolkit for the calculation of the percentage by value of recycled materials in construction projects. This Toolkit has been developed by the Waste Recycling Action Programme (WRAP) ( The Contractor is required to achieve at least 10% by the value of material recycled/reused on construction projects. 20. The Site Waste Management Plan is to be implemented in all construction site activities in line with good practice published by Waste & Resources Action Plan (WRAP). The Plan is required to set a target for waste reduction and recovery. It is expected that this target will be set to better the current waste benchmark for project type as published in: s_for_new_build_projects_by_project_type_31_May_2012.pdf unless otherwise agreed with the Employer. 21. The Contractor is also required to meet specified minimum waste recovery rates for the waste streams with the largest cost-effective recovery potential (to be known as ‘selected Quick Wins’). The Contractor is required to identify and agree with the Lead Consultant the key opportunities for Quick Wins on the project and set minimum recovery rates to be achieved. Specifically, the Contractor’s responsibility (in association with his trade subcontractors and waste management contractors where appropriate) shall be to: Identify the waste streams with the largest potential and estimate likely recovery rates to be adopted for the project: Agree with the Lead Consultant before the commencement of construction those waste streams that will provide the most significant opportunities for cost-effective recovery rates (to be known as ‘selected Quick Wins’) and the minimum recovery rates to be adopted for the project; Meet the agreed minimum recovery rates for the selected Quick Wins unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Employer; Measure waste arising during the works and compare with the minimum recovery rates set for the project and then report these findings to the Lead Consultant (in a form to be agreed) every four weeks at project meetings 62 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 22. including the measures to be implemented to meet the minimum recovery rates if actual recovery is below target; and Appoint trade subcontractors and waste management contractors with the same liability as under the Employer’s Requirements to meet minimum recovery rates (where applicable) and to support the contractor to measure, monitor and report actual waste during the works. Specific Contractor responsibilities in relation to the Site Waste Management Plan will be to: Provide and agree a methodology with the Lead Consultant before detailed design commences regarding how the SWMP will be developed and implemented with specific reference to the constraints of the project, the management of these constraints, their supply chain, programme of key steps and reviewing performance. This should take into account good practice guidance published by WRAP and other organisations. Implement the SWMP during construction in accordance with the agreed methodology; and Ensure compliance of all appointed trade subcontractors and waste management contractors with the legal requirements under the Duty of Care regulations and take all reasonable actions as appropriate for non-compliance. For some approved uses of greenfield soil as outlined in NIEA’s Regulatory Position Statement ‘Guidance on the Regulation of Greenfield Soil in Construction and Development’ such as road and verge construction, landscaping and sustainable drainage systems, waste controls may not be applied. However, in order to benefit from the regulatory position, the producer or receiver of the soil must: Complete and sign the declaration form at Appendix 2 of the Regulatory Position Statement or Submit a declaration form on line at APPOINTMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND THEIR WASTE MANAGEMENT DUTIES: 23. The Contractor is to include an appropriate clause from option A. B. C or D in all subcontracts / work packages as follows: Option A – Subcontractor/s working on site – producing & arranging waste removal from site The subcontractors are responsible for the removal and management of their own waste and will collect, store, segregate and dispose of all waste materials in accordance with industry best practice and current legislation. The sub-contractor/s will co-operate with the Contractor’s Project/Site Management with this respect. The subcontractor shall retain full responsibility for the waste generated by the subcontract works until it is properly transported to and disposed at a suitable and correctly licensed waste management facility. Trade Contractors 63 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works are to ensure that all waste carriers and disposal sites hold current and valid licences (or exemption certificates) for the type of waste being disposed of. Trade contractors are to ensure that all documentation (transfer notes, consignment notes, hazardous waste consignment notes etc) is correctly completed and retained on file for the appropriate time (i.e. 2 years for transfer notes and 3 years for consignment notes for hazardous/special waste/paint). Trade Contractors are to provide the Contractor with copies of the following for all waste leaving the site: Waste Carriers Licences; Waste Management Licences; Waste Exemption Certificates; Waste Transfer Notes; and Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes. Trade Contractors are to ensure that a full set of documentation is handed over to the Contractor at the end of the contract period. This should include all waste consignment paperwork on a monthly basis. Trade Contractors are to provide monthly figures of all waste removed from site to the Contractor. Data provided must include the following information: Type of waste material; Total quantity of waste material types by volume (cubic m) and/or weight (tonnes); The waste management option for each waste material type (e.g. landfill, reuse, recycling); The percentage of each waste material type that is recycled or reused; and Data should be provided in the standard format, provided by the Contractor. The invoices for waste removed from site should not be paid unless written evidence is provided to the Contractor that the waste has been disposed of at, or taken to an approved site by an approved Waste Carrier. These records will be audited. Option B – Sub-contractors not removing their own waste A designated Waste Management Contractor will be appointed by the Contractor or alternatively the Contractor will make suitable arrangements for the removal and disposal of waste. Trade Contractors are required to comply with the appointed Waste Management Contractor or the Contractor for all waste management services relating to waste produced on site. Employment of Waste Contractor or Waste Broker/Waste Carrier or Waste Management Faculty. Option C – Employment of Waste Management Contractor by the Contractor 64 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works The key responsibilities of the Waste Manager/Waste Management Contractors are as follows: Compliance with environmental legislation in relation to waste management, including compliance with the Duty of Care and the requirements of the Waste & Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997 and related legislation; Monitor Trade Contractors compliance with the Site Waste Management Plan; Management of all waste on site, in terms of segregation, storage, movement of waste around the site; Ensure a clean and tidy site at all times, in terms of waste; Following up incidents of ‘orphaned’ waste; Managing the distribution, location and condition of waste containers around the site; Arrangements for the transfer of waste for treatment, recycling or disposal; Maintenance of accurate records (Waste Transfer Notes, Special Waste Consignment Notes, copies of Waste Carriers Licences, Waste Management Licences and Exemption details); Monitoring and monthly reporting to the Contractor accurate information on the quantities of waste recycled, reused and land-filled for each material type to assess performance against agreed waste recycling targets; Compiling data relative to Key Performance Indicators; Supervision and management of the wheel wash location adjacent to the Waste Compound; Liaising with the Contractor to ensure vehicle movements and deliveries are planned; Arrange collection and delivery of skips; Propose improvements to increase recycling/reuse of waste or improve management of waste on site; Attend weekly meetings with the Contractor, agree agenda and make and distribute a record of each meeting and action points to an agreed Template; and Management of other personnel under his direction. Reporting and Documentation The Waste Manager shall retain (and keep up to date) the following information: Waste Transfer Notes and Special Waste Consignment Notes: Copies of the Carriers Licence for all carriers used; Copies of the Waste Management Licences (or exemptions) for all destinations of waste; A register of containers logged to each trade Contractor; and Quantities (weight and volume) of waste produced. The Waste Manager shall supply the following information to the Contractor on a monthly basis: The quantity (weight and volume) of waste produced for each waste type together with the destination of that waste (reused, recycled, landfilled etc.) for each trade contractor and for the site as a whole; Details of abandoned or damaged waste containers; and Recommendations for improved waste management/minimisation 65 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Option D – Requirements for Waste Broker or Waste Carriers and Waste Management Facility if appointed by the Contractor The waste brokers/carrier and waste management facility shall provide copies of: - Waste Carriers Licence; and - All the Waste Management Facility Licences, where the waste is to be disposed of. Licences shall be submitted to site prior to any materials being removed from site. Subcontractors will ensure compliance with environmental legislation in relation to waste management, including compliance with the Duty of Care and the requirements of the Waste & Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997 and related legislation. Completed copies of Waste Transfer Notes or Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes signed by the Waste Management Site shall be submitted with the invoice or other evidence provided that the waste has been taken to a licensed Waste Management Site. Waste Reporting Subcontractors shall provide monthly figures of all waste removed from site to the Contractor. Data must include the following information: - Type of waste material; - Total quantity of waste material types by volume (cubic m) and/or weight (tonnes); - The waste management option for each waste material type (e.g. landfill, reuse, recycling); and The percentage of each waste material type that is recycled or reused. 