View Part 9 Facilitator guide - Illinois Science Teachers Association

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
All Standards, All Students – Appendix D
Diversity and Equity Series
Series Overview: Members of the national NGSS Diversity and Equity writing team collaborated to
excellence in science
teaching and
learning in Illinois
Advancing learning
through effective
develop a series of nine webinars addressing NGSS teaching and learning, focusing very specifically
from the perspective of the diversity and equity issues faced by students and their teachers of science.
The NGSS offers a vision of comprehensive and rigorous science and engineering learning that
challenges all students, particularly students who have been traditionally underserved in science
education. Case studies feature examples of NGSS being met in authentically diverse classrooms,
employing effective strategies based on current pedagogical research.
An in-depth overview of the document, Appendix D - All Standards, All Students, is the
introductory webinar (Part 1) and is recommended to be first in the sequence for viewing. Other
webinars can be viewed in any order, depending on the need of the audience.
The case studies of Appendix D attend to the following groupings in the webinar series:
 Economically disadvantaged students, in a 9th grade Chemistry class: Part 2
 Students from major racial and ethnic groups, in an 8th grade life science class: Part 3
 Students with disabilities, in a 6th grade space science unit: Part 4
 English-language learners, in a 2nd grade earth science unit: Part 5
 Girls, in a 3rd grade engineering unit: Part 6
 Students from an alternative education program, in a 10th-11th grade chemistry class: Part 7
 Gifted and talented students, in a 4th grade life science unit: Part 8
Part 9 is a combination of engineering content and diversity foci for English language learners, girls,
and economically disadvantaged students in 2nd grade earth science, 3rd grade life science, and 9th
grade chemistry units.
educators the
content and
capacity building
network you need
to do what's best
for your students
and learning
ELN States’
To raise awareness of the realities of diversity and equity issues in our classrooms and how
teachers of science, specifically, can transform their teaching to address those needs.
To raise awareness of how blending the three dimensions of NGSS with instructional strategies
can help diverse students meet NGSS.
Part 9 Synopsis: Engineering and Diversity – 9th grade chemistry, 2nd grade earth science,
and 3rd grade life science: This webinar illustrates how three diverse student groups meet NGSS
objectives of engineering within their science classroom. The presenters focus on engineering practices and
engineering core ideas and portray how students can become active participants with effective teaching
strategies. In three different examples, English language learners, girls, and economically disadvantaged
students learn how to identify problems, use models, and find solutions to engineering problems, while
applying the scientific core ideas from each of the science disciplines.
The objectives of this webinar is to encourage the audience to question how NGSS engineering practices are
similar to and different from what is currently taught, how to blend engineering practices and ideas with
effective strategies for diverse learners in your NGSS implementation plans, and what local contexts are in
your community to engage diverse students groups in engineering ideas and practices.
Facilitator guidance: NGSS W/ELN developers suggest the following ideas and strategies that may
promote an even more positive learning setting for individual and group participation in this webinar series:
General Facilitation Suggestions:
 Familiarize yourself with all of the segments in the series and their sequenced order, the suggested
resources, and the action-planning template that can be adapted to the local setting and utility.
 Suggest that the participants prepare for the webinar(s) by knowing the goals set for the series and the
individual session, along with the follow-up intent of the facilitator/ administrator.
 Review resources prior to the group or individual sessions, as applicable.
 Prepare adequately for the technology access for all participants.
 Consider that audience response may necessitate repeated viewing of some segments.
IF viewed through the Ed Leaders Network: Anticipate the generalized ELN evaluation
component. Certificates for participation can be printed for CPDU awards, following the completion of the
survey at the end of the webinar session for each participant.
 IF viewed through the ISTA-IL.ORG website: Use or modify an action planning template to meet your specific
needs and documentation. The suggested headings may include: action items assigned to and by when,
success indicators, documentation options, and projected next steps. Submission of information about
webinar utility, impact, and next steps will be requested through the NGSS with ELN page.
 Allow for brainstorming for additional segments that are needed to help insure the success of NGSS
implementation where you are. Review reflections statements for continuation and refinement of NGSS W/
ELN webinars at your location. Such suggestions or reflections can be submitted through the
NGSS with ELN page.
Specific preparatory and facilitation suggestions for more effective use of your time.
 It is suggested that the facilitator provide a copies/or access for participants to read and reference from
Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices*, prior to viewing:
 Consider brainstorming for ideas of local resources for engineering classroom activities will help teachers
identify those resources.
 Each webinar has a “Turn and Talk” question near the end for reflection about and planning for the
implementation of NGSS and classroom strategies to help diverse student groups meet NGSS. Additional
questions for possible consideration:
o How do these strategies help engage diverse student groups in science and engineering?
o How do the examples relate to your experience with diverse student groups?
o What questions do the case studies raise for you now in the context of Appendix F?
o What implications do the case studies and Appendix F have for science education in your setting?
Additional resources
Next Generation Science Standards for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Workforce: For States, by
States, through Achieve, Inc.:
NGSS Appendix D All Standards, All Students:
Case Studies:
NGSS@NSTA: (click on logo in upper right corner)
A Framework for K-12 Science Education…Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas, National
Academies Press, 2012.
IF VIEWED THROUGH ED LEADERS NETWORK (MEMBERS ONLY): Please complete the evaluation located
at the end of the video to receive completion certification and provide ELN/ISTA with baseline information
regarding the training.
IF VIEWED THROUGH ISTA-IL.ORG WEBSITE: Please feel free to use the action planning template noted in
Facilitator Guidance above and complete the ISTA survey. Please click to NGSS in IL page for review and
submission of your insights.
Project Partnership Overview
NGSS through ELN: Next Generation Science Standards through the Ed Leaders Network
Powered through the ten-state Ed Leaders Network, the unique partnership of the Illinois Principals
Association with the Illinois Science Teachers Association provides resources, guidance and expertise for
collaborative, broadened awareness of the NGSS for teachers of science AND their administrative leaders
while expanding interest in learning more deeply about NGSS. Our collective goal is to create and share
effective resources among Illinois members initially and through ELN states’ principals associations and the
science teachers associations in those states.
ELN provides access to the Leadership Management System that can track continuing professional
development credits for all participants.
Additional resources are being considered and suggestions are welcomed to meet identified needs to
insure the success of the preliminary and on-going understanding of NGSS and the implementation
strategies that we are creating and testing ourselves.