Definition list chapter 2: Natural landscapes on Earth (Some definitions are used in more than one paragraph, but are listed in the first paragraph were they are mentioned) Paragraph 1 Deforestation Clearance of large areas of forest Ontbossing Equator An imaginary line that divides the world into two halves Evenaar Heterogeneous forest A forest where all sorts of plants and trees grow together Heterogeen (loof)bos Latitude The distance in degrees of a place from the equator Breedteligging Layers Different heights of tree crowns in a forest Etages Low latitude Indicates that a place is near the equator Lage breedte Natural resources Products that occur naturally, which are useful to humans, such as tropical hardwood, gold, uranium, nuts and rubber Natuurlijke hulpbronnen Population density The number of inhabitants per square kilometre (km2) Bevolkingsdichtheid Slash-and-burn agriculture The creation of temporary (tijdelijke) fields in tropical rainforest in order to grow crops. When the soil (bodem) is exhausted (uitgeput) the fields are left and the forest returns. Kappen en platbranden llandbouw Tropical rainforest A very dense forest in a warm and humid environment (tropics) Tropisch regenwoud Tropics A zone with a latitude between 23½° North and 23½° South Tropen Tropical climate Warm climate zone between 23½° North and 23½° South Tropisch klimaat Vegetation All types of plants and tree life Vegetatie/ plantengroei Arable land Land that is used for grazing or growing crops Landbouwgrond Convectional rainfall Rain that falls when air rises and cools down in tropical rainforests Stijgingsregen Geo Guide Natural zone A large area which still has the original vegetation Natuurlijke zone Original vegetation Plants, trees etc. that grow naturally in an area Oorspronkelijke plantengroei Drift ice Pieces of floating ice in the sea in polar regions Drijfijs High latitude Describes a place far from the equator Hoge breedte Land ice Landijs Permafrost A layer of perennial snow that has been pressed into ice on the land Ground that is always frozen Perpetual snow Snow that never melts Eeuwige sneeuw Sea ice Frozen seawater Zeeijs Tree line An imaginary line between areas where trees grow and areas where trees do not grow Boomgrens Tundra Land in the polar regions where grass, moss and low shrubs grow, but no trees Toendra Circle of latitude/ Parallel An imaginary line that passes through places with the same latitude Breedtecirkel Climate zone Different temperature zones in the world: tropical, temperate, dry and polar Klimaatgebied Coniferous forest belt A belt (gordel) of ever green trees in the temperate zone (Taiga) Naaldbomengordel Deciduous forest belt A belt of leaf-shedding (bladvallende) trees in the temperate zone Loofbomengordel Polar circles Circles of latitude at 66½° North (arctic circle) and 66½° South (Antarctic circle) Poolcirkels Polar regions Areas north of 66½° northern latitude and south of 66½° southern latitude Poolgebieden Paragraph 2 Permafrost Geo Guide Taiga Coniferous forest belt in the temperate zone Taiga/ naaldbomengebied Temperate zone A region between 23½° and 66½° northern latitude and 23½° and 66½° southern latitude Gematigde zone Altitude belt A mountain zone where vegetation grows Hoogtegordel High mountain range A range (gebergte) with mountains higher than 1.500 m. Hooggebergte Natural landscape A landscape that is still in its original state, untouched by humans Natuurlandschap Man-made elements Landscape elements made by humans, such as houses, roads, fields and grazing land, which you can’t move. Inrichtingselementen Alpine meadow Mountainous meadow (weide) above the tree line Alpenweide Rocky belt Rocky areas where nothing grows (higher than 2.500 m.) (kale)Rotsten gordel Barrage dam A dam that regulates the water level in a river Stuwdam Desert A very dry area where hardly anything grows Woestijn (Desert) steppe A dry area that gets just enough rain for grasses and low shrubs to grow Steppe Groundwater Water that is found in tiny openings (pores) in the ground Grondwater Internal migration Moving from one part of the country to another Binnenlandse migratie Irrigation A technique for leading water to agricultural land Irrigatie Paragraph 3 Geo Guide Paragraph 4 Geo Guide Leeward side The side of a mountain that faces away from the wind Lijzijde Rain shadow An area behind a mountain where very little rain falls (always the leeward side of the mountain) Regenschaduw Relief rainfall Rainfall that is caused when air rises against a mountain and cools down Stuwingsneerslag Windward side The side of a mountain that faces the wind Loefzijde Development aid Aid that helps people in the long term Ontwikkelingshulp Emergency aid Aid to help people to survive famine or another disaster Noodhulp Nomads People who do not live in the same place all the time Nomaden An area in the tropics where a grass landscape changes into a tree landscape/ an area which consists of grassy land mixed with groups of trees Savanne Paragraph 5 Geo Guide Savannah Paragraph 6 Climate The average weather in a certain region over a long period of time (30-40 years) Klimaat Climate diagram A diagram that shows the average temperature and precipitation in a place or region Klimaat diagram Population concentration When lots of people live in certain areas Bevolkingsconcentratie Population distribution The spread of people across a country or region Bevolkingsspreiding Precipitation All the water (in liquid or solid form) falling out of the sky onto the earth (for example: rain, snow, hail) Neerslag Weather Temperature, precipitation and wind at a certain time and place Weer