test 2 part 2

Hn. Forensic Science
1. Which of these is an example of conditional evidence?
open door
b. fingerprints
d. odor in a room
2. Which of these is an example of individual evidence?
a. DNA
b. tire tracks c. Pair of jeans
d. shoe prints
“Was the garage door up or down?” is an example of what type of evidence?
Transient evidence
Conditional evidence
Identify the correct word that completes the statement, then choose the letter
beside that word. Some letters will repeat.
A. Locard Exchange Principle
C. Primary Crime Scene
B. Chain of Custody
D. Secondary Crime Scene
C. Chain of Evidence
E. Transient Evidence
D. Class Evidence
A. Testimonial Evidence
E. Individual Evidence
B. Trace
A. Collusion
C. Conditional Evidence
B. Physical Evidence
4. Evidence that shows an action at a crime scene
5. An alternate location where additional evidence of a crime may be found
6. Any evidence found at a crime scene that is tangible
7. Evidence that includes eyewitness accounts of an accident or crime scene.
8. Footprints in the sand is an example of what type of evidence
9. This needs to be signed when passing evidence from one person to the next
10. The size of a person’s jeans is an example of
11. The original location of a crime or accident
12. Which of the following is not a manner of death?
a. homicidal b. suicidal
c. accidental
d. purposeful
Tim and Susan is a couple. However, Bill also likes Susan. Tim and Susan get into an argument
about Bill. Bill approaches Tim and eventually they begin fighting. During the fight Bill tries to run
from Tim. Bill gets hit by a car and dies. Susan, who is upset at this moment, retrieves the gun
and shoots Tim and herself dead.
13. What is the manner of death for Tim?
a. homicidal b. suicidal
c. accidental d. purposeful
14. What is the manner of death for Bill?
a. homicidal b. suicidal
c. accidental d. purposeful
15. What is the manner of death for Susan?
a. homicidal b. suicidal
c. accidental d. purposeful
A young woman is in a car accident and suffers trauma to the head and dies.
16. What is the cause of death?
a. brain failure b. car accident
c. accidental
17. What is the manner of death?
a. brain failure b. car accident c. accidental
18. What is the mechanism of death?
a. Homicide
b. accidental c. Suicide
d. homicidal
d. homicidal
d. none of the above
A man is found hanging in his attic by a belt. It’s summer and the attic has been 45
degrees for several weeks. The temperature of the man’s body is 35 degrees C.
19. How long has the man been dead?
a. between 2 and 3 hours b. more than 3 hours. c. 1 hour
d. less than 2 hours
20. What stage of rigor mortis is the body in?
a. developing b. fully developed
c. reversing d. there is no rigor mortis
A woman’s body was found on its back with a temperature of 32 degrees. The weather
has been nice all week in the 50s.
21. How long has the woman been dead?
a. between 1-5 hours b. between 5-10 hours
c. 11 hours d. 2 hours and 24 minutes
22. Where would livor mortis be located on this woman?
a. back b. side c. front d. feet only
23. The stomach content of an individual can tell us:
a. when the victim ate and when the victim died
b. when the victim ate and what the victim ate
c. when the victim died and what the victim ate
d. when the victim ate and how the victim ate
24. What are the stages of blow fly metamorphosis in order?
a. egg, adult, larva b. larva, egg, adult c. egg, larva, adult d.egg, adult, fly
25. From bones, a forensic anthropologist would NOT be able to determine:
a. race
b. sex
c. age
d. height
e. weight
26. Which bone could not be used to determine height?
a. skull b. femur c. radius d. humerus
27. How is height determined from skeletal remains?
a. measure any bone, plug the length into an equation
b. measure the long bones, plug the length into an equation
c. measure the skull, plug the length into the equation.
d. ask the victim
28. The gender of skeletal remains can be determined by examining:
a. skull features b. the pubis angle c. the color of the skull d. only a and b
e. all of the
29. The difference in the male and female skull is that
a. the male has larger eyes, the female has smaller more feminine eyes.
b. the female has a larger nose, the male has an average size nose
c. the male has square shaped eyes, the females has round shaped eyes
d. the male has a round shaped skull, the female has a square shaped skull
30. The Q angle represents
a. the angle formed where the femur bone and pelvic bone connect
b. the angle of the pelvic opening
c. the pelvis angle
d. the angle of the humerus
31. A common way to determine sex is to look at the opening in the pelvic bone, females tend to
a. A wider Q angle
c. Smooth brow ridges
b. A longer femur
d. a circle shaped opening
32. Sutures help to determine:
b. age
d. race
33. The cortex differs
a. Shape
b. Color
c. Size
d. Length
34. The cuticle differs by
a. Scale patterns
b. Scale Color
c. Scale location
d. The cuticle is the same in all humans
and animals
35. Which of the following pictures illustrates human hair?
a. Coronal
c. Spinous
b. Imbricate
d. All of the following
36. Which factors are used to calculate the medullary index of the hair?
a. diameter of the cuticle and the length of the hair
b. width of cortex and the width of the medulla
c. length of entire hair and the pattern of the medulla
d. width of medulla and the width of the hair
37. what time did she die if she was found at 9:30am with a temperature of
33.10 C.
a. 2:30 pm
d. None of the above
b. 4:30 am
c. 6:20 am
38. An individual with the medullary index of .10 is considered
a. Human
b. Non-human
c. Can be either human or non-human depending on the cuticle
d. Cannot be determined
39. Which of the following characteristics is found in a typical Asian hair?
a. Medulla
b. Red cortex
c. Dark cuticle
40. Which parts of a hair can be analyzed for DNA?
a. root
c. medulla
b. cuticle
d. cortex
Just be looking at this strand, is this strand human or non-human?
a) Human
b. Non-human
42. The root of the hair can positively identify an individual. True or false?
a) True
b) False
43. Fingerprints are formed
a. Shortly after birth
b. At about two years of age
c. During puberty
d. In the womb
44. Fingerprints that are left in some colored material such as blood or paint are referred to
a. Plastic fingerprints
b. Visible fingerprints
c. Latent fingerprints
45. The three main types of fingerprints are classified as
a. Loops, whorls and spirals
c. Loops, whorls, and arches
b. Whorls, deltas and arches
d. Arches, cores, and whorls
46. The backbone of a DNA molecule is made up of
a. sugar and salt c. bases and bonds
b. sugar and spices d. soap and salt
47. The base pairs that hold together the complementary strands of DNA are linked together
by a _____ bond.
a. nitrogen
b. oxygen
c. hydrogen d. both b and c.
48. The individuality of an organism is determined by the sequence of ______.
a. amino acids
c. nitrogen bases
b. environment
d. sugars and salts
49. DNA is
a. Class evidence because every person has ATGC
b. Individual evidence because every person has a different order of bases
c. Conditional evidence because its left on a crime scene because of a certain event
d. Transient evidence because if you do not collect it, it will change overtime
50. Which one is not a possible source of DNA
a. an splatter of blood on the carpet
b. saliva found on a lollipop
c. urine left in the toilet
d. hair trimmings (clipped ends) found near a sink
51. In which order do you use the chemicals of DNA extraction?
a. soap, sugar, alcohol
c. alcohol, sugar, soap
b. salt, soap, alcohol
d. soap, salt, alcohol
52. What is the correct order of DNA extraction?
a. breakdown proteins, breakdown membrane, isolate DNA
b. breakdown membrane, break down proteins, isolate DNA
c. isolate DNA, breakdown proteins, breakdown membrane
d. isolate DNA, break down membrane, breakdown proteins
53. What would be the best way to collect DNA from the root of a strand of hair found on a
crime scene ?
a. using tweezers, place it in a paper bag
b. using gloves, place it in a paper bag
c. using a cotton swab, place it in a plastic bag
d. using gloves, place it in a plastic bag
54. DNA is sorted out in order to
a. compare different DNA strands
b. extract DNA
55. During gel electrophoresis, the DNA is
a. extracted from the membrane
and proteins.
b. separated by fragment size.
56. A person with only A antigens would
have blood type:
c. match the base pairs
d. determine the blood type
c. cut into fragments.
d. finding its base pairs
57. The blood type that contains no A or B
antibodies is:
58. All of the following items may be placed in plastic bag except:
a. A match
d. Fibers
b. Bloodstained clothing
e. Bullets
c. A cup with fingerprints
59. The job of the first responding officer:
a. secure the scene
b. take pictures
60. What is the height of a 32cm femur
a. 4ft 8in
b. 4ft 10in
c. arrest the witness
d. collect the evidence
c. 58cm
d. 3ft 10in