Getting Married in the Parish of Horley

Horley Team Ministry
Serving Horley with the love of Christ!
Marriage Matters in Horley!
1. Your application to get married in Horley
Horley Parish Office, St Bartholomew’s Church
Church Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 8AB
Phone: 01293 782218 Website
Reviewed March 2010
Welcome - We are delighted that you wish to marry in Horley!
You may have heard that new regulations allow weddings in more churches. This form is designed to clarify
your rights. You may get married in Horley if you or your partner:
… has lived in the Parish of Horley for at least 6 months either now or in the past
… has regularly attended public worship at Church of England services in the Parish of Horley for at
least 6 months either recently or in the past
… has parents or grandparents who were married in the Parish of Horley by a Church of England service
… has parents who lived in the Parish of Horley for at least 6 months during your lifetime
… has parents who regularly attended public worship at Church of England services in the Parish of
Horley for at least 6 months during your lifetime
… is currently on the Horley Parish Electoral Roll (note that this is the church not the civil Roll)
… was baptised in Horley Parish (by a Church of England form of baptism)
… has been confirmed (in a Church of England service) and your confirmation is entered in a register
belonging to a church in the parish
We will help determine your right to get married in Horley. You will need to provide proof of identity and
current place of residence. We will also ask you for evidence to support your application in one of the above
categories and help you with that when we can. If you have been divorced or if you are not a UK national it
may be possible to get married in Horley - but let us know early on as these are special issues. Do bear in
mind that a Service of Thanksgiving (following a marriage at a civil ceremony) is an acceptable alternative
for many whose circumstances are complex. We will also strongly encourage you to take a short course in
Marriage Preparation that we provide.
The next step is to request a meeting to discuss your application.
Please remember that in some complex circumstances it may take time to determine your application.
Rev Calvert Prentis
01293 893 509
PA to the Clergy – Ann Golding
01293 782 218
You will be asked to sign the following declaration when the form is completed and before we can
confirm a date and time for your Marriage Service:
I confirm that the information and answers given in and supplied with this form are correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. I agree that the information may be used for the purposes of
determining whether a marriage may be conducted in the Parish. I also agree that the information
may be used to inform me of other matters and events in the Parish.
BRIDE - Full name
Present home address
Tel (day)
Tel (mobile)
Tel (evening)
Date of birth
BRIDEGROOM - Full name
Present home address
Tel (day)
Tel (evening)
Tel (mobile)
Date of birth
Have either of you previously been married?
If yes,
(a) When did the marriage end? (Give date)
(b) How did it end? E.g. divorce, death of spouse
(c) Is your former spouse still alive?
If you were divorced, you will need to show the minister your decree absolute before the
marriage can be agreed.
Note: The law also forbids a person who has entered into a civil partnership to enter into a
marriage while the civil partnership is still subsisting.
Are you and your fiancé(e) related or connected by marriage ?
If your answer is yes to this question please give details
Contact details for the Vicar of the Parish where you live:
Have you spoken to the vicar where you live or any other parish clergy about the possibility of your
marriage with them?
What was their response?
Please provide evidence of your identities and addresses that include a photograph, such as a
passport, driving licence, utility bills or correspondence with banks or public authorities.
Evidence of identity: e.g. passport or driving license number:
Evidence of residence:
One of the partners in the marriage must have a qualifying connection before the marriage can
take place
Please complete sections 1 and 2 and whichever questions(s) in section 3 apply
Sometimes the evidence required to demonstrate a qualifying connection is held in the Parish Office (for example
Baptism or Confirmation registers). If the Registers have been passed to the Surrey Archives or the evidence is held
elsewhere, it is the applicants’ responsibility to provide the correct evidence.
Name of the person claiming a qualifying connection:
SECTION 1 Please tick relevant statement(s) and go on to section 2
I wish to rely on a connection with the parish by virtue of one or more of the following:
a) I have had my usual place of residence in the Parish of Horley for at least 6 months either
now or in the past
b) I have habitually attended public worship at Church of England services in the Parish of
Horley for at least 6 months either recently or in the past
c) I am currently on the Horley Parish Electoral Roll (note that this is the church not the civil
d) I was baptised in Horley Parish (by a Church of England service or form of baptism)
e) I have been confirmed (in a Church of England service) and my confirmation is entered in a
register belonging to a church in the parish
f) My parent or grandparent was married in the Parish of Horley by a Church of England
g) My parent has had his or her usual place of residence in the Parish of Horley for at least 6
months during my lifetime
h) My parent has habitually attended public worship at Church of England services in the
Parish of Horley for at least 6 months during my lifetime
i) I have habitually attended public worship at Church of England services in the parish for at
least 6 months.
Does any of the information on which you are relying to show your connection with the parish …
… give a name for you which is different from the one you have used on this form; or
… is the surname for any parent or grandparent of yours that is different from your
surname as set out on this form?
If yes, please:
give the previous or other name(s)
explain how the difference has arisen and
if the reason for the difference between the names is that you have changed your name,
explain when and how the change(s) took place.
Please provide any supporting documentary information (e.g. adoption certificate, marriage
certificate, deed poll for change of name)
Evidence for your connection to the Parish
Please answer the questions that relate to the connection(s) you have ticked in section 1.
Please give exact dates, places, names etc if possible – if not, please give as much information as
you can
a) My connection is that I have had my usual place of residence in the parish for at least
6 months - This can apply whether or not you are still resident in the parish
Please give each address at which you have been resident in the parish, and
The dates between which that address was/has been your usual place of residence
What documentary or other information do you have for the above? (Please submit the
documents with this form)
b) My connection is that I have habitually attended public worship at Church of England
services in the parish for at least 6 months - This can apply whether or not you are
still attending worship in the parish
When did you begin to attend public worship habitually in the parish?
If you no longer do so, when did you cease to do so?
Please state:
Where you worshipped in the parish during this period;
How often/on what occasions; and
What types of services you attended.
What documentary or other information do you have for the above? (Please submit the
documents with this form)
c) My connection is that I am currently on the Horley Parish Electoral Roll
The minister will check that this is the case.
d) My Connection is that I was baptised in the parish (by a Church of England
service/form of baptism)
When were you baptised?
Where were you baptised?
What documentary or other information do you have for this? (Please submit any copy of
an entry in the baptism register, baptism certificate or other documents with this form)
e) My connection is that I have been confirmed (by a Church of England service) and my
confirmation is entered in a register belonging to a church in the parish
When were you confirmed?
Where were you confirmed?
Who prepared you for confirmation?
In which register is your confirmation recorded?
What documentary or other information do you have as regards the registration of your
confirmation? (Please submit any copy of an entry in the confirmation register, certificate
etc or other documents with this form)
f) My connection is that my parent or grandparent was married in the parish by a Church
of England service
When and where did the marriage take place?
Please give names of the parties to the marriage, and state how the relevant
party/parties are related to you.
What documentary or other information do you have for this? (Please submit a copy of
the relevant entry in the marriage register, marriage certificate or other documents with
this form)
g) My connection is that a parent has had his or her usual place of residence in the Parish
of Horley for at least 6 months during my lifetime
Where did one of your parents live? When did they live there?
What documentary or other information do you have for this? (Please submit a copy of
the relevant documents with this form)
h) My connection is that my parent has habitually attended public worship at Church of
England services in the parish for at least 6 months during my lifetime - This can apply
whether or not your parent(s) is/are are still attending worship in the parish
When did your parent(s) begin to attend public worship habitually n the parish?
If that is no longer the case, when did it cease?
Please give his/her/their name(s) and his/her/their address(es) over that period
Please state:
Where he/she/they worshipped in the parish during that period
How often/on what occasions; and
At what types of services?
What documentary or other information do you have for the above? (Please submit the
documents with this form)
i) My connection is that I have habitually attended public worship at Church of England
services in the parish for at least 6 months - This can apply whether or not you are
still attending worship in the parish
When did you begin to attend public worship habitually in the parish?
If you no longer do so, when did you cease to do so?
Please state:
Where you worshipped in the parish during this period;
How often/on what occasions; and
What types of services you attended.
What documentary or other information do you have for the above? (Please submit the
documents with this form)
Our preferred location for the Service is:
St Barts
St Wilfs
St Francis
Our preferred date and time for the marriage would be :
Thank you for taking the time to provide this information.
It is possible that an immediate agreement to conduct your marriage can be made.
However, further advice or information may be required. We will do all we can to
confirm arrangements as soon as possible.
Lastly, please sign the Declaration on the first page.
The next steps:
Once we have determined that you may be married in Horley, you will need to
complete a form entitled ‘Application for the Publication of Banns of Marriage’ and
ask you for a deposit.
Horley Parish Office, St Bartholomew’s Church, Church Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 8AB.
Telephone: 01293 782218. Email: Website: