Beads, Jewelry, and More WEEK 3 Monday Objective: TSW create the American flag out of beaded safety pins. Materials: safety pins, American Flag patterns, red, white, and blue seed beads Procedure: 1. Introduce flag pin bead project and pass out patterns to students (from the website 2. Have student count up how many beads of each color they will need for the project. 3. When they have all of their beads, have them get their safety pins. 4. Demonstrate how to string the beads onto the pins. 5. Students will then have work time on beading pins. Tuesday Objective: TSW Materials: safety pins, seed beads, elastic wire Procedure: 1. Introduce safety pin bracelet (from the website 2. Students will each need 40 safety pins and 5 beads on each pin. The beads should create a pattern. 3. Fold elastic in half, put on all safety pins, when done, cut in half and tie together. Wednesday **NO SUMMER SCHOOL DUE TO FOURTH OF JULY!** Thursday Objective: TSW create feather earrings and flower rings from duct tape. Materials: duct tape, scissors, pencils, rulers Procedure: 1. The teacher will go through the steps on making the feather earrings (first cut the tape long enough to fold in half, second fold the tape in half, third trace the feather design, fourth cut it out, fifth cut the slices and triangles out, sixth bring to the teacher to have her attach the hooks). 2. Show the YouTube video, pausing after sections so the teacher can demonstrate. 3. Students will follow the steps in the video and the teacher’s demonstrations of each step to complete the flower ring. Friday Objective: TSW create flower rings and flower pens from duct tape. Materials: duct tape, scissors, rulers, wire, pens Procedure: 1. Show the YouTube video, pausing after sections so the teacher can demonstrate. 2. Students will follow the steps in the video and the teacher’s demonstrations of each step to complete the flower ring. 3. Show the YouTube video, pausing after sections so the teacher can demonstrate. 4. Students will follow the steps in the video and the teacher’s demonstrations of each step to complete the flower pen.