lecture reading list

JUFN03 HT RD 2015-09-16
The main textbook for this course is:
Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca EU Law: Text, cases and materials (OUP 2015).
For further reading we recommend relevant sections in the following textbooks:
R. Schütze, European Constitutional Law (Cambridge University Press 2012)
C. Barnard and S. Peers (eds), European Union Law (Oxford University Press 2014)
A. Rosas and L. Armati, EU Constitutional Law: An Introduction (2 edn, Hart
Publishing 2012)
Reading for the lectures
Students are encouraged to prepare for lectures by reading the materials suggested by
the lecturers. As a minimum students are expected to read the relevant passages from
the course textbook.
Lecture on Supremacy
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 9
Mancini ‘The Making of a Constitution for Europe’ (1989) 26 Common Market
Law Review 589
Case Law
Judgment in Costa v ENEL, 6/64, EU:C:1964:66
Lecture on Direct Effect
Direct effect and primacy (supremacy) of EU law are often presented as the distinctive
features of the EU legal order. Therefore it is not a coincidence that our lecture takes
place right after the lecture on Primacy (Supremacy). In this lecture we will explore the
origins of direct effect and distinguish direct effect from direct applicability.
Furthermore, we will examine direct effect in relation with Treaty provisions,
Regulations, Directives and International treaties. The direct effect of directives has
always been a difficult and controversial subject, thus due regard will be paid to it.
JUFN03 HT RD 2015-09-16
Craig and De Búrca, Chapter 7
o This chapter gives a very good overview of the topic. It will help,
borrowing the authors’ words, “… to navigate through the difficult waters
that lie ahead” when exploring the Direct Effect of EU Law.
Dr. Thomas Papadopoulos, ‘Criticizing the Horizontal Direct Effect of the EU
General Principle of Equality’, ( 2011) available at
o This article is very helpful for the specific discussion on the Direct Effect
of General Principles
Michal Bobek, ‘The Effects of EU Law in the National Legal Systems’ in C.
Barnard and S Peers (eds), European Union Law (OUP 2014) 140-173, available also
at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2371396
Michal Bobek’s piece is a concise introduction for the study of the legal effects of
directives. In addition, this article covers the interaction between National and
EU Law in light of the principle of Primacy and the changes brought about with
Lisbon. This article is useful reading for our seminar on the primacy and direct
effect too.
Case Law
Judgment in Van Gend & Loos, 26-62, EU:C:1963:1
Judgment in Van Duyn, 41/74, EU:C:1974:133
Judgment in Defrenne, 43/75, EU:C:1976: 56
Judgment in Marshall, 152/84, EU:C:1986:84
Judgment in Von Colson, 14/83, EU:C:1984:153
Judgment in Marleasing, C-106/89, EU:C:1990:395
Judgment in CIA, C-194/94, EU:C:1996:172
Judgment in Unilever Italia, EU:C:2000:496
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Judgment in Muñoz and Superior Fruiticola, C-253/00, EU:C:2002:497
Judgment in Mangold, C-144/04, EU:C:2005:709
Lecture on General Principles of EU law
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 4.3(c)
T. Tridimas, The General Principles of EU Law (Oxford University Press) chapter 1
(available online via Lovisa)
Lecture on Fundamental Rights
Despite not being mentioned in the original Treaty of Rome, fundamental rights have
become a central part of EU law. In this lecture we will discuss how that became so, and
introduce the sources of fundamental rights in EU law. We will also consider who is
bound by EU fundamental rights, and in what situations a member state will be
required to respect EU fundamental rights.
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 11
E Hancox, E. The meaning of "implementing" EU law under Article 51(1) of the
Charter (2013) 50 C.M.L.Rev. 6, 1411
Case Law
Judgment in Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, 11-70, EU:C:1970:114
Judgment in Åkerberg Fransson, C-617/10, EU:C:2013:280
Lecture on ECHR
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 11.9
S Douglas-Scott, ‘A Tale of Two Courts: Luxembourg, Strasbourg and the
Growing European Human Rights Acquis’ (2006) 43 Common Market Law
Review 629 (note that this is written prior to the Lisbon Treaty)
Case Law
Judgment of ECtHR in Bosphorus v. Ireland [GC] of June 30, 2005 (App.No. 45036/98)
JUFN03 HT RD 2015-09-16
Lecture on the Court of Justice
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 2.7
Court website: overview of procedural regulation under "Court of Justice" and
(http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/Jo2_7031/). No need to read all the documents,
but browse through them to have an idea of the range and content.
Lecture on Citizenship
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 23
Nic Shuibhne, The Resilience of EU Market Citizenship [2010] 47 CMLRev, 1597
Nowak, J. (2011). Case C-34/09, Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v. Office National de
l'Emploi (ONEM) & Case C-434/09, Shirley McCarthy v. Secretary of State for the
Home Department. Columbia Journal of European Law, 17 (3), 673-704.
Bercusson B., A framework of principles and fundamental rights for European
individual labour law, in Bercusson B, European Labour Law, 2nd edition, 2009,
331, 370 – 383 (Copies available from Eduardo)
Lecture on State Liability
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 8.7
M.P. Maduro/L. Azoulai, The Past and Future of EU Law (Oxford Hart
Publishing 2010), Chapter X: Joint Cases C-6/90 and C-9/90, Andrea Francovich
and Danila Bonifaci and others v Italian Republic (pages 403-430) (E-Book
available through Lovisa).
Lecture on Union Liability
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 16
A. Rosas/L. Armati, EU Constitutional Law (2nd Edn) (Hart, 2012), chapter 16:
Covenants of No Strength to Secure A Man At All? Issues of Enforcement and
Control (pages 261-281). (Copies available from Eduardo.)
JUFN03 HT RD 2015-09-16
Lecture on Procedural Autonomy of Member States
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 8 (up to and including 8.6)
M Rönnmar, ‘Laval returns to Sweden: The final judgment of the Swedish labour
court and Swedish legislative reforms’ (2010) 39 Industrial Law Journal 280 – 287
A.-M. van de Bossche, 'Private Enforcement, Procedural Autonomy and Article
19(1) TEU: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd' (2014) 33 Yearbook of European
Bobek M., ‘Why there is no principle of "procedural autonomy" of the member
state’, in de Witte B. & Micklitz H. (eds.), The European Court of Justice and the
autonomy of the member states, Antwerp: Intersentia, 2011
Lecture on Article 267 TFEU
We will consider the preliminary reference procedure, which is the ‘jewel in the Crown’
in enforcement of EU law. We will consider the role of this procedure in the
‘constitutional’ structure of the EU, the structure of Article 267 and look in detail at the
duties of the national court to refer.
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 13
T Tridimas ’Knocking on Heaven’s Door: Fragmentation, Efficiency and Defiance
in the Preliminary Reference Procedure’ (2003) 40 Common Market Law Review
Case Law:
Judgment in CILFIT C-238/81 EU:C:1982:335
Lecture on Public enforcement of EU Law, Article 258
We will discuss the public enforcement of EU Law on the basis of the infringement
procedure enshrined in Article 258 TFEU. First of all we will distinguish it from the
private enforcement and discuss the aims of the public enforcement of the EU Law.
Then we will explore the functioning of the Article 258 TFEU by discussing the stages of
enforcement, types of infringement, state defenses and sanctions (Article 259 TFEU).
JUFN03 HT RD 2015-09-16
Treaty Articles:
Articles 258 and 259 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Craig and De Búrca, Chapter 12
Luca Prete and Ben Smulders, ’The Coming of Age of Infringement Proceedings’ (2010)
47 CMLRev9
Case Law
Judgment in Mölkerei-Zentrale Westfalen v Hauptzollamt Paderborn, 28/67, EU:C:1968:17
Judgment in Commission v Greece, 226/87, EU:C:1988:354
Judgment in Commission v Portugal, C-247/89, EU:C:1991:305
Judgment in Commission v France [1997], C-265/95, ECLI:EU:C:1997:595
Lecture on Art 263 TFEU
Craig and de Búrca; Chapter 14
Peers S and Costa M, Case T-18/10 Inuit, Case T-262/10 Microban' (2012) 8
European constitutional law review 82
A. Albors-Llorens, 'Sealing the fate of private parties in annulment proceedings?
The General Court and the new standing test in Article 263(4) TFEU' (2012) 71
Cambridge Law Journal 52
S Bogojevic, ’Access to Justice in Light of Judicial Subsidiarity – An example from
EU Environmental Law’ (copies will be provided)