E-Learning-Set of specificationsold

E-learning Set of Specifications
Selection of an exterior consultant in order to
implement the e-learning module of the project
Table of Content
Context and Strategic needs .......................................................................................... 3
The Organizations
Context and Objectives of the E-learning Website and Platform
Targets and Their Needs
Current Tools and Ressources ....................................................................................... 4
Existing Resources/Needs
Graphic Charter
Technical and Service Needs ......................................................................................... 5
Hosting and Domain Name
Call for Tenders and Response of the Provider ............................................................ 6
Intervention Approach
Team Presentation
Additional Clauses
Contract Procedure ......................................................................................................... 7
Mission Format
Additional Clause
Provisional Timetable
Set of specifications on the e-learning consultant LMS, December 2014
Context and Strategic needs
The Organizations
The ANIMA Investment Network (AIN) is a multi-country platform for the economic development of the
Mediterranean. The Network includes more than 70 governmental agencies and international networks in the
Mediterranean basin. The goal of ANIMA is to contribute to the continuous improvement of the business
environment and to investment growth in the Mediterranean region.
Currently, the team includes 20 persons based in Marseille, in addition to the President, based in Tunisia. All
these people will potentially have access to the website via the back office, with a workflow at the level of the
rights of action in the back office.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-lucrative
private entity working for the public good. Founded in 1887, the CCIA-BML comprises today more than 15,000
Lebanese enterprises. The Chamber offers a wide range of services to enterprises: authentication of invoices and
trade documents, trainings, refereeing and mediation services, realization of economic studies, contribution to
development projects, B2B organization, event organization, etc. The CCIA-BML strategy aims at stimulating all
economic activity sectors in order to allow all actors to contribute to the development of a strong and competitive
national economy.
Context and Objectives of the E-learning Website and Platform
The MedGeneration Project aims at mobilizing economic diasporas for the development of Mediterranean
countries. It is conducted in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut (CCIABML), the Palestine Information and Communication Technologies Incubator (PICTI), the Palestine Investment
Promotion Agency (PIPA) and the Jordanian Investment Commission (JIC).
In order to increase the visibility of contribution made by the talents of the Mediterranean diaspora to the
economic development of their countries of origin, the MedGeneration Project sheds light on Palestinian,
Jordanian, and Lebanese youth: a taskforce of entrepreneurial talents of Mediterranean origins, composed of
entrepreneurs and investors based in Europe, Business Angels, specialists in innovation and the start-up world.
All these give some of their time to participate, in Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon, to raising awareness and
training hundreds of young entrepreneurs and local students in the framework of the interactive MasterClass
associating incubators and local universities. Five young project developers per country will benefit, at the end of
the MasterClass, from a follow up program and mentorship by these leaders and the diasporas, over 6 to 12
months. The e-learning module will be based on the content and supports developed in the framework of these
activities and will, therefore, reinforce the web tools associated to the project website.
The main objectives of the MedGeneration website are the following:
Raising awareness of governments and economic operators in the targeted countries about the
importance of the potential of economic diasporas, and the business opportunities they can create, and
their lack of implication in the national and local economic development strategies, while relying on the
press and on the web marketing strategy (social networks, newsletters).
Continuous information flow and partnership with the stakeholders of the project in the concerned
Federation of an “e-diasporas” community around the MedGeneration website and social networks,
serving as an interface and an exchange platform between the talents of the diaspora and the economic
actors of these territories.
Help youth entrepreneurship through the e-learning module.
The present specifications concern this e-learning module. It is the construction of an entrepreneurial e-learning
platform in French, English and Arabic, which will be accessible on the project website: www.medgeneration.eu.
Services offered by this platform are intended for young entrepreneurs and students from Lebanon, Jordan,
Palestine, and, more widely, the Mediterranean area.
This platform will centralize “ready for use” educational materials, information grouped in thematic sheets, an
online exchange service, information on the key entrepreneurship actors in each country, assessment tests and
entrepreneurial success stories. Six key components encompass all services offered by the platform:
A community of learners
A learning platform
A list of tutors and animators, both local and belonging to the diaspora
Didactical textual or multimedia content
A pedagogic and tutorial strategy
Activities to validate knowledge
The e-learning platform will allow learners to download different resources, allowing them to reinforce their
knowledge and capacities in terms of communication, project pitching, business development, management,
finance, etc. Moreover, they will have access to technical sheets on undertaking a market study, elaborating a
business plan, funding sources and available assistance, legal frameworks, etc.
They can also be easily directed towards local or expatriate trainers or tutors, and exchange with other young
entrepreneurs through the online learners’ community.
Trainers and mentors using the platform can rely on the pedagogic material (training, educational strategies) and
content available online. They will also have access to the MedGeneration “business” community.
Targets and Their Needs
The main targets of the entrepreneurial e-learning platform are the project developers and start-ups creators,
geographically located in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and, more widely, the Mediterranean area.
The learners targeted by the e-learning platform are young tertiary education graduates within the 20-40 age
group, in the feasibility, launching, or development phase of their enterprise. In order to receive substantial inputs
through the platform, it will be imperative for the learners to be previously perfectly aware of the environment of
creating an enterprise.
