4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 Healthy Columbia Screening Stations Protocols & Processes Before & During Event 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sign-in at the Intake desk and get your assignment. Make a Name Tag. If necessary, help set up and organize your station. Set up signs at each station so participants know where to go and what their purpose is. Make certain that there are plenty of pens at your station. If this is your first screening or first time at a station, ask for training or work with someone who is experienced. 7. All volunteers and clinicians need to review protocols before event and practice with equipment if needed. 8. Remember to ensure that both the screening and survey forms are fully completed during the event. 9. Always introduce yourself and greet folks warmly. 10. Be upbeat and positive. 11. Actively Listen. If someone wants to share their story, listen, ask questions, encourage. If you hear something that concerns you, make sure someone at medical checkout knows or alert the screening supervisor. Make a note in the Notes section of the Screening Form! 12. If not familiar with the counseling process, then observe and ask questions of a station leader or the screening supervisor. 13. If you have a question, find the screening supervisor or a Station Leader if you have been assigned one. 14. Be aware of health literacy of participants. End of Event 1. 2. 3. 4. Help breakdown station and pack into carriers. Ensure that all protocols are returned to folders and placed in carrier. Pick up trash and keep area as clean as it was before event. Participate in Debrief. 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 Intake Station ● Introduce yourself and greet folks warmly. ● Number the intakes beginning with 1 in the top right corner. ● First, make certain that the Screening & Release Form is filled out and signed. First Sheet ● Next, make certain that the Health Screening Participant Survey is completed. Second Sheet o If the community member seems to have vision, comprehension or writing issues, please assist them with the forms. ● Ask Participant to complete Richland County Survey. ● Direct Participant to the BMI station. ● If the BMI Station is full but another station (Blood Glucose or Blood Pressure) is available, the participant can be directed to that available station instead. ● If no station is open, point them to a seat and call them in order by number. 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 BMI Station Protocol ● Review BMI Chart Handout during set up. ● Introduce yourself and greet folks warmly. ● Make certain that the Screening & Release Form is filled out and signed, and check that the Health Screening Participant Survey is completed. ● Ask for height or measure for height. ● When participant steps on scales, please don’t announce weight. Waist Circumference ● If possible, give the participant the tape measure, ask him/her to wrap the tape measure around his/her waist at belly button level, and record the measurement. ● If the participant is struggling, ask for permission to assist him/her. Body Fat Machine o o o o o o o Turn on and press set Normal and press set Enter height (press up or down arrows) and hit set Enter weight (press up or down arrows) and hit set Enter age (press up or down arrows) and press set Enter Sex (press up or down arrows) and press set Have participant hold the machine in both hands straight in front of them, be sure palms are in contact with the metal plates. o Press start o Record BMI and body fat percentage and turn off ● Record all numbers on Screening & Release Form AND BMI/Body Fat Chart (Third Sheet) ● If you are not too busy, review the results with participant, and share information on the BMI Chart- front & back 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 Blood Pressure Station ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Practice using the automatic cuffs on each other. o Cuffs are designed for use on left arm, use on right arm may report incorrect values. o Have participant uncross legs and make sure hands are unclenched. o You can place the cuff over a t-shirt but don’t place the cuff over a heavy shirt or jacket. If possible, ask participant to remove jacket or roll up his/her sleeve (as long as the cuff isn’t placed directly on the rolled sleeve). o On the participant’s left upper arm, place the cuff with the arrow lining up with the middle of inner bend of the elbow. o Connect the cuff’s tubing to the side of the BP machine. o Press “On/Off” or “Start,” depending on which BP machine is used. Review handout materials. Introduce yourself and greet folks warmly. Determine the appropriate size cuff. Check BP & Pulse. Record results on Screening & Release Form, and review with participant using the colored blood pressure chart. o If the reading is Stage 2, re-check. o If the participant states that the reading is very unusual for them, adjust and recheck. o If the reading is still Stage 2, mark with yellow highlighter, and if possible let Terri or the Screening Supervisor know. ▪ Let the Screening Supervisor know to check the Participant’s blood pressure manually. If there is time, share blood pressure & sodium intake materials with patient. Discuss the handouts with the participant. Thank participant and direct them to the next station. Low Blood Pressure: Ask about symptoms. Offer a bottle of water. Recheck in 15 minutes. Blood Pressure Chart Diastolic mm Hg (lower #) Less than 80 80-89 90-99 And Or Or Systolic mm Hg (upper #) Less than 120 120-139 140-159 100+ Or 160+ 110+ Or 180+ Blood Pressure Category Normal Prehypertension High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 3/Crisis 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 Blood Glucose Station Protocol ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Review Protocols and procedures! Wipe all surfaces down with Clorox wipes. Practice on yourself or watch others use the machines Practice removing gloves appropriately Before each participant sits down, have a band-aid and 3 alcohol wipes open Have a testing strip ready Have Single Use Safety Lancet ready Greet the Participant warmly and help them feel at ease ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Ask participant if they have eaten recently and if they are feeling well (i.e., not feeling faint, dizzy, etc.). Give a snack or water if participant is faint or dizzy. Sanitize your hands Put on a new pair of gloves Place testing strip in meter and see that it is ready Ask participant which finger they would like to use Wipe finger with alcohol wipe and let air dry for a few seconds Gently twist and pull grey cap off of lancet; rapid motion may release the lancet point Press the lancet platform firmly on the side of finger and press release button Drop lancet in Sharps Container Squeeze finger to get a droplet of blood Make sure the blood droplet sign is showing on the meter before collecting blood Place testing strip in droplet and make sure the blood reaches the green line Wait for the results While holding an alcohol wipe, remove testing strip and place in Sharps Container Clean the participants finger with an alcohol wipe or ask them to do so. Apply pressure if there is additional bleeding. If participant bleeds excessively, stay calm, request assistance if needed, and try to prevent blood from spilling on the table. Discard all materials with blood on them in biohazard/sharps containers Tell participant to apply band-aid. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST WEAR A BAND-AID, per our protocol! Put non-contaminated waste in trash Remove gloves appropriately Record numbers on Screening & Release Form Listen and answer questions if possible Thank the participant and direct them to the next station (either BP or Checkout if they have already completed BP) 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 High Risk Level Blood Glucose Protocol In the event a participant has a blood sugar level greater than 350 follow the steps in protocol below: 1. Contact Screening Supervisor. 2. Ask participant if they have taken their prescribed medication(s). 3. Have participant sit in chair away from station for a few minutes. 4. Take blood sugar levels again for a second reading. 5. Ask participant for the name and number of their primary care provider or doctor. 6. Contact doctor’s office and set up action plan for patient to be seen immediately or follow the doctor’s instructions. 7. Follow-up with participant to see if they have seen or been in contact with their doctor in the past 48 hours. Low Blood Glucose Protocol Patient blood glucose ≤ 70mg/dl and/or having symptoms of low blood sugar: Common symptoms- tremor, sweating, irritability, mental confusion, tachycardia, weakness, blurred vision, lightheadedness. May be present with normal blood sugar: need for treatment should be assessed on a case-by-case basis 1. Contact Screening Supervisor. 2. Immediately provide patient with crackers or juice 3. Re-Check blood glucose after 15 minutes Once blood glucose >70mg/dl, provide peanut butter or cheese crackers (at this point they need something with protein and fiber) If still ≤70mg/dl, repeat treatment in step 2 and re-check blood glucose in 15 minutes Blood glucose ≤ 70mg/dl after 3 treatments, CALL 911 Continue until EMS arrives Patient Education: Severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar < 60 mg/dl) is a medical emergency! Inadequate treatment may result in seizures, unconsciousness, coma, and death. Common symptoms of low blood sugar - tremor, sweating, irritability, mental confusion, tachycardia, weakness, blurred vision, lightheadedness Some prescription medications can mask the signs and symptoms of low blood sugar so it is important to check your blood sugar whenever you do not feel like yourself. Keep hard candy (NOT sugar free) on you and take 5 of them when your blood sugar is < 70 mg/dl Glucose tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy and can also be used (take 3 tablets when blood sugar is < 70 mg/dl) Don’t skip meals, especially if you are on diabetic medications Medical and Resource Station/ Checkout 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Introduce yourself and greet folks warmly. Look them in the eye and smile. “It’s good to see you today. How are you feeling?” Listen with Fresh Ears. Take a minute to review Screening & Release Form and Sign Take a minute to review Health Screening Participant Survey Discuss results while encouraging participant towards changing health. Actively listen and ask what motivates them to make health changes in their lives. Work with participant on setting relevant and realistic goals, based on personal motivations. Fill out My Health Goals connecting results to goals and helping them develop a Plan of Action! First Goals should dictated by Protocols, e.g. Stage 3 bp=Doc today Anyone not having a Medical Home or coverage, should make that a health goals. Make appropriate referrals, writing next steps on My Health Goals & noting on Health Screening Participant Survey. Fill out referral source list for referrals made on Screening and Release form. Answer any questions. Tear off White copy of Screening and Release Form, Yellow copy of My Health Goals, and Health Screening Participant Survey and staple together. Give Participant all other copies and any other materials to take home. Place materials in plastic bag, if available. Ask participant to complete an anonymous Participant Feedback Survey Questions? Ask! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU! 7/1/2014 4100 North Main Street, Suite 203 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 HealthyColumbia@gmail.com www.HealthyColumbia.org Volunteer123 Healthy Columbia Screening Protocols Date: ____/_____/_____ Event: ____________________________________________________ Supervising MD/NP/PA:_______________________________________ Contact: ___________________ Standing Orders: Check Finger Stick Blood Glucose. ___ ______________________ Blood Glucose Results <70 <100 <125 w/in 2 hrs of eating 100 - 125 fasting 125 - 160 >160 >250 >300 Category Low Normal Normal Possible Pre-Diabetes (Low Risk) Possible Pre-Diabetes Possible Diabetes High Risk for Diabetes High Risk for Diabetes Follow-up Eat, Check in 15m Follow Low Protocol Lifestyle discussion Lifestyle discussion Lifestyle & fasting BS follow up Lifestyle & Referral Referral w/in 1 wk Lifestyle & follow up in 72 hrs Needs MD/NP attention today Blood Pressure Systolic <120 and 120-139 or 140-159 or Diastolic <80 80-89 90-99 Category Normal Pre-Hypertension Hypertension, Stage 1 160-180 or 100-110 Hypertension, Stage 2 ≥180 or ≥110 Hypertension, Stage 3/Crisis Follow-up Lifestyle discussion & annual screening Lifestyle discussion & annual screening Lifestyle & referral next available or w/in 2 wks Lifestyle & referral next available or w/in 72 hrs Needs MD/NP attention today Body Mass Index Results ≤ 18 18.5-24.9 25-29.9 ≥30 Category Underweight Normal Overweight Obese Follow-up Lifestyle discussion Lifestyle discussion Lifestyle referral Lifestyle referral 7/1/2014