Zagreb, (Mimara Museum), 24. April 2014. We have the pleasure of announcing the City Acupuncture forum that will take place in Zagreb on April 24, 2014, organized by Zagreb Society of Architects together with the partners Cultural Front Belgrade, Public Room Skopje, Public Room Sarajevo and Split Society of Architects. The conference will focus on a broader insight and analytical reflection on emerging cultural, social, and political urban practices, all using new participative methods in shaping and improving our living environment. This new generation of urban creative force, commonly working in multidisciplinary teams, deals flexibly with the existing city, changing it from within and showing us that social change can happen through design. Discussions will include presentation and cross-examination of different methodologies applied on regional and European scale, and considered to be powerful tools of improving the quality of urban life and in increasing of social cohesion. The conference presentations and discussions will be held on April 24 starting at 09.30 am and respecting the following preliminary schedule Join us in the forum and welcome! PRELIMINRAY PROGRAMME 9.00-12.45 9.30-10.00 MORNING SESSIONS Welcoming addresses Introduction to the City Acupuncture Forum Ministry of Culture City of Zagreb, Split President of Zagreb Society of Architects Coordinator of the City Acupuncture project 1) NEW PUBLIC POLICIES & SOCIAL DESIGNS 10.00-10.45 La 27e Region (France) Pauline Scherer 10.45-11.00 KesselsKramer (The Netherlands) Gijs van den Berg, Matthijs de Jongh - interview 11.00-11.15 COFFEE BREAK 2) MICRO-INTERVENTIONS &NEW ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES 11.15-12.00 Collectif ETC (France) Florent Chiappero 12.00-12.45 Studio Basar (Romania) Alex Axinte 12:45-13:45 LUNCH BREAK 13:45-18:00 AFTERNOON SESSIONS 3) ACUPUNCTURE METHODOLOGIES 13.45-14.15 Cultural Acupuncture Treatment For Suburbs project (Czech Republic) Igor Kovačević 14.15-14.45 City Acupuncture Methodology (Croatia) Rene Lisac, Kristina Careva 14.45-15.45 City Acupuncture in the Region (Bosnia & Hercegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia) Dragan Žuvela, Frane Dumandžić, Split Dejan Ubović, Belgrade Mak Kapetanović, Sarajevo Aleksandar Velinovski, Skopje 15.45-16.00 COFFEE BREAK 4) SUPERINTENSE 16.00-16.45 5 regional artists, associations and civil sector organizations representing their work in 6 min format 5) PANEL DISCUSSION 16.45-18.00 This part of the conference will serve as a platform to discuss and share valuable experiences from different socio-cultural backgrounds, thus bringing different perspectives on the methodologies and its impact on the fabrication of public space, and creating an open-source toolbox of social designs, to be made available to multiple stakeholders. LA 27e REGION (France) is a non profit organization based in Paris in 2008, operating as an innovation lab for 26 French regions. The project is run by a team with design, political and administrative science skills, together with a network involving 40 professionals such as service designers, sociologists, architects, urbanists, anthropologists, digital activists and researchers. The creation of 27th Region was based on the strong belief that design thinking and social innovation could highly contribute to reshape public sector, and encouraging civil servants to use creativity as a way to find new solutions and promoting the participation of the citizens and concepts such as co-design. COLLECTIF ETC (France) is a collective founded in Strasbourg in 2009 as a group of architecture and graphic design students. They question the current methods of city building and planning while providing citizens with an important role in creative process. Their projects range from architectural construction, designs and construction of public equipments, organizing of conferences and workshops, developing new public strategies, to more artistic interventions like sculptures and installations. In 2012 the collective has carried out its one year long project „Detour of France“ which goal was to meet and to work with different stakeholders in city building process. STUDIO BASAR (Romania) was established in 2006 both as an architectural studio and a Search-and-Rescue team that acts as an agent of urban observation and intervention. Mostly preoccupied with dynamics of local urban culture and disappearing importance of public spaces in transitional Bucharest (as is the case in the south east Europe), yet their work range from art installations, urban research to competitions. CULTURAL ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR SUBURBS (Czech Republic and Eastern Europe) Project Culburb aims to activate a public realm in the suburbs of central European capital cities, by minimal means, and to start the cityfication of suburbia. A first step in such process is the improvement of public spaces in the suburbs. They start this process through acupuncture interventions in six localities around Central European capitals (Budapest, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Warsaw, Vienna, Prague) CITY ACUPUNCTURE (South and Eastern Europe) aims to improve the quality of urban life, increase social cohesion of local communities and strengthen the identity of the neighbourhoods through a number of small and precise interventions in the city quarters. It has been implemented throughout two years (June 2012 - May 2014) in five cities: Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Split by the following organizations: Zagreb Society of Architects, Public Room Sarajevo, Public Room Skopje, Cultural Front Belgrade and Split Society of Architects. Project was approved for financing by the European Commission under the Culture Programme 20072013 in June 2012. SUPERINTENSE SESSION There are many initiatives and organizations whose actions strive to make positive changes in the public areas of the cities. Superintense is representing six organizations that have stood ahead for systematic thinking and acting in the public space for many years. With series of short 6 minutes presentations, we will get insights about the drivers and motivation factors of these organizations in running these initiatives and projects, how they are implemented and what are the results that are manifested in the physical and social space of the city. PANEL DISCUSSION will serve as a platform to discuss and share valuable experiences from different socio-cultural backgrounds. The questions opening the discussion will bring different perspectives on the methodologies and their impact on the fabrication of public space, thus creating an open-source toolbox of social designs, to be available to multiple stakeholders. 1) What are the core motivation factors for the actions and interventions? How can we overcome the lack of coordination and understanding between all stakeholders that influence, change or use the public space? How can we influence the lack of an active transformation of public space (actual status quo) and the inability to change this situation? How can we prevent alienation of users of the space from the very space? 2) Which course of action is more effective? Cooperation with institutions vs. Activism 3) Which models of participation can be integrated in our actions? 4) What are the models of financing the actions? 5) What are the most efficient models for internal organization (flexible fluctuating organization vs. permanent team)? 6) How to ensure the sustainability of the initiative or organization? 7) Evaluation and Influences: how to evaluate the results of the action, how to evaluate the influences in social or any other aspects Moderator: Rene Lisac, Zagreb Society of Architects, City Acupuncture (Croatia) Guests: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Pauline Scherer, La 27e Region (France) Florent Chiappero, Collectif ETC (France) Alex Axinte, Studio Basar (Romania) Igor Kovačević, Cultural Acupuncture Treatment For Suburbs project (Czech Republic) Dejan Ubović, Cultural Front (Serbia) Forum Akupunkture grada: Nove prakse za urbani redizajn Zagreb, (Muzej Mimara), 24. travnja 2014. Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo na Forum Akupunkture grada koji će se održati u Zagrebu 24. travnja 2014, u organizaciji Društva arhitekata Zagreb , zajedno s partnerima Kulturnim Frontom iz Beograda, Public Room iz Skoplja , Public Room iz Sarajeva i Društvom arhitekata Splita. Tema foruma su Nove prakse u urbanom redizajnu, a forum se fokusira na šire uvide i analitičke osvrte o novim kulturnim, socijalnim i političkim urbanim praksama, koje koriste nove participativne metode u oblikovanju i poboljšanju naše životne sredine. Organizacije koje ih primjenjuju predstavljaju novu generaciju kreativne urbane snage koja najčešće djeluje u multidisciplinarnim timovima, fleksibilno i otvoreno pristupa postojećem stanju u gradu, mijenjajući ga iznutra i pokazujući kako se društvene promjene mogu dogoditi kroz dizajn (i prostora i procesa). Forum će uključivati prezentacije i propitivanje različitih metodologija koje se sustavno koriste u brojnim gradovima na regionalnoj i europskoj razini, a postale su provjereni i snažni instrumenti u poboljšanju kvalitete urbanog života i povećanju socijalne kohezije. Skup će se održati 24. travnja s početkom u 09:30 prema slijedećem preliminarnom rasporedu: Pridružite nam se i dobrodošli! PRELIMINARNI PROGRAM 9.00-12.45 9.30-10.00 PRIJEPODNEVNI PROGRAM Uvodni i pozdravni govori Uvod u Forum Akupunkture grada Ministarstvo kulture RH Grad Zagreb, Grad Split Predsjednik Društva arhitekata Zagreba Koordinator projekta Akupunktura grada 6) NOVE JAVNE POLITIKE I SOCIJALNI DIZAJN 10.00-10.45 La 27e Region (Francuska) Pauline Scherer 10.45-11.00 KesselsKramer (Nizozemska) Gijs van den Berg, Matthijs de Jongh - interview 11.00-11.15 Pauza za kavu 7) MIKRO-INTERVENCIJE I NOVE ARHITEKTONSKE PRAKSE 11.15-12.00 Collectif ETC (Francuska) Florent Chiappero 12.00-12.45 Studio Basar (Rumunjska) Alex Axinte 12:45-13:45 Pauza za ručak 13:45-18:00 POSIJEPODNEVNI PROGRAM 8) AKUPUNKTURNE METODOLOGIJE 13.45-14.15 Cultural Acupuncture Treatment For Suburbs project (Czech Republic) Igor Kovačević 14.15-14.45 Metodologija Akupunkture grada Rene Lisac, Kristina Careva 14.45-15.45 Akupunktura grada u regiji Dragan Žuvela, Frane Dumandžić, Split Dejan Ubović, Beograd Mak Kapetanović, Sarajevo Aleksandar Velinovski, Skopje 15.45-16.00 Pauza za kavu 9) SUPERINTENSE 16.00-16.45 5 regionalnih umjetnika, udruga i organizacija civilnog sektora predstavljaju svoje djelovanje i/ili projekte u 6 min formatu 10) PANEL DISKUSIJA 16.45-18.00 Ovaj dio konferencije će poslužiti kao platforma za raspravu i razmjenu vrijednih iskustava iz različitih društveno-kulturnih sredina, čime različite perspektive o metodologijama i njihovim utjecajima na oblikovanje javnih prostora, postaju, poput open-source alata, dostupni različitim dionicima u urbanom razvoju i redizajnu. LA 27e REGION (France) is a non profit organization based in Paris in 2008, operating as an innovation lab for 26 French regions. The project is run by a team with design, political and administrative science skills, together with a network involving 40 professionals such as service designers, sociologists, architects, urbanists, anthropologists, digital activists and researchers. The creation of 27th Region was based on the strong belief that design thinking and social innovation could highly contribute to reshape public sector, and encouraging civil servants to use creativity as a way to find new solutions and promoting the participation of the citizens and concepts such as co-design. COLLECTIF ETC (France) is a collective founded in Strasbourg in 2009 as a group of architecture and graphic design students. They question the current methods of city building and planning while providing citizens with an important role in creative process. Their projects range from architectural construction, designs and construction of public equipments, organizing of conferences and workshops, developing new public strategies, to more artistic interventions like sculptures and installations. In 2012 the collective has carried out its one year long project „Detour of France“ which goal was to meet and to work with different stakeholders in city building process. STUDIO BASAR (Romania) was established in 2006 both as an architectural studio and a Search-and-Rescue team that acts as an agent of urban observation and intervention. Mostly preoccupied with dynamics of local urban culture and disappearing importance of public spaces in transitional Bucharest (as is the case in the south east Europe), yet their work range from art installations, urban research to competitions. CULTURAL ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR SUBURBS (Czech Republic and Eastern Europe) Project Culburb aims to activate a public realm in the suburbs of central European capital cities, by minimal means, and to start the cityfication of suburbia. A first step in such process is the improvement of public spaces in the suburbs. They start this process through acupuncture interventions in six localities around Central European capitals (Budapest, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Warsaw, Vienna, Prague) CITY ACUPUNCTURE (South and Eastern Europe) aims to improve the quality of urban life, increase social cohesion of local communities and strengthen the identity of the neighbourhoods through a number of small and precise interventions in the city quarters. It has been implemented throughout two years (June 2012 - May 2014) in five cities: Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Split by the following organizations: Zagreb Society of Architects, Public Room Sarajevo, Public Room Skopje, Cultural Front Belgrade and Split Society of Architects. Project was approved for financing by the European Commission under the Culture Programme 20072013 in June 2012. SUPERINTENSE Brojne su inicijative i udruge koje svojim djelovanjem nastoje napraviti pozitivne pomake u javnim prostorima gradova. Superintense predstavlja 6 organizacija koje su se istaklnule višegodišnjim sustavnim promišljanjem i djelovanjem u javnom prostoru. Kratkim prezentacijama u trajanju od 6 minuta – dobit ćemo uvide iz kojih su polazišta pokrenute te inicijative i projekti, kako su provedeni, te s kojim su se rezultatima manifestirale u fizičkom i socijalnom prostoru grada. PANEL DISKUSIJA Panel će poslužiti kao platforma za raspravu i razmjenu vrijednih iskustava iz različitih društveno kulturnih sredina. Pitanja koja otvaraju raspravu donijet će različite perspektive o metodologijama i njihovim utjecajima na oblikovanje javnih prostora, čime one postaju, poput open-source alata, dostupne različitim dionicima u urbanom razvoju i redizajnu. 1) Koji su osnovni pokretači i polaziša za inicijative i intervencije? Kako možemo prevladati nedostatak koordinacije i razumijevanja među svim dionicima koji utječu, mijenjaju ili koriste javni prostor? Kako možemo utjecati na nedostatak aktivne transformacije javnog prostora (trenutni status quo) i nemogućnost da se promijeni ova situacija? Kako možemo spriječiti otuđenje korisnika prostora od samoga prostora? 2) Koji je smjer djelovanja djelotvorniji? Suradnja s institucijama, aktivizam ili nešto treće 3) Koji modeli participacije mogu biti integrirani u djelovanjima? 4) Kakvi su mogući modeli financiranja akcija ? 5) Koji su najučinkovitiji modeli organizacije (fleksibilni fluktuirajući organizacija ili stalni tim)? 6) Na koji način se može osigurati dugoročna održivost inicijative ili organizacije? 7) Procjena i utjecaji : kako vrednovati rezultate akcija, kako se ocjenjuju utjecaji u društvenom ili bilo kojem drugom aspektu Moderator: Rene Lisac, Društvo arhitekata Zagreba, Akupunktura grada (Hrvatska) Gosti sudionioci: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Pauline Scherer, La 27e Region (Francuska) Florent Chiappero, Collectif ETC (Francuska) Alex Axinte, Studio Basar (Rumunjska) Igor Kovačević, Cultural Acupuncture Treatment For Suburbs project (Češka) Dejan Ubović, Cultural Front (Srbija)