Teachers, tutors, mentors or, more broadly, trainers accompanying young entrepreneurs and their project, can
freely use the online resources in the provided formation/training.
Current Tools and Resources
Existing Resources/Needs
The domain name www.medgeneration.eu handled internally at ANIMA. This domain name is the one
used for the website. A URL link to the e-learning platform will be accessible from the website
www.medgeneration.eu. The URL of the platform will be differentiated from that of the website and might
be: www.elearninginmed.eu (subject to confirmation).
The website www.medgeneration.eu has a dedicated server hosted at Jaguar Network in Marseille. The
Platform can also be hosted at Jaguar or leased to another host in France.
The e-learning platform will have a dedicated courier service specific to the domain of the platform.
The platform should respect the graphic charter of the website www.medgeneration.eu developed under
Drupal 7.
Graphic Charter
The website www.medgeneration.eu already has a clearly defined graphic charter which should be repeated and
respected during the development of the e-learning platform. ANIMA commits to providing files necessary to the
respect of the graphic charter.
Technical and Service Needs
Building of an entrepreneurial e-learning platform in French, English, and Arabic, linked to the
MedGeneration Project website www.medgeneration.eu
The right to access the platform, and the identification of some learners specific to the platform.
A completely trilingual website in French, English, and Arabic.
The integration of text, photo, and video content that can be downloaded and modified online (upload and
An asynchronous educational strategy
A community of practice to be ready for (thematic groups)
Hosting and Domain Name
Hosting can take place on our dedicated server, hosted, until today, at Jaguar Network, Marseille, or on another
French host, by leasing.
Many other sites are also hosted; therefore, only a part of the server will be allocated to the hosting each website.
Call for Tenders and Response of the Provider
The present specifications will be subject to an open call for tenders (negotiated procedure without publication) to
all physical persons who are nationals of, and to all moral persons established in, a Member State in the
European Union, a partner country (IEVP (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria and Tunisia), a country benefiting from an
assistance in the framework of a pre-accession instrument (Croatia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro,
Serbia, Kosovo and FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic), or a member state of the EEE (Norway, Island and
Lichtenstein). It will also be open to International Organizations.
Financial and technical proposals of providers must be received on 28/02/2015 at the latest.
We will select three enterprises to be shortlisted and which we will request to work on a graphic model for a
presentation (ten days after the selection) before an evaluation committee.
The financial proposal should detail the following points (number of days and price):
The preliminary study necessary to the realization of the e-learning platform, and the draft for set
functional specifications;
The development of the e-learning platform, taking in consideration the Dupral templates used by the
The maintenance of the platform after delivery.
The estimates should take into account the trilingual aspect of French/English/Arabic websites.
After this procedure, ANIMA and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount
Lebanon will select the offer technically deemed as most consistent with this set of specifications and presenting
the best quality/price ratio.
Intervention Approach
We wish that providers describe the intervention approach which they intend to follow in order to successfully
complete their mandate.
They should suggest the work methodology, the steps and sub-steps which will be followed in the implementation
of the solution.
The detailed action plan shall cover the total duration of the intervention, and comprise the steps and activities to
be undertaken, the execution calendar, the responsibilities, the reports and goods to be delivered.
Team Presentation
The provider must submit the names, roles and profiles of consultants working on the project.
Additional Clauses
The provider should explain the billing modalities, payment modes, warranty terms, the offer validity duration and
the confidentiality conditions. These elements should be compatible with the administrative and financial rules of
the IEVP CT MED Program.
Contract Procedure
Project Management :
The provider agrees to deliver and put the e-learning platform (LMS – Learning Management System) online.
During this mission, the provider will also provide technical support for linking with other websites created thanks
to the Dupral templates used by ANIMA.
Contract Development:
The project contractor (ANIMA Investment Network and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of
Beirut and Mount Lebanon) agrees to provide the text files in French, English and Arabic, as well as the images
and videos in the required format.
Mission Format
The mission will begin in March 2015, delivery as per the schedule below.
This set of specifications is not finalized. Needs are not yet clearly defined internally, precisions to be given during
the mission.
In parallel, a more operational set of specifications should be presented by the provider. This set of specifications
will be subject to discussions in the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Beirut and Mount
Lebanon and ANIMA, which will validate the choice. If necessary, the service provider should also correctly
document his developments, especially those pertaining to the database structure, and share them with the
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon and with ANIMA.
In order to complete the missions, the service provider can work either in the headquarters of the Chamber of
Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, or in their own headquarters. However, the
service provider is requested to hold two physical meetings at least in the headquarters of the Chamber of
Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, in order to evaluate the progress of the
service and to fix operational objectives that should be evaluated during the subsequent meeting. Some of these
meetings can take place through video conferences (using Skype or another free technology), and can also
include ANIMA.
Additional Clause
The service provider should specify the warranty service and penalties in case this service is not delivered on
The service provider should also propose a monitoring tool of the project and/or of the collaborative work
facilitating the monitoring process and revenue during the delivery of project pages and modules.
Provisional Timetable
February 2015: Candidates applications from the 3rd to the 28th
1st of March 2015: Selection of the e-learning provider
31st of March 2015: Integration, and complete delivery