66 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO. 207 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED APRIL 2007; REVISED MARCH 2013) - CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MONITOR (CCM) DEFINITIONS The Contracting Authority shall mean – ‘the Employer’ 1. APPOINTMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT MONITOR (CCM) In accordance with the following provisions, the Contracting Authority (for the purposes of this clause only) reserves onto itself the right to appoint a CCM and the engagement with and co-operation with the CCM will be a condition precedent to any payment being made by the Contracting Authority to the Contractor. 2. CCM SERVICE The Contracting Authority may engage the services of a CCM to advise on and monitor the procedures of the Contractor and the conduct of all its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants, in connection with the Works. The service will be directed at the four Stated Matters. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE CCM IS FACILITATED TO PROVIDE AN IMPARTIAL SERVICE 3. 4. OBJECTIVE 3.1 To limit opportunities for criminals or criminal or paramilitary organisations to target the Works; 3.2 To encourage fair competition and opportunity, and promote sustainable living through monitoring for compliance with legislation, including aggregate exploitation and waste disposal and landfill legislation and associated tax requirement. DEFINITIONS 4.1 Construction Contract Monitor (CCM): A multi-skilled investigative auditor/legal expert appointed to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The CCM will seek to deter, prevent, uncover and report unethical and illegal conduct by, within and against the Contractor's organisation. 4.2 Contract stakeholders: Government at central and local level, Government agencies including those involved in law enforcement and revenue collection, PSNI, citizens, shareholders and partners, and subcontractors and suppliers. 67 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 5. 6. 4.3 Schedule of Names: The list held by the Contracting Authority from which the Contracting Authority will select a CCM, on the basis of best value and collaborative potential. 4.4 Stated Matters: payments to criminal or paramilitary organisations; compliance with aggregates taxation payment; compliance with waste disposal legislation and landfill tax payments. arrangements for employment of labour-only subcontractors. CONTRACTOR INTEGRITY STANDARDS 5.1 Adoption of Standards: The Contractor shall adopt standards, agreed with the CCM, for its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants to follow in all dealings in connection with the works for the duration of the contract. 5.2 Notification to the CCM: The Contractor shall immediately notify the CCM in writing if, in connection with the business of the Contractor – any of its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors or consultants involved in the Contract are interviewed, questioned, or otherwise contacted by any law enforcement officer or official of any government agency or civil authority in connection with, or are notified that they are the subject of, any investigation, whether of a criminal, civil, or administrative nature; or the Contractor becomes aware of or suspects any unethical conduct or other impropriety or has knowledge of any criminal action, with respect to the Contract. EMPLOYMENT OF A CCM 6.1 6.2 Appointment of Construction Contract Monitor (CCM): The Contracting Authority may appoint a CCM from a Schedule of Names and may continue to employ the services of the CCM up to receipt of the practical/substantial/ completion certificate. The Contracting Authority will not appoint any organisation to the role of CCM that currently provides, or has provided within the previous 5 years, accountancy, audit or legal services to the Contractor, its parent body or any subsidiary organisation. Termination of CCM's contract: In the event that the Contracting Authority deems the services of the CCM to be of an unacceptable standard the 68 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Contracting Authority reserves the right, and shall retain the Contractual Authority, to terminate the contract with the CCM and to employ another CCM. Similarly, if the Contractor has reasonable objections as to the continuation of the selected CCM service the Contractor may request the Contracting Authority to replace the CCM with another from the Schedule of Names. 7. CCM DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 7.1 CCM Duties - General: The Contracting Authority will require the CCM to discharge the duties, outlined in para. 7.2, in pursuit of the four Stated Matters. (See para. 4.4). In all matters the Contractor shall facilitate the CCM in the execution of these duties. 7.2 CCM Duties – Detailed: The contracting authority will instruct the CCM to: Assess the effectiveness of the Contractor's procedures to meet the objectives of the contract and recommend appropriate action. Monitor, investigate and report actions, conduct, operations, or omissions of the Contractor, or any of its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants that may in the judgement of the CCM relate to the Contractor's legal, financial or social responsibilities to the contract stakeholders. Conduct such audits and investigations as may be reasonable or appropriate to ensure or determine the Contractor's compliance with the obligations in relation to the four Stated Matters; These duties shall also include, without prior notice to or permission of the Contractor, conducting on-site review and surveillance of the Contractor, its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors or consultants. The Contracting Authority will instruct the CCM to examine the current procedures and systems employed by the Contractor and present a report within 30 working days of the date of appointment of the CCM. This report will be copied to the Contractor. The Contractor shall implement such procedures, or amendments to existing procedures, recommended by the CCM to ensure the achievement of the objectives of this contract. The Contractor shall require all officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants employed on the contract to facilitate the CCM to the same extent as is required of the Contractor. 69 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 8. APPEAL OF CCM DECISION 8.1 9. In the event the Contractor is of the opinion, reasonably held, that the CCM is exceeding the scope of its duties, the Contractor may appeal to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will investigate the appeal and if upheld will clarify the extent of the duties to the CCM. The CCM's duties may only be redefined by a notice given by the Contracting Authority. REMUNERATION OF THE CCM The Contracting Authority shall: 10. Agree remuneration arrangements with, and pay directly to, the CCM all fees and expenses Require the CCM to base the remuneration package on the details included in their original application for inclusion in the Schedule of Names. 9.1 Variation of scope of CCM service & limitations on total cost of service; Where required the Contracting Authority, may instruct the CCM, directly, to vary the scope of the CCM service or provide additional resources. Such instruction will be copied in writing to the Contractor. The Contracting Authority, may impose a limit on the total cost of the service, that the CCM shall not exceed, without the written approval of the Contracting Authority. CCM REPORTING 10.1 Notifiable Events ‘The Contracting Authority shall require the CCM to notify the appropriate authority in writing immediately upon becoming aware of any of the following events: Notifiable Event Appropriate Authority Suspected or actual criminal activity Policy Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Suspected or actual, unethical or The Contracting Authority or Project Officer as irregular business activity, or violation Manager/Supervising appropriate of the Contract on the part of the Contractor, its officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors or consultants, or on the part of any government employee 70 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works An ongoing investigation by any law The Contracting Authority enforcement officer, official of any Government agency or other civil Authority Such notification will be copied in writing to the Contractor. 