Derek Kane O’Leary Professors Florance and Parmenter GIS for Int’l Applications: Final Paper 08 May 2012 Particularly since the 2008 publication of the Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal by the United States Geological Society, the understanding that the Arctic contains vast hydrocarbon resources has become common: oil, natural gas, and other energy sources (including “renewables”) are stranded beneath the ice waiting to be recovered. There is far more to the extraction of Arctic off-shore hydrocarbons than the mere retreat of sea ice. Numerous environmental and climatic factors weigh in, along with a host of political, economic, and social considerations. However, sea ice is the most important variable, and the considerable loss (perhaps 50% since the 1950s) is the game changer. This project approaches the relationship of sea ice retreat and the accessibility of undiscovered Arctic off-shore hydrocarbon reserves. (Vocabulary such as “undiscovered reserves” implies, of course, a certain understanding of human ownership and the environment that this project neglects to address.) I sought to answer three basic questions: how much has Arctic sea ice changed over the past two decades (presumably a reasonable period to chart macro changes); how much hydrocarbon wealth has this retreat consequently made more accessible, and what initial steps have been taken by the Arctic littoral states (Russia, the US, Canada, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway) toward exploiting this. Originally, I aspired as well to ask which areas are the most accessible and profitable relative to the current amount of investment. The broadest question was thus “what are the present and future realities of accessing the hydrocarbon wealth of the peripheral seas of the Arctic Ocean?” Acquiring data for this was in some cases straight forward and in others prohibitive. Though I struggled at first to find the most recent and reliable data for estimated oil, natural gas, and other hydrocarbon reserves, I ultimately settled on the 2008 USGC report. The report has been brought under scrutiny since publication and is inherently subject to uncertainty (it is, after all, decomposed organic buried thousands of feet below a generally frozen ocean), though its data remain the most reliable assessment. It was sponsored by the Department of the Interior and provides tabular data for 1995-2009. This is available at Bird, K. et al. (2008). Circum-Arctic resource appraisal; estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet. Retrieved from: with more extensive data at Concerning the ice data, I was intent on examining ice density or concentration rather than simply ice extent. Ice is not a uniform phenomenon, and thickness is relevant for exploration, drilling, and transportation of hydrocarbons. Less dense areas would be more assessable than dense and also suggest long-term outlooks, as thinner ice tends to then retreat more rapidly. However, I was not able to find and manipulate adequate raw data for ice density (only charts), so I focused instead on variation in ice extent. The National Snow and Ice Data Center provides an ice index with polygon and polyline files of monthly ice extent for the year 1978 through the present. This is available at Fetterer, F., K. Knowles, W. Meier, and M. Savoie. (2002, updated 2009). Sea Ice Index. Boulder, CO: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media. Data on licenses for oil and gas exploration/exploitation were retrieved from government agencies in the US, Canada, Greenland, and Norway, all of which (especially Norway and Greenland) were very transparent about the bid and award of licenses. Russia, perhaps unsurprisingly, does not seem to offer data on licenses, so I acquired inadequate approximations through Rosneft and Gazprom maps, which I then attempted to replicate. -Greenland’s Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum provides a shapefile for the current round of licensing, containing vector data through early 2012. This is available at -The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate provides shapefiles containing vector data for recent rounds of licensing on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, up to the 2012 round. This is available at -Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development of Canada provides data on oil and gas rights in vector form updated in late 2011. This is available at -The Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil and Gas provides vector data for oil and gas exploitation leases, updated as of March 2012. This is available at Additionally, I had intended to implement data on Arctic shipping (frequency and type of vessel) to provide a sense of transportation activity and its relationship to hydrocarbon exploitation. The Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment was published in 2004 and then 2008, under the Arctic Council’s leadership. The vector data of shipping type for the Arctic nations is current as of 2004, however, and thus does not represent significant changes in recent years. It is nonetheless available here The bulk of data manipulation was devoted to working with the new sea ice data and hydrocarbon data that I chose. When sea ice density data proved impracticable, I focused on responding to the question of change in sea ice cover extent from 1990 to 2010. Sea ice is highly variable on a seasonal basis, including unpredictable fluctuations that do not represent long-term trends. The first challenge was representing change in a meaningful way. I decided to use data only from September and March—generally the periods of minimum and maximum sea ice cover, respectively—as a baseline for change. I used both September and March data with different levels of transparency on each ice extent map so as to juxtapose the differences; for the latter two ice extent maps, I included polylines of the September and March 1990 ice extents to show the general retreat of ice cover. Though this