BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 9/13/2014, 10:00 a.m. University of Washington, Seattle Seattle, Washington Conference Call: 712-432-0111 Access Code: 561941# Jansen VanderMeulen, WSA VP of Legislative Affairs and acting chair, called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll call, Introductions, Welcome Jansen VanderMeulen (WSU-P, WSA VP Yosef Gamble (CWU) of Legislative Affairs) Cassie DuBore (CWU) Joy Hoang (UW-S, WSA VP of Outreach) Matt Pattie (CWU) JulieAnne Behar (WSA OD) Katherine Sims (UW-S) James Anderson (UW-B) Austin Wright-Pettibone (UW-S) Mikaila Layva (EWU) Christina Xiao (UW-S) Jordan Martin (EWU) Alex Bolton (GPSS) DJ Jigre (EWU) Rai Nauman Mumtaz (UW-S) Bryan Elliot (CWU Alum) Noelle Symanski (UW-S) Sarah Kohout (WWU) Lily Jaquith (WWU, WSA VP of Jacob Montano (WSU-P) Communication) Carly Lowder (WSU-V) Jocelyn Patterson (UW-T) Ashlyn Salzman (WSU-V) Morgan Burke (WWU, WSA VP of David Choi (WSU-V) Finance) Garrett Havens (WSA ED) Heather Heffelmire (WWU) Chelsea Ghant (WWU) Mayra Guizar (WWU) Belina Seare (WWU) Ben Laskey (UW-T) Patrick Eckroth (WWU) Melantha Jenkins (BC) Zach Dugovich (WWU) Approval of Agenda EWU moves to approve the agenda, CWU seconds. No objections. Agenda approved. Approval of Minutes A. BoD August 17, 2014 WWU moves to approve the minutes, UW-B seconds. No objections. Minutes Approved. Officer Reports A. VP of Communication III. IV. V. VI. Lily said she has set new goals for the WSA media list with JulieAnne. The cleaned up version should be done by the October meeting. She edited and sent out the August board meeting minutes along with the June minutes, as the board asked her to do. Lily continued work with the executive board and staff on the strategic plan. She also updated the website with photos of the new staff and executive board. B. VP of Legislative Affairs. Jansen said he has worked with Garrett and JulieAnne to make edits to the legislative agenda. That will be presented today. The he will talk later about making new proposals for the General Assembly in November. He worked on the strategic plan and approved vacation for Garrett in his role as acting chair. C. VP of Outreach Joy said she is working on a one pager for developing chapters on campuses. She is preparing to work on voter registration on different campuses. She attended Bellevue College’s voter registration kick off. She will be hosting check in calls for voter registration. D. VP of Finance Morgan said she has been creating a budget tracker to keep track of transactions. They will keep track of what has been spent and what is remaining. She has completed that and will be adding some things. She is also making more edits to the strategic plan. There will be an additional document with attachments A and B. She did some breakdown edits of the budgets. Morgan has been working on the reserves structure and how long it would take to get WSA to what the board determines is a healthy level. Staff Reports A. Executive Director Garrett said he has attended WSAC meetings. There has been discussion on trying to come up with a policy recommendation around duel credits. He’s being sitting on their duel credit board group. He put on a training at South Seattle Community College. WSA received a check from them for that. It is great fundraising and raising awareness about the WSA. He met with the Washington Bus to talk about vote work. There’s an election group that is meeting right now. They’re starting preliminary work on voter access. Garrett had a vacation. He worked with the youth vote collation. JulieAnne is also involved. He has been working with AFT on planning the higher education stakeholders’ summit on October 25 in Tacoma. There is no specific location currently and it could get moved to Olympia. He will keep the board updated. Garrett said on the taxes front that they have heard back about inquiry on 9-90 forms. Previously the WSA owed around $3,000. That was cut in half thanks to the inquiry. However there is still some question, he will keep everyone updated. On Monday he’ll be meeting with the WSA accountant. The WSA has not submitted some yearly tax forms for some time. Back in 2002 the WSA wasn’t making enough money to need to, but that has changed. The IRS has requested forms from 2008. They will submit forms from 2011 to get the WSA in good standing and in hope that the IRS won’t delve deeper into the past. They’ve done preliminary work back to VII. 2008. It would take a lot of work to make that happen. Since the WSA is a smaller organization they have hope that the IRS will be lenient. B. Organizing Director JulieAnne said she has done campus visits, primarily WSU because they’ve already started school. She’s also been working on field plans and outreach for vote. She’s done a lot of work with the youth vote coalition and the Washington Bus. She been communicating with the new USSA west coast field organizer. The WSA is still members throughout the next month or so. She attended a WSAC meeting and attended the AFT meetings to plan the stakeholders’ summit. She had a vote data management call. They also had the first meeting of the sexual assault awareness taskforce. She’s been working with Lily and Joy to make sure they’re both ready for the beginning of the school year. Discussion Items A. Sexual Assault Awareness Taskforce Update JulieAnne said they met on September 9. The purpose was to get the group convened and assess the direction they want to go in. The board gave direction but it was left very broad. She wants to quickly share want the meeting consisted of. There was a good sampling from all the campuses. Students on the call