10.2 Routine Reporting The Contracting Authority shall require the CCM to report monthly, directly to both the Contracting Authority, and the Contractor details of: 11. Areas targeted and findings or observations; Recommendations made to the Contractor and the Contractor's response or action; Number of notifiable events and number of reports submitted to each appropriate authority. CO-OPERATION WITH THE CCM The Contractor shall fully co-operate with any reasonable request from the CCM and shall ensure all officials, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants do likewise The Contractor shall grant the CCM the right to examine all books, records, files, accounts, computer records, documents and correspondence, including electronically stored information, that relates directly or indirectly to the Contract, in the possession or control of the Contractor, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and any other company directly or indirectly controlled by the Contractor or its shareholders. At the request of the CCM, the Contractor shall issue any instructions to third parties that are necessary to give the CCM access to any books, documents or records that are under the Contractor's control, in whole or in part, but not currently in the Contractor's physical possession. The Contractor shall require all vendors, suppliers, subcontractors and consultants to assist the CCM in obtaining access to any past and/or present files and documentation (including detailed documentation covering negotiated settlements, accounts, computer records , documents, correspondence, and any other books and records as necessary. The Contractor shall give all authorisations, permissions, and/or waivers requested by the CCM for obtaining records pertaining to the Contractor and the Contract, but not maintained by the Contractor, including, but not 71 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works limited to, bank records and credit reports, from the persons or entities that possess them. The Contractor shall conclude a mutually acceptable confidentiality agreement with the CCM that shall prevent the disclosure of commercially confidential information, except in connection with the CCM reporting a Notifiable Event pursuant to para. 10.1. The Contractor shall identify and give the CCM access to, and use of, appropriate, private and secure workspace, and access to adequate photocopying and communications equipment. The Contractor shall include suitable provisions in all contracts with any all suppliers, subcontractors and consultants in connection with the Contract, a provision requiring them to adopt right-to-audit clauses in favour of the CCM, and conferring rights and powers of the type described above. o 12. At the request of the CCM, the Contractor shall require all suppliers, subcontractors and consultants to submit to the CCM any back-up material or other books, records or other documentation that the Contractor is permitted or empowered to demand. The Contractor will not make any payment to a supplier, subcontractor, or consultant from whom the Contractor has failed to obtain and supply to the CCM complete, accurate and truthful information in compliance with a written request from the CCM to the Contractor. Where the Contractor or an official or employee becomes aware of any improper or illegal conduct by any of its vendors, suppliers subcontractors or consultants it must immediately make a confidential, written report to the CCM. DETAILS OF EMPLOYEES 12.1 13. The Contractor shall maintain such records as the CCM shall require relating to its own workforce, its suppliers, subcontractors and consultants and their respective workforces After appointment of the CCM the Contracting Authority will immediately advise the Contractor. The Contracting Authority shall require the CCM to furnish the Contractor with a schedule that lists the names of ALL persons to be employed by the CCM in connection with the assignment. If requested by the Contractor the CCM shall furnish to the Contractor the CVs of those persons. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE 13.1 The Contracting Authority will require the CCM to maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance that will encompass all services to be provided. The Contracting Authority shall require the CCM to indemnify the Contractor and the Contracting Authority and its Agents against any claim from any 72 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works person or persons whomsoever, in respect to any allegation or act by any employee or agent of the CCM, whether malicious or as a result directly or otherwise of the service provided by the CCM. 14. OTHER COSTS INCURRED IN EMPLOYING THE CCM 14.1 14.2 Facilitation costs 14.1.1 Administrative costs – costs incurred will be subject to negotiation. 14.1.2 Professional fees incurred by the Contractor (auditor, accountant, or solicitor) only in facilitating the CCM will be reimbursed. Fees incurred in challenging or disputing decisions of the CCM will NOT be reimbursed. Mobilisation/Initiation costs Site Security – If specific security requirements are not detailed in the specification it will be deemed that the Contractor's bid has included for a reasonable level of site security. If any mobilisation/initiation proposals of the CCM are considered to be excessive the Contractor, before implementing them, may request a Variation Order from the PM. 14.2.1 15 Procedures –The Contractor's normal procedures must be sufficiently robust to ensure adherence to statutory obligations. It will therefore only be in exceptional circumstances that consideration will be given to any additional payments to the contractor for implementation of CCM proposals. DATA PROTECTION 15.1 Any relevant information discovered by the Contracting Authority or its Agents or the CCM during the monitoring, evaluation and reporting process may be used by any Government Department or Agency for statistical or information publications. 15.2 Where such information is to be so used it will not identify any individuals or firms. This undertaking excludes any information reported under para 10. 16. RIGHT OF AUDIT 16.1 The Employer’s staff (including auditors or other appropriate investigative staff) may visit the offices of the Contractor at irregular intervals. During such visits or at any time the Employer or Auditor may wish to examine: a) income tax records; b) time sheets completed by staff in support of time charges which must clearly identify individual contracts on which the staff has been engaged; c) invoices for Sub-contractor / Sub-consultant's accounts; 73 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works d) details of discounts, rebates or allowances, etc, on (c) above; e) VAT records; and any other documents, relevant to transactions under this contract. 74 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 208 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED NOVEMBER 2006; REVISED MARCH 2013) - TIMBER AND WOOD DERIVED PRODUCTS 1. 2. DEFINITION OF TIMBER 1.1 For the purposes of the Contract Specification, 'timber and wood derived products' is deemed to include any product that contains wood or wood fibre, with the exception of 'recycled' materials (see below). Such products range from solid wood to those where the manufacturing processes obscure the wood element (eg paper). Timber and wood derived products supplied or used in performance of the contract that have been reclaimed or reused are referred to as 'recycled' timber which is further defined below. Timber and wood derived products supplied or used in performance of the contract that are not recycled are referred to as 'virgin' timber when the distinction needs to be made for clarity. 1.2 In addition to the requirements of clause 1.1 above, all timber and wood derived products supplied or used by the Contractor in performance of the Contract (including all timber and wood derived products supplied or used by subcontractors) shall originate from a forest source where management of the forest has full regard for: Identification, documentation and respect of legal, customary and traditional tenure and use rights related to the forest; Mechanisms for resolving grievances and disputes including those relating to tenure and use rights, to forest management practices and to work conditions; and Safeguarding the basic labour rights and health and safety of forest workers. CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES (CITES) 2.1 3. The Contractor shall ensure that no virgin timber or wood derived products he/she procures for supply or use in performance of the contract shall have derived from any species of tree that is protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) unless the Contractor's supplier can prove, by producing official documentation, that he/she has complied with the CITES requirements that permit trading in the particular species of tree so listed under that Convention. RECYCLED TIMBER 3.1 'Recycled timber' in the context of this Contract means recovered wood that prior to being supplied to the Employer had an end use as a stand alone object or as part of a structure. The terms 'recycled', 'reclaimed' and 'reused' are used interchangeably and cover the following categories: 75 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works pre consumer recycled wood and wood fibre or industrial by products but excluding sawmill co-products (sawmill co-products are deemed to fall within the category of virgin timber), post consumer recycled wood and wood fibre and drift wood. 4. LEGAL AND SUSTAINABLE TIMBER 4.1 All timber and wood derived products procured by the Contractor for supply or use in performance of the contract must be independently verifiable and either: 4.1.1 from a legal and sustainable source; or 4.1.2 from a FLEGT-licensed or equivalent source. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROOF OF TIMBER ORIGIN 5.1 If requested by the Lead Consultant, and not already provided at the tender evaluation stage, the Contractor shall provide to the Lead Consultant evidence that the timber supplied or used in the performance of the Contract complies with the requirements of section 1.2 above and the following: 5.1.1 Management of the forest or plantation shall be audited at intervals confirming ongoing good forest management. These audits shall be carried out by organisations with appropriate forest management experience that are independent of the organisation that holds timber harvest and/or management rights for that forest. 