FAQ: Preparing the Syllabus for CCASC Review UWB CCACS: 07-02-14 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Preparing the Syllabus for CCASC Review Do I need to submit a syllabus with a course change application? A sample syllabus is required for most course change applications. A small tweak in title or description will not require a sample syllabus. What are the minimum requirements for a submitted sample syllabus? Course overview and curriculum content Learning Goals/Objectives should reflect assessable student outcomes Learning Goals/Objectives should be unique to the course not the overall program of study. Required texts, readings, films, websites Grading information should include the type of assignments/instruments (projects, exams , presentation, discussion, participation, etc.) used to evaluate student outcomes and should include relative % of grade for each. Encouraged to include the grading scale that will be used. Resources for students – QSC, Disability Services, etc. Cannot use attendance as a grading criteria. Participation is appropriate to use as an evaluation method. Description of criteria for credit for participation is encouraged and is required if participation constitutes 15% or more of the grade. Instructor expectation of participation, collaboration and course conduct. Weekly Course Schedule including deadlines for assignments. Highlights any differences between in-classroom and distance learning sections, if applicable Additional items to strengthen syllabus Credit/No Credit courses – specify what will earn credit. Academic Integrity Areas of Knowledge (NW, VLPA and I&S) and Diversity (D) and Writing (W) designations for this course. Grading details and how grades are calculated. Hybrid course information Relate course objectives to School or Program goals If supporting state standards for certification, list in syllabus Where can I go to find help in writing measurable learning objectives/goals? Curriculum Office/UW Registrar resource page-Links to resources for writing course objectives http://depts.washington.edu/registra/curriculum/learningObjectives.php The AAC&U VALUE Rubrics: http://www.aacu.org/value/rubrics Where can I find resources to help me in preparing a syllabus? Curriculum Office Training resources at: http://depts.washington.edu/registra/curriculum/train_course.php Check with your School/Program curriculum coordinator to see if you have local templates or resources. o IAS has Central Hub for curriculum: https://sites.google.com/a/uw.edu/ias-centralhub/curriculum UW Bothell Teaching and Learning Center: http://www.uwb.edu/tlc/faculty UW Bothell Library: http://libguides.uwb.edu/content.php?pid=408185&sid=3341202