SLP TOOLBOX TALKING APHASIA Pre-Word Level Word Level Photos, text with pictures, boardmaker app, ask patient to copy text, reliable gestures, yes/no/wrong direction point cards Sound imitation Phonemes (lingraphica?) Singing First sound accuracy with highly predicted sentence completion Imitating inflection FOR EXAMPLE: Picture-Word matching from the WALC 1 (Matching & Identification) tactus DYSARTHRIA Lingraphia Oral motor activities Imitating inflection Respiration Adding voice to respiration Feedback online re: volume, and sustaining phonation/breath support APRAXIA FOR EXAMPLE: NACD Apraxia app oral/motor Use of mirror for visual feedback – IPAD (selfies) with reverse camera PROMPT (esp for velars) Speech Sounds on Cue APP (practice at various levels, including single sound) First sound accuracy with highly predicted sentence completion Imitating inflection Minimal pairs, repetition, sentence completion, Opposites Discussion of placement, SLP TOOLBOX TALKING Sentence Level Monologue Dialogue Opposite-phrase completion HELPSS, WALC, LARK word finding workbooks Rote tasks: days of the weeks, 1-10, months of year. Functional Daily words for interaction: yes, no, more, bed, help, toilet, water, ouch, etc. Augmentative tool/device (incl. high or low tech) Caregiver training Focus on Function books Picture description, finish the thought, sentence completion WALC, LARK, etc HELPPS Focus on function, “Working with Dysarthria” workbooks Lists of words using sounds to improve targeted area (i.e. words that start with “P”) Combining gesture with single word Combining pointing to letter of alphabet with single word to aid listener Caregiver training Functional phrase, biographical info, LSVT, formulate response in sentence manner of production, word drills, visual cues/pictures Idioms, similes, proverbs MIT PROMPT Caregiver training Conversational tx with model – my name is…. Sentence building, increasing length of utterance Use of mirror to reduce secondary behaviours Presentation to other staff on topic of choice Use of mirror to reduce secondary behaviours Presentation to other staff on topic of choice Focus on Function books Focus on function books Telephone therapy Use of mirror to reduce SLP TOOLBOX TALKING Telephone conversations secondary behaviours