5.1.2 The Lead Consultant will accept evidence from any of the following three categories: Category A evidence: Certification under a scheme recognised by the UK government as meeting the criteria set out in the document entitled “UK Government Timber Procurement Policy: Criteria for Evaluating Category A Evidence” (available on CPET’s website). The edition current on the day the contract is awarded shall apply. A list of assessed certification schemes that currently meet the government’s requirements can be found on CPET’s website. Acceptable schemes must ensure that at least 70% (by volume or weight) is from a legal and sustainable source with the balance from a legal source. Category B evidence: Documentary evidence, other than Category A evidence and FLEGT evidence, that provides assurance that the source is sustainable. In this context “sustainable” is defined in the document entitled “UK Government Timber Procurement Policy: Evaluation of Category B Evidence: Methodology” (available on CPET’s website). The edition current on the day the contract is 76 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works awarded shall apply. Such Category B evidence may include, for example, independent audits and declarations by the contractor or his contractors. Where Category B evidence is to be relied on, the contractor is required to notify the Employer of the source or sources of all virgin timber and wood-derived products supplied. Source in this context means the forest or plantation where the trees were grown and all subsequent places of delivery through the supply chain prior to receipt of the timber or wood-derived product by the Employer. The contractor shall separately identify virgin timber and wood-derived products supplied form forests and plantations that are claimed to be subject to sustainable timber production and shall submit to the Employer documentation in respect of such wood to confirm that the criteria for sustainable timber production have been met. If mixing is unavoidable within the supply chain then sources can still be accepted provided that there are adequate controls in place and at least 70% (by volume or weight) is from a legal and sustainable source with the balance from a legal source. FLEGT evidence, from either or both of the following categories: a) Evidence of timber products being exported from a timberproducing country that has signed a bi-lateral Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the European Community and which have been licensed for export by the producing country’s government. This may also include timber products that have been independently verified as meeting all the producing country’s requirements for a FLEGT licence, where a VPA has been entered into but the FLEGT licensing system is not fully operational. b) Equivalent evidence from a country that has not entered into a VPA which demonstrates that all of the requirements equivalent to FLEGT-licensed timber have been met. 5.2 The Employer reserves the right at any time during the execution of the Contract and for a period of 6 years from final delivery under the Contract to require the Contractor to produce the evidence required for the Employer's inspection within 14 days of the Employer's written request. 5.3 The Contractor shall maintain records of all timber and wood derived products delivered to and accepted by the Employer. Such information shall be made available to the Employer if requested, for a period of 6 years from final delivery under the Contract. 77 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 6. 7. INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION 6.1 The Employer reserves the right to decide whether the evidence submitted to it demonstrates legality and sustainability, or FLEGT-licence or equivalent, and is adequate to satisfy the Employer that the timber or wood-derived product complies with Condition 5 of this Supplementary Condition. In the event that the Employer is not satisfied, the Contractor shall, on written request by the Employer, commission and meet the costs of an 'independent verification' and resulting report that will (a) verify the forest source of the timber or wood and b) assess whether the source meets the relevant criteria as defined in Condition 5 of this Supplementary Condition. 6.2 In this Contract 'Independent Verification' means that an evaluation is undertaken and reported by an individual or body whose organisation, systems and procedures conform to ISO Guide 65:1996 (EN 45011:1998) General Requirements for Bodies Operating Product Certification Systems or equivalent: and who is accredited to audit against forest management standards by a body whose organisation, systems and procedures conform to ISO 17011: 2004 General Requirements for Providing Assessment and Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies or equivalent. EMPLOYER'S RIGHT TO REJECT TIMBER 7.1 8. The Employer reserves the right to reject any timber or wood-derived products that do not comply with the provisions of these Clause Conditions or the Contract Specification. Where the Employer exercises its right to reject any timber, the Contractor shall supply alternative timber, which does so comply, at no additional cost to the Employer and without causing delay to the Contract completion period. PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES & DISALLOWED COSTS 8.1 The acceptance or procurement procedures followed by the Contractor are as follows: Timber procurement procedures regarding chain of custody etc. The following is required for Category A evidence using a Certification Scheme. The certificate is acceptable if all of the points below are satisfied: - The timber is certified under one of the approved schemes; - The product is covered by the scope of the certificate; - The certificate is current with regard to its time period; & - The certificate is issued by the company selling the product to the Contractor. 78 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION OF CONTRACT NO 209 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED MAY 2008) – STATUTORY AND OTHER REGULATIONS 1. STATUTORY AND OTHER REGULATIONS 1.1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with any and all Acts of Parliament, Statutory Regulations, or other such laws, recommendations, guidance or practices as may affect the provision of the service(s) specified under the contract. The Contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with British/European standards and codes of practice as may be relevant to this contract. The Contractor shall adequately train, instruct and supervise staff to ensure that so far as is reasonably practical the standards and codes of practice are observed. 79 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION NO 210 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) (ISSUED SEPTEMBER 2009; REVISED JANUARY 2016) – EMPLOYER’S SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS (ECONOMIC, SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL) 1. EMPLOYER’S ECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS 1.1 The Contractor shall list and publicise opportunities available within the supply chain on the Contractor’s web-site and/or, where appropriate, in the local press. 1.2 The Contractor shall supply the Employer with details and web links to information published on the Contractor’s web-site for inclusion in the ISNI tracking database. 1.3 The Contractor shall comply with the Code of Practice for Government Construction Clients and their Supply Chains The Contractor and the supply chain shall sign an agreement with the Employer to meet the Fair Payment commitments set out in the ‘Fair Payment’ Charter. (See Appendix A of the Code of Practice for Government Construction Clients and their Supply Chains). The Contractor is required, through the use of suitable contract conditions, to ensure that terms which are equally favourable to the main contract are applied in subcontracts. The Contractor is required to ensure that 30 day payment terms are passed on to its subcontractors. The Contractor shall provide:- within two weeks of the starting date, a list of first tier subcontractors and amounts due where the subcontract value exceeds 1% of the total contract value or £10,000, whichever is greater; and at monthly intervals, an update on the payment status of the above subcontractors using the Contractor’s Subcontract Payment Report template set out in Annex B of this Supplementary Condition. Any subcontracts entered into by the Contractor shall include a requirement that, on the request of the Lead Consultant, the subcontractor will report to the Lead Consultant on the monies due to, and the payments received by the subcontractor from the Contractor. The report shall include an explanation for any monies withheld by the Contractor. The content and format of the report shall be agreed in advance with the Lead Consultant. 1.4 The Contractor in conjunction with the Employer shall put forward proposals to achieve the Best Value for Money for the Employer. Best Value for Money is seen as the optimum combination of Price and Quality (or fitness and purpose) over the lifecycle of the works whilst contributing 80 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works to the wider Government objectives on Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability. The Contractor shall use Whole Life Value studies and Whole Life Costing techniques and methods to support the decision making process required to achieve Best Value for Money. 1.5 2. The Contractor shall provide the Lead Consultant with access to accounts to allow timeliness of payments to subcontractors and suppliers to be verified. EMPLOYER’S SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS Note: The following social requirements may be provided through the five Health and Social Care Trusts’ (HSCT) Looked After Children (LAC) Employability Teams, contact details are available at Annex C. The HSCT Employability Teams work with unemployed care leavers aged 16 to 24 and can organise work placements with contractors. 2.1 Work Placement and Training Plan for the Project The Contractor shall submit a Work Placement and Training Plan to the Employer within two weeks of the starting date setting out: 2.2 the Contractor’s plans, procedures and programme for providing opportunities for the unemployed, apprentices and students as set out in this Supplementary Condition. Opportunities for the Unemployed The Contractor, either directly or through the supply chain, shall provide for each £2m of contract labour value, one paid employment opportunity for the unemployed (restricted to a maximum of 25 paid employment opportunities per construction works contract). The opportunities can be provided through: a Jobs and Benefits Office; a Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) approved scheme; or an equivalent. Candidates employed through any of the above routes must have been unemployed for a minimum of six months prior to being employed on this contract. The Contractor shall provide the unemployed participant with meaningful work experience, training and development which will enhance their opportunities for future employment. The Contractor shall provide:- 2.3 within two weeks of the starting date, a list of proposed participants using Table A within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report; and an update at monthly intervals on the number of employment opportunities actually delivered using Table A within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. Apprentices 81 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works The Contractor will be required to ensure that: Five percent (5%) of the Contractor’s workforce (if the Contractor has 20 or more employees) are employed on formally recognised paid apprenticeships. Five percent (5%) of the workforce of each first tier Subcontractor (with 20 or more employees) are employed on formally recognised paid apprenticeships. A paid apprenticeship is one that is recognised within the DEL ApprenticeshipsNI programme in construction e.g. Level 2 framework apprentices or Level 3 framework apprentices or a similar scheme for construction trade apprentices. The Contractor shall provide: within two weeks of the starting date, a list of apprentices using Table B within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report; and within two weeks of the starting date, evidence (eg PAYE printout) of the number of people employed by the Contractor and each first tier Subcontractor (with 20 or more employees) and records the data using Table B within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. an update at monthly intervals on the number of apprentices and individuals employed by the Contractor and each first tier Subcontractor (with 20 or more employees) using Table B within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. If, at the date of the contract award letter, the proportion of apprentices is below the five percent (5%) requirement, the Contractor shall submit to the Lead Consultant, within two weeks, an apprentice recruitment plan and shall implement this plan within six weeks to ensure that the requirement set out in this supplementary condition is achieved. If at any time before the completion date the proportion of apprentices drops below the five percent (5%) requirement the Contractor submits to the Project Manager an apprentice recruitment plan and implements this plan promptly to ensure that the requirement set out in this Supplementary Condition is achieved. In addition to the above apprentices requirements, the Contractor will be required to deliver sustainable employment and training opportunities for Looked After Children (LAC)/Care Leaver apprentices aged 16 to 24. The Contractor will provide a number of paid ring-fenced apprenticeships, either directly or through the supply chain for the LAC/Care Leaver group during the duration of the contract. The number provided shall be proportionate to the project value as denoted on the table below. 82 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Project Value Number Employed* £10 million to £20 million 1 £20 million to £49 million 3 £50 million and above 6 of Apprentices *These posts, if they are not filled in the first instance by apprentice LAC/Care Leavers can be (i) ring-fenced as employment opportunities for LAC/Care Leavers who have completed their training and are seeking employment (ii) offered as apprenticeship opportunities to young people aged 16 to 24 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). Such apprentice opportunities shall last for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years to all sufficient time for the acquisition of qualifications. In the event that an apprentice commences the apprenticeship opportunity, but withdraws or is removed before the completion date of the contract, the Contractor arranges for a suitable replacement employee from the Looked after Child/Care Leaver group unless the completion date of the contract is within 2 months. Apprentices will undertake a 4 year training schedule (or 2 years if they have achieved the first level qualification) based on the DEL Apprenticeships NI Framework model which includes a competence based qualification, a knowledge based qualification, essential skills and employment rights and responsibilities. This training will be delivered in partnership with local colleges and will require attendance initially 2 days per week at college reducing to 1 day per week at college in some cases. Integral to the training will be the provision of in-house mandatory staff training provided by the Contractor. The Contractor must ensure that the apprenticeship opportunity provides the apprentice with the relevant experience, development and marketable skills for continued and future employment development. Support for Contractor. The Trust Employability Service will take the lead on the “Looked after Children/ Care Leaver” initiative in the following ways to minimise difficulties and cost implications for Contractors. It is important that the Contractor makes contact with the Trust Employability Service within 2 weeks of securing the contract to agree an Apprentice Recruitment Plan for Looked after Children/Care Leavers. These plans will be included in the Contractor’s Work Placement and Training Plan for the Project. Within 2 weeks of the commencement of the contract the Contractor will inform the Employability Service of the opportunities, the expected 83 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works timescale of opportunities and the minimum eligibility requirements for the apprentices. The Employability Service will promote the apprenticeship opportunities, co-ordinate recruitment events and participate in the recruitment and selection process of apprentices in partnership with the Contractor. The Employability Service will carry out any necessary administration, that is, notification to successful individual of proposed start date, back to work benefit advice etc. Mentoring The Employability Service will offer a mentoring service to both Contractors and apprentices during the settling in period or for the duration of the project. Apprentices will be allocated both an onsite mentor from the Contractors staff and an Employability Worker from the Trust Employability Service. Monitoring of apprenticeships The Contractor will meet with the Trust Employability Service initially to review agreed targets, agree reporting methodology and to set in motion the recruitment process. Thereafter, the Contractor and the Employability Service and relevant parties will meet quarterly for regular updates to ensure progression is being made and the requirements of the social clause is being met. The Contractor shall provide an update at monthly intervals on the number of apprentices and individuals employed by the Contractor. At the end of the contract all parties will report outcomes, track against expectations and share good practice with key stakeholders. 2.4 Student Work Placements For contract labour value of between £2m and £5m, the Contractor shall provide one forty week placement for a student on a university or college of further or higher education construction related course. For contract labour value greater than £5m, the Contractor shall provide two forty week placements. The Contractor provides:- 2.5 within two weeks of the starting date, a list of proposed students using Table C within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report; and at monthly intervals, an update on the number of student weeks actually delivered using Table C within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. Trainees The Contractor, either directly or through its supply chain, shall provide, for each £500k of contract labour value, 8 person weeks of work placement for Training for Success (TfS) trainees through the Department 84 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works for Employment and Learning (DEL) contracted training suppliers or equivalent. The Contractor shall liaise with DEL by email to arrange the TfS placements. to In the event that a TfS trainee commences the work placement, but withdraws or is removed from the placement before the required number of weeks has been completed, the Contractor arranges for a replacement TfS trainee unless the total number of person-weeks placements yet to be delivered under the contract is less than 2 weeks. The Contractor provides the TfS trainee in conjunction with their training supplier with relevant work experience, training and development which will enhance their opportunities for future employment. The Contractor shall provide: 2.6 within two weeks of the starting date, a list of proposed TfS trainees using Table D within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report; and at monthly intervals, an update on the number of TfS participant weeks actually delivered using Table D within the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. Health and safety and welfare of unemployed participants, apprentices, students and trainees. The Contractor shall cooperate with DEL and its supplier and provide input into the supplier’s Health and Safety Risk Assessment. The Contractor shall provide all work experience participants, apprentices, students and trainees with :- 2.7 health and safety training in accordance with legislation and Buildsafe-NI ; personal protective equipment; insurance cover; and all other contractual and legislative requirements. Security clearance The Contractor shall arrange security clearance for all work experience participants, apprentices, students and trainees to the same standard as all other personnel involved in the contract in accordance with the Contract. 85 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 2.8 Failure to deliver opportunities for the unemployed, apprentices, students and trainees. If the Contractor fails to deliver the opportunities for the unemployed, apprentices, students and trainees set out in this Supplementary Condition this will be defined as poor performance which may result in the issue of a ‘Poor Performance Certificate’ and the suspension of the Contractor from tendering for Government contracts for a period of 6 months. 2.9 Respect for People – to promote respect for people - The Contractor and supply chain agree to comply with the requirements of the ‘Respect for People (RfP) Code of Good Working Health and Safety Practices’ incorporating the ‘Code of Practice for Industrial Relations and Health and Safety (a copy of this document is available at _practice_for_industrial.pdf - Before starting work on all single site construction contracts over £200k, the Contractor must register the site with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and pay the appropriate fee ( (Note: - for measured term contracts, it is deemed appropriate that the MT contractor is registered with the scheme and that the site is registered for works orders over £200k.) - 2.10 Standard: Comply with the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice Minimum compliance level: The Contractor shall achieve a score sufficient to achieve a minimum of 2 nr BREEAM credits. (the Contractor shall refer to the relevant BREEAM guidance manual). The Contractor will calculate the Constructing Excellence Key Performance Indicators on RfP and report the KPI’s to the Employer. Essential Skills – to promote development of essential skills - 3. The Contractor and supply chain will provide opportunities for all employees to develop essential skills through, for example, the promotion of DEL Essential Skills Programme. EMPLOYER’S ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Design Quality – to promote Design Quality 86 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works - 3.2 3.3 The Contractor and supply chain will contribute to the development of designs that are consistent with Government policy on Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland and fully participate with other project stakeholders in design review process’ and workshops in accordance with the CPD, CD – Health Projects Design Review Process that seeks to establish and enhance design quality. Reduction in Energy, Water Consumption and Carbon Emissions - The Contractor is to achieve, where possible, a “Good Rating” having evaluated the project using the National Audit Office ‘Getting value for money from construction projects through design’ value assessment tool available for download from _practice_for_industrial.pdf - Where the Contractor considers that the design during the development period will only achieve pass standard and not achieve good standard due to budget constraints, the Contractor must contact the Project Manager with capital and whole-life costs estimates for the various options considered. Whole-life cost estimates are to be based on a 60 year life. - The Contractor is to comply (where applicable) with the OGC’s Quick Wins Specifications (available at - The Contractor is to comply (where applicable) with the minimum mandatory specifications and if possible with the best practice specifications of Defra’s Government Buying Standards Building Materials/Construction Products - The Contractor shall ensure and declare that the following materials/substances will not be used in the building: - Products which contain hyrdofluorocarbons (HFCs) Products which contain sulphurhexafluoride (SF6) Indoor paints and varnishes with a content of solvents (volatile organic compounds with a boiling point of 250oC maximum) higher than: - for wall paints (according to EN 13300): 30g/l (minus water) 87 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works - - - 3.4 3.6 Given the operational constraints within Healthcare facilities the Contractor and Design Team should minimise the use of hazardous products. If a hazardous product must be used all measures necessary to mitigate the risks of overexposure are to be put in place. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) - 3.5 for other paints with a spreading rate of at least 15m2/l at a hiding power of 98% opacity: 250g/l (minus water) for all other products (including paints that are not wall paints and have a spreading rate of less than 15m2/l, varnishes, wood stains, floor coatings and floor paints and related products): 180g/l (minus water) The VOC emissions from the building products used must not exceed the respective values outlined in the European Standard for the determination of emissions from building products EN ISO 16000-9 to -11 ( or equivalent. Environmental Assessment - The Contractor and supply chain shall work to achieve a CEEQUAL or BREEAM rating of “Excellent” and “Very Good”, or equivalent, for new build and refurbishment projects respectively. - The Contractor is to construct the works in accordance with the BREEAM rating achieved during the Design Stage and obtain from the BREEAM assessor/authority a certificate certifying the works, as built, comply with the design intent and BREEAM rating achieved at Design Stage. Recycling and Reuse of Construction Materials - As a minimum outcome, at least 10%* of the total value of materials used in the construction project shall derive from recycled and reused content in the products and materials selected. The Contractor must also demonstrate that the most cost effective costneutral opportunities to increase the value of materials deriving from recycled and reused content (i.e. the relevant Quick Wins) have been identified and implemented, and that targeted improvements made in the total recycled content above ‘baseline practice’ for the project have been quantified. - Tools and resources for evaluating recycled content and identifying Quick Wins with the minimum effort are available form 88 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works 4. - Whenever technically and commercially feasible, the Contractor’s specification should require the use of products with recycled content that equals or exceeds the ‘good’ practice performance for that component. - The Contractor must identify the minimum value for the recycled content in each of selected Quick Wins. The Contractor must ensure that all corresponding materials achieve the required recycled content value, and retain evidence for their use through the collation of invoices and manufacturers’ data. This information is to be made available to the Lead Consultant within five working days upon request. - At the end of the project, the Contractor must report to the Sustainability Auditor (or Lead Consultant, if designated) the improvement made in the total recycled content above ‘baseline practice’ for the project and the estimated outcome for total recycled content by value. - The value of materials deriving from recycled content on a project may be calculated using the following summation across all the products and materials used: (quantity of product A) x (cost of product A) x (% recycled content by mass of product A). - *Recycled content is the proportion, by mass, of recycled materials in a product, excluding waste material (such as process scrap) reutilised within the same process that generated it – see ISO14021 for a formal definition. Where a product or material is reused (e.g. is removed and replaced or moved to another location), then it is credited at 100% reused content by value. The cost of a product is the unit delivered price for the materials, excluding installation costs. - The Contractor shall calculate and report the recycled content as an environmental Key Performance Indicator. SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT REPORT The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager: within two weeks of the starting date, a report on the delivery of sustainability requirements under the contract. The Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report shall be in the format set out in Annex A of this Supplementary Condition; a monthly update on the delivery of sustainability requirements under the contract using the Contractor’s Sustainability Project Report. The Contractor shall add to the Sustainability Project Report as the project progresses and submits to the Project Manager a final Sustainability Project 89 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Report by the Completion Date as evidence that the requirements set out in this Supplementary Condition have been complied with. 5. CONTRACTOR’S SUBCONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT REPORT The Contractor shall submit to the Lead Consultant: a monthly update on the acceptance and payment of subcontractors under the contract using the Contractor’s Subcontract Acceptance and Payment Report. The Report shall be in the format set out in Annex B of this Supplementary Condition; The Contractor shall add to the Subcontract Acceptance and Payment Report as the project progresses and submits to the Lead Consultant a final Subcontract Acceptance and Payment Report by the Completion Date as evidence that the requirements set out in this Supplementary Condition have been complied with. 90 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION OF CONTRACT NO 211 GC/WORKS/2 (1998) MINOR WORKS (ISSUED MAY 2012) – MANAGING POOR PERFORMANCE 1. MANAGING POOR PERFORMANCE 1.1 The successful contractor’s performance on the contract will be regularly monitored. If a contractor fails to reach satisfactory levels of contract performance they will be given a specified time to improve. If, after the specified time, they still fail to reach satisfactory levels of contract performance, the matter will be escalated to senior management in CPD, CD – Health Projects for further action. If this occurs and their performance still does not improve to satisfactory levels within the specified period, it may be regarded as an act of grave professional misconduct and they may be issued with a Certificate of Unsatisfactory Performance and the contract may be terminated. The issue of a Certificate of Unsatisfactory Performance will result in the contractor being excluded from all procurement competitions being undertaken by Centres of Procurement Expertise on behalf of bodies covered by the Northern Ireland Procurement Policy for a period of twelve months from the date of issue of the certificate. 