felt this is a really important issue for students and there is momentum to build on the issue. They also talked about where this has been in the media. They talked about the schools in violation of title nine, as well as the white house response. Also the “Know Your Nine” campaign. It was started by survivors and a professor to let people know the rights and issues surrounding title nine. They talked about the work USSA and the Pac 12 are doing around this. The Pac 12 is modeling their work after UCLA’s work on the issue. They spent a lot of the time looking at this issue moving forward. They are going to do a lot of research about what WSA campuses currently offer and what everyone can learn from each other. As well as what campuses are doing well and what campuses are lacking. They will have a call before the next meeting. They’ll develop a mission statement and goals for the group. LaKecia Farmer from WSU-P will be the chair for the taskforce. B. Policy Options for Affordability – Garrett Havens Garrett said he wants to talk about affordability and have a discussion about stating a definition for what affordability is. He said the board needs to identify what constitutes affordability. At the last WSAC meeting there was a presentation from HCM strategies. They work with federal and state governments regarding this issue. He hopes the board can have a discussion about which options they like the looks of. Garrett gave a presentation on the affordability options. Jansen asked if there is data on the effectiveness of these options. Garrett said he can look into it. UW-S asked what the timeline for picking an option is. Garrett said the General Assembly directed the board to come up with how they want to define affordability. So to meet that the board needs to come up with a decision by the time the legislative session starts. C. UW-S said they’ve framed everything within the hours students can work. 40 for summer, 20 for school year at minimum wage. Anything above that is unaffordable. That is what they’ve been working on. GPSS said it becomes a funding issue too. Where you don’t have faculty to teach bottleneck classes, so the bottleneck becomes larger. WWU said regional universities are funded least by the state. Why is that? Garrett said he’s not sure. Jansen said to keep regional and research institutions similar is his guess. Garrett said his opinion is that regional institutions get ignored by the legislature. CTCs serve a lot of people and receive the largest share of appropriations and then there’s a drive to keep research institutions alive. Garrett asked if there is an approach that appeals to people. UW-T said option three EWU said it’s about the students that the institutions exist for. The focus should be on students. 2014 Vote Update – JulieAnne Behar JulieAnne said the purpose of this is to give an overview of the site WSA is using and give each campus to talk about their goals and strategies. Everyone can get a sense of where campus goals are at. WWU said their goal is about 3,000 voter registrations. A slight increase from last year. They’ve hired nine vote staff and 20 volunteers for dorm movie-in. They’re excited for Viking Union late night, where their AS is housed. They’ll be working the lines. BC said their goal is 740. They’re having each ASG and OSLA member get a volunteer. They’re trying to pull together a rock the vote. CWU said their goal is 457. They’ll be at a first year student camp for volunteer recruitment. It went well last year. They will have a vote goat. UW-S said their goal is 675. They’ve been at a lot of events to recruit. They have a full calendar of events to focus on including Greek outreach and class raps. They’ve created a volunteer form that is being shared on social media. A lot of outreach while people are moving in as well. UW-T said they have a unique partnership with the registrar’s office. They’ll have a booth set up when students are getting ID cards to register people to vote. They’re getting transfer and new students right away. UW-B said at campus move in they’ll have a voter registration table. They’ll provide a map to the vote box and offer change of address forms. EWU said their goal is 400. They’re attending a majority of freshman activities. They also have shirts coming in to help bring in volunteers. WSU-P said their goal is 750. They’re coordinating through their cougar lobby team. WSU-V said they’re 20 percent of the way to their goal. They’re doing class raps this week. They’ll do floats for votes on National Voter Registration Day. They’ll be partnering to be at a bowling event near the deadline. D. E. JA said clearly the WSA campuses have a lot of different ideas. There are a lot of ways to get people engaged. Constitution day is a good day to promote voter registration, as well as National Voter Registration Day is also a good way. The WSA Budget – Morgan Burke Morgan showed the WSA budgets and how they’re broken down. She said this format comes from ASWWU. She would like feedback on the sheets and things that should be included in the next budget. USSA membership was taken out but left as a line items to create a trend analysis. The budget tracker has a column with the amount spent and how much is left. It also shows exactly what the money was spent on. It should be easy for those who are not familiar with excel. The last piece has dues per FTE. She laid it out with $1.00 as well. They also talked about adding the LA barbecue. Garrett said at the next meeting they want to have a proposal. They would like to take a few minutes to see what changes or expenditures the board would like to see on the proposal. The LA barbecue being one of those ideas. Jansen said a barbecue could be an extremely effective. Garrett asked if there were any suggestions. They will come up with some examples as well as a few other things. WWU said they think that keeping the idea of USSA membership or other federal membership in mind is a good idea. Morgan said she can send stuff out and take feedback at a later meeting. JulieAnne said she’s heard from people who haven’t received board wide emails, please check in with staff about correct information. EWU moves for lunch until 12:30, WWU seconds. No objections. Motion passes. WSA legislative Agenda and Proposal Review – Jansen VanderMeulen Jansen said the board will briefly go over the legislative agenda. They’ll talk about proposals that may be presented at November’s General Assembly. They recognize that a different BoD decided this legislative agenda, so they are leaving the option for proposals open. Jansen presented the legislative agenda as currently drafted by JulieAnne and himself. Garrett said putting the agenda together in May is new. They recognize that things can change between then and the legislative session. He thinks allowing for adjustments is reasonable. It’s also important to respect the time and effort put in to establishing that agenda. With that being said, Jansen and he have discussed allowing new items and editing others. However, if this happens it should be something the board approves of beforehand. An example is the National Guard Association requested WSA support a financial aid program for National Guard students. The board decided to endorse and requested a proposal to add that item to the agenda. Because the board requested that, there will be a proposal for the item. If the GA will consider a new or adjusted item, it should be from a request directly from the board. Jansen said that’s to avoid re-setting the agenda that was set in May. No one wants to set an agenda twice a year. Garrett said as of this moment there are two items. Jansen said the board can make changes. The agenda now is a draft, the executive board and staff’s interpretation. That needs approval from the board, therefore they are able to change wording before it is approved. They’re also looking to add removing free speech zones from campuses under whistleblower protection, because they are unconstitutional. If they have any additional proposals, the board needs to consider it by the October board meeting. Garrett said the one item that the board probably doesn’t need to do that for is the graduate one. GPSS has freedom to define that as written by the legislative agenda item. F. How to Talk to Conservative Legislative – Bryan Elliot Bryan Elliot gave the board a presentation on talking to conservative legislators. G. Strategic Plan Feedback WWU said Western Votes needs to be changed to an independent organization. Another WWU student said they don’t like the low hanging fruit metaphor. WSU-P said they don’t like “unless something weird happens with the McClearly decision.” JulieAnne said for context, USSA is included because WSA was members. There are other organizations that the WSA is not a member of but they work with them as well. Jansen said it is assumed that WSA will at least work with USSA on an informal level because one of the WSA campuses is a member. UW-B asked if the National Campus Leadership Council should be included as someone WSA works with. They were on that white house call. Jansen said they could include that. That wasn’t technically a WSA call though Garrett said WSA doesn’t have a history of working with them at all. JulieAnne asked if it would that make sense to include the national graduate organization in the list. GPSS said maybe it makes sense to have a section of places where WSA is members and places where WSA members are members. EWU said thank you to the staff and executive board for their work on this. WSU-V moves for a five minute recess, WSU-P seconds. VIII. Action Items A. Resolution on 15% Budget Cut Request Jansen said he’s thinking the resolution is a little late. UW-S asked if WSA can submit a change to support the Council of Presidents’ action. Garrett said they could thank the boards for not complying. They could draft a letter in support of the Council of Presidents’ letter. UW-S said they would like to express students standing behind the council. Jansen said he would be fine with scrapping the resolution. If the board wishes, he will draft a letter of support. IX. X. UWS moves that Jansen write a letter to the office of the governor stating students disapproval and support of the council of presidents actions in opposing 15% budget cuts request, CWU seconds. No objections. Motion approved. B. WSA Presidential Election Jansen said that Nauman and Jordan are already nominated. They get seven minutes to speak. Candidates will leave the room while each is speaking. Then voting will be done by secret ballot and both candidates will leave the room. Rai Nauman Mumtaz is elected WSA President New Business A. WSU Leadership Conference JulieAnne said campuses are invited to a leadership conference that takes place the same time as the WSA board meeting. That way if campuses want to take more people on their way, they can attend the conference. The cost is relatively low. Please pass this on. It is roughly the same hours as the board meeting. B. Bellevue College Panel BC said they will be on panel on Thursday for the Seattle Urban League Professionals Civic Engagement and Advocacy Committee. Members are welcome to come. Adjournment GPSS moves to adjourn, WSU-V seconds. No objections. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 2:42 p.m.