clearly shows a considerable decrease in seasonal ice cover, I was not able to quantify the actual area of change between baseline and the subsequent years; this would surely have improved the analysis. I then integrated the hydrocarbon data into these maps to show the relationship with retreating sea ice. I chose to focus on off-shore resources; though some Arctic deposits are terrestrial as well, an estimated 84% are submarine, and exploitation is subject to a particular set of challenges, above all sea ice. I inserted the tabular data for hydrocarbon deposits and created a graduated color scheme; though this remains imprecise, it provides some conception of the most hydrocarbon rich regions of the Arctic Ocean. It was a challenge to present both ice and resources—both three dimensional features of considerable depth—at once on a two dimensional space. I attempted to make this intelligible by experimenting ad nauseam with different colors and transparencies. Upon believing the maps completed, I realized they were far too complex and fully changed the color scheme, transparencies, base map, etc. For the central map, I focused on those areas that were most accessible. I used the erase feature in Arc toolbox to separate Arctic Ocean regions with full-year ice coverage, seasonal icecoverage, and full-year non-coverage. For each, I used a different level of transparency, with the effectively non-accessible full-year covered regions least visible and the full-year uncovered regions most visible. I found the effect helpful in that it focuses attention on the most feasible areas for activity, but frustratingly limited in that it does not include the numerous other natural and human factors at play; nor does the licensing suggest the full extent of investment and activity in these regions. Though these most accessible areas are correlated with the most active licensing and development, a more thorough suitability analysis could really provide insight into the most potentially profitable areas for exploitation and the extent to which investment has reflected this. Though there were moments of success, I quickly realized that I did not have the breadth and depth of data necessary to approach the full set of questions that initially drew me. I feel that the mapping of ice extent in relation to estimated hydrocarbon reserves was the more successful component. I know that the NSIDC data is very reliable and frequent since 1978. Six points over twenty years (September and March in 1990, 2000, and 2010) may, however, be too superficial to demonstrate change. Sea ice is highly variable, and more extents from additional years and months may have better shown trends. Had I been able to focus on these trends while integrating sea ice density, the project may have been more focused and strong. The major shortcoming, however, was the dependence on sea ice cover as the only factor in the correlation with oil and gas development. Licensing is a useful initial indicator of government support and private interest in development, but it presents an adequate picture of neither the many environmental factors also at play nor the financing and interest necessary for any development to happen. If I could reengineer the project, I would develop a multi-factor suitability analysis centered on sea ice cover. By then juxtaposing the extent of investment, development, and extraction, I could better analyze the correlation between suitability and profit; this would serve to answer which profitable areas are being exploited and which are not. Citations: a) Wadhams, P. (2012). New predictions of extreme keel depths and scour frequencies for the Beaufort Sea using ice thickness statistics. Cold Regions Science and Technology. Retrieved from GALE%7CA283350789&v=2.1&u= mlin_m_tufts&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w. Though I was not able to integrate an analysis of sea ice thickness, this is precisely the technological-environmental relationship that I hoped to explore. This study reflects my intended approach of hypothesizing the viability of complex technological projects given the probability of certain climatic changes, in this case the most important factor: changes in thickness and prevalence of sea ice cover. b) Aven, T. and O. Renn ( 2 March 2012). On the Risk Management and Risk Governance of Petroleum Operations in the Barents Sea Area. Risk Analysis. Retrieved from In a broader suitability analysis of hydrocarbon extraction, the integration of such intangible factors as risk and governance would have been very important. Exploitation is about more than complex technological projects in hostile environments; it requires also relevant safeguards and support, without which the feasibility of extraction declines. c) Lasserre, F. (November 2011). Polar super seaways? Maritime transport in the Arctic: an analysis of shipowners' intentions. Journal of Transport Geography. Retrieved from alSearch&qid=1&SID=1FFoHMOM15HknlmN2gE&page=2&doc=15#output_options. Extraction without the necessary infrastructure is of course useless. Adequate shipping capacity and the complex infrastructural network required for shipping in severe environments is another important factor in the suitability of hydrocarbon exploitation. This discussion of shipping costs as a function of ice recession is vital to envisioning how shipping tonnage might increase in coming years given continued sea ice cover depletion. d) Odemarck, K. et al. (2012). Short-lived climate forcers from current shipping and petroleum activities in the Arctic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Retrieved from eralSearch&qid=1&SID=1FFoHMOM15HknlmN2gE&page=1&doc=6. This study is very relevant to my final question concerning the viability and impact of shipping in the Arctic, specifically regarding the particularly detrimental impact of emissions on the Arctic environment. This begins to delve into the broader series of questions regarding not “if, when, how” can we exploit the Arctic, but “should and why.”