1.2 The contractor may appeal the decision to issue a Certificate of Unsatisfactory Performance. Any appeals will be dealt with under the Dispute Resolution Procedure set out in the Terms and Conditions of Contract. 91 Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX A CONTRACTOR’S SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT REPORT PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: MAIN CONTRACTOR: DATE OF REPORT : Report No. REPORT PREPARED BY: (Print Name) PROJECT MANAGER: (Print Name) ORGANISATION: CoPE REPRESENTATIVE: Notes: i. It is intended that this report will be added to as the project progresses and will be used, at the end of the project, to demonstrate how the contract requirements have been achieved. ii. The section numbers refer to the relevant CIFNI proposals and may therefore be intentionally out of sequence. iii. All references in this report to ‘I’ refer to the Contractor and in signing the report the Director within the Contractor’s organisation is confirming the accuracy of the report and the Contractor’s commitment to delivering the sustainability objectives. Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX A ECONOMIC 2. I have published the opportunities available within my/our supply chain on my/our website and/or, where appropriate, in the local press. DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS RAG STATUS 3. (i) I have sought approval from the Project Manager for all subcontracts and have complied fully with the Code of Practice for Government Construction Clients and their Supply Chains. For update see ‘Contractor’s Subcontractor Acceptance and Payment Report’ 3. (ii) My Subcontractors and I have signed the Fair Payment Charter and have provided a report on payments made to subcontractors at each project meeting. For update see ‘Contractor’s Subcontractor Acceptance and Payment Report’ SOCIAL 1. I have submitted a project specific Work Placement and Training Plan and I am providing the required number of employment opportunities, either directly or through my supply chain (see Table A). DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS RAG STATUS 2. My supply chain and I are complying with the requirement that 5% of the workforce of the contractor and first tier subcontractors (with 20 or more employees) are on formally recognised paid apprenticeships (including LAC/Care Leavers if appropriate). (See Table B). DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works RAG STATUS ANNEX A 2A. I confirm I am complying with the requirement to provide employment opportunities for student(s) on a University or College of Further and Higher Education construction related course (see Table C). DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS RAG STATUS 2B. I confirm I am providing the required number of placement weeks for trainees through the Department for Employment and Learning’s Training for Success scheme (or equivalent) either directly or through the supply chain (see Table D). DATE OF UPDATE 3. PROGRESS RAG STATUS I confirm I have processes in place to promote equality in the work place. DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS RAG STATUS 4. I confirm compliance with the requirements of the ‘Respect for People (RfP) – Code of Good Working Health and Safety Practices’ incorporating the ‘Code of Practice for Industrial Relations and Health and Safety’ including payment of operatives in accordance with the industry Working Rules Agreements. DATE OF UPDATE 5. PROGRESS RAG STATUS Health and safety is covered in a separate report in accordance with Buildsafe-NI Action Plan 2011. 6. I have processes in place to provide opportunities for all employees who require essential skills in literacy, numeracy and/or ICT. DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS ENVIRONMENTAL Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works RAG STATUS ANNEX A 2. I confirm my supply chain and I have fully participated with other project stakeholders in the design review process and workshops (eg, Design Quality Indicator Workshops) that seek to establish and enhance design quality. DATE OF UPDATE 4. PROGRESS RAG STATUS PROGRESS RAG STATUS I confirm I have demonstrated that the project is on track to achieve the specified targets for energy, water and carbon usage. DATE OF UPDATE 8. RAG STATUS I confirm I have demonstrated that the project is on track to achieve the specified CEEQUAL/BREEAM rating. DATE OF UPDATE 7. PROGRESS I confirm I have processes in place to deliver at least 10% of the material value of the project from recycled/reuse content and procedures are in place to report on the recycled/reuse content achieved using suitable standard industry tools (e.g. WRAP). DATE OF UPDATE 6. RAG STATUS I confirm my supply chain and I prepared and submitted a Site Waste Management Plan for consideration by the Project Manager prior to commencement of works. DATE OF UPDATE 5. PROGRESS PROGRESS RAG STATUS I have submitted an audit trail demonstrating that the timber used in the project was sourced from a sustainable or Forest Law Enforcement Governance & Trade (FLEGT) licensed source. DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works RAG STATUS ANNEX A 9. I confirm I have registered the project with the Considerate Constructors Scheme. DATE OF UPDATE PROGRESS Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works RAG STATUS ANNEX A Table A – Details of Opportunities for the Unemployed Proposed / Delivered Contract Requirement = [insert contract requirement] placement weeks Date of latest update ___/___/___ Unemployed placement weeks proposed / delivered since start of contract Participant’s Full Name Participant’s National Insurance Nr. or Date of Birth. Name of scheme supplier ifContractor/Sub-Contractor appropriate with whom participant is placed Total to date Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Start date of placement ANNEX A Table B - Details of Apprentices employed by Contractor/ Subcontractors Contractor/Subcontractor’s Name ______________________________________ Tel. No. _______________ Date of latest update ___/___/____ Details of Apprentices Apprentice’s Full Name Trade/occupation Start Date of Date employment National Insurance employment ended Nr. Or Date of Birth Total number of apprentices (A):-_______________ Total number of employees (B):-________________ (To be verified by eg PAYE return) A/B x 100% = __________________% Notes Please copy this form as required for each individual first tier subcontractor Please submit a new amended form if there is a change in the number of apprentices or employees for contractor / subcontractor. Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX A Table C - Details of Students employed by the Contractor Students employed by the Contractor Student’s Full Name National Insurance Nr. or Date of Birth Course Title Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works University / FEC Start Date of End Date of placement placement Course Tutor’s Name ANNEX A Table D – Details of Training for Success (TFS) Trainee Placement-Weeks Proposed / Delivered Contract Requirement = [insert contract requirement] placement weeks Date of latest update ___/___/___ Trainee placement weeks proposed / delivered since start of contract Participant’s Full Name Participant’s National Insurance Nr. or Date of Birth Name of TFS training supplier Total to date Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Contractor/Sub-Contractor with whom trainee is placed Start date of placement End date of placement No of weeks in placement ANNEX A I confirm that the individuals listed in Tables A, C and D have not been submitted in support of the fulfilment of any other contracts awarded by a CoPE and represent opportunities created solely as a result of this contract. I confirm that the information in this ‘Sustainability Project Report’ is accurate and that I have the requisite corporate authority to confirm this: Company name [Enter name here] Print Name [Enter name here] Position Date Signature of Director [Director/Partner or Equivalent] [Enter date here] dd/mm/yyyy Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX B CONTRACTOR’S SUBCONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT REPORT EMPLOYER: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: MAIN CONTRACTOR: DATE OF REPORT : REPORT NUMBER REPORT PREPARED BY: (Print Name) Notes: A report is to be provided for each construction contract progress meeting. It is intended that this report will be updated / added to as the project progresses and will be used, at the end of the project, to demonstrate how the contract requirements have been achieved. Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX B Part 1 - Acceptance of Subcontractors List all first tier subcontractors where the subcontract value exceeds 1% of the total contract value or £10,000, whichever is the greater. Note: It is intended that this report will be added to as the project progresses and will be used, at the end of the project, to demonstrate how the contract requirements have been achieved. SUB-CONTRACTOR NAME SUBCONTRACT Has Subcontractor signed Fair Payment Charter? Has Subcontractor been notified of payment assessment date? Sub-contract payment terms in days Name of 3rd party who certified Subcontractors H&S Management System Is 5% of the sub-contract workforce apprentices? (where subcontractor has 20 or more employees) Subcontractor is the one named at tender stage (where applicable) Date accepted by PM For CoPE use o [PM check with Subcontractor] Part 2 – Payment Report of Subcontractors List all first tier sub-contractors where the sub-contract value exceeds 1% of the total contract value or £10,000, whichever is the greater. For subsequent monthly reports the previous payment position should NOT be overwritten but retained in this report for tracking purposes. Note: Table to be extended as necessary. If required use continuation page. Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works SUB-CONTRACTOR NAME Date SUB-CONTRACTOR 1 [This Month] [Next Month] SUB-CONTRACTOR 2 [This Month] [Next Month] SUB-CONTRACTOR 3 [This Month] [Next Month] Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DUE (Excl VAT) CUMULATIVE AMOUNT PAID (Excl VAT) ANNEX B (For CoPE use only ) CA/PM check with Subcontractor ANNEX B Continuation page No: XX Part 2 – Payment Report of Subcontractors (contd) SUB-CONTRACTOR NAME Date CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DUE (Excl VAT) CUMULATIVE AMOUNT PAID (Excl VAT) (For CoPE use only ) CA/PM check with Sub-contractor SUB-CONTRACTOR 4 [This Month] [Next Month] SUB-CONTRACTOR 5? [This Month] [Next Month] I the under named hereby confirm that I can testify that payments stated above are accurate and that I have the requisite corporate authority to authorise this: Company name [Enter name here] Print Name [Enter name here] Position Date Signature of Director [Director/Partner or Equivalent] [Enter date here] dd/mm/yyyy Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX C GUIDANCE FOR CONTRACTING AUTHORITIES, PROJECT MANAGERS AND PROJECT SPONSORS ON CONTRACT CLAUSES FOR UNEMPLOYED, APPRENTICES, STUDENTS AND TRAINEES WORK PLACEMENTS Background and rationale 1. Unemployed The Contractor, either directly or through the supply chain, shall provide for each £2m of contract labour value, one paid employment opportunity for the unemployed (restricted to a maximum of 25 paid employment opportunities per construction works contract). The opportunities can be provided through: a Jobs and Benefits Office; a Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) approved scheme; or an equivalent. Candidates employed through any of the above routes must have been unemployed for a minimum of six months prior to being employed on this contract. 2. Apprentices Five percent (5%) of the contractor’s workforce and the workforce of its first tier subcontractors (with 20 or more employees) will be employed on formally recognised paid apprenticeships. The new target is based on a proportion of apprentices rather than new starts in order that main contractors and their supply chain will be: encouraged to retain apprentices. Contractors could comply with the current requirements by recruiting new apprentices whilst laying-off existing apprentices; and incentivised to retain apprentices beyond the contract period. The new proposals should encourage those firms who intend to work for Government on a regular basis to retain apprentices within their workforce. 3. Student Work Placements There is a new requirement for student work placements. The main contractor will be required to provide employment opportunities for students on a University or Further Education College construction related course. The contractor will be required to provide one 40-week student placement for projects with a labour value of £2m-£5m and two placements for projects with a labour value of greater than £5m. This is a new requirement which takes account of the current difficulties students are experiencing in obtaining relevant work placements, of sufficient duration, to allow them to fulfil the requirements for completing their course of study. 4. Trainees The Contractor will be required to provide 8 person weeks of training placement for each £500k of labour value. The trainees will be provided by ‘Training for Success’ organisations which hold contracts with ANNEX C DEL. This new requirement takes account of current difficulties trainees are experiencing in obtaining employment of sufficient duration to allow them to seek full time employment. Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX C Detailed guidance on clauses and application 5. Opportunities for the Unemployed The PM inserts in the Works Information the number of employment opportunities required. 5.1. DEL Employer Contact Manager The PM inserts in the Works Information details for the DEL Employer Contact Manager (see model clauses section 1) The DEL Employer Contact Managers is:- Bernie Blaney Employer Contact Manager Department for Employment and Learning Gloucester House Chichester Street Belfast Tel: 02890 726762 Mob: 07795 123781 Validation Mailbox: 6. Apprentices An apprenticeship, under the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) ApprenticeshipNI Programme, is a form of professional and technical training based on a mixture of work-based and classroom-based learning. It is not a qualification in itself, but it contains the following elements: A knowledge-based element; A competence-based element; Essential Skills (literacy and numeracy and ICT as appropriate); and A module on Employment Rights and Responsibilities. The participant works towards an NVQ Level 2/Level 3 Qualification which can take 2-4 years to complete. Where the contractor or a subcontractor has a workforce of less than 20, the 5% apprenticeship requirement will not be applied. The Contracting Authority will arrange for periodic checks to be carried out, to verify the apprenticeship information provided by the Contractor. 7. Student Work Placements Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX C The PM inserts the number of placements based on the following minimum criterion: One student placement to be provided for projects with a contract labour value of £2m-£5m and two placements for a contract labour value of greater than £5m. Student work placements can only take place outside term time so some flexibility may be required in applying this contract provision. In some cases, to achieve a 40 person week placement, commitment may be required from the Contractor to employ the student outside the contract period. In most cases, however, the length of the contract period should ensure that this will not be necessary. The Contracting Authority will arrange for periodic checks to be carried out, by contacting the Universities / Colleges of Further and Higher Education, to verify the student information provided by the contractor 8. Trainees For every £0.50m of labour value the contractor will be required to provide 8 person weeks of work placement. The range of application will extend from £0.50m of labour value and above. The number of weeks will be rounded to the nearest 8 week multiple. The labour value should be determined by the type of work. Typical values would be in the region of 40% of building contract value and 20% of civil engineering contract value. Sample calculations of the requirements are set out below for various contract labour values. Contract Multiples of 8 week No of person No of person weeks Labour Value placements weeks rounded to the nearest 8 to be inserted in contract £500K £500/£500k = 1.0 1x8=8 8 £1.1m £1.1m/£500k = 2.2 2.2 x 8 = 17.6 16 £1.8m £1.5m/£500k = 3.6 3.6 x 8 = 28.8 32 The Contracting Authority will arrange for DEL to be contacted to provide early warning, at contract award, of the requirements for TFS. The information to be provided is indicated in the pro-forma ‘Notification of Contract Award (Construction Works) To Del' (see annexe 4) The Contracting Authority will arrange for periodic checks to be carried out, by contacting DEL, to verify the information provided by the Contractor on the TFS placements. 9. Sustainability Project Report The PM shall:- Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX C include sustainability as an agenda item at each monthly project meeting and review progress based on the Contractor’s Report; forward report to Contracts and Standards Branch in order that periodic checks on the validity of the Contractor’s information can be undertaken with DEL. 10. Framework Agreements / Term contracts This guidance also applies to framework and term contracts. The number of opportunities for Steps to Work participants, apprentices, students and trainees shall be based on the estimate of expenditure over the framework / term contract period. This will need to be reviewed at regular progress meetings with by the PM and the number of opportunities required adjusted accordingly. 11. Health & Social Care Trust Employability Team Contact Information South Eastern Trust Rosaleen Murphy ( Southern Trust Siobhan Gribben ( Belfast Trust Gary Cooper ( Western Trust Ann-Marie McCrory ( Northern Trust Nadia Ghalami ( Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works ANNEX D NOTIFICATION OF CONTRACT AWARD (CONSTRUCTION WORKS) TO DEL The following information should be sent to the DEL Employer Contact Manager, by email to the Validation Mailbox:, immediately at Contract Award to provide early warning of impending requests for participants for the DEL Approved Scheme for work experience, or employment opportunities and the DEL Training for success (TfS) scheme. To: DEL Employer Contract Manager Notification of Contract Award – Social Clause Requirements (early warning) FROM: Contracting Authority(CA) CA Contact Tel: Email: Tel: Email: Client Department PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Project Ref: Site Address Contract Award Date: Site start Date: Completion Date: MANAGEMENT DETAILS Tel: Project Manager Email: Main Contractor Address Tel: SOCIAL CLAUSE REQUIREMENTS No of placement weeks proposed (DEL approved scheme) No of placements weeks proposed (DEL TFS) Amendments Published January 2016 GC/Works/2 (1998) Minor Works Email: